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This page goes out to all my budz! Ya'll know who you are!!! I'm shouting out to all of you, so pay attention! I luv ya'll!

SARA--Yo Meme and da bebe! hahaha. What would you do if i wasn't here to tell you any "geek" stories??? Ya, you would be BORED!!!! Ya you would, admit it!!! Make sure you don't have a bubblegum full of face!!!!! oh, and I gotta wash my jacket, now!!!! you spit bubble gum on it! hehehehe. oh, sara, tell me your life story,"I was born in a small town! Dont eat all your donut sticks Mehehe! Bazoooooooka Gum!!!!" hehehe that was like 2 months ago, but it was soooo funny!

Carrie--Look! Over there!(australian accent) what is it? oh my! what a rare species? AhHa! it's a skank! skank! hehehe anyways, ya know I'm just playin'!!!

Jen--Don't start hating scooby doo!!! We wouldn't want that to happen now!! Aw, don't worry, have fun driving!

Laura H--It's ME!!! Don't worry, I'm not turning into a freak, well, not totally, I' still the same "odd ball" bubbles!!! Don't worry, still saving the world before bedtime!!!! hehehe Luv ya gurl!!!

Kathy--Hey hunn! Or shall i say buttercup?? You must really miss me in Spanish class, now huh??? Aw, it's O.K Hey, ya like the drew Carrey glasses, right??? i want that buttercup ball!!! muah muah muah

Melyssa--Hey Melyssa, I love those pants you got, ya know I got a pair JUST like rm'!!!! I'm so mad you got ou're classes back!!! now, I have no one to talk to. Oh, Happy Birthday!!!! like 2 months late!

Kate--KATE!!!! Here's your shoutout! Happy now??? LOL* Thanx for sendin' me all those jokes. Thanx again! dont forget to knit me that waldo hat!

Stace--wat up? kosher, fo shizzle. CPS rules! even though were not doing anything, but ya know it still does, becuz ya know it's us!!! BLAH!

Laura B--Bubble BUTT Bastow. hehehe. watch out for that floating bubble!!! ya know, those things CAN BE dangerous. LOL*

to all my other friends--Sorry I didn't put you on here, Just because i didn't shout out to you, doesn't mean I wasn't thinking of you. You're special, too, ya know. But if ya want to get a shoutout, give me a holler, and I'll throw ya on here too.


*sIgN iT! | *vIeW iT
rEaD my Dreambook!
SiGn my Dreambook!
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