Soccer Drills Diary Table Page 1
Pages on Soccer
Hts and wts of players on Brazil,  Germany national soccer teams, and goalkeeping rules notes:
table log of  soccer air-dribbling flight drill workouts
Dimensions of soccer field, goalie habitats,
jpeg marked scale map of soccer field, notes on dimensions of field...

number successful flights*/
minutes spent on flight attempts
Black and white chessboard
pattern unless noted
Hard unless otherwise noted
DEFINITIONS ( * ** etc)

to 22/60

Felt tired at start. After first 5 minutes went without success, felt as if this was going to be humiliating day featuring zero successes. The flights were generally well formed fast runs, with ball flying above six feet between kicks.  They were not very fast, because of fatigue for some reason I felt tired, maybe because it was Saturday. There were a good number of flights that almost reached 15 yards but fell a little short.
They closed the gym before I was able to attempt flights for 60 minutes.
The extrapolations is based on the following reasoning: I estimate it takes 24 minutes to warm up, after the first 24 minutes I achieved a successful flight every 2.6 minutes.

* A successful flight, means that the ball was kept in the air without touching the ground for 15 yards while I ran forward with it, always attempting to kick the ball with alternating left and right feet, always attempting to kick it every three paces, although if necessary I would kick the ball with a given foot twice or more in a row, and if necessary I would head the ball or hit it with some other legal part of my body such as the shoulder or the chest or the thigh, and if necessary I would run less than three steps or more than three steps before kicking the ball.  If the ball and a part of my body other than my hands or arms united with the ball beyond the 15 yard marker (black line running parallel to long side of  Waltham YMCA basketball court/gymnasium), and over the entire 15 yards the ball was kept off the ground, the flight was counted as a successful flight. The flights were started with the ball on the ground and me flipping the ball up with the left foot with the right foot no more than a foot in front of the start line (red line running parallel to long side of  YMCA basketball court/gymnasium) and then kicking it with the left foot. If the wall of the Waltham YMCA gym interfered with me getting to a ball that I would have gotten to were the wall not there, the flight was counted as a successful flight. It keeps my morale up to note that many of these flights traveled 20 yards as I was able to get that far before kicking the ball without the ball having touched the ground for 20 yards, despite the presence of the wall of the gym; and several of them would have gone on for 25 or 30 yards without the ball touching the ground, with me getting 25 or 30 yards from the start and then touching the ball without the ball having touched the ground.
Regarding the scorekeeping, the score is given in terms of number of succesful flights per minute. These are counted from the first attempted flight there is no time set aside for warmup.
What we are talking about here, what I have been talking about in all the entries,  is running fast while air dribbling the ball, running at a pace that varies somewhere between a jog and an all out sprint.

As expected for today, the flights tended to be very fast "soaring" flights, meaning the ball soared above ten feet above the ground in between being kicked--often on these fast soaring flights I would run more than 3 paces in between kicks, yet nevertheless of these a few were perfect, very fast runs in the sense that the ball moved perfectly in between kicks, in terms of what perfection is when there are four or more paces between kicks. There was a very fast flight that was mostly right kicks, with the ball being kicked every 4 paces instead of every 3 paces, that was textbook-picture perfect in terms of how the ball moved between kicks (note that there is more than one type of perfection...there is the soaring perfection, the mid-height perfection wherein the ball nevery goes more than 7 feet above the ground, and the low ground-hugging perfection wherein the ball rarely rises above chest high). Several of the flights, featured the end after 15 yards but before wall at 20 yards type of perfection wherein my body and the ball both slowed down as the I approached the wall as a result of which I juggled the ball right up to the wall. In addition to the perfect right footed (I am left footed) flight, there was a very fast perfectly formed very fast flight with both feet being used, and the ball never going higher than six feet off the ground; and there was another very fsat perfectly formed ambidextrous flight with the ball traveling between 8 and 12 feet above the ground. By perfectly formed, I mean basically that I ran at a very fast speed while juggling the ball above the ground while at the same time keeping the ball under tight control. Several of the flights that "crashed", in the sense that I and the ball did not meet beyond the 15 yard marker, were noteworthy for their positive aspects today. For example there were  a couple of well formed flights that went off at an angle instead of directly forward; there was a fast well formed flight that almost made it to the 15 yd line, with the ball still under good control after it bounced off the ground; there was a perfectly formed very fast run with the ball reaching 6 feet in height between kicks that didnt quite make 15 yds; there was a fast run with the ball close to the ground that almost got to 15. Most of the failures were on kick number 2 with the right, meaning when the ball was kicked after being flipped off the ground and kicked with the left in kick number one. Still kicks 1 and 2 were much better today than they every have been, seems as if the hours I put into concentrating on this beginning paid off, but paid off after I had RESTED from this kind of concentrated work for a few days. Today I felt fatigued having consumed insufficient antixodant vitamins naturally through fruits and vegetables; I did not make as many flight attempts as I usually do; but once I warmed up a very high percentage of the flight attempts were successful. I clicked, made successful flights, quickly on the warmup: starting at 354 pm, I executed fast well formed successful flights at 355 and 356 pm.
Today the flights were in one half of the Y gym from 354 to 459 pm an extra 3 minutes were allowed due to having to deal with interference with toddlers. There was a toddler karate class in the other side of the gym. The toddlers kept straying over to my side to watch me, although they were supposed to be paying attention to the yellow haired white robed female white karate teacher they had been brought there to learn from. An "oriental" toddler kept "straying to my side to build towers with little cone shaped objects, and to prance around the gym in imitation of my movements in flight. A solemn white brown haired young boy in a black robe, solemnly departed his class to sit in a chair directly behind me, intently watching each flight for 20 minutes, like one of the judges in a tennis match...this boy had the face, and the facial expression, of one of the future great jurists of the USA.
Today I was well rested; I had not exercised in at least a couple of days; I do not think I used the Sauna and shower before practicing; I wore a long sleeved gym shirt and the shorts made out of sweat pant material.

Three days ago I was a boy trying to be a man in terms of soccer air-dribble flight. After the practice of day before yesterday Nov 1 I was suddenly a God.  Then today I was a boy struggling to make myself a man again, though many female brown-haired grade school cheerleaders good naturedly screamed in terror every time I ran towards them while at the same time juggling the ball in the air. They even put their heads under the blue curtain dividing the gym, to watch me do the drill, so they could scream in terror as I ran at them--it reminded me of some upbeat British comedy movie about the beatles or the Arabian Knights or something.  Today I made 23 successful flights more than I have ever made in one hour, but the quality of the flights was much lower than on the great day Nov 1. It is easy to keep track of how many flights are successfully executed in an hour but it takes a little discernment or a little experience to note the difference in the quality of the flights.  The flights were of medium not fast speed; the ball tended to stay below a chest high level and under tight control, although the ball movement was fairly unpredictable, often not staying low and tight as expected. The first two steps were not nearly as competent as on the great day Nov 1. the first 24 minutes which I consider warm up time were not so hot today. There were at least a couple of fast runs with the ball going no higher than waste height and under tight control that almost made it to the 15 with me able to get off a hard low shot the last time the ball was touched. I had gone swimming the day before, and I used the Sauna and shower before practicing. Using the sauna made me feel as if I had caught a cold it seemed. Today I wore long sleeved shirt and new lightweight gray colored shorts.
Overall the flights today were of medium speed, slower than the very fast speeds of Nov 1, with the ball moving in an out of control and unpredictable way compared to the great Nov 1 day.

