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When I think of happy times,
I go back to when I was young.
It was like no other.
Life seemed to be nothing but fun,
Under the protective hand of my mother.

You gave me life and brought me into the world.
You picked me up, and cradled me against your breast.
I cried a baby's cry, as we all do.
Your motherly instinct made me feel at rest.

You held my hands, as I learned to walk,
Guiding my footsteps, to and fro.
You read books to me, to teach me to talk,
The word MAMA, is the first I would know.

When I was sick, you would comfort me...
Sitting on my bed, under your watchful eye.
I remember out in the yard, I scraped my knee,
As you put on a bandaid, I no longer wanted to cry

I'm a young man now, raised totally by you.
You've taught me love, respect, and the wisdom of God
And I hear your voice in everything I do.
To have you for my mother, I thank the Lord.

But in life, there is death, who came knocking at our door.
Cancer has taken you, I want you back no matter what the cost.
Your loving, protective image I will see no more.
Without you Mom, I am totally lost.

Years have passed, my own family I did start.
I teach my children what you have taught me.
Pictures of you on the wall, never keep us apart,
For within my kids, I see the life you meant to be.

To this day when I need you, you are there,
Like you've done since my birth,
With your protective hand on my shoulder,
I sense your presence.
Mom, you are my heaven on earth.

An Don Shepard(copyright2003)


You are the Guardian Angel watching over me.

 I believe ...

Yes, I believe.

Every now and then,
Soft as breath upon my skin,
I feel you come back again.

And it's like you haven't been,
Gone a moment from my side.
Like the tears were never cried,
Like the hands of time are holding you and me.

And with all my heart I'm sure,
We're closer than we ever were.
I don't have to hear or see,
I've got all the proof I need.
There are more than angels watching over me.
I believe, Ohhh I believe.

Now when you die your life goes on,
It doesn't end here when you're gone.
Every soul is filled with light,
It never ends and if I'm right.
Our love can even reach across eternity,
I believe, Ohhh I believe.

Forever, you're a part of me.
Forever, in the heart of me.
I will hold you even longer if I can.
Oh the people who don't see the most,
See that I believe in ghosts.
And if that makes me crazy, then I am...
'Cause I believe.......

Ohhhh, I believe...

There are more than angels watching over me.
I believe, Ohhh I believe.

Every now and then,
Soft as breath upon my skin,
I feel you come back again.
And I believe.

© 2003 Don Shepard is the author of original poetry and thoughts on this page You will see his name displayed beneath this original piece. NOTE: This original writing may NOT be reproduced, distributed or displayed in any way or form .You may not circulate it or place it for the viewing public in any way. If you wish to share this poem with any other person(s), then please either share this web page address, or place a link to this web page (let us know so we may visit you. Thank you.......Shayna & Don

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Shayna's Pages Created With Love

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The painting is ©Paula Vaughan and used with her permission.
Moon And Back Graphics:
Diamond Rio - I Believe