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REBACH MUSIC RECORDING offers a wide range of recording and mastering services for all applications, from simple two-track to more complex multi-track productions. Musicians, singers, songwriters, voice-over artists, and actors have all used the services of REBACH to produce professional results. Our goal is to minimize studio jitters and get you into your "comfort zone" as quickly as possible, ensuring that the end product is one you will be proud of! While our pricing structure is less than you would expect from a high-end facility, the quality is not. Located on Boston's historic North Shore, REBACH strives to provide no-nonsense digital recording services at prices the working artist can afford.

Whether your plans are for a full-length commercial release or a limited-quantity demo or vanity pressing, REBACH has the tools and the expertise to realize your goal, from tracking to a finished master disc. To assist you with your project, additional in-house services are available as well, including songwriting, orchestrations, backing musicians, and voice-over talent. Other services include analog to digital copying/archiving of your most precious vinyl and cassette recordings, including complete hiss and hum removal, dynamics restoration, and complete remastering. Need professional graphics to complete your project? We also offer complete CD graphic design packages done right the first time, again at competitive prices you can afford. At REBACH, it is possible to complete your project without depleting your bank account! We invite you to explore that possibility with us.

If you've been thinking about finally making that CD or demo recording you've dreamed about doing, take a minute and ask yourself a few questions first. Are you comfortable in the recording environment? Are you prepared to cover the cost of a big studio? Will you be able to relax enough to keep your focus on the music? If the answer to any of these questions is "No!", REBACH MUSIC RECORDING may be your alternative! Whether you are a solo performer or a full ensemble, your next demo or commercial CD can be done right here at REBACH, in a relaxed project studio environment located in a beautiful seaport town, three miles from the beach. Or, if you prefer, let REBACH RECORDING come to you! In addition to our studio multi-track recording and mastering services, REBACH specializes in cost-effective remote live to two-track digital recording projects for jazz, folk, and other acoustic artists. For even greater flexibility, we can also capture your next critical live performance on 8-track hard disc. This method offers you increased creative possibilities for post-production mixing, editing, and sweetening.

Make your dream a reality with the help of someone who has been an active performing and recording musician for over thirty years, using a minimalist approach, quality tech, and a musician's ear. Let's talk about your next project! For rates and more information contact ROGER @ 978-463-0159 or click below to email.

A complete list of our studio equipment (mic locker, preamps, outboard gear, and software suite) available on request.


"There was no doubt where I wanted to cut our demo tracks. We needed someplace relaxed and comfortable with someone at the board who could interpret our live sound. We needed not just an engineer with a great ear and equipment, but one with an understanding of what it feels and sounds like on a stage in front of an audience. My bandmates were skeptical what we could accomplish in a small studio, but I KNEW, because I had heard other recordings from Rebach. Roger put everyone at ease and dialed us in quickly. He was able to make suggestions which added to arrangements we thought were already complete, more than proving his worth." Jim Grenier, singer/guitarist for Stellwagen

"Decked with comfy furniture and music memorabilia, your studio is as comfortable as my own home. The room I recorded in produced an incredible live sound, not to mention the professional quality your equipment and expertise produced. Whatever sound I'm looking to get out of my music, I know there's no reason it can't be done at the Rebach Music studio. Thanks, Roger, till next time!" Craig Mathieson, Singer-Songwriter

"I've done a lot of recording over the years and I found your services among the best. You indeed provide a professional and relaxed atmosphere. I especially like your production approach. I'm used to "engineers" mostly, i.e., that really don't lend their ears all that well to the project. You were right in there, engaged and extremely helpful in your guidance. It kept things on track, on time, and upbeat both evenings." Phil Boynton, Bassist

"As much of a coach as a sound-technician for my project, Roger drew on his diverse experience as a musician, band leader, and composer to augment his expertise as a producer and a recording engineer. I went into a studio for the first time after 25 years of busking streets, full of improvisational life, but without much regard for how to direct or control it. Always playing for the moving targets of passersby, I never aim for the bullseye of someone sitting at home with a recording. Several friends must have thought of this when telling me that they always heard the high energy and playfulness, but never knew that, in one memorable phrase, 'you can play with such purpose.' Another friend called it 'reverence,' but whatever anyone thinks is the difference, Roger made it." Jack Garvey (aka Hamm Lynn) Street Piper/Recorder Troubador


