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SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

An Act of Terror and Acts of War

Blood was shed and lives were lost on American soil today…
  A day that will live in infamy…
 Things we’ll never be the same.
An act of terror, acts of war wrought by those who want,
 To bring our country down…

faceless cowards from distant shores contaminate our land.
They have failed just as before… for America still stands tall.
 The only thing they’ve accomplished…
 Is uniting all Americans to heed the wake-up call.

Our differences now we lay aside…
We share each other’s pain…
We stand ready and united…
Victory will be our gain,

 And for those we lost we will vindicate…
They will not have died in vain.
Take heed you faceless cowards
And those who would harbor you…
For we come with retribution….
We will destroy you.

For too long now we’ve looked away
 And turned the other cheek.
 you’ve mistaken our kindness…
 Thinking we were weak.
 But what you’ve done we can’t abide…
 So take heed you faceless cowards….
 There’s no safe place for you to hide

An Charles Blythe(copyright2001)

How do you define courage, Just turn on your Television
and look at the faces of the men and women who are
police, firefighters, medical personnel and citizens
of New York City and our Military personnel at the
Pentagon. From the news we have heard stories about
acts of heroism and courage aboard the doomed
planes, each and everyone a true hero. My heart and
prayers are with the families of all the innocent
victims who were so tragically lost to them. May God
Bless and Keep ..........Kathy

To all the Americans and those who loved freedom, who died innocently, or who gave their very lives in the selfless service of their fellow beings, I give my sincere thanks - and my prayers go out to their families and friends.  Know that in the great wisdom of God these heartaches will be turned to joy as these are reunited in the world to come.

 Bruce W. Goshorn, AO1, USNR-TAR (Retired)

Orange Park, FL

A New Tomorrow

    Among this pain and sorrow
    We will see a new tomorrow   
    Bonded together in spirit and soul
    We are united and whole

    Do not think you can make us fall
    For here before you we stand proud and tall
    Our spirit waving in the breeze
    Telling all we shall always be free

    We will remember all those you have fallen
    And pledge they will never be forgotten
    And like the Phoenix we shall rise again
    And justice will be served for this sin

Louise Riveiro - Mitchell   aka Chyenne Autum Sky

I'm from Norway, a large country in Europe, but we are
only 4.5 million who lives here.
I can't understand people who can do that.
Right now, know all the Norwegians are praying and thinking of the families and friends who lost their love one, the people in hospital and the rest of the fine people in the US.
At noon today, the whole Norway was in silence for one minute, to honour the dead and wounded after the attack.
Many Norwegians have friends and family in the US, so we are supporting
you and your country 100%.

Dear Friends,

 This is a short message directly from my heart to convey my deepest sympathy to everyone who has been affected by the dreadful thoughts and prayers are with you daily.  Take courage and know that there are many people praying out here...and out of this tragedy will come great miracles, just keep your faith what ever you do...remember a family that prayers together stays together...and I really believe this will be true of the family of love goes out to you all. Stand tall and be brave....

God Bless you all Leonie

We are in mourning with you. With the internet, the world is not as big as it used to be We all know someone who is affected.
Our government is on your side and will help you anyway we can.
With love and blessings once again
Joy and family England

My deepest sympathies for the Innocent victims of the terrorist attack.
It was horrible just to watch it on TV.
God bless those who lost their lives and grant the courage to their near and dear ones to bear the irreparable losses.

Dear friends,

 America will stand strong and with the help of God and each other we shall get through. I love you all.  Prayers are with U .

I am writing to share my deep sense of grief and outrage with respect to the senseless acts of violence committed on Tuesday.  On behalf of the Kowalski family & JBK Video, I want to extend our deepest sympathies to the families and friends of those directly impacted by this tragic event.

This is a very challenging time but the collective strength of our nation and the reliability of our people and our allies will see us through.  May God watch over us all.

I hope this note finds you at home among your family and friends.

Dear Friends
I will thank Tunkashila for seeing you today online, for having kept you safe! You are always in my prayers!

Especially these days when US has been hit so tragically... I have no words, I had restless night after it... My thoughts are with all those families left behind, my prayers go with all those innocent having been sent to heaven from one moment to the other...
And I pray that terrrorism will be ended one day - for the future of our kids for the going-on of the world! Never ever has any religion meant to kill each other, the true sense of believing seems having gone lost to some and misplaced through blind hatred... I am sad...

My friends, I instantly hope nobody you know has been hurt! But I feel so connected to the world to feel the pain that we all share during  these moments...

Take great care of you and yours

They thought they took something from us - and they did.  But in doing so, they have given us a unity I hope remains with our country forever and ever.  My heart is so heavy.


Words of Sympathy To Our American Neighbors

Words will never be able to  express my heartfelt sympathy for our friends and neighbors. My heart bleeds for all families who have lost love ones in this senseless "Act Of Terrorism"  My eyes have shed many tears, since that fateful day. I know in my heart that God will lift all of you up, and help you to be strong once again. "America" stand tall and be proud of who you are. Those horrid, faceless terrorists will get what is due to them in time. Until then. I will be holding all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

                          A True Canadian Friend

We mourn for you and we cry with those you left behind.

    You will never be forgotten.  We promise you this.!


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