Half the gym was supposed to be open according to the schedule, but the defacto schedule, said they behind the front desk at the Waltham Y, was that now the entire gym would be for the kids; the karate lady and the horde of little kids would be on one side, and some other kiddy games would be on the other side, hence I would not be able to practice even though the schedule said the gym was open.
I was thinking, last time the karate lady and the kids were on one side of the gym and I was on the other, I transmuted into a soccer god, and the kids came over to my side to watch instead of being the karate lady's dutiful students...and this is my reward, that now the entire gym will be taken up by the little kids so I will not be there to cause a distraction...
I expressed to the Y front desk people my dissatisfaction, how if I was working 9-5 PM, which is something I could do, there would be no time for me to practice soccer, because activities especially "adult basketball" were constantly scheduled to take up the entire gym; and if I were to not work 9-5, there would still be too little time slots available in the gym for practicing the soccer drill. The nice  young black man who wears glasses and is built like a football lineman said he would get on the matter, and to my utter surprise the very next day the schedule had changed. I kept looking at the two schedules, the one that existed the day I complained, and the one that was in the bin the next day, I could not believe my eyes, the schedule had changed overnight! I still think somehow my eyes are playing tricks on me.
I was frustrated not being able to practice. I had come to realize the importance of eating a few substantial meals as a factor in producing motivation to get out to the gym and practice. I was filled with food and I finally  felt like practicing.
For a month I had sort of gone into shock over the fact that on November 1 2005 I had skipped from being a boy trying to become a man, and gone from boy to soccer God. Seemed like henceforth there was nowhere to go but down for me ("what can the man do who comes after the king?...only that which has already been done...").
A 20 yard run is not that long a way, looking at the distance from the point where the run starts, looking at where the run ends. But I looked at those 20 yards from a point midway between the beginning and the end, from a point to the side of the line between the start and the end of the run, and those 20 yards seemed like such a long way, and making it those 20 yds with the ball in the air seemed such a tiring task, especially if done 20 times in an hour...looking at the 20 yds I was thinking like this because I wanted to impress myself with what I had done...but the effect was that I sort of hypnotized myself into the idea that doing the 20 yds air ball drill is very difficult and tiring. Actually it can look tiring depending on the vantage point but covering the 20 does not feel that tiring and 20 yds does not even look a long distance when you are at the beginning point looking at the end.
I have been trying to come up with all kinds of reasons or excuses for why for so long I did not practice.  I ran out of nicotine gum and began using chewing tobacco maybe that tired me though it seemed to give me more endurance in the swimming pool. I guess I got preoccupied with the mental aspect, and simply did not eat enough to get to the point where I physically felt like going to the Y and working out. I guess things got to the point where the psychologist types had me brainwashed into the idea, that I lacked the mental skill to get myself motivated to do something like going to the Y and enjoying doing the difficult soccer drills.
You know: "hey you are all mentally sickos who need help and unaccountably have suddenly lost the psychological skill that enable you to get motivated to do things and enjoy doing them, this despite the fact that  you are so mentally talented and skilled in other ways, and so, we give the  jobs to these less talented and skilled townie people who are supposed to be saner than guys should spend big bucks meeting with us shrinks so we can cure you".
I got so frustrated from the schedule conflict in the gym, and from encountering these women who suddenly want to get married, that, infected by the culture of rude gruff radio announcers, I muttered at a low volume, "we do'nt want to have babies with you" to the pretty tanned caucasian black haired young woman who notified me of the hidden gym schedule conflict.
Since the day I said this seems there have been long faces at the Y or that may be just my hyper-egotistical take on things. I supposed I could apologize for muttering like that but the worldly wisdom in this culture seems to be "don't apologize just change direction".
I think the white haired guy with glasses working behind the desk looked at me and muttered "you're  a king", and I think he and another guy also muttered something to the effect that a humdrum 9-5 job is a waste of time for a king...and I was thinking, how it seemed these people who think of me as something special but do not act as if I am something special, are lukewarm like the "lukewarm" fans of Christ who Christ was disgusted with.
I was thinking, now that I have paid some attention to AA and D2 and D3 college football, not just the top ranked Div A college football, people seem more respectful, there are less outbursts of aggressive atheism and anti-Christianity on the internet, and even aggressive internet atheists have suddenly become respectful of religion.
Sort of like, a cartoon, showing the Division A baby with his baby bottle, and the Division AA D2 and D3 babies without baby bottles, noisily pouting at the Div A baby, and proclaiming that the milk in the bottle the Div A baby was drinking from was useless trash.  

extrapolates to 18.5/60
Used the Sunoco checkered ball inflated to hard level, wore lightweight shorts, sleeveless T-shirt, heavy silver Panama Jack watch, chewed nicotine gum instead of chewing tobacco, although chewing tobacco had been what I had been using for a few weeks prior to this practice. Seems the heavy watch helps me keep my balance and produce momentum.
The runs today were noteable for fast high soaring runs, meaning I ran fast while air-dribbling the ball, and the ball went high and far in the air in between kicks.
I was pleasantly suprised at the success rate after such a long layoff, however after about 40 minutes I began to feel surprisingly tired. I was thinking, the switch from nicotine gum to the cheaper chewing tobacco seemed to give me more endurance in the swimming pool but less doing the soccer drills.
Every little kid in the gym tried to grab my soccer ball and walk away with it; I politely requisitioned it from them each time. Today the kids and even the adults obstinately got in the way of the little strip of the gym running the gym's width that I use to  do the sprinting while air dribbling the soccer ball trick. I kept politely asking the kids not to go into that strip of the gym and they kept going into it anyway. Then an adult began throwing a basketball at the gym wall right in the middle of the strip of the gym I was running down with the soccer ball. I had to politely get him out of the way. Then some guy did wind sprints the length of the gym repeatedly intersecting with my little airport runway like strip.
Hard to believe (but this kind of thing is good to know about) that a month's layoff caused a noticeable decline in the quality of the runs but not much of a decline in the number of succesful runs...this has to do with not just the long layoff but differences in methodologies implemented.
Today I just got out there and took each flight attempt one at a time, tried to enjoy each attempt, tried to concentrate on doing each one well, had the attitude "que sera sera" (what will be will be), enjoyed myself and did OK.

