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I want those of you who are kind enough to visit my pages of Dreams and Realities to know something very important about the person I am......I am a women who is completely open and honest to those I speak with online. I am myself and never project to be anyone other than who I am. Unfortunately, there are some who find pleasure in playing with peoples emotions.........who lift them up just to eventually bring them down. I will never understand this. I wrote both pieces thinking about this...and my heart goes out to those whose emotions have been used in this way..Both men and women. Do I agree with what i have written in the second piece? Absolutely Not!! and I would never play with someones emotions..and I hope you feel the same. The writing of it, however, was enjoyed, but please... don't take this literally. Listen to the music and read the lyrics on thebottom of the page, and you will know the meaning of why love is..For The First Time.


You Promised Me Forever...

My Heart And Soul....I Bared...

Its Difficult For Me To Realize...

That You May Not Have Really Cared.

I Had My Eyes Closed...

Guess I Didn't Want To See...

That What You Wanted Was The Fantasy...

And Not The Real Me..

Mists Of Rain Within My Heart...

With Closed Hands...My Head Held High...

Came The Moment In Time

I Had To Say Goodbye.

You May Not Agree With Me...

That What I Feel Is True...

The Man You Claimed To Be...

Was Not The Real You...

Picture Portraits Of Colors...

Illuminating Visions Of Light...

Gazing Toward A World Of New Tomorrows...

I Feel ......I'm Right.

An Shayna(copyright1998)

"They have the most power to hurt us...whom we love. We lay our sleeping lives down in their arms."


Did You Really Love Me...Or Did You Just Pretend. Was It The Beginning....Or The Beginning Of The End.

I lie awake and wonder how your conscience could be clear. How do you sleep at night? Do you toss and turn til the morning light? Does the darkness help when you lie down with the truth? How do you sleep at night?



The Role You Played Was Priceless

A True Master Of The Game

I Knew Where You Were Going

And I Followed Just The Same.

However, You May Not Have Realized

I'm A Word Master Too

We Tied On This Game Sweetheart

You See....I Played You Too!

An Shayna(copyright1998)

And Now......Let The Dreams Continue....:)



David Foster, Arthur Ganov


I'll Paint My Mood In Shades Of Blue

Paint My Soul To Be With You

I'll Sketch Your Lips In Shaded Tones

Draw Your Mouth To My Own.


I'll Draw Your Arms Around My Waist

Then All Doubt I Shall Erase

I'll Paint The Rain That Softly Lands

On Your Wind Blown Hair.


I'll Trace A Hand To Wipe Your tears

A Look To Calm Your Fears

A Silhoutte Of Dark And Light

While We Hold Each Other...Oh So Tight.


I'll Paint A Sun To Warm Your Heart

Swearing That..We'll Never Part

Thats The Color Of My Love.


I'll Paint the Truth ...Show How I Feel

Try To Make You Completely Real

I'll Use A Brush So Light And Fine

To Draw You Close And Make You Mine.


A very special person....sent me the following words........I tried to get permission from the owner of the website to allow me to use it for my page...but it seems that the home page no longer exists. There is no name to whom I can give credit to.....I hope my friend won't sharing his gift to me.....with you.....



When you're lonely, I Wish You Love.

When You're Down, I Wish You Joy.

When You're troubled, I Wish You Peace.

When Things Are Complicated,I Wish You Simple Beauty.

When Things Are Chaotic, I Wish You Inner Silence.

When Things Look Empty, I Wish You Hope.

And that Is My Wish To You!!!


Thoughts of you...

Have Filled My Night..

Your Amazing Smile...

Infectious Laugh...

Do You Have Any Idea...

How You Make Me Feel?

My Spirit Soars...

When I Am With You...

I Am Blanketed In Your Warmth...

So Many Emotions Stirred Deep Within...

At Times, I am left breathless...

I Am Being Drawn In...

With The Wonder Of You...

I Want to Open My Heart.....

And Invite You In....

Exposing All That I Am...

You Have Given So Much To Me....

I Want To Return All And More To You..

So That We May ... Together..

Experience The Pleasures...

Of Each Other...


Fingertips Firing Sensations.....




Tracing The Contours Of You...

Memorizing Your Lines...

Creating Endless Waves...

Of Passion...

Ebbing And Flowing....

Never Releasing Completely...

Allowing This Pleasure To Last...

Giving You All That You Desire....

And More...

Pleasing You...

In Every Way...


From The Top Of Your Head...

To The Tips Of Your Toes...

Anticipating All Your Needs...

And Meeting Them...

Sensing Your Innermost Desires....

And Releasing Them...

Inside Of You...

Sighs Of Ecstacy...

Expressions Of Love...

Crossing The Span...

To The Center Of Your Soul...

Drawing You In Deep...

As Deep As You Have Drawn Me...

Into You...

Holding you soooo Close...

Wanting To Increase Your Need For Me...

Hearts Within.....Ablaze....

Burning With Desire...

Matching the Passion And Need...

Together We Cross The Threshold...

We Are Each A Part Of The Other...

An Shayna(copyright1998)

Hmmm, You're Smiling Now.....:)

And There Go Your Eyes...

Staring into Mine.......

And You tell me How Happy You Are...

That I Let You In My Heart.....

We Still Have So Much To Share....

And So Much To Learn...

And We Will......

Until We Have Experienced Everything...

Have Learned Everything.....

There Is To Know...

About Each Other...


Are Those Your Eyes?

Is That Your Smile?

I've Been Looking At You Forever

But I Never Saw You Before

Are These Your Hands...Holding Mine

Now I Wonder How I Could Have Been So Blind.

For The First Time

I Am Looking In Your Eyes

For The First Time

I See Who You Are

I Can't Believe How Much I See

When You're Looking Back At Me

Now I Understand Why Love Is

Love Is...For The First Time.

Can This Be Real, Can This Be True

Am I The Person I Was This Morning

And Are You The Same You

Its All So Strange How Can It Be

All Along this Love Was Right In Front Of Me.

Such A Long Time Ago

I Had Given Up On Finding This Emotion

Ever Again

But You Live With Me Now

Yes, I've Found You Somehow

And I've Never Been So Sure

And For The First Time

I Am Looking In Your eyes

For The First Time

I See Who You Are

Can't Believe How Much I See

When You're Looking Back At Me

Now I Understand Why Love Is...

Love Is....For The First Time.

© 1998 Shayna is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page. .NOTE: These original writings are copyrighted and they may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form without the author's expressed and written consent. You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way. If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address (URL) or place a link to this web page (let me know so I may visit you), Thank you.......Shayna

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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