~Luvdalot Graphics & Design - Linkware Web Sets -Native American-Contemporary Artist-Detha Watson- A Mother's Love~
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When we as Indian People, hear about all the injustice done to our Ancestors, there is an understood tendency to become angry, frustrated and sense sadness for them. I have felt these things.  Now, I ask you to listen to an Elder, who for many years has seen what it can do.  Teach your children this lesson:

When a tree is cut down, it is not left to decay in the woods.  We remember its strength and use it to make a solid home to raise a family.

When we hurt an animal, it is not killed and left to decay.  The meat and skin is used for our survival, while the animal is not forgotten.

 We have been told what happened in the past to our people.  We cannot change history, but we can take the wrong and use it to teach our children.

Teach them that it will continue to hold them back in having the life they should, as long as the anger engulfs their thoughts.  Use the hurt to be a strength in yourself to help our people survive, learn the old ways and to keep the dignity of our Ancestors in the minds of those around us.  What the old ones did, they did for the relations coming after them.  Listen well to what is told to you and use wisdom when applying it to your life.

Never allow the honor of those before us to be forgotten.

We are in the eyes of others....what they stood for

 (c)By .....John "Eagle Spirit" Campbell
Cherokee Elder

~Yigaquu Osaniyu Adanvto Adadoligi Nigohilivi Nasquv Utloyasdi Nihi~
~May The Great Spirit's Blessings Always Be With You ~ and may you
walk in peace - Aisv Nv wa do hi ya do 

@John "Eagle Spirit" Campbell is the Author of  the original writing on this page. NOTE: These original writings may not be reproduced, distributed or displayed. You may not circulate them or place them for the viewing public in any way without permission from the Author
Thank you.......Shayna

Here is the link that will transport you to all my pages..:)

Shayna's Pages Created With Love

Share your thoughts, feelings and ideas with me......

If you see me online and would like to say hello....please do:)


Detha Watson, Artist
Luvdalot Graphics & Design