"Well, Ben, how did you like that tract I gave you one day?" The country parson asked his man Who kept the weeds away. "Ah, Massa, it was jes' for me, It sure did me some good; I couldn't tell why call 'em 'tracks' But now I'm sure I could. "For when I read that little book It track me everywhere; It track me down the cellar-steps, It track me up the stair. "It track me right out to de barn-- 'Den to de house it come; It track me all aroun' de farm-- At las' --it track me 'home.' "It track me till I 'fessed my sins-- Took dat I stole right back; It done has tracked me to de Lawd-- God bless yo' fer dat track! "I jes' abouten wore it out-- But did you wan' it back? It's trackin' Mandy! An' I knows Jes' why you call it 'track.'" - Effie O. Foss |