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Hunting And Selection Of Prey

Packs are not formed only to raise puppies; a great advantage of living in a pack is in finding and killing food. In general, wolves attack only animals which are young, old, sick, or otherwise weak. This practice actually raises the quality of some other populations by leaving only healthy individuals to go on to breed.

Wolves tend to eat large hoofed animals such as deer, caribou, and musk oxen. These animals can weigh as much as five or ten times the weight of a single wolf. The only way a wolf can kill such a large animal is to cooperate with other pack members; this cooperation allows the pack to chase and kill animals as large as a moose.

Packs also allow wolves to protect their food once they have made a kill. In many areas, other predators such as bears may try to steal the carcass from the wolves. By hunting in large numbers, some wolves can eat while others chase away potential thieves.

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