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My Dad.......My Hero

I remember those days,
When I was young and carefree,
Out in the backyard,
You throwing the ball to me.

You praised me when I was good
And punished me when I was bad.
You walked me from a child to manhood,
As good of a father, As a boy ever had.

 I remember you coming to my little league park,
While I played baseball under the summer sun.
I got the hit to win the game.
I could hear you proudly saying,
"My son scored the winning run."

After we walked back to the car;
Home to mom's supper and a little t.v.
I could see the sparkle in your eye,
That you were proud of me.

As I grew bigger and older in life,
You taught me values,  I would need as a man,
Of honesty, education, hard work, and other things.
I listened intensely, as best as a child can.

Although you spent many hours at work,
Struggling through life, with a family to support,
When you were home at night, there was laughter and joy.
I could not have asked for more, as a young boy.

Now I'm an adult, fully grown.
I miss those younger days and all the fun we had
And raising a family of my own,
I grew up in the shadow of my hero, my dad.

So dad, I thank you for all the love you gave to me,
Making me the man I am today
And I think of the memories of younger days
When I head for the backyard with my son, to play.

An Don Shepard(@copyright 2003)

Three feet tall and full of questions,

You must have thought I was the smartest man alive.

I didn't always have the answers,

To every little how and when and why.

My Daddy,  why's the sky so blue today?

Does Jesus really hear me when I pray?

When I grow up will I be just like you?

Will I be tall and strong and brave.

There is no power on earth, like your father's love,

So big and so strong, as your father's love,

A promise that's sacred,

A promise from heaven above.

No matter where you go, always know,

You can depend on your father's love.

Especially when it's cold,

Especially when you're alone,

When your little heart is just trying to find its way.

I know the world is always changing,

Just remember son, that some things never change.

So even when my life on earth is through,

There still will be a part of me in you,

Cause some things are forever.

Nothing is ever going to change,

My love for you.

There is no power on earth like your father's love,

So big and so strong, as your father's love.

A promise that's sacred,

A promise from heaven above...

Did I hug  enough?

Did I care enough?

When you most needed me,

Was I there enough?

Enough to make you feel the power of...

Your father's love.

© 2003 Don Shepard is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see his name displayed beneath this original piece. NOTE: This original writing may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form .You may not circulate it or place it for the viewing public in any way. If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let us know so we may visit you. Thank you.......Shayna & Don

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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Art work by Tom Sierak

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