Soccer Drills Diary Table Page 11
Pages on Soccer
Hts and wts of players on Brazil,  Germany national soccer teams, and goalkeeping rules notes:
table log of  soccer air-dribbling flight drill workouts
Dimensions of soccer field, goalie habitats,
jpeg marked scale map of soccer field, notes on dimensions of field...

Feb 4 '08
Waltham Y
745-942 PM
Finished Upper Body Machines Workout; started upper body free-weights workout
Continued Machine Upper Body Weightlifting Workout, trying to set new records for maxes again
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again.

Today I finished the Upper Body Machines Weightlifting Workout. Again on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted. In the end this time the upper body machines weightlifting workout took me 3 hours and 24 minutes. Trying on every exercise to set a new personal record for max number reps, really slows things down alot.
Results Today:
Machine Exercises Last Done Jan 23:
Nautilus Nitro-plus Mid-row chest-pad=3, st ht 5: 55 lbs, (current 33% max), Feb 4-50 reps, Jan 23-40 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 30; up 20% over 12 days.
Nautilus Nitro-plus Mid-row: 110 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-12 reps, Jan 23-9 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 6; up 33% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Curl, seat ht=3, camset=2: 35 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-15 reps, Jan 23-10 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 6; up 50% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Curl, camset=1: 35 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-14 reps, Jan 23-9 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 5; up 56% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Curl, camset=3: 35 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-14 reps, Jan 23-9 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 5; up 56% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Extension seat ht=6, seat bk=3, camset=1: 55 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-24 reps, Jan 23-16 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 8; up 50% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Extension, camset=2: 55 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-24 reps, Jan 23-16 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 8; up 50% over 12 days.
Strive Arm Extension, camset=3: 55 lbs, (current 67% max), Feb 4-24 reps, Jan 23-16 reps, max number reps at this weight Jan 17 was 8; up 50% over 12 days.
Note: the above machine exercises took from 745-840 PM, 55 minutes.
Free weights exercises last done Jan 24:
Forearm Wrist Curl Palm Down left arm: 5 lbs, Feb 4-60 reps, Jan 24-53 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 45 reps; up 13% over 11 days.
Forearm Wrist Curl Palm Down right arm: 5 lbs, Feb 4-66 reps, Jan 24-60 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 45 reps; up 10% over 11 days.
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback, left arm: 5 lbs, Feb 4-76 reps, Jan 24-55 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 35 reps, up 38% over 11 days.
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback, right arm: 5 lbs, Feb 4-50 reps, Jan 24-40 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 30 reps, up 25% over 11 days.
Upper Back Dumbbell Reverse Fly, both arms simultaneously: 7.5 lbs each arm, Feb 4-30 reps, Jan 23-22 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 15 reps, up 36% over 11 days.
Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Flipper, both wrists simultaneously: 7.5 lbs each arm, Feb 4-130 reps, Jan 23-90 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 60 reps, up 44% over 11 days.
Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Curl, palms up, left arm: 10 lbs, Feb 4-60 reps, Jan 23-54 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 45 reps, up 21% over 11 days.
Forearms Dumbbell Wrist Curl, palms up, right arm: 10 lbs, Feb 4-60 reps, Jan 23-54 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 ws 45 reps, up 11% over 11 days.
Note: the above free-weights exercises took from 845-940 PM, 55 minutes.
Thus upper-body exercises that have not been maxed out on in terms of number of reps for 11-12 days, were up 46% (machine exercises) and 20% (free weights) in terms of max number reps at 33% or 67% of max I can lift.
Notes: Some guy in the weight-room was talking about how sorry he felt for Jr. Seau the Patriots linebacker, with regards to the Super Bowl loss so late in his career. Plus before this I heard a couple of announcers talk about how sorry they felt for this or that Patriots player. And I', thinking, so much tragedy in the world, and these people are pitying these wealthy athletes who lead these fun lives?

Weight/Appearance: 191 lbs unclothed  at 730 PM, down 2 lbs compared to 2 days ago (height 5' 10"). At 1040 PM my forearms were 11.75" up 0.25".
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

Feb 5 '08
Waltham Y
810-940 PM

LHKH Pattern Air Dribble Runs 90 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,Bolthouse C-boost juice drink, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again. A 1 C day. 36 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice.

Today again as on Saturday Feb 2, as there was space available on the indoor basketball court, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
I started the practice at 810 ended at 940, 90 minutes. Produced 47 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. The first run that was a LHKH success was at 814 PM, the first high-quality LHKH success was at 815 PM. Many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Today was a relatively clumsy LHKH workout. There are various factors suspect for this. I have been feeling physically mentally and emotionally sluggish for a few days now; my estimate has been that this has been because I have been constantly setting new personal records for number of reps done at 33% and 67% of max weight I can lift, on every weightlifting exercise I do, and this kind of record-setting weightlifting, has not been combined enough with other types of exercise.
Night before today's practice I had a dream. In the dream I saw a gauge. The gauge was like an arm of a clock, that swept from pointing left to the 300 direction to pointing right in the 900 clock direction. In the dream  the arm pointing in the 300 direction represented my original personal record for max number reps at 33% and 67% of max in weightlifting; the arm pointing straight up represented me getting to double my starting best; and the arm on the gauge pointing all the way to the right represented me getting to the point of tripling, doing three times better, than my original personal record. In the dream, the arm on the gauge also measured how dead I was--basically the arm pointing up in the 1200 direction indicated that I was half dead and the arm pointing all the way to the right meant completely dead (I sensed these things re what the arm on the gauge represented while dreaming not upon awakening)
My interpretation of this dream, is that setting new personal records for max number of reps at 33% and 67% of max lifted in an exercise: is like death in that it is like suicide, insofar as I am constantly defeating my previous best; and, is extremely physically demanding even though I may not  during the hour I am maxing out on reps feel exhaustion. As the dream indicated, in actual waking-time objective reality I have tripled my ability in several of these exercises in less than three weeks; I estimate that this extremely rapid progress in strength, exacts a toll, in the form of mental and physical sluggishness, when such maxing out on reps is insufficiently combined with other exercises, even if fatigue is not felt during the maxing out on reps.
Another possible culprit for today's relatively clumsy performance is the 36 oz of beer I drank last night.
Another possible culprit is the C before the practice, or too much C in general in the course of a given week (C does not mean vitamin C; I decline to reveal what it stands for--I share almost everything with my competition through this blog must I share all?).
Another possible cause of a sluggish feeling and clumsiness during practice might be the extremely rapid rise (12 lbs) in body-weight I have experienced in the last month or so (this has not been accompanied by any increase in fat visible on the body).
Today an epiphany-like-experience was similar to such experiences I've had before, that is: on different days by nature we forge ahead in different ways; let us not fight this aspect of nature, by interrupting whatever form of progress is natural to us on a given day.
Today I felt myself forging ahead in terms of tightness of control combined with changes of direction; I decided not to interrupt this by forcing myself to kick the ball out further on the first kick so as to speed up the run.
Today a significant train of thought in my mind during practice was: the first kick can be short and tight the ball not going more than 1.5 yards ahead, or it can be longer the ball going 3 or more yards in front of the starting point; me grading myself in terms of successful number of LHKH runs produces the short tight balls whereas other forms of grading produce longer balls; I should be decisive re what kind of balls I am putting up for myself on the first kick; both the short and long first kicks have their advantages/disadvantages.
Another subject in my mind was, to look at the ball or not to look at the ball when I kick it while air-dribbling it. I noticed today that I have developed this ability to produce excellent kicks while air-dribbling the ball without bothering to look at the ball as it falls towards my feet or strikes my feet; even with my right-foot (I am left-footed) this ability has bloomed. Thinking about this resulted in me beginning to mess up as a doubt developed in my mind: should I try to look at the ball when I kick it, or should I purposely avoid looking at the ball when I kick it? (note-in some cases it is impossible to look at the ball when I kick it, in other cases this is possible).
Prior to this doubt arising, I was doing better than I did after the doubt arose--I was simply doing what came naturally in terms of looking or not looking at the ball.
I now estimate that I should place myself in one of three camps while executing an air-dribble run: camp one, minimize looking at the ball; camp two maximize looking at the ball; camp three look at the ball when such is natural. I estimate performance suffers if I am so to speak sort of wandering around between the three camps and not squarely a resident of one of the camps during a given air-dribble run.
Seems to me, that on the air-dribble I have naturally become good at kicking the ball while not looking at it in situations where it is difficult/impossible to look at the ball as I kick it; I have naturally become somewhat dependent on eyeing the ball in situations where eyeing the ball is possible; things have developed  to the point where sometimes balls that I naturally eye as they approach my foot, are actually more difficult for me than balls that I do not eye as they approach my foot. I remember months ago, attempting to force myself not to eye the ball when I kicked it, how difficult that was, and how much I have progressed in getting to the point where I routinely execute many of the kicks made during the course of the air-dribble without following the ball with my eye at all once it descends to below head-level.
The general positive characteristic this evening was: tight control combined with change of direction and speed. There were a few good deviant runs following patterns like LHKK as opposed to the desired LHKH (K represents a kick, H represents a header).
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 193 lbs unclothed, 2 lbs more than yesterday, this ties my personal record for body-weight. I looked sort of half-way to completely fresh in the mirror before practice (face/eyes); the face looked fresher than the eyes which as usual looked tired. After practice in the mirror in the living room at home I noted that I have been looking better and better with each passing day since I have  'cleaned up my act' and gotten into weightlifting and conditioning. My face has been getting more handsome and masculine and healthy looking with each passing day judging from the mirror in my living room. I estimate this in part has to do with weightlifting increasing my testosterone level, the increase in the testosterone level resulting in a tightening up of the face.
Faces in the Crowd: During the first half the tall white guy who severely and harshly coaches his heavily burdened ('but dad!...but dad!...but dad!') approx 12 year old son, and his son (they saw me mess up in basketball one evening) were on my side of the gym--the big blue curtain was drawn between the two sides. During the second half there was a white young adult male shooting baskets on my side of the gym. This guy on my side in the second half of the gym ended his workout before I did and returned to the gym in his streetclothes with a buddy. They watched me continue to practice the air-dribble runs. I executed an excellent fast tight run in which a kick with the right foot which involved minimal eyeing-of-the-ball played a key pivotal role. After this the two guys exited the gym with their heads down looking gloomy. And I was thinking, seems in this neck of the woods, an unusually high percentage of people allow things to make them feel and act gloomy. Some guy doing something spectacular in sports should be a cause for celebration, not shame and gloom.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Feb 6 '08
Waltham Y
810-940 PM

LHKH Pattern Air Dribble Runs 90 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, tea instead of coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again. A 1 C day. 24 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice.