Wore light shorts, sleeveless shirt, used sunoco checkered medhard ball little softer than previous sessions, wore heavy panama jack watch.
I was not able to do the kind of drill I wanted to due to circumstance. We had half the gym to use, big blue plastic curtain dividing us from the other half of the gym. Thus on our half I was sprinting the 15 yards running paralell to the curtain; there was about 15 yards from the curtain to the wall that would be to my left as I would make the sprint; some kids and an adult were playing basketball, and the kids and the adults kept wandering into the "runway" I would run down when I would sprint while juggling the ball in the air. the defacto of it was that I was left with this little strip about 4 yards wide and 20 yards long to do the drill in. For over an hour I never I asked the people who were playing basketball to not get in my way. Everyone knew it was open gym not basketball time. They all could see that I was using the little strip next to the big blue curtain to do the drill. They all could see how there could be a problem if they strayed into the little strip of space I was using, but they kept wandering into the space anyway, time after time, for no reason. I did not feel like asking them to stay out of the strip because I thought such was obvious. there was a bald guy with a brown mustache who was a little shorter than average, he had what looked like his son with him, a kid about 8 years old, dark haired and pink skinned. The father and son both repeatedly strayed into my space for no reason. The father and son both did alot of their playing just four yards away from the curtain. And also there were these three fat white kids with a shorter thin black kid, they spent unaccountably alot of their time just four yards from the curtain. Once one of these fat white kids apologized for straying into my space that was their only verbal communication with me. And earlier I had apologized for the ball straying into their space.  Generally it seemed these basketball folks on my side of the gym acted as if I was not even there, as if I did not exist, as if I was a ghost...then again maybe they just got a kick out of being near the "runway" and on it.  I was thinking, that any time you have basketball and something else both on the court during open gym, the basketball folks seem to act as if they have the god given natural right ala the Monroe Doctrine, to act as if you are not even there, and to expect you to be a polite sepoy who dutifully keeps out of the way.
Thus I was stuck with a four yard wide 20 yard long strip to do the drill in, all the while terrified of running into a basketball kid, having to take off and start a flight not when I felt like it but when there was the least chance of colliding with a basketball kid/adult. So though I planned to be studying and testing another aspect of flight what I was forced to focus on was concentrating on direction, not veering off course, because if I veered off course, there would be a disastrous collision with a basketball kid on one side and on the other side there was the curtain to interfere with the flight. I had a streak where 3 flights in a row and 4 out of 5 were aborted by the curtain, those were the only curtain aborts of the day.
Having to focus closely on going in a straight line straight at a four yard wide target 20 yards away, though it was not what I planned, was at least somewhat valuable. The flight/runs ended up being tightly controlled, the ball kicked alot on exactly every third step, and fast, with the ball staying low. There were some good runs that fell a little short of the 15 yard line but that featured speed and tight ball control with the ball being kicked with alternating feet every three steps which is the ideal I strive for in this drill. I am actually sort of surprised that I was able to make it 20 times in such a narrow space. Starting in the middle of the four yard wide strip, if I veered more than 2 yards to the left or right I would either be bumping into basketball kids or the big blue curtain that divided the gym in half. I had good enough control that I did not once veer with my body into basketball-kid territory, though once or twice the ball glanced off into their territory.
After the workout I showered, and left my impressive looking silver Panama Jack watch with the big blue dial on a ledge in the shower, because though the watch is waterproof I didnt want to risk it...thus I forgot the watch there but picked it up 2.5 hours later at the lost and must be admitted there is certain amount of ethicalism at the Waltham YMCA.

I was thinking of how yesterday I was watching this basketball player, this tall white guy, doing basketball endurance developing little sprints, sprinting a quarter of the length of the gym and back, then half of the length and back, then three quarters of the way and back...he kept running across my "runway" but I kept quiet...he was just sort of listlessly going through the motions--and I was thinking, compared to him, on every flight attempt I run spiritedly, with the fanaticism of a juggler who does not want the ball to touch the ground, though I do not make the 180 degree turns the basketball player was making I make lots of sharp cuts, I do alot of intense accelerating, I do alot of sudden slow downs, and it is all alot quicker and faster and sharper and more spirited than the drill without the ball.

extraps to
 Clothes same as usual
Tried method alpha, a way of doing it, the first way of doing the flights that I developed. Then there is method Beta. Today used method Alpha...and at the same time tried to keep the ball low on the runs...there were some fast low runs that made it at least 15 yds.
Time: 710-756 PM in Y Gym.

Ball med hard, slightly softer than hard now on unless noted.

extraps to
Usual clothes Method Beta implemented. Method Beta, is the method I used on my best day so far Nov 1. Runs tended to be fast tightly controlled, with ball at medium height reaching approx 8 feet high at apex, or lower. Not as good as Nov 1 best day so far, on Nov 1 Beta was used.
Time 545-628 PM
Place Y gym unless noted

extraps to
Usual clothes
Method Beta implemented. Several tightly controlled fast runs with ball going no more than ten feet above ground. Good recovery on miskicks. Runs not as good as on Nov 1. The disruption caused by kids playing basketball was such, that I came up with an idea, how about a time when it is Open Gym but basketball is not allowed?
Time: 640-728 PM at Y

1st workout of day
Usual clothes
Beta used. The number of times a success was achieved in terms of the ball and myself re-uniting being the line 15 yards from the start point without the ball touching the ground between the start point and the end line marker, only tells part of the story again the runs were not as good as on Nov 1. Possible Reasons for not equalling Nov 1: Method Beta requires more pep and energy than method Alpha. Also quality of runs is better when there has been more rest, but I have been stepping up the time spent on workouts. Thus I must focus on getting enough food into my body, and I now see how simple conditioning can impact anaerobic skills such as juggling the ball while sprinting forward with it. I think I get the best runs when the day before I did not exercise. Plus I now am more recognizant than previously, how the time interval between when one wakes up or gets out of bed and the time one does the drill is significant for a highly skilled drill such as the sprint/juggle. The drill this hour was with shoes not tightly laced which might be a problem.
The interference and distraction caused by kids was a real problem this time, got to the point where I would lose confidence on kicks which I am usually able to execute with ease. The 'runway' space, the strip 15 yards long I use, was continually filled if not with a basketball a kid, then basketballs. I counted 4 kids playing basketball in the gym, but 18 basketballs, 4.5 basketballs per kid. The basketballs were constantly rolling into the runway strip. Thy gym was definitely overpopulated with of the kids even found a way to torment me, be it intentional or not, by throwing basketball after basketball at the blue curtain I was running parallel to, with the result that basketballs kept rolling on to the runway strip. There should be tighter controls on the number of basketballs rolling everywhere, there should be less basketballs in use, kids continually kick a ball here throw a ball there creating a kind of mayhem. There should never be more than one ball in use per basketball player on the court.
Time 643-756 PM at Y

2nd workout of day
Usual clothes Beta used. Thinking of how combining Beta and Alpha in the same run, makes it harder to concentrate on Beta, and is discouraging compared to doing Beta alone. 23/60 ties my personal best in this drill, but the quality of the flight/runs was not as good as on Nov 1. This was second hour of the day, the fatigue showed. The more hours you put into workouts, the more tired you will be during the workouts, and the less skilled you will be, due to the fatigue, however, the idea is that in the long run you will be better skilled due to the time investment. Today for the first time I felt that with Beta, you can get tight low runs, though prior to yesterday I was thinking of Beta as a method for fast soaring flights and Alpha as a method for low tightly controlled flights.
Time 835-938 PM at Y
Time doesnt equal 60 always due to breaks

