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We all know the fact that 'Baba' used to cook by himself and perform 'ANNADANAM' till the year 1910 in Dwarakamai. After 1910 Baba exhorted his devotees to perform 'ANNADANAM' to the needy. From 1918 Baba's devotees followed the tradition of 'ANNADANAM'. As a part of the tradition and inspiration given by Sai devotees like Smt.Suvarna, USA, Shri.Vijayanand, UAE, and Shri.Raveendar, Canada, initiated this tradition in the New Millennium. All devotees of Sai who wish to participate in this tradition may please contact



Time:12:30 Hrs IST

Venue Sree Veeranjaneya and SriSaibaba temple


Hyderabad,AP India.

A Sai devotee student doing MS course in Cleveland USA(name withheld at the request of the devotee) wished that Annadanam(feeding the poor)be performed and accordingly this Annadanam was done at sree Viranjaneya and Srisaibaba temple.Seven Annadanams so far been done very easily.During this eigth annadanam program Sri sai tested Shraddha(devotion) and Saburi(patience) of His devotees.Sri Sai devotees and volunteers brought utensils,vegetables etc for cooking to the temple premises at 11 am but the cook who was to do the cooking did not arrive causing consternation amongst the volunteers.All of us started praying to Sri Sai.Suddenly Smt and Sri Venkateshwara rao,and Smt and Sri Subramanyam residing in the colony nearby arrived at the temple and came forward to do the cooking.The work of cooking commenced enthusiastically.At 12:10 pm the cook arrived and told that he was held up from coming in time due to unavoidable reasons.With his arrival our enthusiasm further increased and the cooking effort gained momentum.On completion of cooking ,Arthi was given to Srisai at 1pm,The cooked food was offered to Sri sai,and the consecrated food was served to 100 poor people patiently waiting till then.On completion of Annadanam,office bearers of had their meals along with the staff of the temple.Srisai blesses the student devotee doing MS at cleveland USA, who had contributed financially for sucessful execution of this Annadanam.Office bearers of Sai darbar website expresses there gratitude to the student and request him to accept their heart felt thanks.

Reported by Srinivasa Rao Kasturi for from Hyderabad INDIA.




Time:17:00 Hrs(IST)

Venue:Sri venkateshwara swami temple,

Old Alwal

Secunderabad AP INDIA.

The seventh one in the series was also organised in connection with Sri Ramanavami festival in Co-ordiantion with Sri Sitarama samkirtana samaj in Old Alwal Temple of Lord Sri Venkateshwara Swami.Volunteers from Both participants have worked together and made it a success due to the blessings of Sai and devine grace of the almighty.It was around 18:00 Hrs.Poor people numbering about 400 have got assembled at the temple and had their food in the temple premises.The happiness and expressions in their faces reminded Saianth's saying which goes as-annam parabrahma swaroopam.Saibanisa GOPALA RAO RAVADA has lectured on the ocassion about Sai's greatness and importance of his preaching.Our memories were drawn back to the bygone days during which Sai himself organised community dinners on the festive day of Srirama navami.

Saidarbar team prays Lord Sainath to bless all those Sai devotees who have come forward with their financial contributions - Suvarna Thota,Narasimha Rao Kota,Suresh,Narasimha rao Bolisetty from USA .

Reported for by Srinivasa rao

kasturi,Hyderabad India.



Time:10:00 Hrs(IST).

Venue:Shiridi SaiBaba Temple,



This Annadhaanam function was organised on the request of Smt Lata ben from England on the festive ocassion of Sri Rama Navami in the temple premises of Shiridi Saibaba at Sainikpuri .Volunteers from assembled at the temple by the noted time.The hardware and utensils were supplied by the temple authorities and food preparations commenced.The site remembered us of Dwarakamai.That was the place where Sai used to prepare and serve food to one and all with his own hands.By 12:00 noon the food was cooked.Sharp at 12:15 Hrs the devotees sang the Madhyaana Arthi.At 13:00 Hrs Volunteers moved the food items to Sanjay Gandhi colony in a trolley car which was about 6 KM away from the temple .The residents of the colony were all leprosy affected patients they were eagerly awaiting our arrival.The Annadhaanam was completed with the active participation of Smt Lakshmi and Smt Mogulamma.A transient thought swept through our minds as if Sai himself was present for the ocassion and rightfully reminded us of leprosy ridden Bhagoji shinde who was an ardent follower and devotee of Sai. team prays Sai to bless Smt Lata ben for the financial support given.Our sincere thanks to the staff of SaiBaba temple,Sainikpuri for all the help and Manpower assistance extended.

Reported for





Date: 21-03-2000.

Time: 11:00 Hr, IST.

Venue: Home for the sick, Dying and destitute,

Missionaries of charity,

ID.Hospital compuond,

New Boyiguda, Secunderabad-500380. (India).

This is the fifth one in the series of ANNADHAANA scheme taken up by during the year 2000. The organizers reached the above stated venue by 11.00 Hrs. The sisters in charge welcomed the team members and escorted them in side the premises. The Ashram is spread over an area of one Acre with beautiful Tress plantations all around. There are about 150 inmates, both sick and old aged people residing in four large sized halls. In the midst of the Garden there was an over seeing statue of Mother Therissa with her usual compassionate looks and extending her motherly love to the people residing in the Ashram. A passing thought ran through Saibanisa's mind as if she was welcoming and addressing him to share his love with those less fortunate lot of the Society. Sisters were busy in performing their assigned duties, some were busy in prayer and others was seen engaged in the task of shifting the prepared food items from the kitchen to the dinning hall. Sick people were served food at their Beds with the help of sisters.

