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Too Big For God To Use?

Too big for God to use!
   This is the reason why
Poor longing souls are famished,
   Who come, and go, and die!
O God, my Saviour, help me,
   In deep humility
To make a full surrender,
   To henceforth own but Thee.

Too big for God to use!
   Unless I am possessed
With unction through His Spirit,
   Then shall my work be blessed,
I'll count myself as nothing,
   Seek Christ to magnify,
And use my gifts in service,
   My Lord to glorify.

Not I, but Christ in future,
   My lifting up shall be,
In simple, sacred language,
   My Saviour all shall see,
So much I'll make of Jesus,
   His life, his death, His fame. 
All hearts shall praise and worship,
   And bless His holy name.

And when in Heav'n's bright glory,
   With trophies of His grace,
Which He in service gave me,
   I see Him face to face -
What joy will be my Saviour's,
   What joy shall be my own,
That I was not, when serving,
   Too big for God to own!

       July, 1963 "The Gospel Standard"