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Speck of Dust


Is our life like a grain of sand
   Which one could hold in the palm of the hand?
So you may live to eighty or so
   Sooner or later we all shall go.

What is this to an eternity with Him?
   Like a speck of sand and then again
We know there is only so much sand
   It's been that way since time began

Eternity has no end, it's like a straight line
   You look and look but it's end you won't find
We live for today but what is it worth
   Thinking we're OK, here on earth?

But what is this compared to our life to come
   A speck of dust and then it's done
A drop of water found in the sea
   Not even close to an eternity

Ten million years from now you might think
   Looking back at now, your heart could sink
What if I hadn't found Him
   If I had stayed in my life of sin?

Given up all this for a lousy few years
   Of disease, hardship, misery and fears
As you look back you begin to realize
   How many families and friends had lost their lives

You were afraid to offend them you know
   So you didn't, you let them go
Oh how you wish you could do it over again
   You'd work day and night on all of them

Praying for them when they're not around
   Witnessing to them about the hope you've found
Beginning with the love you found in Christ
   They'd see in you that he paid the price

You would have more time to spend with them
   And they would be your forever friend.

    - Written By: James Corwin