Again, LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs, as there was space available on the indoor basketball court. As yesterday, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Building on what I learned yesterday today I resolved that today's practice would involve: a tight first kick, and watching the ball as it nears the foot as much as is natural.
As yesterday, I started the practice at 810 ended at 940, 90 minutes. Produced 45 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. The first run that was a LHKH success was the first attempt of the day at 810 PM, it was also the first high-quality LHKH success. As yesterday, many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Today was better than yesterday, though the score of 45 compared to 47 might hide this fact. Point is I am purposely slowing things down to a pace that produces aporoximately 45 successful LHKH runs in 90 minutes so as to avoid becoming burnt-out to the point where I avoid doing the air-dribble runs--thus, the score these days does not mean much. Today there was less failure.
I realize I am not as good as I was in the days when I was achieving 100 LHKH runs in 100 minutes. This has to do with taking time off from sports activity for a month during which I was a sports nerd researching weightlifting in relation to soccer and things like that. And it has to do with for about a month replacing soccer with weightlifting. Time away from practicing the air-dribble results in a degeneration of skill. And then you have the effect of the weightlifting.
Today prior to practice I was 191 lbs unclothed. That is at least 10 lbs more than I weighed when I achieved 100 air-dribble runs successes in 100 minutes a few weeks ago. Pick up a ten pound weight in the weights room--10 lbs is alot of weight to be carrying around when you are not used to it. Plus you have all the changes weightlifting produces in the weight of various parts of the body used in the air-dribble, and in the strength of these various parts of the body; an of course naturally the weightlifting produces a certain stiffness in parts of the body crucial to the air-dribble. I would think it is basic common sense to surmise, that all of these changes produced by weightlifting take getting used to when doing something as refined and difficult as the air-dribble.
Then you have the positive effects of weightlifting on the air-dribble. Today unlike yesterday but as I had felt on a previous day, I felt sort of bouncy and strong on the court I think because of the weightlifting. I felt faster and I felt I had better endurance. Fact is, one of the main reasons I embarked on the weightlifting adventure, is that I estimated that weightlifting would improve my endurance. True, yesterday and today I tried to slow things down in terms of number of attempts per hour to avoid burnout, but still I estimate that the weightlifting has very significantly reduced the pain and stiffness and muscle/joint fatigue I feel during and especially after an air-dribbling workout, which indicates that during the dreaded hyper-exertion of a match, I will experience less endurance-diminishing pain.
When the body via improvement in endurance, suffers less pain due to exertion, the body is better able to perform tasks that supposedly have nothing to do with the level of endurance. This kind of improvement improves the level of improvement produced by a practice workout and also improves performance in matches.
Today as yesterday I noted that yesterday and today, IMHO due to the weightlifting, for the first time, it would take me about 8 yards to slow to a stop after accelerating for the first 8 yards during a sprint during an air-dribble run (when I allowed myself the decceleration time that is most comfortable). This means that I am building up more momentum at the 8 yards point than previously-- the speed times weight of body figure is going up. This kind of momentum could serve me well in soccer matches and in games other than soccer.
Imagine the greatness of an air-dribbler who is not only very skilled in terms of keeping the ball off the ground and close to the body while sprinting, but who also, is heavy, strong, un-tiring, and very fast. Such an imagined great, would emerge victorious in the collisions that are a natural consequence of air-dribble attacks.
Today a thought in my mind was, that I should avoid looking at approx 17 yd distances such as the distance I sprint while keeping the ball off the ground but close to the body during an air-dribble, from a visual perspective that makes such distances look long and impressive. Seems looking at such distances from such perspectives, contributes to a lack of confidence, feelings like: there is no way I can cover that distance at a sprint while juggling the ball, it is such a long distance, only a super-human super-hero could cover that kind of distance at a sprint while juggling the ball.
 By way of contrast, when I stand at the starting point, and look straight ahead to the end point 17 or so yards away straight ahead of me, the end point looks much closer than it does when I look at start and end points that are both say 30 yards away from me.
Looking at two points 17 yards away from each other from a perspective that makes this distance seem like a very long distance, produces feelings of pride such as: what a hero I am, what a god, what a man, to be able to air-dribble 17 yds at a sprint. It is fun to wallow in such emotions of self-adulation; but seems such wallowing should be avoided.
Note: today I corrected some dyslexic mistakes in the narrative in the previous entry re the dream about the arm in the gauge.
The general positive characteristic this evening was: tight control combined with speed.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 191 lbs unclothed, 2 lbs LESS than yesterday. I looked fresher than I ever have looked(face/eyes) in the mirror before practice since I started recording such observation; after practice the eyes looked somewhat tired. All I had to eat in the past 24 hours was potato chips with dip, 24 oz beer, and 12 oz of yogurt+half&half+cane-sugar; and then the pre-practice drink. I felt sick and tired of gaining weight and eating.
Faces in the Crowd:
I realize snobs object to this section as they feel the people being written about are simply creatures soon to be exterminated (every-day Americans) but here goes anyway. My feeling is that shallow superficial interaction with the folks written about here (I realize their faults and defects) is much healthier, spiritually, than interaction with said snobs is. Take for example, St. Stephen who was stoned to death. An hour with him would be a thousand times better than a year with the people who stoned him. I am not saying the folks written about here are the equals of St. Stephen but you get the line of thought.  
Today I walked into the gym, and Sebastian, who I used to call "mustache-boy" before I learned what his name is, was sitting on the bleachers with some other 'Spanish Boys'. Sebastian declared that I needed to do more weightlifting. He gesticulated so as to indicate that I am mostly saggy triceps. He pointed to a fellow 'Spanish Boy', saying I should look like him. One of the boys sitting with Sebastian said that I should not be satisfied with tripling my strength in three weeks (I had told him that I had done this), rather according to this boy, I should quadruple (my strength).
In response to Mustache-Boy et al., I saw myself in the mirror before I started the workout, while wearing a tight sleeveless shirt and shorts. I looked very strong and athletic, this had to do with the width of my upper body, the muscles not being so tense-looking as to look clumsy, but at the same time being toned/non-fat. I have big triceps but there is nothing fat or droopy about them. I look much stronger than the 'Spanish Boy' child Sebastian said I should look like.
Fact is amongst the 'Spanish Boys' you find those who are prejudiced against persons who are not from the 'Spanish Boys' group, and you also find less-prejudiced. I could tell from the way one of the 'Spanish Boys' there looked at me that he admired my physique and thought that Sebastian was just mouthing off. I realize people like the white young man with the dark brown beard I encountered in the free-weights room think people like Mustache-Boy/Sebastian should be completely ignored but there you have it.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Feb 7, 2008
Current Ingredients in my Pre-Workout Juices/Oils/Pills Cocktail Described in Detail
What my Pre-Workout Nutrients Drink Consists Of As Of Now:
Noble Tangerine Juice 'not from concentrate'
32 oz $3.29 available at Hannaford's
8 oz = 125 calories (Calories from fat 0), potassium  440 mg, 12% RDA; carobohydrate 30 g, 10% RDA; sugar 23 g; protein 1 g; vitamin A 20% RDA; vitamin C 100% RDA; Folate 5% RDA; ingredients-100% pure squeezed Florida Tangerine Juice.
Bolthouse Farms Passion-Fruit/Apple/Carrot Juice
'not from concentrate' available at Whole Foods
32 oz approx $3.69
8 oz = 120 calories (Calories from fat 0); sodium 95 mg, 4% RDA;   potassium 270 mg 8% RDA;  carbohydrate 29 g, 10% RDA; sugar 28 g; protein 2 g; vitamin A 365%; vitamin C 35%, calcium 2% RDA; iron 2% RDA;  ingredients= carrot juice, apple juice, passion-fruit juice, natural flavors.
Spectrum Essentials Wheat Germ Oil available at Whole Foods
8 oz, 16 tbsp, approx $15
1 tbsp, 14 g  = 130 calories (Calories from fat 130); fat 14 g, 22% RDA; saturated fat 2 g 10% RDA; vitamin E 65 IU, 217% RDA; Omega-3 (alpha linolenic acid ALA) 0.2 g 15%; Omega-6 linoleic acid LA) 7.6 g; Omega-9 (Oleic Acid OA) 4.4 g; RDA;  ingredients= expeller pressed unrefined wheat germ oil
Twinlab Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
'PCB/heavy-metal free'
12 oz, 71 tspns, $8.95 available at Whole Foods
1 tspn, 5 ml = 40 calories (calories from fat 40); fat 4.5 g 7% RDA; saturated fat 1 g 5% RDA; cholesterol 25 mg 8% RDA; vitamin A 4615 IU, 92% RDA; vitamin D 462 IU, 116% RDA; EPA 554 mg 426% RDA; DHA 369 mg 284% RDA; ingredients=cod liver oil, mint flavor.
Nature's Way EfaGold Hemp Oil available at Whole Foods
8 oz, 16 tbsp price ??$
1 tbsp, 15 ml= 130 calories (calories from fat 130); total fat 14 g, 22%; saturated fat 1.5 g, 2%; omega-3 fatty acids 2.5 g; Omega-3 fatty acids as Alpha-Linolenic  Acid (ALA) 2450 mg; Omega-6 fatty acids, 8.5 g (8470 mg); linoleic acid (LA) 8g (8050 mg); Gamma-Linolenic-Acid (GLA) 420 mg; Omega-9 fatty acids, 1.7 g; Omega-9 fatty acids as oleic acid (OA) 1680 mg; Ingedients=Hemp Oil (seed).
Spectrum Essentials Fish Oil available at Whole Foods
250 softgels, 250 g $19.99
2 softgels, 2 g = 25 calories; total fat 2 g, 3%; saturated fat 0.5 g 3%; cholesterol 12 mg, 4%; EPA (eiposapentaenoic acid 18%) 360 mg, 277% RDA; DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) 240 mg, 185%; other Omega-3 200 mg; Omega-6 50 mg; Oleic Acid (OA) Omega-9, 185 mg; vitamin A 200 IU, 4%; vitamin D 2.4 IU 1%;
Lewis Labs Brewer's Yeast
'Gluten-free, non-GMO, not blended or fortified, nothing added' available at Whole Foods
16 oz, 454 g, 30 tbsps = $15.89
2 tbsps, 30 g = 116 calories (calories from fat 0); sodium 70 mg 3% RDA; potassium 600 mg, 18% RDA; carbohydrate, 13 g 4% RDA; Fiber, 6 g 24% RDA; protein 16 g 32% RDA; thiamin 80% RDA; Riboflavin, 70% RDA; Niacin, 50% RDA; Vitamin B6, 60% RDA; Folic Acid, 50% RDA; Vitamin B12, 5% RDA; Biotin, 5% RDA; Pantothenic Acid, 8% RDA; Calcium, 2% RDA; Iron, 30% RDA; Phosphorus, 80% RDA; Magnesium, 8% RDA; Zinc, 20% RDA; Selenium, 85% RDA; Copper, 10% RDA; Manganese, 1% RDA; Chromium, 140% RDA; Inositol, 100 mg; Choline, 126 mg; RNA/DNA, 2 g; PABA, 750 g. AMINO ACIDS: Alanine, 1326 mg; Arginine, 1047 mg; Aspartic Acid, 1350 mg; Cystine, 213 mg; Glutamic Acid, 1800 mg; Glycine, 645 mg; Histidine, 357 mg; Isoleucine, 717 mg; Leucine, 876 mg; Lysine, 882 mg; Methionine, 249 mg; Phenylalaline, 675 mg; Proline, 405 mg; Serine, 624 mg; Threonine, 957 mg; Tryptophan, 303 mg; Tyrosine, 912 mg; Valine, 912 mg.
Whole Foods Vitamins A&D
'100% Natural' available at Whole Foods
180 softgels $3.99
1 softgel = vitamin A (from cod liver oil) 10,000 IU 200% RDA; vitamin D (from cod liver oil) 400 IU, 100% RDA;
Whole Foods B Daily Essentials available at Whole Foods
90 capsules = $12.99
1 capsule= Thiamin (as thiamin mononitrate) 50 mg, 3333% RDA; Riboflavin, 50 mg, 2941% RDA; Niacin (as 91% Niacinamide, 9% Niacin) 275% RDA; Vitamin B-6 (as Pyridoxine HCI) 50 mg, 2500% RDA; Folic Acid, 400 mcg, 100% RDA; Vitamin B12 (as Cyanocobalamin) 50 mcg, 833% RDA; Biotin, 300 mcg, 100% RDA; Pantothenic Acid (as d-calcium pantothenate) 100 mg 1000% RDA; Choline Bitartrate, 50 mg; Inositol, 50 mg; Para-Aminobenzoic Acid (PABA) 50 mg.
Walgreens Timed Release Vitamin C with Rose Hips available at Walgreens
90 capsules = $4.99
1 capsule= Vitamin C, 500 mg, 833% RDA
Whole Foods Vitamin E with Mixed Tocepherols
'100% Natural'
240 softgels= $24.99
240 softgels
1 softgel= Vitamin E, 400 IU, 1333% RDA (as natural d-alpha tocepherol, with natural mixed tocepherols: d-beta, d-delta, d-gamma).
Target-Mins Total Mins Iron-Free Multi-Mineral Complex with Boron and Vitamin D
150 capsules = $18.99 available at Whole Foods
5 capsules = Vitamin D (as Ergocalciferol) 400 IU, 100% RDA; Calcium (as Calcium Hydroxyapatite, citrate, Alpha-ketoglutarate, aspartate, lycinate) 1000 mg, 100% RDA; Phsophorus (as Calcium Hydroxyapatite) 500 mg, 50% RDA; Iodine (as Kelp) 150 mcg 100% RDA; Magnesium (as Magnesium Oxide, aspartate, Alpha-ketoglutarate, Citrate, Taurinate) 500 mg, 125% RDA; Zinc (as Zinc Citrate, Picolinate, Monomethionine) 15 mg, 100% RDA; Selenium (as Selenium Amino Acid Chelate, L-selenomethionine) 100 mcg, 143% RDA; Copper (as copper citrate) 1 mg, 50% RDA; Manganese (as Manganese Citrate) 1 mg 50% RDA; Chromium (as Chromium Polynicotinate, picolinate) 120 mcg, 100% RDA; Molybdenum (as molybdenum amino acid chelate) 50 mcg, 67%; Potassium (as potassium rice chelate, citrate, alpha-ketoglutarate, aspartate) 99 mg, 3% RDA; L-Glutamic Acid, 81 mg; Silica, 20 mg; Horsetail Extract 4:1 (leaf), 20 mg; Boron, 2mg; Trace Mineral Complex, 2 mg; Vanadium, 1 mg.
Walgreens Echinacea & Goldenseal available at Whole Foods
150 tablets= $??
1 tablet= Echinacea Extract, 100 mg; Goldenseal Extract 100 mg.

