I know what you're thinking
AWWWW a cute rubber ducky page
You couldn't be more wrong !
I really think you should sit down for this
I have some very bad news for you
I believe these adorable little
yes those little floating cuties go look and see for your self
Do they unconsciously
How did I come to discover this A friend/co-worker
They must have caught on
"AWWW how sweet it's just to cute to use"
So it's sits on the shelf in her room now
Yet again they tried to invade with another
The latest ducky damper
Do they want us to walk with webbed feet ?
At this point
Has she been taken over by these demented duckys? could she be the queen quacker?
only time will tell!!
what is wrong with these cute
little quackers
You ask ?
..oh..ok you are sitting
In fact
It's pretty horrible
are trying to
Every mom gets for their kids
Even today
Did you ever notice that kids
Hardly ever
Play with these
In the bathtub ?
there are in the crib,playpen
or toybox
know something adults don't ?
Ducky Disturbance
I will just call her ducky
In fact thats what I do call her !
is it because her hair is
almost the color of the
bills on those duckys?
We work retail
there is lots of new products
showing up all the time
"Ducky" pointed out the first arrival
inoccent looking Rubber duckys
that came as a family
A mommy and 3 little baby duckys
the real cute kind when you at look them
you feel all yellow and orangey inside
about kids not playing with them in the tub
Because those fendished feathered fowls
showed up a week or so later embeded in soap
"Ducky" showed me these as well
(I was begining to wonder why
"ducky" kept showing me
these rubber rascals)
Thinking oh yeah kids HAVE to wash up !
I was still unsuspecting of them
I got one for my daughter
I got home with it
And gave it to her
Everynight when I kiss her good night
I get a look at the dastardly ducky
staring sappily out at me
throu his clouded coffin
I can't help but chuckle knowing
THIS ONE will never escape
A Ducky Shower Radio
Are they trying to send us
subliminal quack Messages ?
They had the nerve to show up on
Flip Flops
I was really starting to worry
about my friend "ducky"
she would walk by me...
you got it and "quack"