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Life Takes Some Crazy Turns

And Where We Thought We Would Be

Is Not Where We Always End Up.

We Don't Know What The Future Holds

And Where We Will Be

Or What We Will Be Doing.

There Are A Few Things In Life

You Can Depend On,

As You Begin Your Journey

To Follow Your Dreams.

When You Lose Your Way,

Or You Feel Overwhelmed,

Or You Just Need Someone To Talk To....

Don't Wait For Me....

Because I Won't Be Behind You.

And Don't Try To Run To Catch Up With Me....

Because I Won't Be Ahead Of You.

You Should Know I've Always Been...

And Will Always Be.....

Right Beside You.

Loni Pilgrim

Feel The Magic.....

How Do I Feel.....

When Your Fingertips Touch Me.

How Do I Feel.....

When Your Eyes Are Within Me.

How Do I Feel.....

When You Are Beside Me Whispering?

Touch Me...Hold Me In A Warm Embrace...

And You Shall Know.

An Shayna (copyright1998)


Cradled In Your Arms...

Enveloped By Your Warmth...

You Whisper Softly My Name..

Time Standing Still With Our Eyes.

Your Hands Cup My Face...

My Hands Embracing Yours...

Desire Overwhelms Me...

And I Give Myself To You...

Willingly.....Wanting It So.

With Each Touch...

I Tremble And Moan.

Wanting You So Deep Inside...

Nothing Else Seems To Matter.

Swirling Thru Waves Of Ecstasy...

Flames Of Passion....

Become Our World...


In The Here And Now.

We Are As One...

In Heart And Mind...

Body And Soul.

You Are My Today...

All Visions Of Tomorrow...

And I Am Forever Yours.

An Shayna (copyright1998)

"I sat with you on that serene peninsula...A solitary expanse of land at the edge of the world...We were stargazers...Observing their debut across an indigo sky as the night quietly enfolded us...You wrapped your arms around my waist and pulled me head at rest in the sinews of your arm...In the peace of your embrace...You stroke my cheek tenderly...leaning your head toward mine and gently bathed me with your kisses...You whispered words for me alone to hear...Of love...Of passion and desire...You invited me into the seclusion of your shelter...And into the solitude of your love...I went willingly...Your words mesmerized my soul as you undressed me...Your hands tenderly aroused my flesh......And we made love..."


(Theme From Ice Castles)


Please Don't Let This Feeling End..

Its Everything I Am..

Everything I Want To Be.

I Can See Whats Mine Now..

Finding Out Whats True..

Since I Found You..

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love.

Now, I can Take The Time..

I Can See My Life..

As It Comes Up Shining Now.

Reaching Out To Touch You..

I Can Feel So Much..

Since I Found You..

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love.

And Now, I Do Believe..

That Even In A Storm We'll Find Some Light..

Knowing You're Beside Me..

I'm Alright.

Please Don't Let This Feeling End..

It Might Not Come Again..

And I Want To Remember..

How It Feels To Touch You..

How I Feel So Much..

Since I Found You..

Looking Through The Eyes Of Love.

AAnd now for a bit of reality....and time to reflect. Dreams can become our Realities if we want them to...The best of dreams are created with those with whom we live with... each day. That person is our "significant" other....If we are fortunate, then we do all that we can to maintain and keep the Dreams alive and make them become true Realities. I do know it takes two to make a marriage work....for two to stay as one...Sometimes that is done with no effort at all.....and at other times.....oh my....the efforts are extraordinary.....but to have something good have it sustain and grow, it must be nourished and fed.....good times as well as the bad........and sometimes through disappointment and hurt. I devote this page to you Robert. You strive every day to make my Dreams Realities....(c)......

Reach For The Stars-----Hold On To Your DREAMS-----And one day...all your DREAMS...may in fact, become REALITIES. PEACE and LOVE---Shayna

© 1998 Shayna is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see my name in flames displayed beneath each original piece.NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted and they may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form. You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way.If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you)or get expressed and written permission from the author. Thank you.......Shayna

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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