Feb 7 '08
Waltham Y
815-940 PM

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Started On Monday Feb 4; again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now is: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again.

Today I continued with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout Started Monday Feb 4. Again on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 24:
Chest Dumbbell Flat Bench Fly, both arms simultaneously: 10 lbs each arm, Feb 4-72 reps, Jan 24-36 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 24 reps, up 100% over 11 days.
Chest Dumbbell Incline Bench Fly, both arms simultaneously: 10 lbs each arm, Feb 4-72 reps, Jan 24-24 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 24 reps, (on Jan 24 I mis-read what the previous max reps was did not make effort); up 300% over 11 days.
Chest Dumbbell Decline Bench Fly, both arms simultaneously: 10 lbs each arm, Feb 4-48 reps, Jan 24-24 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 16 reps, up 100% over 11 days.
Biceps Dumbbell Standing Arm Curl, left arm: 12.5 lbs, Feb 4-48 reps, Jan 24-36 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 24 reps, up 33%.
Biceps Dumbbell Standing Arm Curl, right arm: 12.5 lbs, Feb 4-36 reps, Jan 24-27 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 18 reps, up 33% over 11 days.
Note: The above 5 free-weights exercises took from 85 minutes, 17 minutes per exercise. I was taking it easy, I wanted to show huge levels of improvement. There was plenty to talk about with the nice white smart engineer from Northeastern Matt. I had become aware of how this kind of maxing out in terms of number of reps produces lasting fatigue in the body even if fatigue is not felt during the workout.
Thus today, free-weights upper-body exercises that have not been maxed out on in terms of number of reps for 11 days, were up 72% (the 72% arrived at by using 100% instead of 300%  for the incline fly today as this one was mistakenly not maxed out on on Jan 24). Obviously 72% over 11 days is an extreme rate of improvement, especially given the fact that these exercises have not been done for 11 days. All you ever hear from people and on the internet, seems to be, you have to get in the gym 3 or 4 times a week to get bigger and stronger--yet here we have exercises being done once every 11 days, and huge improvement.
As the number of reps done grows higher and higher, so also the accuracy of the number of reps given as the maximum number of reps I am capable of at the given weight, grows less accurate. At higher reps there is more of the gray-area type of thing, where you could do a few more if your really pushed yourself to the max but you do not feel like it; at higher reps the boredom effect comes into play, where you stop out of sheer boredom.
Using the dream about doubling the max number of reps being like being half-dead, while tripling the max number of reps is like being completely dead, Gives me the idea of re-testing the max I can lift on an exercise and determining new 33% and 67% of max figures, when I have doubled or tripled the max number reps I am capable of at a given weight.
Weight/Appearance: 191 lbs unclothed  at 730 PM, same as yesterday (height 5' 10").  Face looked fresh, but eyes look dark in eyelids and below eyes.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

Feb 9 '08
620-745 PM

LHKH Pattern Air Dribble Runs 85 minutes
Before practice had nothing skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; just 1 cup double-strength tea before practice.
A zero cg day again (this means zero cg in the previous 24 hours). A 1 C day. 24 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs, as there was space available on the indoor basketball court. As on Wednesday Feb 6, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
I started the practice at 620 ended at 745, 85 minutes. Produced 48 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. Again as on Wednesday Feb 6, the very first run that was a LHKH success was the first attempt of the day; today this was at 620 PM, and it was also the first high-quality LHKH success. As with the previous two times I did this LHKH workout Wed Feb 6, and Tues Feb 5, many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Today was better than Feb 6 and Feb 5, the score was 48 in 85 mins; again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag/combat-fatigue/shell-shock/PTSD whatever you want to call it.
The first 20 minutes or so today comprising the first 12 successful runs were excellent in certain ways. Aside from the first kick of the runs being off a few times, none of the kicks or headers were badly off in these first 20 minutes; the worst it got in these first 20 minutes with kicks/headers after the first touch, was that the next touch would be a kick, at a good rate of speed before the ball hit the ground, instead of a header as it was supposed to be.
Then after the first 20 minutes, these grade school boys started wandering on to the little 6 yards wide 17 yards long strip of gym space that is the "runway" for these air-dribble "flights". They were apparently completely oblivious to the fact that heroic deeds were being done (me) right before their eyes. They, apparently, were trying hard, to get in my way alot. To me, they seemed like, people who were acting like they could tell that I was there, but nevertheless  were behaving as if I was not there, so as to be a pain-in-the-ass. Frankly they (boys getting in the way) seemed to me to be, like many of the people I share the gym with during workouts, very self-absorbed people.
This (boys wandering on to the 'runway') got me annoyed to the point where my performance was impaired for about half an hour--I guess I do not perform so well when annoyed--then again, when boys are constantly wandering into being in the way, like chickens wandering into the take-off path of a jet airplane,  there is aside from annoyance, an impairment produced by the fear of running into the boy(s) during the course of the air-dribble.
Today a notable feature of the runs, was a forging ahead in terms of the ability to produce a fast air-dribble with the ball kept very close to the body at all times.
Today I noted what a less experienced eye might miss: today was an important day in that today, very few of the runs were off/defective to the point where the being off would produce significant disadvantage during the course of a game. Today there were runs that were off to the extent that I would end up kicking the ball at a point where strictly speaking in adhering to the LHKH pattern I am supposed to HEAD the ball (these runs though impressive were not counted as LHKH pattern-adherence successes); and today there were runs that were defective to the extent that I reached the ball soon after it bounced once without the ball getting far out of control; and today there were runs that were off to the extent that I would have to sprint a (too) long way using 4 long paces to reach the ball and head/kick it before it hit the ground--but today there were very few runs during the course of which the ball would get away to the point where one could expect the defenders to simply seize control of the ball.
Could be that this has to do with the change in the way I grade myself (you get what you grade for principle again). Previously I made a big deal out of how many runs technically speaking adhered to the LHKH pattern in the course of an hour. But this week I have been satisfied with a slow pace in terms of number of attempts per hour and 45 successes per 90 minutes, one LHKH pattern-adherence success every two minutes. Thus I have more mental/physical energy to put into things like, running a good run even though it does not adhere to the LHKH pattern and will not be classified as an LHKH pattern-adherence success.
Today I had no juices/oils/pills nutrients before the workout. I estimate the result was increased skill especially at the beginning of the  practice, but decreased bounciness, energy, speed and stamina; and more stiffness/pain after the practice. Seems the result of the big nutrients drink right before practice, is, mental sluggishness  as the blood is diverted from the brain to the stomach in order to process the nutrients.
Today I made a point of not looking at those long 17 yards covered in getting from one side of the gym to the other on the air-dribble from a visual perspective that made those 17 yards look like a dramatically long way. I am fairly sure that this resulted in more relaxation and less anxiety during the course of the runs.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 187 lbs unclothed, 4 lbs less than day before yesterday Feb 7. This coincided with: me not sleeping at all during what was for me 'Thursday night' due to an appointment at Cambridge District Court; me not exercising yesterday on Friday; me skipping the juices/oils/pills nutrients drink yesterday and today. I do not think I ate much less than usual between Thursday and today Saturday. It's a matter of conjecture to choose a culprit(s) out of these suspects. Maybe when you skip sleep for a night, this results in a loss of weight. Maybe the juices/oils/pills cocktail (significant amount of calories) is an important source of my gains in weight.
Faces in the Crowd
I went to Franco's bar on Moody after the practice. Yet again I did not feel nearly as extraverted as I felt when I had been making a point of doing plenty of long-distance running (treadmill and outdoors) every day. Long distance running, which is aerobic, relaxes me more for social situations more than primarily anaerobic stuff like weightlifting and LHKH pattern air-dribble runs. Problem is, there is evidence that long-distance running could slow down my sprinting speed and is over-rated as a conditioning tool for soccer. I guess I should make a point of doing that 12 mph on the treadmill for about a minute every day, see how that makes me feel.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Feb 10 '08
625-740 PM

LHKH Pattern Air Dribble Runs 75 minutes
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices Barowsky's Organic Multigrain bread, coffee w cane sugar non-dairy creamer before workout.
A zero cg day again (this means zero cg in the previous 24 hours). A 1 C day. 60 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice

Again, LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs,in some ways this was the best Air-Dribble day ever. As there was space available on the indoor basketball court, as yesterday, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
I started the practice at 625 ended at 740, 75 minutes. Produced 41 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. The first run that was a LHKH success came at 626; the first high-quality success was at 628. As usual  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Today was better than yesterday Feb 10; again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
This kind of burnout-avoidance slow-down masks the fact that today was in some ways my best day ever. The first eleven successes were done in the gaps on the gym floor that would naturally occur in the course of a full court basketball game that these white boys and black boys started on the gym floor. According to the gym schedule the gym time this evening was for soccer and for open gym; but the boys took over the entire gym for their full court basketball game anyway and I decided to be Sermon-on-the-Mountish about it.
The first half hour or so of practice took place while the boys (about ten of them) were getting in the way with their basketball but I was pleased with the way I handled the situation. Despite: the fact that I had not warmed up; the pressure of doing the difficult air-dribble run in a situation where the boys' eyes would be in the direction of the run whenever they were on defense; the pressure of having to without delay execute the air-dribble flight across the width of the gym whenever this path across the gym opened up so as not to conflict with their basketball game; despite all these factors, many of the flights across the gym while the boys were out there were excellent, tightly controlled, fast, with the ball under tight control over a long distance.
The performance got even better when the boys decided to play half court basketball instead of full court basketball which allowed me to execute the runs or flights when I felt like it as opposed to when a gap opened up on the gym floor. Then after about  an hour of practice the fatigue effect began to kick in and performance declined.
The outstanding characteristics today were: consistency--a large percentage of the runs high quality a low percentage poor quality; and, tightness of control over long distances and over many touches at a high speed. Today stood out from previous days in that today more of the runs featured a fifth touch on the ball (LHKHK); and today, the fifth touch on the ball was executed with better accuracy than in previous days resulting in the fact that were I not running into the wall on the opposite side of the gym after the fifth touch, the air dribble would continue to at least a point approx 21 yds from the start point, with the speed still fast and the ball still under tight control, the ball not having touched the ground over the entire 21 yd course of the flight (more prosaically, the run).
My estimate is that nowadays typically, on these air dribble runs I kick the ball with my left foot at 0 yards; head it at 2 yds; kick it at 6 yds; head it at 11 yds; kick it at 16 yds (next the ball collides with the wall before I can touch it again).
Today unlike yesterday or the day before, I had the nutrients drink (juices/oils/pills) before the practice. I definitely felt that this resulted in more energy, bounciness, endurance, and pleasure during the course of the workout/practice.
What I find especially note-able, especially at this moment, is the way mixing up different ways of grading myself, seems to produce very high rate of improvement--which reminds me of how mixing up different types of exercises, and different types of nutrients, produces high rates of improvement.
When I used to grade myself on the basis of number of runs executed per hour that adhered to the LHKH pattern this laid the foundation of the skill as it encouraged lots of pattern adherence. Then when I changed over to relaxing and settling for a rate of one LHKH pattern adherence run every two minutes, this laid the ground work for more time, energy, and attention to be paid to matters other than achieving the LKHK pattern lots of times per hour.
At one point a big heavy black I would guess junior-high level black boy in a red T-shirt, ended up directly in my way as I air-dribbled in his direction. It was not difficult for me to pop the ball up over him with my foot, and then reach the ball again with my foot before it hit the ground after I ran around and past the boy, all this without slowing down. Me doing this produced hoots and laughter from the boys in the bleachers which surprised me since recently the boys in the gym have been acting as if I am not even there.
I feel that what I need is tackling-dummy scarecrow type things to put in my way, with me air-dribbling around and over the dummies/scarecrows, which should be designed so as  to cause no injury on impact. But of course I bet I will not be able to find such dummie/scarecrow type things available anywhere to buy; I will have to make my own, out of floor-marker cones combined with tubes of foam or something like that. Which reminds me that the businesses out there lack inventiveness--why should I have to make such scarecrows myself?
The businesses seem to be behind the eight-ball due to an obsession with credentials, experience, and the hiring of those whom the impolite label as 'dorks'. And then you have the problem of prejudice against persons who are not young as their health-insurance premiums are lower; meanwhile the nations which provide universal health insurance to their citizens (almost all the modern nations except the US) and who utilize relatively competent but older workers, whup the USA in international trade.
As for the talk implying that these great tricks I execute with the ball are meaningless until applied during the course of a game: if you cannot do something in practice outside of  a game you will never be able to do it in a game; who are they to in a game, fail to set me up to start an air-dribble and then scorn me not air-dribbling during a game?; who are they to in a game, fail to position themselves and competently handle a pass from me at the end of my air-dribble and then complain?; who are they to complain about air-dribbling 'selfishness/riskiness/unorthodoxness/hot-dogging' and then complain when I do not air-dribble in a game?; who are they to fail to see that the risk of people getting injured or pretending to get injured inhibits air-dribbling. To me it is self evident that air-dribbling opens up the risk of collisions of a type that ground-dribbling does not lead to.
Today I felt like, just when things are getting dreary (losing weight so as not to be progressing towards the goal of being a 199 lbs mini-Schwarzenegger, air-dribble runs not as good as at previous times) everything explodes, I gain five lbs in a day and the air-dribbles are the best ever. So watch out for quitting/suspending practice/workouts when victory is just around the corner.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 192 lbs unclothed, 5 lbs MORE than day before yesterday Feb 9 (the 5 lbs gained in 24 hours repeated). This coincided with: approx 60 oz beer, 1 lb chicken, 5 oz beef and then the pregame juices/oils/pills consumed in previous 24 hours.  
Faces in the Crowd
Mostly the boys were again acting as if I was not even there, but I congratulate myself on turning in a great performance even though they were like that. After the practice as I walked by Donald ('Black Buddha') the programmer from U Mass who works at Partners, he looked at the ground and said, 'that was excellent'. Funny I did not notice him watching me during the practice.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

