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spiritgrows.gif (100906 bytes)

fallleaves.gif (8359 bytes)EEartharfallleaves.gif (8359 bytes)th

Teach Me

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me stillnessfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the grasses are stilled with light.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me sufferingfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
old stones suffer with memory.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me humilityfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
are humble with beginning.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)
Earth Teach me caringfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the father
who teaches his young.

Image3.gif (94042 bytes)
feather1.gif (1406 bytes)
Earth teach me couragefeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the tree which stands alone.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me limitationfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the ant
which crawls on the ground.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)
Earth teach me freedomfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the eagle
which soars in the sky.

eagle1.gif (39092 bytes)

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me resignationfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the leaves
which die in the fall.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)Earth teach me regenerationfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
the seed
which rises in the spring.

chiefeagle.gif (17175 bytes)
feather1.gif (1406 bytes)
Earth teach me to forgetfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
melted snow
forgets its life.

feather1.gif (1406 bytes)
Earth teach me to remember kindnessfeather2.gif (1450 bytes)
dry fields
weep in the rain.
Prayer from Ute tribe

sunsetlake.gif (6744 bytes)

May your day filled with sunshine and warmth:)

And Remember....

We are All Related - Ahwen'sa Unaliyi

Shayna - Akiah

© 2000 Shayna may be the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page. You will see my name displayed beneath each original piece if I am. NOTE: This original writing is copyrighted and  may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way.You may not circulate it or place it for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page. Let me know so I may visit you. Thank you.......Shayna

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

Please share your thoughts, feelings and ideas with me.....

If you see me online and you would like to say hello, please do....:)

Please e-mail me at

Midi is entitled "Song Of The Wolf".
This is the music of Elan Michaels( copyrighted).
Elan Michaels

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