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My son is in the Army
Stationed in
His name is Kevin
(hence the name of the page)
he is the youngest of my 3 sons.
21 on april 8th

Kevin was a smart child growing up
but he spent 98% of his time
being one hell of a pain in the ass

1. Learning how to play sick in kindergarden
sent home 46 days that year.

2. got in trouble in the 1st grade
knocked over an entire set at a local college
when his class went to see their play.

3. In second grade he had a
substitute teacher
got in trouble
she said she was gonna
call his mother so he tells her
I don't work at the place that is on the card
so she asked him where I worked
He tells her I am an undercover cop
so she spent the day calling the police station

I could go on and on those are just a few
off the top of my head
he did have his good moments as well
(thank god)
this page aint about those

My Mission

Is to annoy the hell out of Kevin
VIA Snail Mail
...Because thats the kinda mom I am LOL
It's payback time!!!

Most importantly thats my
"American"* right
as a Mom

1st package

Contained, A German for idiots dictionary

2nd Package
contained,birthday cards letters (normal stuff)

3rd Package
Contained,3 jigsaw puzzles
(yes that says jigsaw puzzles)
I got 3 blank childrens puzzles 12 pieces each
I used spray glue
glued camouflaged memory paper to each puzzle
trimmed with a hobby knife
added army stickers and diecuts
cut the lines with the hobby knife
wrote my letter on them
(yup just a little tricky)
broke them apart and threw them all into
one envelope then mailed them

now that I have had
tons of laughs over this little stunt
I am thinking this kid might just build them
flip them over and write back
then he would have the last laugh

4th Package
sympathy package
guilt trip about package #3

I cut out a bunch of 3 inch discs out of card stock
I punched 2 holes one on each side
which I will loop together with ribbon later
I had everyone I worked with plus
everyone I ran into I knew sign one
plus members of Rusted Root

who I am sure thought I was nuts
but they signed anyway

Update on Package #3

Kevin called about
a week and half later after I mailed it
I asked what he had been doing
for the weekend
(he called on sunday)
he had said he had gone clubing one night
had gone swimming and went to 2 BBQS
I asked him if he had gotten any mail
(trying not to laugh)
he starts laughing and says oh yeah ma
I got the puzzles you sent I haven't built them yet
where he then goes gee
when did you think I was gonna have time to build them ???

I'm still scratching my head about that one

I talked to Kevin the other day
and from my understanding
he is now getting E-mail and surfing the net
(he is doing well and is still in germany
but in a different location)

silly me E-mailed him with the link
to my website embeded in my signature

so any packages I send
I have to wait till he gets them
before I post them here :-(


Kevin called a few weeks ago
and woke me up
he had explained to me that
german coke was different from ours ~shrugs~
and could I please send him some I said I would
so I figured he woke me up
I would send him coke allright LOL
one can at a time
I went to work laughing to myself about this
when a co-worker says you know
they make those little half cans
so this sent me into fits of laughter
so I stopped at the store
on the way home and picked some up
Kevin calls again the next day
(saturday)he asked me if I had worked I said no
I asked him the same
He said no it was a training holiday
I thought he said trading
where I tells him gee Kevin there aint to many holidays left
which one did you trade it for Halloween
gonna go trick or treating around the base later
he laughed and said no it was a TRAINING holiday
so I asked him if they were comeing up with something worse then christmas
after that call I had decided
that I was gonna theme each box around a different Holiday

first box: Easter=stuffed bunny,plastic filled eggs,
easter grass, jellybeans can of coke

second box: 4th of july=little flags,flag buttons,
party poppers,various red white and blue candy can of coke

third box:Valentine's day=heart lollipops,chocolate lips,a beaded doll date,can of coke

Fourth box: Halloween=jack-o-lantern trick or treat bag,
mask,spider webs,spiders,tons of candy,can of coke