757-940 PM

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Done Feb 4 & 7; again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours.
Today I continued with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout I was doing Feb 7.  Again on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 24:
Chest Dumbbell Flat Bench Press, both arms simult: 15 lbs each arm, Feb 11-72 reps, Jan 24-27 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 18 reps, up 167% over 18 days. Could have done more.
Chest Dumbbell Decline Bench Press, both arms simult: 15 lbs each arm, Feb 11-72 reps, Jan 24-28 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 14 reps, up 157% over 18 days. Could have done more.
Chest Dumbbell Incline Bench Press, both arms simult: 15 lbs each arm, Feb 11-39 reps, Jan 24-21 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 13 reps, up 86% over 18 days. Could have done more.
Chest Dumbbell Pullover, both arms together holding only one 25 lbs dumbbell: 25 lbs, Feb 11-36 reps, Jan 24-24 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 18 reps, up 50% over 18 days.
Biceps EZ Bar PREACHER-STYLE Arm Curl, both arms simult: 20 lbs (bar+0 wts), FEB 11 MISTAKE DID STANDING ARM CURL AT THIS WEIGHT BY MISTAKE; Jan 24-36 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 24 reps.
Forearms EZ Bar Reverse Arm Curl, both arms simult: 20 lbs (bar+0 wts), Feb 11-81 reps, Jan 24-40 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 27 reps, up 103% over 18 days.
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 25:
EZ Bar Triceps Extension: 25 lbs, 33% max, Feb 11-49 reps, Jan 25-33 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 21 reps, up 49% over 18 days.
EZ Bar Biceps Standing Curl: MISTAKE NOT DONE ON FEB 11 25 lbs, 33% max, Jan 25-36 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 24 reps.
Bent-over Barbell Row: 45 lbs, 39% max, Feb 11-30 reps, Jan 25-23 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 15 reps, up 30% over 17 days.
Incline Barbell Bench Press: 45 lbs, 35% max, Feb 11-45 reps, Jan 25-23 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 15 reps, up 96% over 17 days.
Note: The above 9 free-weights exercises took 103 minutes, 11 minutes per exercise. Maxing out on reps is time consuming for various reasons previously noted. By mistake I did the ez bar standing arm curl at the weight I was supposed to do the preacher curl, and then skipped the ez bar standing curl thinking this was a repeat listed by mistake.
Thus today, free-weights upper-body exercises that have not been maxed out on in terms of number of reps for 17-18 days, were up 92% Similarly to what I said in the previous entry dealing with weightlifting, 92% over 17-18 days is yt again an extreme rate of improvement, especially given the fact that these exercises have not been done for 17-18 days. 
Today when I in number of reps got to a level triple what the original max number of reps was at the weight done, I refrained from doing any further reps; as of now, I have decided that when I get to a number of reps that is triple the original max number of reps at the given weight, I will move on to estimating a new max and doing a higher weight or some other option. It gets too boring going on and on doing huge number of reps, my instinct is that I can put my time and energy into better things. I estimate I am capable of greater things in weightlifting when I am not bored, as compared to when I am bored. Which reminds me that since I am always trying to set new personal records for max number of reps, I harness the adrenalin etc. that the excitement of such record-setting produces.
While I was in the free-weights room, this hairy, wiry, shortish, white guy with a beard and a mustache (this type seems to flourish around here) entered the room and blabbed on and on with two "Spanish Boys" who were in there with him. On and on about how he for so many years had season tickets to the Celtics games and how much money he gambled on them. I looked at him thinking the same thoughts I have thought while looking at countless others, 'how has this guy made so much money? could I be making less than him?...'.
At this point he the wiry sports/money wizard/know-it-all, looked at me and like a ventriloquist said, "He's Brady's receiver". Just goes to show I guess that my feelings about looking athletic and manifesting types of speed and quickness while doing the soccer air-dribbling are not just daydreams in my own mind.
I could have failed to mention this since he said it like a ventriloquist (minimal detectable movement of the mouth while speaking); thing is people around here talk like that so much that things get incomplete when what they mutter, suddenly out-of-context, like ventriloquists, is never mentioned.
Funny thing was that last time I was asleep before today's workout, I had a dream about the Pats QB Tom Brady. In the dream I was sitting, clothed in street-clothes, on a bench in a locker room and he Brady was standing right next to me, wearing a gray sweater, talking to me. In the dream I knew that I was 'his receiver'. In the dream I liked certain things I felt about him while having the dream: the St-Paul-like way he fights for a thing when he believes in it; the way he is the same off camera as he is on camera; the way he did not hold certain things I said in my email I sent to him against me.
Getting back to reality, at 940 PM today right after the workout, my chest was up to 41.5", my biceps were up to 16" and my forearms were up to 12"--shows there is hope I can catch the Greek so to speak (getting closer to the measurements I am supposed to have according to the 'Grecian Ideal' calculator at the Sandow website at The 'Grecian Ideal' for someone with wrists my size, 6.75", is 15.8" biceps, 12.7" forearms, and 43.9" chest. Note--I measure my biceps with my hand broght up to  near my shoulder, and my forearm with my hand curled upwards, but I do not tense my muscles when I measure.
Weight/Appearance: 190 lbs unclothed  at 740 PM, 2 lbs less than yesterday (height 5' 10").  Still in the mirror in the free-weights room I had in my body that athletic/strong/enforcer look. In the living room mirror at home I have noticed my facial looks improving.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

Feb 12 '08

Analysis of EFA Nutrients in Supplements
Essential Fatty Acids in Supplements Compared
RDA=Estimated Daily Requirement based on my research; figures supplied by Spectrum.
Table Cells show milligrams, % RDA, price per 100% RDA

2 capsules
360 mg
277% RDA
1 tspn
554 mg
426% RDA


2 capsules
240 mg
185% RDA

1 tspn
369 mg
284% RDA


Acid (ALA)
(Omega-3 type)
1 tbsp
2450 mg
145% RDA


Linoleic Acid
(Omega-6 type)
2 capsules
'Omega-6': 50 mg
1% RDA
1 tbsp
8050 mg
145% RDA

Gamma-Linolenic-Acid (GLA)
(Omega-6 type)
1 tbsp
420 mg
194% RDA

As you can see looking at the table: the Hemp Oil is more than a hippie fad; it adds the ALA, LA, and GLA that the fish oil and the cod liver oil lack; the mixing of the fish/cod-liver oil and the hemp oil is wise in that the fish/cod-liver oils supply EPA and DHA which the hemp oil lacks; getting rid of the fish oil and relying on the cod liver oil alone might be a wise move.

830-940 PM

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. A 1 C day

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs. As there was space available on the indoor basketball court, today as on Sunday Feb 10, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 830 ended at 940, 70 minutes. Produced 39 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. The first run that was a LHKH success came at 831; the first high-quality success was at 838, #3. As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Today was not as good as Feb 10 two days ago. It took much longer today to get to the point of executing the first high quality run classified technically as an LHKH pattern adherence success.
The main reason for this IMHO as of now, was that the music being blasted from morning to evening by the woman in the apartment below me, disrupted my sleep, delayed my sleep, delayed my waking, and reduced the amount of time between when I awoke and when the practice started. I have already tried to get the landlord to make the woman stop blasting music but I was met by stuff like a white female social worker knocking on my door and informing me that the woman could not afford a headset (such would allow her to listen to music without using speakers).
Because I have been following an unusual schedule the music blasting reduced the time between waking and starting practice from 4 hours on Sunday two days ago to 3 hours today; but also it changed the time at which I was asleep, and the quality of the sleep. Seems even if the time between waking and practicing changes only a little, a change in the time when waking and the time when practicing can be significant.
Notably today after I had been out practicing for 20 minutes, Jonathan came to the gym and for some reason drew the blue curtain separating the two sides of the gym back. This for me resulted in an immediate improvement in performance, because it increased the amount of light in the area of the gym I was doing the runs in, because the curtain blocked off the light from the lamps on the other side of the gym.
As usual today I forged ahead at least in some way. Today I forged ahead in the sense of of handling difficult balls, so the end result is still a tightly controlled fast run, this combined with change of direction. Difficult balls sometimes force a change of direction, and then there is the issue of getting back on to the intended flight path after handling the off-course difficult ball. Thus today there were several runs featuring tight control, speed, and change of direction. 
Today I noted again how the scoring system whereby I score my practice, effects what develops during the practice. Today my goal was simply to do 37 runs in 70 minutes adhering to the LHKH pattern. I had the 37 runs done after about 55 minutes. Thus the pressure to execute the LHKH pattern was not as great in the last 15 minutes. In the last 15 minutes, the number of runs per minute that were 'deviant' runs that strayed from the LHKH pattern, such as LHKKK runs, was much greater than in the first 55 minutes even though I did not consciously will such change. The last 15 minutes produced some high quality fast well controlled 'deviant' runs that would in an actual game be as useful as the LHKH pattern runs. Seems to me that it is a good thing to sometimes relax grading/scoring procedures so as to increase the number of such 'deviant' runs from time to time.
The deviant runs allow me to compare myelf the way I am today to the way I used to be when most of the runs were 'deviant' runs, prior to the time I introduced the innovation of adherence to the LHKH pattern; I can see that I have improved alot quickly in terms of the 'deviant' runs performance, as a result of the introduction of the LHKH-pattern-adherence innovation. The LHKH pattern adherence is something I decided on after analyzing the natural air-dribble patterns that occur when performing the difficult task of receiving a pass in the air or intercepting a ball immediately prior to commencing an air-dribble.
Today I noted that I am a completely changed player compared to the way I was a couple of months ago. I have more endurance, I am bouncier, quicker, faster, more energetic, happier--mentally I associate these changes with the color Gold. After the practice is over, there is alot less aches and pains than there used to be a couple of months ago.
I attribute this to a combination of: the increase in the number of days gone without a cg; the weightlifting; and the nutrients drink prior to the practice. The nutrients drink was taken before practices in the old days when I did not feel as good as I feel these days also, but now I feel much better. At the same time if I skip the juices/oils/pills nutrients drink before a practice, I feel more like the way I used to feel: relatively weak, tired, gloomy, slow etc etc. My estimate is that in terms of producing these improvements such as increased feeling of well-being, the effect of the weightlifting has been greater than the increase in days gone since the last time I had a cg; also these improvements would be much less if I neglected the juices/oils/pills nutrition. See (juices/oils/pills).
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 192 lbs unclothed, 2 lbs MORE than yesteday. This coincided with: approx 24 oz beer, 3 pieces KFC chicken, 16 oz yogurt drink, then the pregame juices/oils/pills consumed in previous 24 hours.  Seems if I just paid heed to stuffing myself somewhat each day I would reach the proportioned-like-Schwarzenegger goal of 199 lbs 5' 10" quickly. Thing is when I get heavy, to weights heavier than I have ever weighed, my appetite declines. Seems like stress properly dealt with (facing it) coincides with weight gain and increases in strength, while stress improperly faced (not checking the mail/email) results in weight loss.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

815-940 PM

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 85 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills; HOWEVER, the mineral pills have now not been taken for two days, and the potassium pills have not been taken for five days, as I have run out and not had a chance to get to the store.
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. A 1 C day; 1 melatonin and 24 oz beer taken in previous 24 hours.

