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Paritala Gopi Krishna

Flat No. 706,

Fancy Apartments,

19, Vasundhara Enclave,

Delhi - 110 096,

Dear Sai Bandhus in Dwarakamayi,

I read the following in a newspaper recently, which I would like to share with you all. I hope you all benefit from it.

Benefit of Reciting the Divine Names

The glory of Lord Vishnu is described in the Vedas which are the primary scriptures of the religion of Hinduism [Sanatana Dharma]. Since the method of propitiating the various deities is through Vedic mantras, Vishnu is depicted in the Yajna form. The Vedas are divided into two main divisions, the Karma Kanda dealing with the performances of various Yajnas and rituals, and the Jnana Kanda, which is philosophical in nature. The Upanishads are part of the Jnana Kanda.

The hymn Vishnu Sahasranama occurring in the Mahabharata delineates the glory of Vishnu. The sequence of the names of Vishnu in the verses, in Anushtubh metre, has a rationale.

The 24 names of Lord Vishnu had been incorporated in the three opening verses of the Vishnu Sahasranama. These 24 names denote the 24 syllabled Gayatri mantra, each syllable corresponding to a particular name. The name Gayatri connotes that it protects those who chant it properly and regularly. Recitation of the Gayatri acording to the prescribed method confers all round prosperity not only on the individual but also on the entire world.

The structure of the Gayatri mantra attests to its cardinal importance. Eight syllables from each of the three Vedas [Rig, Yajur and Sama] have been strung together to form the 24 syllable mantra. As the Atharvana Veda consists of the mantras occurring in the other three Vedas, chanting of the Gayatri mantra gives the same result as the recitation of all the four Vedas. Just as the Pranava [Om] is the root of all mantras, the Gayatri is hailed as the foremost of all mantras. The Ramayana of Valmiki containing 24,000 verses, which is eulogised as the essence of the Vedas, has the 24 syllables of the Gayatri incorporated into it sequentially at the beginning of every 1,000th verse.

Om Srikrishnarpanamasthu

Love and Pranams

This is a song blessed by Sainath Sadguru a few months back. I am neither a writer nor a poet. It was a sudden inspiration, while I was travelling in a bus from my house to the office. On 8 March, 1999, while I was travelling in a bus, a few words started ringing in my ears repeatedly. The moment I reached my office, I scribbled these words (first four lines) in a note book. Afterwards there was absolutely a mental block, and nothing was coming to my mind to write even a word. I thought there is no point in exerting myself, as I was not a writer at all. I kept the book somewhere and forgot. On 11 March Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba visited Delhi, and the place where HE was to give discourse was near my office. I was eager to have HIS darshan and listen to HIS discourse. As I was clearing my table in the office before going to the discourse, I found the book. Casually, I opened the book and found the four lines I scribbed a few days back. The moment I opened t! he book, a few words started pouring out. I thought it better to write them also. It went on till I completed 8 more lines. I was again

struggling to write the last four lines, when my cousin Mr. Prabhakar with his brother came to my office with a book on Shirdi Sai Baba in Telugu, and while putting the book in my hands, he said that I asked for it sometime ago and now he brought it for me. I was so touched and moved by the coincidence or should I say the LOVE AND BLESSINGS OF BABA, that my eyes filled with tears and it became very difficult for me to control myself in the office. Then the remaining four lines came without any effort. The song is:


Sainaatha Sainaatha Sainaatha Sadgurum

Yogiraaja Yugapurusha Bhaktakoti Vanditham

Kripanidhi Taponidhi Sainaatha Paahimaam

Divyateja Bhavyamoorthi Punyacharana Poojithaam .. Sainatha ..


Ajnaanapu Andhakaaramu Drunchuma O Bhaaskara

Janana Marana Bhayamulanu Baapuma O Devara

Kalilo Aakali Bhaadalu Deerchuma O Dayaanidhi

Kashtasukhaalalona Thoduneedavu O Varada .. Sainatha ..


Antharangaananilu Kanikarinchi O Naatha

Alamatinchu Nee Bhaktula Aadukonumu Paramapitha

Aarani Dhuniga Velige Naa Bhaktini Gaanchuma

Anuvukanna Anuvunai Ninnu Chera Neeyuma .. Sainatha ..


Naadu Mora Aalakinchi Nannuchera Vachchithiva

Sainatha Sadguru Sakala Srishti Rakshaka

Kanulu Chemmagillenu Manasu Naatyamaadenu

Groli Nee Karunaamrithamu Saranaagatha Vatchala .. Sainatha ..

Om - Sri Krishnaarpanamasthu.