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1) Life is a plain paper. Good language written on it is respected and valued by one and all. When bad words are written on it, the paper is torn and finds it's way to the dustbin.

Shiridi Sai - 18th August 1992

2) After climbing the ladder of ' ADHYATMA' up to a point in life, it is essential to maintain equilibrilium there with out falling down.

Shiridi Sai - 22nd August 1922

3) Life is like a game play where children young and old should all happily participate.

Shiridi Sai - 09th April 1992

4) Do not refuse food even from the bad reformed.

Shiridi Sai - 02nd August 1992

5) Life is a great play. Remember that your role in life is limited only to introduce other fellow artistes to the World.

Shiridi Sai - 30th September 1992.

6) Once the journey through spiritual life is commenced, never look back even in the death of your partner. Complete the remaining part on the chosen path to reach me.

Shiridi Sai - 14th September 1992

7)Life is like an electromagnet. Try attracting only the good and repel bad.

Shiridi Sai - 24th September 1992

8) Life is like a running race. God has gifted all of us with a beautiful mind to think and ponder. How many of us can make it to a finish, if asked to do it with good moral and conduct.

Shiridi Sai - 18th November 1992

9)It is better to stay cool and calm like a stream flowing through a valley rather than to be at heights amidst fire all around.

Shiridi Sai - 27th June 1992

10) Life need not be a river. It can as well be a small rivulet. All will finally merge the sea i.e. me.

Shiridi Sai - 15th July 1992

11) One, should grow in life emulating the example of a coconut tree so that they are useful to the society. Growth should not be comparable to that of a wild tree, as it cannot make any identity for itself

Shiridi Sai - 10th December 1992

12) Life should follow the example of a green crop that is fully useful to the mankind. It should never be be like an abandoned mine halfway through.

Shiridi Sai - 10th December 1992

13)Life is a mixture of joyous periods and sorrowful moments. Develop the courage to welcome and face them both with equal zeal.

Shiridi Sai 13th December 1992

14) Life is like a river of humanity flowing. In this huge crowd we come across both our friends and foes. We should lean to live comfortably in all sorts of companies.

Shiridi Sai 1st June 1993

15) It is very difficult to totally get rid of all the bondages in life. Fulfill your personal responsibilities and social obligations to the extent possible.

Shiridi Sai 17th December 1992

16)Life is like a wrestling competition. If we make a foul or indulge in wrong play, our hands are automatically tied up without our knowledge and we are beaten up badly by the opponents till the inner ego is killed.

Shiridi Sai 4th January 1993

17) Life and journey by Rail are similar. Kith and kin are all co - passengers and at a later stage when you may decide upon to change over to another train (spiritual path), your own people will not prefer to continue their travel along with you.

Shiridi Sai 6th Janaury 1993

18) What we do not have in life is not as important as to whether we are contented with what we have or do not have.

Shiridi Sai 16th December 1992

19) Life in the fag end days is like travel with wife in a vintage car. The mischief by your grand children and the desire for eating any thing on the way-side coffee shops are all obstacles in the destined path.

Shiridi Sai 07th January 1993

20) Life is like a forest where all sorts of animals live. Offer Protection to the weaker ones. Do not torture them or derive pleasure in watching them struggle for life. In the process if they are killed, you will have to start running to avenge their killers.

Shiridi Sai 07th January 1993

21)You are like a rickshaw puller, wife and children get into it and get dropped on the way by paying you in kind i.e. love and affection. Finally when all your energies are drained, remember that I shall make you to sit in the rickshaw and pull you myself to the destiny.

Shiridi Sai 12th january1993

22)Let the metal of life be subjected to intense heat of trial and testing periods. Afterwards immerse it in the fluid of Sai and watch for its superb color and shine.

Shiridi Sai 9th February 1993

23)Pilgrimage in life (search for God) is important but it need not start from the very first station, it can as well start from some where half way through.

Shiridi Sai 1st February 1993

24) By taking rounds to temples you are only gaining a feeling that you have been going round the God. If you adopt an orphan child God will be after you to look after the orphaned child.

Shiridi Sai 13th February 1993


 English translation by saibhakta Raghuraman Satuluri - 10th October 1999.


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