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Prisoners Of War NO MORE !!!!


Spc Edgar Hernandez, Spc Joseph Hudson

Spc Shoshona Johnson,  Pfc Jessica Lynch

Pfc Patrick Miller,   Sgt James Riley

 Chief Warrant Officer David S Williams

Chief Warrant Officer Roland D Young

I received this letter in regard to my page...entitled, "Have You Forgotten".

I I just wanted to say how proud I am to see that there are other patriotic people other than myself.  I'm not sure who made this song but it is definitely fitting.  All these bleeding hearts apparently have no television or have been locked in caves for the past 1 1/2 yrs.  They are marching down the center of cities saying we shouldn't be fighting this war; that we're war crazy do they not have a shred of fear that something like that could happen again.  That this time it could happen to some one they care about.  I am currently stationed in Fort Hood waiting to step foot on a plane and go to iraq.  Other soldiers signed that piece of paper to serve and protect their country we do not care who we are fighting if they are a threat then they need to be dealt with.  Again thank you for showing your support for all of the servicemen and women.

James and Stacy Dawes

Dear James & Stacy.

Thank you so much for writing to me.  When I heard the song...."Have You Forgotten", which is sung by Darryl Worley who is a very popular country singer, I knew I had to create a special page for it.  It expresses my feelings and those of so many in this country.  This is definitely a war worth fighting for,  Our country was attacked and so many innocent lives were lost and  let's not forget about the USS Cole and countless other terrorist acts.  Terrorism can be tolerated no longer.  We live in a country where we are allowed to express our thoughts and views, but when it comes to defending our country and the freedom that we are blessed to have, then I have no tolerance for those who want to live here....accepting and taking all that the United States has to offer and yet to protest over such a just cause.  No one wants to see our young men and women go to war, but it is men and women like you, that make me proud to be an American.  Regardless of anyone's political view, it is the time to stand behind our President and all those in the Armed Forces who are risking their lives, to make our home a safe place...for ourselves, our children and generations yet to be born.

You have touched my heart with your letter and I want you to know that my thoughts and prayers will be with you.  God bless you and keep you safe.

Love, Shayna

To all the brave men & Women of the Armed Forces,
I am lighting this candle for your safe return home.
My thoughts and prayers are with you.
God Speed.........Love, Shayna

Dear our  Brave Men and Women fighting for our  safety,
Thank you .
Please be careful and return state side quickly.
God Bless America....
God bless Us All.........
All my heartfelt thanks..........
Maggie from Red hook Bklyn NY

God Bless America
As I listen to these words
so beautifully sung,
My thoughts and prayers turn
To all our brave young people
Fighting for what we believe in.
Yes, I value all life,
However, there finally comes a time
When we must stand up for what we know
is right and just.

May God in his Greatness and Goodness protect all of us.

Maria - Justmemyself

Thank you all for keeping our country protected and safe...for now and for future generations. May God watch over all of you and please know that we are behind you 100%. Your presence in Iraq is justified, and I wish you a quick ending to this war, and a safe trip home. Many of you are no older than the young men and women who were sent to Viet Nam. Life is precious to me, and to my family. I hate war and I hate killing. When it comes to protecting and defending our rights, and preserving our freedom, there comes a time to take a stand, even go forward and take whatever means we have to to ensure that no one controls a country the way it is being done now. I will say a prayer for all your safe return to your families. Jim M.(

I just wanted to tell all the men and women who are fighting over in the middle east and here at home, that my family and I support every single one of you. They are all heroes to me and many, many other true Americans. We must all remember 9/11 and we should never forget all the heroes who die that day!! My husband was a former Marine who was stationed over in Kuwait. I would like to know how these people can protest against the men and women who are putting their lives on the line to protect these same "American." We must all pull together and support the troops and their families! This is a time to come together, Like my husband always says "UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL" The song...Have You Forgotten.... is so true we should see the footage of 9/11 each and everyday.... Maybe than those so called "American" Will think twice... God bless all our troops and their families, Your all in my prayers!!!! Thank you all for everything your doing to keep my family and me safe and free....
Leon and Sherry Jayson, & Family

To add to the list of Heroes......

Grandfather...Louis J. Schubert...
NYC, New York...Spanish American War...W.W. 1.
Father...Perry Furn Greene CPO USN ... Deceased...Memorial Day 1999...Beloved Father of 7 children...Eye witness of the bombing of Pearl Harbor...Children proud of father defending his country...U.S.A.
Son...Michael JasonMasek U.S.M.C. Pensacola, Florida.
Floyd Eugene Masek...Commander..Retired ....U.S.N.
Robert James Hintz...retired...U.S.N.
God Blessed these Men
Proud Lynn

My husband was a medic in Nam and i am proud to have him on our side as i hope everyone else is. These people are the bravest and best we offer and i hope all here knows this. Once again I thank you and our troops.  May God bless them and keep them always, with thoughts of Hope and Prayer ,
  Dlernhardt 03

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