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Lexicon of Arumo:

Architectural Terms:

Adu: A bony photosynthesizing colony that is grown in the shape of a flat, straight road for transport.

Telk: An enormous, hollow photosynthesizing creature shaped into a house or other building.

Food Terms:

Drof: A marine-based game creature.

Manda: A land-based game creature.

Volo: An air-based game creature.

Geographic Terms:

Arumo: All the known regions of Galu. Also, the most influential city in the known world.

Galu: The planet.

Stasa: The star around which Galu orbits.

Religious Terms:

Bomo: A godling or demigod, usually serving under a greater deity

Hlabu Sa: A glorious and shining God—one of the five great Gods, each ruling a continent

Mborok: A hidden God, an Ngoro not aligned with one of the Hlabu Sai

Ngoro: A Living God, a progenitor of life on Arumo


Social Terms: (the letters after the slash are suffixes added on to names)

Im: A caste in Arumo. There are three ims: the tasami, the kalutoi, and the drolai.

Tral: A kaluto’s role, purpose, training, and place in society, such as crafter or pilot.

Hma/-ha: Renegade

Drola/-do: Worker

Kaluto/-ak: Specialist

Tasam/-amo: Sovereign

Hmau Titles:

Maluk/-alk: Assassin

Gudasta/-sta: Bandit

Drolau Titles:

Gok/-ok: Warrior

Lo/-o: Laborer

Kalutou Titles:

Akmed/-kma: Philosopher

Gyemma/-gye: Bard

Hmadin/-had: Warrior

Ngomad/-mak: Monk

Sunuk/-nuk: Healer

Malo/-lo: Crafter

Mbagi/-gi: Pilot

Tasamu Titles:

Dlaka/-ka: King

Nassa/-sa: Queen

Dalku/-ku: Prince

Nissi/-si: Princess

Mbol/-ya: Priest

Myel/-yel: Priestess

Langu/-go: Baron

Lamu/-mo: Baroness


-la: Feminine (except for tasamu titles)

-i: Plural

-u: Adjectival

Transportation Terms:

Krel: Medium-sized four-legged transport animals.

Galoma: Small, fast two-legged transports capable of handling rough terrain.

Jarrial: Large creatures capable of flying great distances, and able to hold five to fifteen.

Lorrid: Light flying creatures capable of holding two or three.

Narsa: Submersible sea creatures.

Ondo: Immense aerial blimp-like creatures, slow but capable of holding many people.

Paktu: Sea creatures with that can move above the waves.

Vort: Slow, massive four- or six-legged transport creatures.

Warfare Terms:

Bak: A gun-like weapon that uses compressed air or tensed muscles to fire a spine at high speeds.

Izta: A weapon that is shaped to have a piercing apparatus.

Kacho: A weapon that sprays acid at its target.

Nish: A beast that cannot be ridden, but can nonetheless be used in warfare

Tarro: A beast that can be ridden into warfare

Vom: A weapon that sprays a combustible liquid through a fire source to launch flame at its target.

Zral: A weapon that is shaped to have a sharp cutting edge.

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