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PO Box 158, Hazelbrook NSW 2799 Phone +61 2 4759 2662 (Mob) 0419 440 481 (Fax) + 61 2 47 592411

Reflexology I

2001 Course Dates.

                                       Term 1, 2001
              Day 1 : MONDAY 12/2, and     OR     Day 1 : SATURDAY 10/2,  and
              Day 2 : MONDAY 19/2.                Day 2 : SATURDAY 17/2.

Term 2, 2001 Day 1 : MONDAY 7/5, and OR Day 1 : SATURDAY 5/5, and Day 2 : MONDAY 14/5. Day 2 : SATURDAY 12/5.
Term 3, 2001 Day 1 : MONDAY 30/7, and OR Day 1 : SATURDAY 4/8, and Day 2 : MONDAY 6/8. Day 2 : SATURDAY 11/8.
ALL of the above workshops will be held at the RED CROSS HALL, Macquarie Road, Springwood from 9.30 am to 5.30 pm
Telephone MOSS ARNOLD FOR BOOKINGS (Bus)02 47 592662,(Mob)0419 440 481,(Fax)02 47 592411

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