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs. As there was space available on the indoor basketball court, today as yesterday, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 815 ended at 940, 85 minutes. Produced 47 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. The first run of the day at 815 was a high-quality LHKH pattern-adherence success (there is no warm-up). As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Today like yesterday was not as good as Sunday Feb 10 three days ago. Compared to Sunday there was more inconsistency, lower speed. But the middle half-hour of the workout today was at least as good as Sunday; several runs in a row were fast, long, tightly controlled, textbook-perfect; if I could continue always the way I was during these runs today I would consider this skill mastered, ready for the next step which it seems ideally should be dodging scarecrow-like objects while doing the air-dribble runs.
Something I've noticed: the number of runs per day that are textbook-perfect is much higher nowadays than it was back in the days when I was managing to do 100 LHKH pattern-adherence runs in 100 minutes and in the process burning out my mind.
Today I did not have that 'gold' feeling, feeling physically/mentally good that I had yesterday. There are several possible suspects: in the five days from Saturday to today including today four of the days have for me been days featuring soccer; 5 mg melatonin was taken at 600 AM today did not help much with sleep; the last big meal was a frozen pizza with alot of ingredients with big names in small type; the mineral pills have been missing for two days and the potassium pills have been missing for five days from the pre-game juices/oils/pills thing; sleep has not been good; time between out of bed and start soccer only 3 hours today.
Today seems I forged ahead in terms of, developing the ability to perform well even when I am not feeling so well, by mentally concentrating, and being alert and energetic on the first three touches of the runs. I estimate this kind of approach works better than being sort of laid back and relaxed, as in a hot-tub or something, on the first 3 touches.
Looks like a large number of errors are due to getting too close to the ball when kicking it, as a result of which, the ball is mis-kicked. Not sure what kind of drill would fix this.
Seems like the melatonin combined with not being warmed up at the beginning of the practice, and the melatonin combined with fatiguing at the end of the practice, produced performance impairment in a practice in which the middle section was very good.
Faces in the Crowd
3 high-school/college age 'Spanish Boys', who for some reason have been around me alot when I've been in the gym or the weight room the past few days were in the gym while I was doing the runs today. They have become interested in basketball and weightlifting. One of them, this talkative/friendly hefty light-skinned black/Latin mix type (next president of USA?) looked at me with a questioning humble facial expression on his face and body, and said, 'Our Soccer?'; I knew what he meant--what I was doing was outclassing Spanish/Latin soccer, different from their soccer. Seems seeing an American excel in soccer had for some reason helpd to produce an interest in the American sport of basketball within them Spanish boys.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 193 lbs unclothed, 1 lbs more than yesterday; this ties my personal record for body-weight; I have risen a pound a day, from 187 lbs Feb 7 six days ago to 193 today without eating much. This coincided with: approx 24 oz beer, 48 oz apple juice, 2/3 of a frozen pizza. tangerine juice mixed with cane sugar, then the pregame juices/oils/pills consumed in previous 24 hours. 
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

815-940 PM

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Done Feb 4 & 7 & 11; again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills; HOWEVER, the mineral pills have now not been taken for 3 days, and the potassium pills have not been taken for 5 days, as I have run out and not had a chance to get to the store.
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. A 1 C day; 0 melatonin and ?? oz beer taken in previous 24 hours.

Today I continued with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout that I last Did Feb 11.  Again on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.
I entered the gym at 730 finished workout at 940 PM total 130 minutes.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 25 unless noted:
Biceps EZ Bar 'Preacher' Arm Curl, both arms simult last done Jan 24: 20 lbs (bar+0 wts), Feb 14-72 reps, Jan 24-36 reps, previous max reps at this wt Jan 17 was 24 reps, up 100% over 21 days. Could have done more. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Close-grip Bench Press: 45 lbs, 35% max, Feb 14-36 reps, Jan 25-25 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 44% over 20 days. Could have done more. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
EZ Bar Biceps Standing Curl: 25 lbs, 33% max, Feb 14-72 reps, Jan 25-36 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 24 reps, up 100% over 20 days. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Flat Barbell Bench Press: 45 lbs, 33% max, Feb 14-36 reps, Jan 25-30 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 20% over 20 days, could have done more. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
END 33% of max lifting, at 817 PM 47 minutes after start.
Dumbell Wrist Curl, Palms Down, left arm: 10 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-25 reps, Jan 25-20 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 15 reps, up 25% over 20 days.
Dumbell Wrist Curl, Palms Down, right arm: 10 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-25 reps, Jan 25-20 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 15 reps, up 25% over 20 days.
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback, left arm: 10 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-42 reps, Jan 25-28 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 14 reps, up 50% over 20 days. Tough to do. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Triceps Dumbbell Kickback, right arm: 10 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-36 reps, Jan 25-24 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 50% over 20 days. Tough to do. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
NEW Forearm Grip, left: Feb 14-45 reps, Feb 4-32 reps, up
41% over 20 days.
NEW Forearm Grip, right: Feb 14-38 reps, Feb 4-32 reps, up
19% over 20 days.
Dumbbell Reverse Fly: 12.5 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 14-24 reps, Jan 25-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 8 reps, up 100% over 20 days. Tough to do. TRIPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Dumbbell Triceps Extension, left arm: 15 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-28 reps, Jan 25-21 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 7 reps, up 33% over 20 days. QUADRUPLED ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Dumbbell Triceps Extension, right arm: 15 lbs, 67% max, Feb 14-37 reps, Jan 25-21 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 7 reps, up 76% over 20 days. 529% GREATER THAN ORIGINAL NUMBER REPS
Note: The above 13 free-weights exercises took 130 minutes, 10 minutes per exercise.
Thus today, free-weights upper-body exercises that have not been done or maxed out on in terms of number of reps for 20 days, were up 53% in terms of number of reps. Similarly to what I said in the previous entry dealing with weightlifting, 53% over 17-18 days is yet again a very fast rate of improvement, especially given the fact that these exercises have not been done for 20 days.  This rate of growth if continued for 6 months, looked at from the compound interest point of view (53% growth every 20 days) would result in me being 46 times stronger than I am now in just 6 months.
In the locker room before the workout 'Vinny' the white guy with the gray mustache who works at the Y, said hello to me in a loud tone of voice and said to me, 'You're a hard worker!'. And I was thinking, 'but there are people who think I'm weightlifting, has given me that hard-working look in my body already, even though I have only spent about a month weightlifting (upper body) and have not pumped that much iron in that month'.
I was talking with Mike in the free weights room during the workout. He is a slim Chinese ancestry guy from Hawaii, an engineer with an MBA from U Rochester. Due to the way I looked in a tight sleeveless t-shirt, he could not believe that I could not lift more than him on the Bench-press; nor could he believe that I had only been weightlifting for a month, and not so often during that month.
Mike like the other engineer Matt, did not know about: the two different forms of  vitamin A; juice that is not from concentrate having more anti-oxidant value than juice from concentrate, cod-liver oil, or wheat-germ oil.
I was talking to Mike about: why I felt that my way of weightlifting is superior; how IMHO people who lift more than 70% of their max injure themselves with the result that their muscles do not grow (recent Japanese study on injured muscles not growing); how people basically do nothing but various types of bench press which impairs production of the muscular look; and other subjects.
These highly educated engineers seem to have trouble corresponding their thinking to my way of thinking. My train of thought has been: Bob Hoffman, the Olympic weightlifting coach long ago declared that if the body is missing one essential nutrient the body will fail to put on muscle; after Hoffman the data showed the importance in terms of disease-prevention of getting vitamins naturally; and then recently the trend looking at the data has been that mixing up different approaches (i.e., natural and synthetic vitamins) might be optimal.
At 940 PM today right after the workout, my forearms were up to a personal record of 12.25", showing that there is hope with regards to attaining to the 'Grecian Ideal' on the forearms (ref. website at The 'Grecian Ideal' for someone with wrists my size, 6.75", is 12.7" forearms. Note--I measure my forearm with my hand curled upwards, but I do not deliberately tense my muscles when I measure.
Weight/Appearance: 192 lbs unclothed  at 740 PM, 1 lb less than yesterday (height 5' 10"). Do not really remember what I ate in previous 24 hours I think it was not much.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

Feb 17

Data  Table and Analysis Re Potassium as a Nutrient Produced
Potassium Contents of Some Foods
sales tax not included in price figures


mg potassium /%DV
grams food/100%DV

DV="Daily Value"
Official US Govt
Recommended Daily Value
3333 mg/100%

Lewis Labs
Brewer's Yeast
2 tblspns 30g
600 mg/18%
167 g/100%

Country Life
Target-Mins Total Mins
5 capsules
99 mg/3%
167 capsules/100%

Potassium Gluconate
1 tablet
99 mg/3%
20 g, 33 tablets/100%

1 med Organic Banana
150 g
537 mg/16%
6.25 bananas, 937 g /100%

white canned beans
150 g
681 mg/20%
3 cups, 750 g/100%

cooked beet greens
150 g
1364 mg/41%
2.5 cups, 366 g/100%

USDA data re grams per date
1 date=8.3 g
Dates, Deglect Noor
18 dates 150 g
Personal Experience
re grams per date; 1 date=6.5 g
Dates, Deglect Noor
23 dates 150 g
USDA data re grams per date
1 date=8.3 g
983 mg/29%
62 dates, 517 g/100%
Personal experience
re grams per date; 1 date=6.5 g
983 mg/29%
79 dates, 517 g/100%

