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These are my friends I met with my webtv !!
plus some real world friends

this page will always be under construction
lots of friends to add :-)

greg aka glenndaniel (my crazy cousin)
the first real true friend I met
greg has passed away on march 29,1998
rest in peace my dear friend you were a inspiration to us all you will be missed dearly

Richard aka Rickdaniel

Lee aka leedaniel
(lee and rick are Greg's cousins and my new found cyber crazy brothers)

karen aka KCCINCC

Mary aka ariel123

Wendy aka mingling
(Mary,Karen and Wendy are the neighbors that you can talk about anything over the backyard fence with :-))

Trish aka aries4 (my cyber sis) and all around nut !!!

Pat aka patmooney who keeps the nut in cyberline LOL

Randy aka G-Luv who was crazy enough to marry the nut !!! smacks to you hun !!!

Nicky aka Nickyrock62b thanks nicky for all the help you have given me
when I was on the edge of throwing my webtv out the window !!!

ronda aka soulmate4u (my cyber mom) go figure shes younger then me LOL

Bart aka RATT Ratt worships my html what a weirdo LOL

Mike aka Bar-TEND-er the best bartender in cyberspace He always makes sure you have a ride home !!! LOL

Karen aka Eye-of-Ra

George aka seawolf what can I say about you hun ?
you have always been my number #1 admirer
(the pres. of primalscream's fan club)
talk about cheap labor LOL

Frank aka stimpsonj Darlin' you hold a special place in my heart :-)

I Have met some on-line friends

My real life friends join my internet world
how scary is that LOL
deedee4060 AKA Snow White
illbebak.pww AKA shirly
Ribboncutter AKA Ducky
THEOMYKO AKA pervert Spy Guy

Leather jacket covered book $14.95

whip $ 7.99

Look on Teds face PRICELESS

I wish you the best of luck :-)
it's been alot of fun working with you
I will miss ya !!!

But who will I bash here now ?

Email: Primalscream