extraps to

Usual clothes
Used Beta method.
The first half of the 55 minutes consisted of only about 6 successful flights meaning I was in for a humiliating licking score-wise this session. So I made a deliberate attempt to slow down the speed at the beginning, keeping the ball closer to the body when first kicking the ball with my foot after flipping it up.  This resulted in a success rate of about 13/27 minutes  in the second half of the session.
I now realize that one effect of fatigue in me, is that I slow down the pace of the run/flights, which has the effect of increasing the number of flights that are from the scoring point of view for this drill successes. Today in the first half of the session, I was ambitiously kicking the ball so that it would bounce 5 or 6 yards away if left untouched, when I first kicked it with my foot after flipping the ball in the air with my foot. These kinds of long leads on the first kick, have the effect of producing "godly" ideal ultra-fast flights, but they also often in the narrow sense of this drill "fail", because the ball hits the ground before I can reach it hence there cannot be in  the scoring sense for this drill a success recorded in the stats.
It is good despite the effect on the recorded number of successful flights in the session in this drill, to love quality, to love quality in a flight and not just quantity of flights that can be recorded statistically as successes.
Where there is energy and ambition, as there existed in me in the first half of this session, there is high speed and there is also plenty of failure from the scorekeepers point of view in that the ball hits the ground before it can be touched.
There are alot of misses on fast starts, my habits are getting faster, riskier. How slow a pace the first kick establishes is key in determining the final score of successes. Generally the slower a pace established at the beginning of the runs the more runs are recorded as successes.
It is good to be conscious of quality not just whether or not a run can be marked statistically in the score as a success. It is mature when doing this drill to be able to see beyond the score, to take risks such as attempting very high speed runs tightly controlled runs using only the feet.
In this drill I always consciously attempt to alternate between left and right feet when kicking the ball and attempt to kick the ball every three paces, and attempt to avoid using parts of the body other than the feet--but still often I end up using parts of the body other than the feet or the arms/hands. Yet statistically a success is still recorded when I and the ball together pass fifteen yards, whether or not the head or thigh or chest was used. As I get closer to the alternating feet ideal I strive for as I get better and more accurate, I use my feet more and my feet are not as trustworthy as my head or my thighs when it comes to advancing the ball towards the 15 yd line. It would be wise and mature for me to realize that today there were (I accomplished) alot of respectable almost max-speed runs that were tightly controlled with alternating left and right feet, that featured fast starts, that did not quite make it the full 15 yards.
Today there were plenty of high speed tightly controlled runs that did not quite reach the past the 15 yd marker, that fell a little short of 15 yds.
Today there was a "mongoloid" young man playing a white europeanoid young man in basketball while I did my drill. The Mongoloid youth wore sweatpants that had a British flag in the left ankle area of the pant. As the euro-white was leaving I think I he said "impressive" as he looked in my direction. But I felt at that particular stressed out time as if I was lucky just two guys were there to watch my worst day in a long time, because all I was thinking about was the statistical score in terms of how many flights were being recorded as successes for the session. And it was the first time anyone had complimented me since the waist-high white Basketball kid complimented me a few weeks ago.
Hey the gym is 9 yards high, and that looks very high off the ground, yet 9 is just a fraction of 15 yds, so undoubtedly there can be impressive flights of less than 15 yds.
Drill time
850-950 PM
Waltham Y

extraps to
34/60 rate
new personal best

Usual clothes
Beta method
Today I shattered my previous personal record in terms of successful runs per hour rate; yet while I was doing this I did not realize that I was shattering a personal record, because I had gotten confused re how many minutes I was spending on the drill.  While I was doing the drill I felt that I still was not a God as I had been on November 1 when quantitatively statistically speaking I only scored 19 successful runs per hour, and I still feel aside from the statistical score I was better on Nov 1.
The 34/60 rate is 31% better than my previous all-time best.
It was surprising to me, that I would accomplish as many as  21 successful flights in what I first thought was 47 minutes, but later found out was 37 minutes, using the Beta method, seeing that I slept until about at least 3 PM and did not get out of bed until 5 PM, and then started the drill at the gym at 710 PM. This was a surprise to me when I thought I was doing the the 21 runs in 47 minutes and it still surprises me now that I realize it was done in 37 minutes.  In the past it has seemed that there is a sluggishness that results in poor performance when I have not been awake for more than 7 hours before doing the drill.
But today I slugged it out, in a sluggish unemotional mindless frame of mind, and scored alot of successes, though these successes were not especially fast or well formed. Alot of the successes today involved the accidental resort to the use of the trusty head or thigh, whereas the intent of the drill is that the ideal is always attempted which is to avoid use ot the head and the thigh, but to use the left right alternating feet instead, even though there are more mistakes with the feet.
Today a couple of the runs were high speed well formed with the ball rising between kicks no farther than 7 or 8 feet above the ground. In this I see the beginning of the return of the God I suddenly became on Nov 1...then again, to some extent it could be that I in terms of grading myself, I am subjecting myself to a kind of grade deflation, wherein with each passing day I grow tougher on myself, more demanding with myself, more sparing in praise with myself.
For the past three or four sessions I have been scoring successful flights right from the start, from the first attempt, I have not been experiencing the clumsy phase I used to experience in the first 10-24 minutes of the practice session. A couple of days ago, on my very first run, a very tall white lady with wavy brown hair and what appeared to be her toddler were playing soccer right on the end portion of my "runway", the space I run down while juggling the ball while doing the drill, I went ahead and did the drill anway running between her and the toddler, did it fast successfully and accurately with tight ball control without warmup, all the while taking care not bump into the lady or her kid.
I sent Oct 7 2005 an email to Greg Chappel the Coach of the Indian cricket team because I once played Cricket in India. Today I was thinking of how in cricket, so much depends on the way the ball spins when it hits the ground prior to reaching the wicket the batsman guards. Cricket is a slow game that can last all day and a batsman being bowled can occur about as frequently as a goal in soccer, and often the key cause of the batsman being bowled, or striking out as the baseball world would call it, is the way the ball is spinning when it hits the ground as it reaches the batsman.
Often the cause of the great achievement of the batsman being out is due to some effect of the spinning of the ball when it hits the ground, some effect that in terms of exactly what happened when the ball bounced such was not anticipated by the bowler who bowled the spinning ball.
Similarly, in soccer, the way the ball is spinning when it hits the ground, can cause effects that are decisive, even if the exact manner in which the effect exerts its impact is not anticipated by the player who causes the effect.
In soccer the way I play it as evinced in the drill this log records, I race along while juggling the ball in the air, and often when I kick the ball I put a large amount of backspin on the ball. Thus often when the ball bounces on the ground in front of me while I am doing this drill, the bounce of the ball is dramatically effected by the backspin that is on the ball.  The backspin causes the ball to bounce in a way that will be totally unfamiliar to the defenders, but in a way that I will be completely used to.
If I were to kick or throw the ball 15 yards in front of me with backspin, the effect of the  backspin on the bounce would be different compared to this effect when I am running along with the ball in the air and my body close to it, and then kick the ball that is already traveling forward in an up and down motion as I kick it, into a backspinning lob-like trajectory with its apex in front of and above the spot at which it was kicked. This difference enhances the effect of the backspin, makes it even more dramatic than it would be otherwise.
It is if you think about it amazing, how a ball following an up and down path  as it moves forward (as opposed to a curve or line type trajectory), can when it hits the ground, due to its backspin, bounce straight up or backwards, even though it had been traveling forward at such a high speed.
It would be interesting to learn from a specialist what the formulas are that show how effect of backspin is effected by trajectory of ball prior to the hitting the ground.
Funny while doing the drill and for a couple of hours after I was not too impressed by my performance, because of the quality of the successful runs, and because I mistakenly was thinking that the time span spent doing the drill  from 710 PM to 750 PM was 50 minutes, not 40 minutes. So I did not realize that from the point of view of successful runs per hour rate I was shattering my previous all-time best. All the while I really believed that all I was doing or had done, was in a mediocre way in terms of quality of runs equal my personal past best in terms of number of statistically speaking successful runs per hour.
Moral of the story: You do not need to realize that you are excelling (as I was in terms of number of successful runs per hour) to excel.
Moral of the story: You do not need to feel especially awake or capable or lively or happy or energetic to establish a personal all-time best.
Today  in the gym with me there were a couple of white teen age females playing with a brown teenaged female, and there was a white brown haired dad with his yellow haired toddler boy. Both groups for no reason kept wandering on to my runway space, the space I run down while juggling the ball. I had to politely explain to them why they should not go into that space. I am convinced that they wandered on to the space because they were curious as to what I sounded like when I talked.
Drill place time
Waltham Y
710-750 PM
3 mins not counted due to interference from others in the gym...