european roasted chestnuts
150 g
888 mg/27%
4 cups, 556 g/100%

raisins seedless
150 g
1123 mg/34%
3 cups, 441 g/100%

potato chips, plain
150 g
203 g (7oz)/100%

tomato paste
150 g, 0.6 cups
1.33 cups, 326 g/100%

potato baked
0.75 potato, 150 g
3 potatoes, 625 g/100%

The Potassium Problem and its Resolution
I determined that my juices/oils/drinks snack I consume before my workout, supplies 974 mgs of Potassium, which would according to some be enough to provide the minimum daily requirement, but according to most every authority, be about 2400 mg short of the recommended daily requirement, and only about 29% of what I should be getting (beyond this I've heard of 'optimum' daily intakes of 4800 mg Potassium).
Thus the question of what should be done about the Potassium deficiency I estimate I have unwittingly stumbled into.
I remembered that on the internet Bananas were extolled as a source of Potassium. Then I read from those who scoffed at the pop wisdom enthusiasm for Bananas, these declared Beans better than Bananas. I decided that I could not just settle for all these opinions being tossed around and needed facts which I found at (2nd Place for Providing Facts I now give to Table 7.2 at
As I suspected, there are foods that do a much better job of supplying Potassium, than the foods commonly extolled on the internet as Potassium power-houses do. The problem with being ignorant of such foods is that the recommended and 'optimal' daily intakes of Potassium are high and difficult to achieve when there is such ignorance.
And it does not improve matters, the way the pontificators re Potassium and nutrition, ignore factors such as: the amount of the Potassium source in grams that must be consumed if adequate Potassium is to be taken in; the fact that space in the stomach, digestive energy, and appetite are limited and there will not be enough of such for non-Potassium areas of nutrition, if too much of Potassium-rich foods are consumed. Reminds me that a long time ago  the Olympic weightlifting coach Hoffman, in a book talked about how foods that are not helpful take up space in the stomach that could be taken up by more useful things.
Point is that the data is pointing in the direction that high level of Potassium consumption is good and naturalism is good; at the same time getting the Potassium naturally is difficult mainly because even the Potassium rich foods generally have to be consumed in large quantities if the Potassium is to be ingested, and these Potassium rich foods are boring to eat, and extremely weak in terms of certain nutrients found in relatively speaking Potassium-weak food.
My research showed me, for example, that I would have to eat 4 bananas a day in order to get the proper Potassium dose. All those Bananas would undoubtedly  result, in a person of small limited appetite such as myself, in very significantly reduced consumption of foods strong in areas of nutrition that the Banana is weak in. It is difficult for me to imagine myself stuffing myself with for example the 2 cups of white canned beans or the 3 cups of roasted chestnuts,  or the 2 cups or raisins or the 2 baked potatoes which I would need were I to attain to the recommended level of Potassium via such sources (and these are the foods which supply the most potassium per gram). I just by nature am not the type of person to consume such things in such large quantities; consuming such things in such quantities would no doubt involve consuming large amounts of liquids to help to wash the mostly dryish stuff down, these liquids would further limit the digestive-space/appetite available for foods that star in areas other than Potassium.
Looking at all the possibilities I considered certain aspects most of the nutrition guru types seem to ignore, such as the overall healthiness of the Potassium source, the convenience-level involved in consuming the item, the natural human level of attraction to the given possible source of Potassium.
Seems to me as of now, that the best approach to increasing my daily intake of Potassium by 2400 mgs or so (2359 mg to be exact) would be as follows:
1.5 oz potato chips;  699 mg Potassium; cost:$0.68 (the Potato Chips available are getting healthier and healthier, at 1.5 oz per day high-class potato chips can be bought)
18 dates;  756 mg Potassium; cost:$1.30
9 potassium pills (each supplying 99 mg potassium 3% DV)  891 mg Potassium; cost: $0.21
TOTAL 2346 mg Potassium; cost: $2.19
Behold how through the application of common-sense, one can suddenly inexpensively, conveniently, naturally, humanly, without interfering with the consumption of other nutrients, while consuming only small amounts of food, jump up to the level of a high intake of Potassium.

755-940 PM
Waltham Y

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Done Feb 4 & 7 & 11 & 14; again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps. Total 105 minutes.
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills; mineral pill ant potassium pill no longer missing.
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours.

Today I continued with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout that I last Did Feb 14.  Again on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.
Also today I revised and corrected the table in the previous entry. The error was that the number of dates in a given number of grams was off.
I entered the free weights room at 755 finished workout at 940 PM total 105 minutes.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 25:
Dumbbell Wrist Flippers: 15 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 18-60 reps, Jan 25-36 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 30 reps, up 67% over 24 days.
Dumbell Wrist Curl, Palms Up, left arm: 20 lbs, 67% max, Feb 18-28 reps, Jan 25-21 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 21 reps, up 33% over 24 days.
Dumbell Wrist Curl, Palms Up, right arm: 20 lbs, 67% max, Feb 18-27 reps, Jan 25-21 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 24 reps, up 29% over 24 days.
Dumbell Flat Bench Fly: 20 lbs, 67% max, Feb 18-20 reps, Jan 25-15 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 33% over 24 days.
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 26 unless noted:
Chest- Dumbbell Incline Bench Fly: 20 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 18-20 reps, Jan 26-14 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 43% over 23 days.
Forearms- Forearms Grip, left arm: Feb 18-45 reps, Feb 14-45 reps, Feb 4-32 reps, up 0% over 4 days.
Chest- Dumbbell Decline Bench Fly: 20 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb-18 16 reps, Jan 26-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 33% over 23 days.
Forearms- Forearms Grip, right arm: Feb 18-42 reps, Feb 14-38 reps, Feb 4-32 reps, up 11% over 4 days.
Biceps- Dumbbell Standing Arm Curl, left arm: 25 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 18-18 reps, Jan 26-14 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 29% over 23 days.
Biceps- Dumbbell Standing Arm Curl, right arm: 25 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 18-18 reps, Jan 26-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 50% over 23 days.
Chest- Dumbbell Flat Bench Press: 30 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 18-28 reps, Jan 26-16 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 75% over 23 days.
Note: The above 11 free-weights exercises took 105 minutes, 10 minutes per exercise.
The average for number of days since last done today was 20 days; the average percentage improvement was 37%. Thus on average today there was a 37% improvement over 20 days, this almost always involving exercises that  have not been done at this 67% of max weight in twenty days. To be exact these exercises were done at 33% of max once, in between the last time they were done at 67% of max and today when they were done at 67% of max again. If you count the 33% max sets and the 67% max sets as being the same exercise, these exercises except for the forearms grip are being done about once every 9 days, when done they are being done for only one set.
37% improvement over 20 days is again a very fast rate of improvement, especially given the fact that these exercises are being done at the rate of about one set every 9 days (counting the 33% max set and the 67% max set as being the same exercise).  This rate of growth if continued for 6 months, looked at from the compound interest point of view (37% growth beyond the newest current level every 20 days) would result in me being 17 times stronger than I am now in just 6 months.
Then again you could look at it from a point of view simpler and more pessimistic than the compound interest way: you could assume that 20 days from now I will be 37% stronger than I am today, 40 days from now I will (adding 37) be 74% stronger, 60 days from now I will (adding 37 again) be 111% stronger etc. etc. This simpler way of calculating does not take into account that as I grow stronger and stronger, a 37% increase is bigger and bigger. Looking at things from this simpler more pessimistic point of view, in 6 months or 180 days at this rate, I will be 333% (37X9) stronger than I am now, approx 3 times stronger.
Either way of looking at it, the figures show that me feeling disappointed re only improving by 37% over 20 days, is, yet again, the bad habit of allowing things that should not depress me or discourage me to get me down. Patience, patience..'Rome was'nt built in a day'. Averaging the 3 times better from the simpler more pessimistic viewpoint and the 17 times better from the more complex viewpoint, I will at the current rate of progress be 10 times stronger in 6 months. So why I should I mourn?
I was talking to Elvis Sarge (that he says is his real name) about weightlifting. His last name is German, he is a mix of Honduran and German. He advocates touching the dumbbells together at the end of the dumbbell press. I told him I had never seen anyone advocate such a way of doing the dumbbell press. He told me that he and his buddies, do five sets on exercises, lifting 100% of the max that they are capable of lifting, and on each set they do from 1 to 8 reps as many as they can. He told me that alternatively he does 'pyramids' featuring him doing heavier and heavier weights with each set. My response to him was that jumpers and sprinters weightlift in order to improve their jumps/sprints performance, and the data shows that when they lift more than 70% of maximum they run the risk of impairing their jumps/sprints performance instead of improving it. Thus I when I do even upper body exercises, avoid doing more than 70% of max, because I want my arms etc. to be able to move quickly (quick arm movements could enhance sprinting speed).
Immediately after the forearm workout today, my forearms were at 12"; on Feb 14 they were at 12.25"; this indicates that the 33% of max sets featuring more reps might do more to at least temporarily puff up the forearms measurement. After the biceps exercise my biceps or arms  were at 15.5". On Feb 11 a week ago right after the workout the biceps/arms were at 16". Still after the workout my upper arms or biceps in the mirror looked brutally big. My chest was at 42" today at 940 PM, Feb 11 my chest was at 41.5" so up 0.5" in the chest department. The 'Grecian Ideal' for someone with 6.75" forearms like me, is 12.7" forearms, 15.8" biceps, 43.9" chest. The 'Grecian Ideal' is definitely not 'geeky' or 'punky'--15.5" biceps look brutally big on me. If I can add 0.5" to my chest measurement every week for the next four weeks I will have achieved the 'Grecian Ideal' in my chest in one month.
Note--I measure my forearm with my hand curled upwards, but I do not deliberately tense my muscles when I measure. I measure bicep with fist brought up to shoulder but without deliberate tensing; I measure chest without slouching but also without 'expanding' chest to max level. I estimate that if I expanded chest to max level I could add 0.5" beyond what I report, to the chest measurement.
Today was the first day of me combining potato chips, dates, and potassium pills in an effort to beat the potassium-deficiency problem. Seems to me that the result today was: less puffiness under the skin in the face (I've been searching for how to do this for a long time); less anxiety; more endurance; more even-keeled mentally and physically, meaning--less of this feeling tired one hour and energetic another hour or feeling tense one hour and relaxed another hour. Today my eyelids and the skin immediately below the eye were much less dark in color contrasting much less with the rest of the face. Today after practice I looked facially as good as I have looked this year the year 2008.
I eat wheat every day, it is part of the Borowsky's multigrain bread. They say that a kind of allergy to wheat glutens can lead to a thing called 'false fat', which makes the face and other areas look fat due to fluid buildup under the skin. But on the internet I read somewhere that wheat increases the rate at which Potassium is excreted from the body. Thus it could be, that the problem is not some kind of allergy/sensitivity to wheat, but merely the sodium-potassium balance being disrupted in sodium's favor by the wheat glutens leading to the fluid buildup beneath the skin.
I know this sound laymanish but it strikes me that it is relevant that they say that when you put salt in the pan and on the meat when you cook the meat, the result is fluids draining out of the meat. I did a little studying on the internet as of now it looks like: sodium tends to move fluid to the areas between the cells; potassium tends to move fluid to inside the cells; sodium tends to increase the body's retention of fluids; high sodium produces results similar to low potassium, low potassium produces results similar to high sodium, low sodium produces results similar to high potassium, high potassium produces results similar to low sodium; the balance between the sodium and potassium effects things. Thus the body retaining less water, and bodily fluids moving to inside of cells, due to the influence of potassium, might be expected to improve physical appearance (see-; and,
I find it hard to digest biochemical information becauses the sources describe what happens without explaining why what happens happens, which makes things conceptually difficult for me, and turns the subject into a parade of boring and unrelated facts.
Weight/Appearance: 193 lbs unclothed  at 735 PM, ties my personal record for body-weight, 1 lb more than Feb 14, 4 days ago (height 5' 10"). I pigged out Friday evening at the all-you-can eat 'Old Country Buffet'; and last night I got me $10 worth of $20/lb cooked sauced up scallops at the Whole Foods or 'Bread & Circus'. Plus today was my first day making sure I get at least 3333 mg Potassium a day.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

830-940 PM
Waltham Y

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 70 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, cofee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. A 1 C day;  24 oz beer taken in previous 24 hours.
990 mg Potassium (10 99 mg pills) taken in pill form prior to workout with the pre-workout juices/oils/pills; 2nd day of efforts to increase Potassium intake