Inmates who were mentally depressed were seen to surround our team members and leading us to their beds, calling us affectionately as uncles. It was a Heart rendering seen to observe that they are longing for something that can not be expressed in words and are found to be wanting ?. Perhaps the love and affection of the kith and kin to watch every one is entitled.

It was pleasing to note that people from all faiths are living under one roof amicably with due respects to their religion of origin. Their behaviour pattern was that of a small child and age is as such in wait for the death. Selfless sisters attending on them were untiringly working and helping them towards a dignified death. By 11.30 AM lunch session was over and old people were seen going back to their respective places in search of something unknown, leaving behind the time elapsed.

Saidarbar team thanked all the sisters and came out with heavy heart. The financial help extended by Saibandhus Sri Narsimharao Bolisetty, Harini Kota, Suresh Peddi, Suvarna Thota, all from USA for this noble cause is greatfully acknowledged. Saidarbar team prays Lord Sainath to shower his blessings on all of them and their families.

For further details may be contacted.

? To address and answer ourselves, whether we can do something for them?

Reported by Srinivasrao Kasturi, Hyderabad, India



Date:09-03-2000 Thursday(19:00 Hrs IST)

Venue: Abandoned children's Home,

Nirmala Shishu Bhavan,

Missionaries of Charity,

Secunderabad.India. are actively organizing the Annadhana programs with the active participation by Sai devotees and this one happens to be fourth one in the series.The venue chosen was home for the abondoned children.Breakfast,Lunch, and dinner were served to the 40 inmates of the Ashram with the help rendered by the sisters of the Ashram .It was at 19:00 Hrs in the evening the Saidarbar team was welcomed by the innocently smiling babies in the cradle.By 19:30 Hrs,bell gave a ring,indicating that it was time for dinner.All children have fallen in line and prayed the Lord.At that instant our minds were preoccupied with the thought that SAB KA MALIK EK HAIN.Saibanisa Shri Gopala Rao Ravada served the food with his hands to the children.The overlooking photograph of smiling Mother Theresa in the dining room reminded us, that perhaps these children are surviving only because of her universal Love and Compassion.Dinner was over by 20:00 Hrs and the entire children jointly bid farewell to us with the words THANKYOU UNCLE.It was a pathetic scene to watch those less fortunate lot of the society.This participation has only reminded us the social responsibility we owe towards this class of people.This program was arranged with the financial assistance received from Shrimathi REVATHI SRIRAM of Singapore .We all pray Sai to shower his blessings on Smt REVATHI SRIRAM and her family members.Services by the management and sisters of the Ashram are commendable and needs appreciation from one and all.







INDIA had the unique oppurtunity to conduct this third one in immediate succession.This time the venue was HOME FOR THE DISABLED.At 12.00 noon

sharp the ASHRAM bell gave its ring.Disabled children were seen coming out from their cubicles,holdng their plates and fallen into 'Q' like disciplined soldiers.It was a heart rendering scene and we were aptly reminded about the responsibility we owe towards this class of society.

At the serving end was Smt SAKKUBAI THOTA who served the children with food enquiring each one with due attention and care.Our memories here taken us back and we could see as if Sai himself has come alone to serve the children with his usual compassion.Saidarbar voluntees were deeply moved by the personal care and

attention that is beeing given by the sisters of ashram.It deserves praise from one and all.SAIBANISA GOPALA RAO RAVADA expressed his happiness and sincere

thanks to the management for giving saidarbar an opportunity to serve the needy children.

Blessings from Lord Sainath are to Saibandhu Shri Ravinder Thota from canada who has come forwar with his financial assistance for this richly deserving cause.

Reported by Saibandhu Smt Madhu gopala ravada--Hyderabad






INDIA has conducted its second "Annadhana" function on 16/02/2000 in the premises of VATSALYASINDHU.Breakfast,lunch and dinner were served to the inmates and thier attending staff.In the evening at 19 hours,prayer session was included in which HANUMAN CHALISA was chanted enmass.Children got themselves introduced to the audience in SANSKRIT.Saibanisa(GOPALARAORAVADA)has delivered his lecture on trditions of GURU PARAMPARA,passed on to us from generations.He also spoke about ShiridiSai in this regard and later distributed photographs of Sainath to the inmates. Few hymns from VEDA were recited by all the participants in unison with SAIBANISA.This was followed by dinner accepting ANNAM(food) as PARABRAHMAN SWAROOPAM.Fruits were also served along with dinner by volunteers from saidarbar.It was interesting to note that children at VATSALYASINDHU are growing up in a spiritual environment.

Lord Sainath will certainly bless Saibandhu Shri k.p.vijayanand from Sharjah,UAE who has extended monetary assistance for this noble cause.

Reported by Saibandhu sri Naveen kumar-Hyderabad.


News item No.1

venue: Snehalaya, Secunderabad-500025

Date-26 jan 2000 gave ANNADANAM in the form of lunch to 32 orphan girl children, who are residing in snehalayam. As a part of this program in co-ordination with snehalaya management addressed the children at 4 pm. Sai Banisa of spoke to the children,of Baba and his love to children. A few instances of how Baba blessed the children in need were narrated.The children sang Baba Bhajans to the delight of The children were given sweets as sai prasadam, each child was given a sai photo. The children were also given playing items like skipping rope, Basket ball etc.

It is really nice to watch children playing with these items.The joy in their faces has no bounds. A festive atmosphere was created and thanks to Sai devotee Shrimati Suvarna of USA who funded for this program.

Reported by Sai Bandhu Srinivas Kasturi, Hyderabad-62