For various reasons, did not practice soccer during this time period.

Seems having to spend too much time around my father, stepmother and brother, crashed the computer that is my mind, resulting in the soccer not being practiced during this time period.

Used method Alpha. Normal level of concentration not intense. I immediately noticed the difference between the ball I had been using, a Sunoco black and white chess board pattern ball, and the new Adidas Replique ball. The Replique compared to the Sunoco is smooth, fast, light, spins well despite being smooth, the hair people have shed on the floor of the gym clings to it as if there was a static electricity charge. I get fast runs with this ball because it is lighter than the Sunoco ball. But it is hard to head when it is spinning, because because it is so smooth, almost slick  on the surface.
Adidas Replique, from here on unless otherwise noted. Adidas Replique is a $25 replica of the $130 match ball which will be used in the 2006 World Cup.

medium hard from here on unless otherwise noted, what is beyond belief is that the "Sports Authority" where I bought the ball and the Y both lack a gage for precise inflation.
Same a succesful flight is at a run at least, 15 yds while air dribbling the ball, the ball and the body reunite beyond the 15 yard line without ball having touched the ground.

Used method Alpha again. Beta seems to require a certain level of fitness which I dont have yet. Beta also is difficult when first coming back after not having practiced for a long time. Used intense high level concentration method
Scored 9 successful flights in 12 minutes, in last 12 minutes of the 60. Seems that when coming back after a layoff you need a longer warmup to get to a given point.
Wore red headband, shorts, short sleeved T shirt with sleeves, of course Panama jack silver watch I am superstitiously attached to,

extrapolates to 16/60
Alpha high level concentration.
Lots of them were almost there, the flights. The use of the head and thigh was less. I aim to use just alternating left and right feet, but when I do not exactly get this the head and the thighs get brought in...the head and the thighs are more trustworthy than feet in terms of getting the 15 yds with the ball not touching the ground, but as you get better they are used less.
Started eight hours after I woke up, after stressful driving all the way to reggie lewis center boston to watch track meet. and driving back. Felt tired, stressed, my right foot was a total klutz. But it is wrong when an event like a track meet is tiring and stressful for someone, for that someone to blame the event. But driving in the Boston area is tough.

Alpha high level concentration.  Suddenly jumped up 34/60. This equals my previous personal best. Yet I admit it was merely the Alpha method, the more tiring and difficult Beta method gets faster, more controlled results. To tell you the truth I felt as if I had mastered the general mental attitude aspects of this drill resulting in the high score, even though the runs were of mediocre qualities my skills are not back yet. In terms of general mental attitude, I did not think much about anything, did not rest too much between attempts, and simply concentrated on each kick one kick at a time, forgetting about the score, the past, and the future. Yet my right foot did not get competent until the last ten or fifteen minutes. Approx 624 noted I had sprained my right thigh, it became stiff, a dull pain, it became difficult to accelerate quickly to catch a ball with the foot, missed about four due to the strained thigh. 624-645 8 succesful runs, a 23/60 rate, a significant drop off in performance. The ball was not tightly controlled, the skills were not back, but due to the general attitudinal mental aspects, perhaps due to the improved ball, the numbers in terms of number of successful flights were there.
The teen age and adult white caucasian guys kept wandering into my flight path, the little strip of gym 20 yds long and 5 yds wide I run down, seemed they wandered in to the flight path and loitered there on purpose so as to impede my flight. To be charitable maybe they wanted to hear me ask them to move aside.  None of them complimented me or showed that they noticed me.
But there was a little prepubescent pretty oriental girl, who was watching me, she blushed as she watched me, she looked perplexed, as if she was thinking, why are'nt all these people honoring and admiring this man? She kneeled down as if reverencing royalty or divinity,  facing my direction exactly to the outside of a line on the court that marked off the left edge of the space I needed and was asking for, and watched me do the drill. Seemed she was unpretentious, less pretentious than others.

extrapolates to 21/60
 Alpha method with intense level of concentration used
I had a small window of opportunity to do the drill at the gym, because most of the hours are reserved for basketball of some type. So I started 542 PM ended 628 PM, although such was not a time when I wanted to practice. My right thigh was strained the entire time. Meaning, it was stiff, and also, it was sore. Thus balls that I would have usually gotten to I did not get to because I did not want to aggravate the condition.
Noted with my right foot a common error, is that the ball gets kicked very low and very far to the left compared to where it is supposed to be kicked. Noted, that when I am speeding along right behind the ball and I want to slow down along with the ball, I kick the ball with the shoe lace part of the foot, on the underside of the ball, with the toe pointing up at about a 70 degree angle; but when I want to speed along without slowing down, I hit the underside of the ball with the upper side of the toe with the toe pointing upwards at about a 45 degree angle.
I wonder whether it will improve my performance, to keep track of facts such as those mentioned in the above paragraph.  You might say keeping track of failures could result in psychological distraction and lack of confidence resulting in poor performance. Or you could say otherwise. You might say, that the distraction of keeping track of how a ball is kicked to get a given effect, will impair performance. Or you might say otherwise.
The gym was crowded today, not that there were so many people but that they were getting in the way more. This was an added distraction.



21/60 633 PM-734 PM, Waltham Y Gym. The right thigh was strained throughout mildly. Alpha method with intense level of concentration used.

Several flights so to speak "crashed" because due to the strained thigh I did not feel like accelerating fast enough to catch the ball to keep it up in the air.

I noted that a typical error is to hit the ball too low and too far off to the left side with the right foot when attempting to move the ball from right to left due to alternating structure of this routine. I wonder if concentrating on hitting the ball upwards to a central point, would improve this error.

I noted that on one succesful flight, on the run, I caught up to a ball that was 20 feet above me at its apex with my right foot, while I was about nine feet away from the wall. The ball and me were both moving in the same direction, at the pace of a sprint. I wanted to catch the ball with my foot and simultaneously propel it forward about a yard so I could maintain control of the ball while slowing down so that the presence of the wall would not produce a graceless ending to the flight, and that is exactly what I succeeded in doing (not that I am being feminine but I figure controlling the ball while it is off the ground while slowing down and coming to a halt is a worthwhile skill because lets face it in real life on the actual playing field there are obstacles that resemble walls, such as out of bounds lines, and opposing players and opposing players with special privileges such as goalies)...I moved my right foot first up and then down with the downwards direction of the ball as it came towards my foot. As usual I carefully watched the ball until it came below head height. After the ball sank below head height I did not watch it further. (This may be a good habit I have developed that enables me to keep my head and eyes up and about prepared for the next event which will be where the ball goes after I kick it, it is a habit that keeps in my mind how when I kick the ball in this drill it is intuitive to a significant extent because although it is a precise kick, on the run encountering and moving a ball that is in the air to fly along with oneself, my eyes do not actually watch my foot hit the ball). To get back from the digression though I am left footed I caught the ball with the upper part of the right toe, on the underside of the ball, on the side of the ball furthest away from me. This propelled the ball forward a yard, then I kicked it again with the right foot in similar fashion and it went forward another yard, a perfect landing for a flight confronted by the final obstruction of a wall.