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs. As there was space available on the indoor basketball court, today for the first time in 6 days, I did the soccer runs. I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot after flipping it up, then heading it, then kicking it, then heading it again, all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 830 ended at 940, 70 minutes. Produced 39 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. At 832 in the second minute, there was a good run all the way across the floor that deviated from the prescribed LHKH pattern, it was a LHKK pattern the fourth touch being a kick instead of a header (LHKK+ is the most usual deviation).  At 833 PM there was the first high-quality LHKH pattern-adherence success (there was no warm-up prior to 830 PM the start). The first perfect textbook-classic type run was at 850 PM 20 minutes from the start, it was the 11th LHKH pattern adherence success  of the evening. As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Today was clumsy in the first 15 minutes or so for some reason. The first touch (kick) and the third touch (kick) of the runs resulted in alot of miskicks during the first 15 mins. But after the first 15-20 minutes, performance picked up and was very good for about 50 minutes. Today there were lots of perfect/classic or almost perfect/classic runs, despite the fact that lots of runs were off. Today was not a mediocre day, the 39 mediocre/average LHKH pattern adherence success runs type of day; it was more like a 25 excellent LHKH pattern adherence runs and 14 off LHKH pattern adherence runs type of day.  
Today I felt as if the increased Potassium was bringing me closer to a Greek deity in terms of physical endurance. I mean, literally, the thought in my mind in the first 20 minutes despite the performance being off, was, today I feel almost like a Greek deity in terms of physical endurance. Judging endurance can be deceptive because increased endurance can result in not only more attempts per hour, but also more energy put into each attempt, more energy burnt up in the first hour with the result of less energy being left over for after the first hour, things like that. Plus there is the factor, that if one is improving in endurance with each and every passing day, a level of endurance that would seem to be wonderful a week ago does not seem that great now in the present.
Today the first and third touches which according to the prescribed LHKH pattern are supposed to be kicks, were at the beginning off a relatively large percent of the time; but after the first 20 minutes I found that the kicks on the first and third touches were often better than they ever have been. Seems like today I improved on difficult first and third touch kicks, while I declined on the 'easier' first and third touch kicks. Seemed the extra Potassium produced extra energy, but, at the same time, sort of slowed me down mentally and reactions-wise, the way extra food prior to a practice makes one sleepy and slows one down. Potassium and food in general require digestive power to be processed which involves, as far as I know, blood leaving the brain to process the food; or at any rate a process that makes one feel as if blood was leaving the brain to process the food.
My estimate now is that if I make sure to expose myself to more sunlight prior to practice (lesson learned from basketball shooting workouts), and combine this with putting more time in between the time when I consume the pre-workout nutrients and the time I start the workout, I will significantly or dramatically improve my performance.
Today I found myself hustling in ways  that I have never found myself to be hustling before: when a touch slowed down the pace of the run as it forced me to slow down my speed to meet the ball, I would often execute the touch so as to put as much speed back into the run as possible; I put extra energy into executing as perfect as possible (from the tightness of control point of view) touches on the ball; I put extra energy into perfecting the last touch on the ball prior  to the ball hitting the wall on the opposite side of the gym. In the past I have had the habit of not putting extra energy into these aspects of the game. I suspect that the source of this extra energy was the Potassium. Seems prior to today with less Potassium in me, I had developed the habit of saving energy by not putting the extra energy into certain such aspects of the game.
After the game I noted a complete absence of the soreness stiffness and pain I am used to feeling in the lower parts of my body after practice. I noticed something similar prior to my new emphasis on consuming Potassium, which I attributed to the positive effect of weightlifting, previously. My estimate is that weightlifting and Potassium both have the effect of reducing post-workout pain, stiffness, soreness etc.
My improved understanding of Potassium has brought me to realizing, that the lack of Potassium within me combined with a steam-room environment, extremely hot and humid as I encountered at the Oak Square YMCA in Brighton, combined with the loss of Potassium through the extreme level of sweating I experienced in the heat and humidity, produced fatigue within me as I profusely sweated through the games at the Oak Square YMCA.
I have become convinced that the world today is foolish re how 'breathable' shirts soccer players wear while playing are. I find that even light comfortable un-painted sleeveless t-shirts reduce my endurance and make me feel like someone who breathes through his skin whose ability to breathe through his skin is discomfitingly impaired by the shirt. At the Oak Sq Y games they wanted us to wear these thick T-shirts with sleeves that had these numbers printed on them using some kind of rubber/plastic material which made the shirt even more uncomfortable and difficult to "breathe" through. I heard somewhere people "breathe" through their skin I wonder how much truth there is to that. How can manufacturers fail to come up with soccer shirts that are easy to "breathe" through with the skin so to speak?
Faces in the Crowd
As I approached the main desk to go in the Y, this tall heavy white nutty-acting guy with a slight mustache who is always accompanied by a sane-acting white adult or two started talking to me. He talks alot in the locker room when he is in there. He was telling me about some musical group called the "Shirelles" (I might be mis-spelling the name here). He informed me that the "Shirelles" ( were not Asian, but were, rather, African-American. He thought this racial fact was very important.
To tell you the truth though I find him to be kind of funny, interesting and charming, his attitude somewhat annoyed me. I felt like, there are these people around here, and also people in other areas, who seem to think that there are Americans who due to their racial ancestry, are a step below an African-American, similar to how Southern White culture considered African-Americans a step below Whites. I was thinking, this place seems like a shameless commonwealth, in which discrimination is considered to be funny as long as it is politically correct (PC) discrimination featuring the "appropriate" group being discriminated against and the "appropriate" group being discriminated in favor of.
I was thinking, to tell you the truth, of how they do things like set aside 13% of job A for ethnic group X because 13% of the local population belongs to ethnic group X, while they ignore the fact that the percentage of the people in ethnic group X who have the skills needed to do the job, is not the same as this percentage for other ethnic groups. I felt like: these people seem to have so many prejudices it is hard to believe; the prejudices that they adhere to are apparently, adhered to with great ferocity; the prejudices that infect them are (IMHO) especially deplorable prejudices such as: anti-Christian; anti-handsome, anti-smart, anti-good, anti-men-who-are-popular-with-female-beauties, anti-male, anti-hetero; and, anti-atypical (atypical means not typical).
Towards the end of the workout the fitness-trainer-in-chief himself Jonathan Capan came out to the gym to wander around and check out the scene. I did at least one excellent run right in front of him he was mute about it. Same with the white lady who sweeps the gym at the end of the evening--I did excellent runs right in front of her, she was mute but at least she smiled when she saw the runs.
Throughout the evening there was the usual mix of adults and kids in the gym, and I felt that usual feeling of, 'here am I being a deity doing spectacular things, but these people act as if I am not even here amongst them'. But I take pride in the fact that I performed well despite their presence and despite their apparent obliviousness. During much of the practice this white guy with a brown beard (who has the demeanour/looks of a hip Navy Captain who smokes pot, er I mean Hemp) and his son were playing basketball they could see everything the curtain dividing the gym was not drawn. They said nothing but I liked the way Hip-hempy Navy-Captain seems to truly enjoy playing with his son (as opposed to the pretense of such enjoyment) (as opposed to getting all worked up and bent out of shape out of the mistakes his son makes when playing basketball).
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout at 815 PM I was 193 lbs unclothed, same as yesterday; this ties my personal record for body-weight; this coincided with: merely, approx 24 oz beer, 2 hamburgers made with good meat/bread, 2 bags of potato chips, and  then the pregame juices/oils/pills consumed in previous 24 hours (I probably forget small insignificant items eaten). 

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

1203 PM-110 PM
Waltham Y

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Done Feb 4 & 7 & 11 & 14 & 18; again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps. Total 67 minutes.
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills; mineral pill and potassium pill no longer missing.
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, 2 fried eggs, coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. Zero cgs since December 1, '07
continued with 9 potassium pills, dates to get potassium level up
FIRST DAY OF exercise after starting to consume MAO-inhibiting herbs 
Today after a rest of 10 days, I continued with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout that I last Did Feb 19.  As usual, on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.
The ten day layoff had to do with: the first 3 or 4 days of the layoff was simple exhaustion; the following 6 or so days of it had to do with fatigue produced by switching from a schedule and circadian rhythm involving being awake during the night, to one in which I am awake during the day.
Today I spoke on the phone, with the guy at the YMCA who is in charge of the free weights room. Lest I forget, his name is Anthony Frongillo, his email is He said he was a high school coach, he encouraged me to email him any questions re the weight room. He told me that the long bars in the free weights room all weigh 45 lbs; the long bar on the Smith Machine weighs 40-45 lbs; the 3/4 length bar weighs 35 lbs; and the EZ bar weighs 25 lbs.
Significance of this: I have been assuming that the long bars weigh 45 lbs even though some of them are a few inches shorter than others--this assumption has been correct; I have been assuming the Smith machine bar weights 45 lbs this assumption is basically and for all practical purposes correct; I have been assuming the EZ bar weighs 20 lbs, this assumption has been incorrect, actually the EZ bar weighs 25 lbs, so I have been under-reporting the weights done with the EZ bar by 5 lbs and this may have slightly thrown off my estimates of what 33% of max and 67% of max are on certain exercises.
When I get a chance I will go to the log entries where the EZ bar is assumed to be 20 lbs and correct the error.
Another problem today was that my notes showed that for the preacher curl I should do 25 lbs, the bar plus zero  weights, the assumption being that the bar is 25 lbs, whereas for the other EZ bar exercises the assumption in the notes I use, has been that the EZ bar is 20 lbs. This confused me during the workout today, so I went home to study my notes, and cut the workout short, as I put a high premium on keeping an accurate high quality log of my activities.
As it turns out, the previous two times I did the preacher curl at 67% of max, I did it at what I thought was 25 lbs, adding 5 lbs to the 20 lb bar, but in one page of my notes I by mistake reported that I had  put zero pounds on the EZ bar when I did what I thought was 25 lbs. Thus to be consistent, doing the same weight I did the previous two times, I should add 5 lbs to the EZ bar, which produces what I have been thinking is 25 lbs but is actually 30 lbs.
I think I made the right decision cutting the practice short to go home and study the notes. For me the confusion regarding exactly how many lbs I should put on the EZ bar was demoralizing. An accurate log and record of number of reps and weights lifted enhances motivation/morale for me in weightlifting. For me, in weightlifting good morale seems to make a big positive difference.
Starting yesterday I have daily been consuming some herbs from the bulk bins at 'Cambridge Naturals' in Porter Sq Cambridge. Why? For a few weeks a few years ago, I consumed a synthetic MAO-inhibitor drug and enjoyed it; I had a dream that the members of this family I was acquainted with in Chicago, were monoamine oxidase molecules invading my brain; I concluded that herbs that provide helpful nutrients for which there is no govt recommended daily intake are an aspect of nutrition not to be neglected; I am aware of how excess monoamine oxidase has physical as well as mental consequences.
Mono-amines are neuro-transmitters in the brain. Mono-amine oxidase breaks down these neuro transmitters. Mono-amine oxidase inhibitors inhibit the activity of monoamine oxidase. Low levels of monoamines are associated with depression and also physically being sub-par.
The herbs (from the bulk bins, usually powdered) I have been consuming are:
American Ginseng
Siberian Ginseng
Korean Ginseng
Fo-ti (Polygonum Multiforum)
I entered the free weights room at 1203 PM and cut short the workout at 103 PM. Total 67 minutes.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 26:
Chest- Dumbbell Decline Bench Press: 30 lbs each arm, 67% max, Feb 29-32 reps; Jan 26-16 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 100% over 34 days; original number max reps tripled.
Chest- Dumbbell Incline Bench Press: Feb 29-23 reps, Jan 26-30 lbs each arm, 67% max, 12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 92% over 34 days.
Upper Back- Dumbbell Pullover: both arms together hold a 45 lb dumbbell, 67% max, Feb 29-17 reps, Jan 26-9 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 7 reps, up 89% over 34 days.
Biceps- EZ Bar Biceps Preacher Curl: 25 lbs done by mistake, when the weight I had been doing previously which I wanted to repeat again was 30 lbs (though I thought I had been doing 25 lbs when I had been doing 30 lbs). 
Note: The above 4 free-weights exercises took 67 minutes, 17 minutes per exercise. The high 17 per exercise figure has to do with the confusion mentioned previously in this entry.
Thus on average today there was a 94% improvement over 34 days, this involving exercises that have been done only twice (just two sets one set each day) in the past 34 days not counting today. Thus these exercises were up on average 94% over 34 days despite being done at the frequency of just one set every 17 days.
It is hard to judge without resorting to math, what an improvement of 94% every 34 days means, but I estimate the math is worth it as it produces the morale I estimate to be so important in weightlifting.
94% improvement over 34 days (from the compound-interest-type viewpoint) is a rate of growth that if  continued would make me 34 times stronger than I am now in 6 months.
Looking at it from a point of view simpler and more pessimistic than the compound interest way: you could assume that 34 days from now I will be 94% stronger than I am today, 68 days from now I will (adding 94) be 188% stronger, 102 days from now I will (adding 94 again) be 284% stronger etc. etc. Looking at things from this simpler more pessimistic point of view, in 6 months or 180 days at this rate, I will be 498% (94X5.3) stronger than I am now, approx 5 times stronger.
Averaging the 5 times better from the simpler more pessimistic viewpoint and the 34 times better from the more complex compound-interest-type viewpoint, I will at the current rate of progress be 20 times stronger in 6 months.
Thus at first glance it seems that the consumption of the herbs has improved my performance because the rate of growth was not as high last time I weightlifted, prior to the herbs. Then again the difference could have to do with which exercise was done as some exercises improve faster than others. Could be that the potassium combined with the herbs caused the increase in the rate of improvement.
Weight/Appearance: 189 lbs unclothed  at 1145 AM, 4 lbs less than what I weighed last time measured ten days ago. During the 10 days away from exercise, I did not consume oils/minerals/pills and my consumption of juices was reduced.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

