Stuff About Me, cont!!
Pen or pencil? Pencil! *l* Mechanical pencil, 0.5 mm lead, with a little purple squishy thing at the grip. *l* I love that pencil!
How many rings before I answer the phone? As few as possible!
Future sons' names: *l* I would like to name my first one after my husband, and after that, I don't know.
Future daughters' names: *l* I have no clue! *l* We'll just have to see.
Am I a good friend? *l* I like to think so. *l* No complaints so far. *l*
Chocolate or vanilla cake? Vanilla! Chocolate anything else but cake or ice cream! Blech! *l* Chocolate cake is just nasty! *l* And vanilla ice cream is better than ANY cake! *l*
Do I like to drive? *nods enthusiastically* Yeppers, I do! *l* My mother doesn't like it much, though. *lmao*
Do I sleep with a stuffed animal? *l* Not to the best of my knowledge. *l* I do have two cats who sleep on the bed with me, though, but they are real and alive, and not stuffed. *l*
Thunderstorms, cool or scary? Cool! *l* I love thunderstorms. *g*
If I could meet one person in the world, whom would it be? *thinking* *shrugs* Dunno.
What is my zodiac sign? Cancer, Leo rising. *l*
Boxers or briefs? *l* On a guy, boxers. *l* On me, yeah, right, like girls have this choice! *l*
Do I eat the stems of broccoli? *l* Yep, that's the best part!
If I could streak in front of one person's house, whose house would it be? *l* I really don't see me streaking anywhere, thankyouverymuch. *l*
Would I ever ask a guy for his shirt? *l* Yep! *l*
What if he's cold? *l* Well, I am thinking that I am probably cold to need his shirt, and that we are probably, ahem, good friends for me to be asking for his clothing and getting it, so I think we could probably fix the cold problem. *l* *eg*
If I could have any occupation when I get older, what would it be? *l* Well, since I believe in myself, and I think I can do whatever I want when I get older, I think that I will have any occupation I damn well choose. *l* And I have no clue what i want to be, so there! *l*
If I could dye my hair any color, what color would I dye it? Maybe dark brown? *l* Or the color of honey, which it is kinda close to now.
Favorite gum: Ice Breakers Cinnamon! *l*
Have I ever been in love? Yep. *g*
Song that best describes me: *l* Maybe "Girl Like You" by Edwin Collins? *lmao* No, *lmao* not really. *l* Actually, probably more like "Frail" by Jars of Clay. Or "Sullen Girl" by Fiona Apple.
Song/album that I could best relate to: I'd say either the new CD by Jars of Clay. or Fiona Apple's Tidal CD.
What's my favorite Snapple? *l* I like Ocean Spray better.
Coke or Pepsi? *l* *disgusted face* Blech! Neither! I hate cola! *l*
What is my favorite kind of milk? Skim, white milk. *l* Non-spoiled. *l* Cold. In cereal or on pie. *l*
If I were to kill someone, how would I do it? Blunt objects. *l* Beat them with blunt objects. *l* Actually, I wouldn't kill anyone, I am just being silly. *s* You believe me, don't you?? *l*
Righty, lefty, or ambidextrous? Righty!
Do I type with my fingers on the right keys? *l* Nope, taught myself the wrong way, tried to learn the right way, never could do it, so my fingers just dance all over the place, and I seem to enjoy myself, so what is wrong with that? *l* Just don't hold it against me, okay? *l*
What is my favorite Adam Sandler movie? He's in Mixed Nuts, which is a hilarious movie. *l*
What do I first notice about a person of the opposite sex when I first meet them? Eyes, face, haircut, clothes, general build. *l* And what kind of mood they are in, whether they seem to like to laugh or not. *l* Sourpusses are detected miles away and I try to cheer them up, but when necessary I just tell them to take a running jump. *l*
Have I ever been attacked by a big dog? *l* Nope, a small one bit me once, though. *l* Hurt, too. *l*
Do I save my AOL conversations? Sometimes, and I save most of my email.
Do I eat chicken fingers with a fork? *l* No. *l* I din't know chickens HAD fingers. *l*
If I could be one gardening tool, which one would I be? *l* I really don't know. *l*
If I could be a shoe, what kind would I want to be? A sandal!! *l*
If I could do anything to the person I hate the most, what would I do? *l* Don't hate anyone.
What's under my bed? My cats, at my mom's, and stuff, at my dad's. *l*
Favorite expletive: Double damn! *l* Or maybe dammit. *l* (yes, that's right, damMit, not damNit, because damNit says dam-nit and damMit says dam-mit *lmao* so there)
Non-sport activity I enjoy: *l* What sport activities do I enjoy? *l* None. *l* So this is a good question. I like to read, and yak. *l* And translate Latin. *l* And sleeeeeeeeeep. *l*
Dream car: Canary yellow Plymouth Neon. They don't make yeller ones, though, so I am going to get silver. *g*
Coolest experience of my life: *l* Ummmmm, getting to be there when my nephew Zac was born?? *l* I dunno. *shrugs* *l* Sorry.
Scariest thing I have ever done: *l* Sorry, not answering, none of your business. *l*
Favorite thing to do in spring: *l* Besides sleep? *l* Hmm, maybe plant things? *l* Yeah, that sounds good. *l*
Summer: Besides sleep? *l* Get a tan. *l* Or chat.