After I did this, I was wondering, if it would pay to take note of how I accomplished this spectacular maneuver. I had accomplished it by learned instinct, there was no pre planned strategy, to use the top of the toe in this manner with the foot descending with the ball when I wanted to do catch the ball with my foot. Taking note of how I accomplished the maneuver might be helpful, but knowing consciously how such maneuvers are accomplished could interfere with the development of new and different maneuvers used in such situations, seeing how in the first place I developed the maneuvers or methods without paying strict scientific attention to what would logically be the best way to kick the ball in a given situation, or exactly how I was kicking the ball to deal with certain ball-foot type situations.

I noted that one reason my "flights" were "crashing" was that although prior to quitting soccer for a few weeks I had gotten to the point where much of the force used to propel the ball came from the ankle moving the foot, or flicking it with the foot, since after the break from soccer, almost all the force propelling the ball was coming from the knee, the hip, and the general forward movement of the body.

What I am wondering is, does the Alpha method I am now using support involvement of the ankle/flipping-of-the-foot, or, is it the case that the ankle only comes into play when the Beta method is used ( I after my break from soccer am not yet fit or skilled enough to use Beta).

847 - 951 PM
Alpha high concentration
Right thigh slightly strained
Today I realized that contrary to what was said in the previous post, I do watch the ball as it hits my foot on the low balls, because with a low ball it is not possible to get a sense of its direction and then stop watching it for a fraction of a second as it nears the foot. With a low ball you tend to need to watch it as it hits the foot because you have to track the ball for a certain time as you get a sense of its direction. But with high balls coming in from overhead, sometimes I watch as it hits the foot and sometimes I cease watching as it dips below eye level. With balls in a situation where it is naturally easy to see it as it hits the foot, I watch as it hits the foot.
So I think a good experiment might be, how well I do when I watch high balls as they hit the foot, how well I do when I watch both high and low balls as they hit the foot, compared to how well I do when I do not watch high and or low balls as they hit the foot, compared to how well I do when I just naturally watch what I feel like watching. Such a test could  be a distraction but what makes for the best performance, is when you have by experimentation removed doubts regarding what is the best approach, so that you know for sure, that the way you are approaching things is the best way to approach them.
I have noticed that sometimes I kick the ball well without watching it as it strikes the foot, though you might not expect this. And sometimes I kick it well watching it as it strikes the foot.
Today I realized that when I start to watch the black line that marks me as having gotten beyond the 15 yd line, this is a distraction that causes me to fail.

8:47-950 PM
extrapolates to 17/60
because of breaks time is 55 only though 63 min from beginning to end

Alpha Concentrate BLIND
Waltham YMCA gym
For 6 days I could not practice because at the times I had free, the gym was infested with volleyball and basketball (the gym was scheduled for volleyball and basketball).
Thursday 830-10 PM and saturday 7-8 PM are the only evenings all week when the gym is scheduled for open gym, as opposed to basketball, volleyball, teens, or family. Yet even during these supposedly open gym periods, you are overwhelmed with the encroachment of a diaspora of imperialistic nationalist basketballers. Again I experienced how though obviously I was using a little strip of the court 5 yards wide and 20 yards long in between the lfet three and the right three basketball baskets, the baskinsects kept straying into the little strip; they unnecessarily loitered for long times in the little strip so as to get in my way; a sub-genera of them even had the imagination to dream up a shooting game, wherein they would take turns shooting the ball from a spot right in the middle of my little strip, and on the extreme left edge of their basketball court; one of them just stood in the strip watching the game, even though there were a million places where he could have watched the game from.
Today I flew blind again, with the right thigh somewhat strained throughout, and I could feel how I was gradually improving in terms of blind flight skills, even though the numbers were no better than six days ago March 10. What was happening is that there was a general rustiness due to six days off, offset by improvement in blind flight skills; even when flying blind, the specifically blind flight skills are only part of the total picture.
Today the entire hour I was having trouble believing I could actually make it across the width of the gym, about 15-20 yards,  16 times in an hour flying blind. I kept experiencing an inner sense of unbelief that I had this level of competence in the past and would manifest it again in the future. I kept feeling that I would never be able to make it 16 times in an hour which was the pace the last time out.  Yet I could feel the improvement in the blind flight skills, I was succesfully doing things flying blind I had never done before flying blind, I was successfully doing things flying blind that I had done in the past yet again and with more confidence, I could feel how I was improving in terms of what you have to do with your body prior to the time when the ball actually nears the foot.
Today there were about six very fast soaring runs featuring the ball getting say 20 feet above the ground and 20 feet ahead of me yet with the ball being caught and the flight continued; the blind flight method once or twice today produced god-like spectacular success on such runs, the ball being kept in control but off the ground close to the body, with the body, as I came to a halt as I neared the wall about 20 yds from the start point.  The blind flight method seemed to sometimes produce spectacular success on runs in which the ball would be far above and far away yet caught with the foot and the flight continued; the blind flight method produces alot of perfect kicks on such flights and in general, kicks in which the ball is caught with the foot pointing upwards at about a 60 degree angle, with the ball hitting the top of the toe on the shoe, meaning the part of the shoe directly above the toes. One thing you learn in soccer from the beginning, is to not toe the ball the way the old fashioned tackle football placekickers used to toe it, hitting the ball with the part of the foot directly in front of the toes. But what I am referring to that works well with blind flight is hitting the ball with the part of the foot above the toes not in front of the toes. Yet it seems sometimes during flight you can get a good shot off using the shoe section that is in front of the toes--you have to remember this is flight with the ball being hit in the air not while it is on the ground. Today a good number of flights almost reached the 15 yd line before crashing, a good sign.
So yet again a bunch of basketball players watch as my numerical success rate in terms of number of succesful flights is low for me.  Funny thing is, I might be hearing my own mind, but I thought I heard some of them talking about how I was flying blind and not watching the ball as I kicked it. Surprising that they would have that level of perception.
I've recently sent emails to a few ex-military congressional democratic candidates outside of New England, the YMCA I work out at is in a democratic middle class type town, Waltham, I got the feeling that the emails sent to these candidates were having the effect of reducing some of the abnormalities you find in democrat middle class places in Massachusetts that you do not find in democrat middle class places outside of Massachusetts, abnormalities such as cynicism, rudeness, hard-heartedness.
Today I noticed a slight softness in the soccer ball. Dont know if that hurts or helps.

slightly soft

230-330 pm
waltham ymca gym

Yet again I lost time not working out for some reason, this time it has been about three weeks lost. Tragic. I was struggling to switch my schedule from awake at night to awake during the day. I went 100 hours with six hours sleep. Trying to switch schedules without exercise did not work. I was too tired to get to the gym due to lack of sleep. The after getting the schedule right I did not feel like working out for a while. Lessons learned: when you try to shift circadian rhythm, toss in some exercise; no matter how screwy the circadian rhythm gets, lie in bed at the proper time and be out of bed at the proper time; do not exercise too late at night you might get too revved up to sleep, throwing the circadian rhythm off course.
Today I used the Alpha blind method, I was surprised to achieve 60 successes, I thought maybe when flying blind, you need to work out a few days flying with sight first. But I managed 16 successful flights. Several of these involved the ball flying close to ten yards between kicks. Thus they did not involve a lot of kicks, but were fast long range. On the failures the direction the ball was kicked in was correct but it was usually kicked too far ahead.
 My first success occurred 2 minutes after I started, I made it 17 yds at least, kicking the ball only with my right foot though I am left footed, the ball was going about 15 feet high between kicks, it was high speed, with the ball not getting too far out of control. Allelujia.
Today though I was aiming to use the feet, I used the thighs and used them well, and also used my head well, heading balls.I suspect, that: when I fly blind, this relaxes me, there is less exhaustion, because I am not following the ball all the way to the foot with my eyes; flying blind fine tunes the parts of the body and the mind that come into play when the ball is hit with the head or the thigh, because with the head and the thigh last microsecond calculations and readjustments do not come into play; flying blind, the body is more naturally positioned, there is less of the craning of the neck/head here and there to watch the ball right up to the point when it hits the foot, and so the body is better situated for heading or thighing the ball.

