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Testing, Resting And Waiting

Between every promise and every provision there will always be a storm.
A test of faith, to show us and grow us, it is the Christian norm. 

And if we focus upon the storm, then fear is bound to seize us. 
Like Peter walking on the water, who took his eyes off Jesus. 

Instead, we must focus upon our God, Who's in control of the storm. 
And as we do, an inner strength, and confidence will form. 

Resting in God in the midst of the storm is truly what faith is about. 
God could easily calm our storm, but He wants us to learn not to doubt. 

And as we are resting, and as we are waiting, upon our delivering King. 
We should examine ourselves, to learn the lessons, in all that the storm will bring. 

At times this waiting seems endless, but God knows how much we can take. 
And He's in the business of building our faith, and never will He forsake. 

We shall mount up with wings as eagles, if we wait upon the Lord. 
For in His time, and in His way, His word becomes our sword. 

God's timing is always perfect, and His delays are not denials. 
Stand firm upon His promises, in the midst of all your trials. 

Thomas C. Duck, San Antonio, Texas