Fall: Besides sleep? *l* Sleep, I think. *l* Or walk around and enjoy the air and the leaves. *l*
Winter: Besides sleep? *l* Play in the snow! *l* I love snow, I love winter, I love it when it is cold! *g*
Special skills or talents: *l* I write, I draw, I paint, I act, I dance, I talk in front of large groups fearlessly, I make people laugh, I try to get along with everyone, and I try to give everything a try at least once. *l* And I believe in myself, which takes some guts and is not exactly the easiest thing to do. And I think I can do anything, and since I am a bit of a perfectionist, i will do it well, dammit, and I don't wanna hear any whining! *l* (So basically anything that doesn't involve sports. *l*)
When's my bedtime? *l* Whenever I go to bed, which is whenever I get tired of the comp or I just decide I wanna sleep. *l*
Where do I shop? *l* Anywhere I want, but I do not pay ridiculous sums of money for name brands. *l* That is stupid, colossally stupid, and I am not stupid. *l* I like Thrift Stores....they have awesome stuff for next-to-nothing. *l* And I like Malls. *g*
Am I a virgin? *l* Yep, IRL. *l* (From this statement, you may draw your own conclusions. *l*)
Boys/Girls I like: *smug grin* My friends know, and no one else needs to. *l*
Funniest experience: *lmao* Nope, not putting that one, either. *l*
Favorite Website: The C*E*A!! *g*
Favorite school subject: Latin!! *l* *bag*
Favorite color: Green! *l* Like, grassy green! *l*
Favorite songs: "Don't Go Away" by Oasis, pretty much the whole "There's No Need to Argue" album by the Cranberries (it's the white one)....ummm...."Carrion" by Fiona Apple...*l* stuff like that.
Favorite CD(s): "Be Here Now" (Oasis), that Cranberries CD up there! *l*, "Nimrod" (Greenday), the R+J CD, the CHW CD, "Much Afraid" (Jars of Clay), "Tidal" (Fiona Apple)....*l* Whatever I feel like playing is automatically my fave CD. *l*
Things I hate about the opposite sex: *l* They don't listen very well all that often. And they don't get subtle hints that much. *l* And they're sooooo obvious. *lmao*
Favorite thing to do at night: *l* Besides sleep? *l* Chat.
Favorite people to talk to online: *l* All my buddies in Joe's and not in Joe's. *l* *g* I love you all!! *l*
Best online friends: Probably Nik and Kas.
If you could have dinner with any three people, alive, dead, or fictional, whom would they be? *l* Hmm....*l* How about some people from Star Trek. *l* That would be pretty spiffy. *l*
Craziest thing I have ever done: *l* Sorry, not going here, either. *l*
Favorite quote(s): "You learn more by listening than by speaking." -unknown
Character traits I look for most in a person of the opposite sex: Honesty, loyalty, good sense of humor, and affectionate. *l* (that's just the tip of the iceberg *l*)
Favorite music: *l* Alternative, but I will listen to anything I wanna, and this can be anything EXCEPT the 3 kinds of music I canNOT stand: country, gangsta rap, and really heavy loud metal.
Favorite groups: Oasis! Cranberries! *l* Greenday! *l* Sheesh, haven't you figured this out yet?? *l*
Favorite vactioning spot: South Bass Island, Ohio, which is in/on Lake Erie.
Favorite toy: *l* The computer!
Favorite cartoon: *l* Either The Simpsons or Space Ghost. *l* Space Ghost is the best. *l*
Would I rather be deaf or blind: Blind.
If I found out my best friend was gay/lesbian, what would I do? *l* I had that happen, and I was fine with it. *l* He was cool, I was cool, everything was good. *l*
Do I consider myself a good listener? *l* Yep.
Would I rather be overly happy and poor, or overly wealthy and unhappy? *l* Happy and poor.
Would I consider my relationship with my parents bad, okay, good, or great? Good.
Do I like to dance? *l* Yep.
Am I too shy to ask someone out? Under most circumstances. *l*
Do I like to talk on the phone? *l* Yep, again. *l*
What is my dream honeymoon place? *l* You know, I really don't know. *l* *shrugs*
If I could be invisible for one day, what would I do? Well, I would say, go into the mens' room, *l* but I have been in there, and I must say that I like the ladies' room better. *l* Maybe see what goes on when everyone thinks I am not around. *l* Maybe not, because I might not like it. *l*
If I were in a theatre and someone was crying, would I laugh if it were a funny movie? *l* This is a horrible question! *l* If the person were crying tears of laughter, yes. If the person were seated very far away from me and crying quietly, yes. If the person were loud and trying to get attention, yes. If the person were near me, no, I would be talking to them trying to help them.
Have I ever thought I was going to die? *l* Yes. But I was too out of it at the time to notice. *l*
What's the hardest thing about growing up? *l* Being the one who sticks out in EVERY situation. *l* And I do. *l* But that's okay, I kinda like little old weird me, so I think I will just let the world think what it likes, and I will have fun. *l*
What's the most exciting thing I have done on a dare? *l* They never give me the good dares. *l*
Have I ever wanted to run away? Yep, and I have. And if you are thinking about it, don't do it, you will have the hardest time forgiving yourself for the pain you will cause others. It has been almost 4 years, and I still haven't forgiven myself completely.
What's my worst fear? *l* Going somewhere completely topless, and not realizing it until I am there. *l* I have dreamed this before, and it seemed that no one noticed until I noticed, well into my day. *l*
What's the best trick I have played on someone? *l* What good is it if I tell you and you snitch it and then take all the credit?? *l* Tsk tsk tsk, you will not trick me! *l*
If I were stranded on a desert island with only one single person, who would I want to be with me? *l* I don't know?? *l*
If I could go along with a band on their tour, with which band would I go? Oasis!!
Do I believe in God, Allah, Buddah, etc.? I kinda believe in God, but sometimes I really just don't know.
Okay, that's it for now!
(Like I said, email me if you have questions!!)
Hey, notice any typos?? Please email me and tell me where and what they are, I would very much like to fix them! *s* Thanks.
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