medium hard

625-728 PM
Waltham Y gym
Alpha Blind
The kicks were natural, kicking the ball interfered with the natural process of running less than flying with eyes. Kicks were more graceful and decisive than when flying with eyes. The ball was rarely followed with the eye once it got below chest high.
Basically the number of successful flights at 32, is phenomenal, especially considering that the flights were blind or more romantically put, night flights.
The success was due to the fact, that there was general improvement in every aspect of blind flight. But I would not call the performance a classic, because on lots of the runs or flights, I ran maybe seven or eight yards in between times I kicked the ball. My idea of classic flight, is kicking the ball every 4 yards.
But one can say this on the positive side regarding covering many yards in between kicks, that you end up with plenty of long fast flights, there were a few this evening which I counted as succesful flights because I would have easily gotten to the ball if there was no gym wall in the way to hit the ball, these flights would have been at least twenty yards in length, and fast.
I did notice, that perhaps as a result of the fact that I count flights in which I would have gotten to the ball if there was no gtmnasium wall in the way as successes, I am developing the ability to go far fast, flights 20 yards plus. Now if I were to count flights in which the wall obstructs success by hitting the ball before I get to it as failures, I might prematurely develop the ability to be cautious and slow down and get the ball under tight control as I neared the wall, but I probably would not develop the ability to go far, 20 plus yards fast as well. In my book, first you nail down flying 20 plus yards fast, and then you deal with refinements such as getting the ball under tight control slowing down, stopping as you near an obstacle.
Today first there were about five boys in the gym with me, they were playing basketball, then a couple of adults showed up, then in the last minutes the volleyballers showed up, nobody complimented me despite the great day I was having. But one of the boys said, "OK...we'll share with ya".
The practice occurred 6.5 hours approx after I woke up.


835-929 pm
Alpha Blind
Before the practice I had this dread feeling, that I would be lucky to make it across the gym even six times. 15 yards looks like the distance from the moon, from a certain angle. I was convinced I would not be able to do as well as the previous practice.
I started off well,  feeling a new confidence in this new form of flight, kicking decisively and naturally without second guessing or thinking too much about how to kick the ball. Which reminds me that by way of contrast earlier experimentation showed it was good to concentrate hard, as opposed to being blythe. Maybe the Hegelian synthesis is to concentrate hard but not second guess.  It was fun, like being a God. The kind of balls that I used to flub while flying blind, I managed well.
Today fatigue and stiffness got to the point where balls that could have been caught were not chased, the foot was not as strenuously placed on some kicks, such might be  aspects  of lack of concentration.
Then after the strong confident relaxed decisive natural start,  there were a few streaks of up to seven minutes, during which the entire time I did not make a successful flight. This shook my confidence and I began to second guess the kicks, meaning I would be about to kick the ball in a certain way, and then I would at the last second make a readjustment. The performance level declined.
A general problem was getting the body too close to the ball when kicking it.
Perhaps the score was high while performance felt low because of the trusty head and thigh were brought into play less as I got more accurate, so that I ended up using the feet instead as I aim to.
On the positive side I noted that a good aspect of night flight less romantically called blind flight, is uniformity; meaning that a certain type of kick is done a certain type of way, every time that certain type of kick is done.
In the end I could not believe that I made only three less in the hour than the time before. The entire time I felt second rate compared to how I was the time before.
The day before today I swam 1300 yds in 40 minutes.
There was what looked like a father and his young adult son playing basketball, in the gym while I was practicing,  they basically ignored me the whole time.

705-853 pm
Waltham Y gym

Alpha Blind concentrated without second guessing
This 37/60 rate is the highest rate ever for me.
Before I started I felt lacking in energy, I felt stiffness and soreness in my ankles and knees, I expected to make it about 20 times, I expected to do worse than the last couple of days.
The first 16 minutes I had 11 successful flights.  That is a rate of 41 per hour. This is without even one minute for warmup, every time I count, I count from the first minute I start the drill.  Such is significant, because in games, a high flyer like me has to start flying the first time he touches the ball. I could be in a game for a long time before getting a chance to fly with the ball; and generally in soccer you do not see substitutes on the sideline, juggling the ball while waiting to be sent in to the game.
I decided that this time, the attitude I would adopt, would be the attitude of concentrating hard, combined with not second guessing, at the last fraction of a second, how I am going to kick the ball.
I got to thinking, maybe, if I just adopt the attitude I have when things are going well for me, then things will go well for me. And I figured, that when things are going well for me I concentrate, but at the same time I do not in the last fraction of a second, second guess the kind of kick I am planning to deliver to the ball and attempt to make last second re-adjustments.
Seems like this last fraction of a second re-adjustment thing is timorous, like an old lady. Seems like when I am not doing well, I am second guessing myself at the last fraction of a second regarding how to kick the ball.
I got to thinking, you cannot simply assume, that the second guessing at the last microsecond, is going to make things better and not worse. But that is what I and people tend to do when things begin to go bad. We simply assume that the last micro-second second guessing will make things better and not worse.
No matter how we kick the ball, be it without second guessing, or be it with second guessing, we are almost always going to be a little off, a little imperfect. We fail to realize, that the last microsecond second guessing could make things even more imperfect than they would be if we had not bothered with the last microsecond second guessing. We indulge in the last microsecond type of second guessing ourselves, on kicks in which at the beginning of the kick we feel that things are not quite right. We fail to realize that things are never quite right, and that the last micro-second re-adjustments could simply make things even worse. We fail to realize that we can succeed, we can fly far and fast, we can fly over the opposing players, even if we do'nt kick the ball perfectly every time.
As a matter of fact there was a lot of slightly imperfect success today.
I like the attitude I put into effect today, the concentrated but without second guessing attitude. it is fun to play with such an attitude. You can enjoy a workout with such an attitude, you can enjoy things the way you enjoy things when you are playing like a God, even if you are not playing like a God. Concentrated, natural decisive, without last microsecond worrying and readjustment and second guessing regarding how the ball is to be kicked.
I felt the way I played the first 16 minutes is evidence the concentrated without second guessing attitude is a good attitude to have. I think the reason after the first 16 minutes the success rate came down, was simple fatigue. This is what happened the practice before this. Even if your attitude while playing is the divine wisdom itself, eventually fatigue trumps attitude, and your rate of success will come down.
Today at the beginning there was a grade school boy, he announced to me that he played soccer. There was also at the beginning a bald black guy wearing glasses there. They were both playing basketball. Neither of them complimented me on my red hot streak that went on while they were there. they were there for about the first 15 minutes.


