The immigrants from Ireland were forced to
live two, three, and four families into a
single "flat" (more commonly called an
apartment today). There used to be a "joke"
back then (more true than a joke).
Q. How do you take an Irish census??
We found during this period, a proud people
hurriedly forced to achieve power of sorts in
order to make changes, that would eventually
benefit all nationalities migrating to
Many, in order to have money to feed their
families, and unable to find work, resorted
to "criminal" activity. Others made a
move on the political establishment in the
major cities of America, like Boston, New
York, Chicago, etc.
The term "Blackjack Politics" evolved from
this era, due to the way the activity outside
the polling places was conducted.
If you were not there to vote for a
particular candidate, someone would probably
"crown" you with a blackjack, and whisk you
away where you "might" wake up in an alley
Sounds ruthless, doesn't it??
My feeling is, that if it weren't for these
men taking charge and gaining control of the
Wards, and the City governments, we would all
still be living as the likes of the
Rockefeller's, and the Carnegie's saw fit for
us to live, working in jobs that they deemed
was appropriate for our "station".
If it weren't for the Lomasney's, Kennedy's,
Curley's, Fitzgerald's, Walker's, and
Dailey's that came to this country, and to
the people behind the scenes supporting them,
we would never have achieved the "true
freedoms" we enjoy today.
Celebrating St. Patrick's day, carries a
greater meaning than parade's, Corned Beef
and Cabbage, and Green Beer.
My grandmother, upon coming to this country,
was able to be placed in a position as a
housekeeper and nanny for "Honey-Fitz" (Rose
Kennedy's father and J.F.K.'s
Many of the links below mention "Cashel". I
think you will find these very interesting,
as "Cashel" is very significant to Ireland's
history, back to the time of the Druids, and
was and is still considered as the "Seat of
the Kings". It is also very significant to
the life of St. Patrick, himself.
My own heritage goes back to the Druids and
to King Aongus.
I am proud of what my ancestors have
accomplished to make my life a little more
exciting to talk about and to be able to live
a little easier today.
A. Count the basement windows and multiply
by 10.
"Ireland Forever - Slide
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