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Thank You, God

Thank You, God, for blessings You give so graciously.
   Thank You for Your precious Son, Who died to set us free. 
Thank You for the promises recorded in Your Word,
   The sweet assurance that we can know our prayers are always heard. 

No matter what our race or creed, to God we're all the same. And when we come before You, we must come in Jesus' name! For there's none other name under Heaven, given among men By which we're saved, lifted up, forgiven of our sin.

So many do not understand that this was Your own plan To redeem the world through Jesus Christ before the world began. You've given so many blessing we cannot list them all, And many that we fail to remember when on Your Name we call.

We are but the dust from which we're made, How well You know it's true. But for all that You've done, and for all that You are, We thank You, God, for You! - Teena Allen