834-932 PM
Waltham Y Gym


23/55 min
extraps to
Alpha concentrated blind taking it easy
concentrated but decisive
Today I decided to just enjoy myself, relax, not strain, forget about the score, how many flights I had made. On the paper I note dpwm the time of every successful flight/run. Thus I can keep going the whole time without knowing how many flights I have made successfully.
There was this white haired white man shooting baskets in the gym the first 12 minutes he ignored me. I made 5 successful runs these first 12 minutes, a 25 per hour rate.
At 857 PM I touched the ball squeezed it, realized it was quite soft, when dropped from a point at which its bottom is even with the top of my head, to the wood basketball court, it bounced up to the height of my navel, I am 5' 10".
Thus in the 21 minutes prior to realizing the ball was soft (discounting a 2 min break),  I had 10 successful flights a rate of  29 per hour. In the remaining 34 minutes, I had
15 successful flights, a rate of 23 per hour.
Thus it seems simply knowing the ball is soft, reduces performance as much as the ball itself being soft.
It took a long time to feel warmed up today.
The kicked balls were too low, not too close as one might expect with a soft ball. That is, a ball can hit the ground before you kick it, because it is kicked too low, not just because it is kicked too far. You could expect that with a soft ball, the ball gets kicked not just too close but also too low.
If there is a ball I would have gotten to before it hit the ground but the wall got in the way, I count such as a successful flight. This has payback in terms of encouraging certain types of performance and not discouraging desirable types of performance. 
Not only that this method of keeping score can coexist with what I noted I was doing today, which is that when I had the chance, as I ran at the wall with the ball I was juggling in the air,  I brought the ball to a stationary forward movement, so that it was no longer moving forward but slowing down and coming to a stop with me as I neared the wall, while at the same time it was not touching the ground in between times I kicked it. This as opposed to just kicking the ball into the wall once I cross the 13 yard line marker.
Even though such slowing down and bringing to a halt the forward movement of the ball along with my body did not increase my score, I found myself doing it anyway, because doing such when I had the chance, made me feel as if the flight was truly worthy of being scored as a success and had been handled well, with a landing just like an airplane landing,  in the sense of the airplane slowing down and coming to a halt as it nears an obstacle, as opposed to simply flying into the obstacle.
Slowing down the ball with oneself as one nears the wall is convenient, the ball does not have to be chased down after it ricochets off the wall; and, it is convincing, it makes the flight more convincing of a success. But if I were to only score the flights on which I slow down and stop with the ball as I near the wall, I would discourage long fast flights.
Not sure if the disadvantage of counting only flights in which the ball and the man slow down and stop before the wall exceeds the disadvantage of also counting the flights in which the ball is just kicked into the wall. Probably has to do with stage of progression and temperament.


from head high bounces to navel
not sure how long the ball has been soft.

All this time I have not been counting flights that went 13 yards at a diagonal but did not reach the line 13 yds directly in front of me at the start

Waltham Y gym
723-755 PM

extrapolates to 26/60
Alpha blind concentrated but decisive
Today I wanted to take it easy and enjoy myself again.
The important thing today, was that I woke up at 4 PM, got out of bed at 5 PM, and then started practice at 723 PM less than 2.5 hours after getting out of bed. I had stayed up all night working on a programming problem that I solved that the world could not solve, or solve properly.
 I have long suspected that such practice right after waking up results in a kind of clumsiness.
Today the rate over the first 16 minutes was 6/16, which is 22.5/60 rate, the last 16 minutes was 8/16, 30/60 rate.
Today,  I noticed that all the things that I usually have no problem with, such as hitting the ball with my thigh, or the kick that is the first kick of the flight, kicking the ball with my left foot, I had problems with. But I did very well
kicking the ball with my right foot, which I usually have problems with being left footed. As a matter of fact I was a god-like virtuoso with the right foot today.
So it appears we may have an interesting situation wherein I flub things I usually do well, and do well on things I usually flub, when I practice right after getting up out of bed.
Possible hypotheses:
1 Right after you wake up, the balance between the conscious and the unconscious tilts more towards the unconscious than it does after you have been awake for several hours.
2 I rely on my conscious mind more for things I do well, and rely on the unconscious mind more for things I do not do well,
3 The conscious mind's activity contributes to the flubbing up of things you do not do well (such as using the right foot if you are left footed) and the unconscious mind's activity contributes to the flubbing up of things you usually do well (such a using the left foot if you are left footed).
4 Sometimes practicing right after you wake up, might help you to insure that both the conscious mind and the unconscious mind are developed skilled and effective.

Hard, inflated before practice.
What we are talking about here, what I have been talking about in all the entries,  is running fast while air dribbling the ball, running at a pace that varies somewhere between a jog and an all out sprint.

900-950 PM
Alpha blind concentrated decisive
The numbers look good today but I did not feel especially good today. The flight/runs succeeded in crossing the line without the ball touching the ground and me still touching the ball, but there was nothing to be especially proud of in them. Then again with every passing day my standards for myself get higher.
I started off the first 7 minutes of today without one successful run. I thought maybe I have become disabled, maybe I've stopped improving. But 13 minutes after starting I had four successes in four minutes.
I came to realize that if you flip a coin a hundred times in a row there will be streaks of tails only but things even out after a while. Likewise in sports the difference between success and failure can be inches, these inches  can have to do with lucky or unlucky streaks, so one should keep one's composure.
Today there was only about four hours between getting out of bed and the practice I was up all night working.
The evening before I went to cook dinner for my dad, he was I felt rude and temperamental, I felt nauseated for several hours when I came home to work on my computer, perhaps this had something to do with my not feeling satisfied today. My dad said something to me while I was cooking, I didnt hear him, he became rude and enraged. I asked him for some clarification re the recipe, he became rude and enraged. I told him the gas range started clicking when I turned the flame on he became rude and enraged. I had the normal human reaction, mildly annoyed by his rude rage but still polite, this normal human reaction provoked him to the point where he was shaking with rage. See he and my mom have always been sticklers for manners, demanding extreme politeness from me, but they have always felt they have some God given natural right to be rude and temperamental with me.
There was a black guy in the gym also, he wore a shirt with number 121 on it, he was very helpful chasing down the soccer ball when it went his way but he was quiet.


859-949 PM
Waltham Y Gym
34/50 min
extrapolates to 41/60
Personal best
Alpha blind concentrated decisive
Slept all day, up working all night, this started about 2 hrs after I got out of bed.
Did not achieve a success until the 5th minute, which panicked and demoralized me. But as it turned out the rate was 16/25 the first 25 minutes, and 18/25 the second 25 minutes, almost the same.
For the first time I felt a real sense of confidence on kicks in which the ball was not in an unusual position, felt like I was doing something as difficult as riding a bike.
Said to myself today, I am going to take it easy, run these run/fllights at a jog, not go too fast, 'cause I dont feel like burning myself out, with the end result that I avoid practice. Today for the first time, I felt that yes indeed I was able to intentionally slow the speed of the runs down to a jog or miler type speed. This is important because: even in games there is a time to slow down; the difficult skills are best developed when they are done slowly at first and then speeded up; being able to slow the speed of the runs down has practical value for practice, because when you go fast you can get burnt out and thus not be able to continue practicing for as long pr not be able to get in as many runs as you would if you slowed down, the same way if you sprint at the beginning of say a two mile run, you will end up getting a
slower time or end up not even being able to finish the race.
I did not feel there was anything especially remarkable about the quality of the runs today, except for the fact that some of the hard to get balls that had to be chased at top speed, were handled perfectly confidently and with ease. Then again with each passing day my standards for myself are getting higher and higher.
Today the gym was empty at the start, my rate was 9/14 (39/60) while it was empty. Then this white guy with brown hair came in, he stood there leaning against a wall the whole time, until the end, reading something. He never said a word. Then this gray haired man with glasses, and his son came in the gym and played basketball, my rate after they came in was, 22/30 which would be 44/60. Neither the man or his son said anything, but when I noticed the man made a great shot I said something.  

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