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The Very First Time We Met...

We felt A Strong Defined Attraction..

Knew Sometime Over The Course Of

Our Lives...

We'd Find Long Awaited..



As I Saw You Today...

You Smiled And Took A Glance...

As The Beat Of My Heart..

Began To Race...

I Knew Today We Would Take...

That Chance.

Now Close To Me...

You Touched My Cheek...

And Pulled At My Heart Strings...

Together We Walked Toward A

Moonlit Sky...

Floating On Air..Feeling I Had Wings...



Cradled In Your Loving Arms...

Visions of This Moment...

Over And Over In The Night....

Your Warm Breath In My Hair...

Flames Of Desire Began To Ignite.

Totally Now In Your Control...

Eyes Upon Me...So Erotic...

Bodys entwined...

Fitting Together So Well...

Moves We Were Making....


Your Touch On Me Fell Everywhere...

And I Watched...As You Undressed..

Our Eyes Never Left The Other...

Ever So Slowly...

We Hungrily Caressed....

Your Body Glistened In The Dark...

Our Rhythm Began To Increase...

Mysteries Unraveled...

For The Very First Time..

Feeling The Joy...

Of Sweet Release.


Smiles In Our Hearts...

Warmth Displayed On Our Faces...

Knowing This Was Just The Start...

A Surprising Discovery Made Today...

We Captured Each Others Heart.

An original Shayna(copyright)1998

Some time, some place-

perhaps many years from now.....

Someone who was once...

the person I am...

Will look across a room...

and see someone...

Who was once the person you are now.

And in that instant, they will know...

That once, long ago...

They had been friends.

None of the memories we now share

Will have survived.

Only the love we shared...

will remain...

And that will be enough.

In dreams and in love...

there are no impossibilites.

Arnay James

If the hug represented how much I love you...

I would have you in my arms...forever.

You are always there....when I close my eyes.

You are my first..

last.....and only dream at night.

Kindred spirits will find each other....

It is you who makes my heart beat....

you who are always on my mind...

From now until


Our hearts....forever entwined.

An Shayna(copyright1998)

Reach For The Stars-----Hold On To Your DREAMS-----And May All Your DREAMS-----Become REALITIES---I bid you PEACE and LOVE---Shayna

© 1998 Shayna is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see my name in flames displayed beneath each original piece.NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted and they may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed and written consent.You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you)or get expressed and written permission from the author. Thank you.......Shayna

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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