March 1 '08
505 PM-730 PM
Waltham Y

Continued with the Upper-Body Free Weights Exercises Done yesterday again attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps. Total 145 minutes.
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, 2 fried eggs, coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. Zero cgs since December 1, '07
continued with 9 potassium pills, dates to get potassium level up
second day of exercise after starting to consume MAO-inhibiting herbs daily

Today  I finished with the Upper Body Free Weights Workout that I did yesterday.  As usual, on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.  
Today I felt impaired by what felt like a slight cold--fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, fever--but with the fatigue cough fever etc not as bad as when I actually have a cold. I think I know how to deal with this, correct the problem.
I entered the free weights room at 505 PM and finished the workout at 730 PM. Total 145 minutes.
Results Today:
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 26:
Biceps- EZ Bar Biceps Preacher Curl: 30 lbs (B+5), 67% max, March 1-48 reps (could have done more), Jan 26-24 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 16 reps, up 100% over 35 days. Thus originaly number reps at this weight  tripled.
Forearms- EZ Bar Forearms Reverse Curl: 45 lbs (B+20), 67% max, March 1-48 reps (could have done more), Jan 26-20 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 15 reps, up 140% over 35 days. Thus originaly number reps at this weight  tripled.
Triceps- EZ Bar Triceps Extension: 50 lbs (B+25), 67% max, March 1-27 reps, Jan 26-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 125% over 35 days. Thus originaly number reps at this weight  tripled.
Free Weights Exercises Last Done Jan 27:
Biceps EZ Bar standing arm curl: 55 lbs (B+30), 67% max, March 1-27 reps, Jan 27-14 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 93% over 34 days. Thus originaly number reps at this weight  tripled.
Biceps Barbell standing arm curl: 50 lbs, 67% max, March 1-21 reps, Jan 27-14 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 7 reps, up 50% over 34 days. Thus originaly number reps at this weight  tripled.
Upper Back Bent-over Barbell Row: 75 lbs, 67% max, March 1-19 reps, Jan 27-15 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 12 reps, up 27% over 34 days.
Chest Incline Bench Barbell Press: 85 lbs, 67% max, March 1-18 reps, Jan 27-11 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 9 reps, up 64% over 34 days.
Triceps Close Grip Barbell Bench Press: 85 lbs, 67% max, March 1-20 reps, Jan 27-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 8 reps, up 67% over 34 days.
Chest Flat Bench Barbell Press: 90 lbs, 67% max, March 1-19 reps, Jan 27-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 17-18 was 8 reps, up 58% over 34 days.
Thus on average today there was a 80% improvement over 35 days, this involving exercises that have been done only twice (just two sets one set each day) in the past 35 days not counting today. Thus these exercises were up on average 80% over 35 days despite being done at the frequency of just one set every 17 days.
Seems like doing the math on this rate of progress helps in a kind of self-hypnotic way.
80% improvement over 35 days (from the compound-interest-type viewpoint) is a rate of growth that if  continued would make me 21 times stronger than I am now in 6 months.
Looking at it from a point of view simpler and more pessimistic than the compound interest way: you could assume that 35 days from now I will be 80% stronger than I am today, 70 days from now I will (adding 80) be 160% stronger than I am today, 105 days from now I will (adding 80 again) be 240% stronger than I am today, etc. etc. Looking at things from this simpler more pessimistic point of view, in 6 months or 180 days at this rate, I will be 416% (80X5.2) stronger than I am now, approx 4 times stronger.
Averaging the 4 times better from the simpler more pessimistic viewpoint and the 21 times better from the more complex compound-interest-type viewpoint, I will at the rate of progress evinced today, be 13 times stronger than I am now, in 6 months.
Comparing the rate of improvement from Jan 17/18 to Jan 26/27, to the rate of improvement from Jan 26/27 to today March 1, definitely the rate of improvement was greater in the second time period, marked by consumption of the MAO-inhibitor herbs prior to the workout today. This effect was more pronounced in the exercises done earlier in the workout than it was in the exercises done later.
Today 9 exercises were done in 145 minutes, 16 minutes per exercise. Slow rate of work probably due to not being used to waking up early in the morning and then working out in the evening.
Weight/Appearance: 190 lbs unclothed  prior to the workout, 1 lb more than yesterday. In the locker room mirror (this top of this mirror is slightly forward compared to the bottom) I looked brutally muscular (looked less like this in the mirror in the free weights room, which does not feature a slant like the locker room mirror). In the mirror after the workout I noticed that I looked fresher than I have looked since I started checking my looks when weightlifting. No dark color under the eyes. This could be due to potassium or the herbs or the fact that I had been awake for more hours prior to the workout.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

March 2 '08
505 PM-730 PM
Waltham Y

Started and finished machines section of lower body workout, attempting to set new personal records for Number of reps. Total 100 minutes.
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,Bolthouse C-boost juice, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, 2 fried eggs, coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again no cgs in previous 24 hours. Zero cgs since December 1, '07
continued with 9 potassium pills, dates to get potassium level up
Third day of exercise after starting to consume MAO-inhibiting herbs daily

Today  I started and finished  the machines section of the lower body workout.  As usual, on each exercise I was trying to set a new personal record for number of reps at the given weight lifted.  
I entered the machines room at 600 PM and finished the workout at 740 PM. Total 100 minutes.
Results Today:
Machine leg exercises last done Jan 28:
No more than 1 sec rest between reps. Today the Y staff guy in the room was Jonathan, he did not complain about noise created as the stack of weights lifted hit the other weights on each rep, this may have effected quantity of reps done. Jan 28 the Y staff guy complained about this (which gets me to thinking, a weight room is not a hush-hush public library). Also today the order of the exercises was slightly different perhaps more conducive to higher performance.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg Extension, size L, seat=3: 130 lbs, 67% max, March 2-15 reps, Jan 28-12 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 10 reps, up 25% over 34 days
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg/hip Adduction, from leg at approx 33 degree angle, backseat=2, angle-set=5: 150 lbs, 67% estimated max, March 2-15 reps. Jan 28-13 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 11 reps, up 15% over 34 days.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Prone Leg Flexion (curl), size L: 90 lbs, 67% max, March 2-18 reps, Jan 28-15 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 12 reps, up 20% over 34 days. Note: unlike others I brink my heels all the way up to my buttocks on this exercise.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg/hip Abduction, backseat=2, leg to approx 33 degree angle: 175 lbs, 67% estimated max, March 2-24 reps, Jan 28-14 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 11 reps, up 71% over 34 days.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg Extension, size L: 65 lbs, 33% max, March 2-45 reps, Jan 11-33 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 30 reps, up 36%  over 34 days.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg Adduction, from leg at approx 33 degree angle: 75 lbs, 33% estimated max, March 1-70 reps, Jan 28-45 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 42 reps, up 56% over 34 days.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Prone Leg Flexion (curl), size L: 45 lbs, 33% max, March 2-56 reps, Jan 28-45 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 45 reps, up 24% over 34 days.
Nautilus Nitro Plus Sitting Leg/hip Abduction, from leg at approx 33 degree angle: 90 lbs, 33% max, March 2-96 reps, Jan 28-43 reps, previous max reps at this weight Jan 11 was 43 reps, up 123% over 34 days.
Thus on average today there was on the machine lower body exercises, a 46% improvement over 34 days, this involving exercises that have not been done in 34 days, exercises that are being done at the rate of once every 34 days, with just two sets done on an exercise on the day it is done.
46% improvement over 34 days (from the compound-interest-type viewpoint) is a rate of growth that if  continued would make me 8 times stronger than I am now in 6 months.
Looking at it from a point of view simpler and more pessimistic than the compound interest way: you could assume that 34 days from now I will be 46% stronger than I am today, 68 days from now I will (adding 46) be 92% stronger than I am today, 102 days from now I will (adding 46 again) be 138% stronger than I am today, etc. etc. Looking at things from this simpler more pessimistic point of view, in 6 months or 180 days at this rate, I will be 248% (46X5.3) stronger than I am now, approx 2.5 times stronger.
Averaging the 2.5 times better from the simpler more pessimistic viewpoint and the 8 times better from the more complex compound-interest-type viewpoint, I will at the rate of progress evinced today, be 5 times stronger than I am now, in 6 months.
The math shows that despite the fact that after the workout I felt like I was progressing at a snail's pace, felt disappointed, the math shows that the "disappointing" rate of progress will result in me being five times stronger than I am now in six months. 5X in six months would be a very significant improvement especially given the minimal time investment of two sets per exercise per month. So after doing the math I feel encouraged. Thus the importance of math.
Comparing the rate of improvement from Jan 11 to Jan 28, to the rate of improvement from Jan 28 to today March 2, the rate of improvement was greater in the second time period, marked by consumption of the MAO-inhibitor herbs daily for 3 days prior to the workout today. 
Today 8 exercises were done in 100 minutes, 12.5 minutes per exercise. Slow rate of work was due to the other people using the machines, combined with me habitually deferring to them re machine use.
Faces in the Crowd: This tall bespectacled white lady with short straight black hair was using the machines at the same time I was. She eagerly helped me to spray down a machine after I used it and wipe the machine off with paper towels, she handed me the paper towels; but, I noticed, she never sprayed/wiped the machines herself after using them. After a while what seemed to be her husband showed up. He was bespectacled also, he looked sort of like Donald Rumsfeld on steroids; he was very intelligent/competent looking. The lady told him that I was well behaved this seemed to be of importance to them, as if I was some kind of problematic nephew, even though I have never best I can recall, met them. He looked at me as I stood there wearing a tight sleeveless T-shirt and smiled and said, "you're a movie actor!" (admirable absence of envy). Which reminds me, that what Black Buddha said to me when he saw me nude in the locker room (I mentioned this previously without telling what he said because his volume of talking was too low) was, "you're Absalom". Absalom in the Bible was a son of David known for being the best looking man in the entire kingdom.
Notes: After dinner today, and then during the night (I wrote this entry the day after the workout), I felt happier, more normal, better physically/mentally than I have felt in a long time. This could be due to the MAOI herbs or the change in Circadian schedule, or a combination of the two.
So there you have it--in other people's words (note mine) I am a 'Schwarzenegger', a 'Pele', an 'Absalom', and a 'movie actor'; yet I experience such difficulties trying to get a decent job. Problem is typicalism I guess, amongst other problems. I got sick of working on stuff at the local cable access TV station WCAC, because they shot some video of me (using a cheap camera and unflattering lighting/camera-work) that uglified me and then claimed that the video they shot looked just like me.
Weight/Appearance: 192 lbs unclothed  prior to the workout, 2 lb more than yesterday. This 2 lb gain in weight seems miraculously yogic. In the 24 hours prior to the workout, all I had to eat was: approx 12 peanuts, 1 candy bar, 3 cups coffee with creamer and cane sugar, 1 cup tea with creamer and cane sugar, 2 pieces of toasted and buttered Borowsky brand multigrain bread, 2 fried eggs, 10 oz juices, 3 tspns herbs, 3 tblspns healthy oils, and mineral/vitamin pills.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;

Tuesday March 4 '08
805-940 PM
Waltham Y Gym
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 85 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,Bolthouse C-boost juice, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 slices bread, 2 fried eggs, coffee before workout.

A zero cg day again 1 cg i23 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin or alcohol previous 24 hours; a 1 c day.
continued with 9 potassium pills, dates to get potassium level up
Fourth day of exercise after starting to consume MAO-inhibiting herbs daily

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs for the first time in 2 weeks. Today I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 805 ended at 940, taking into account a ten minute break watching Mike do a great job shooting baskets and talking to him--total 85 minutes running the LHKH pattern. Produced 42 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. At 805 in the 1st minute, the first run of the day adhered to the LHKH pattern. The first high quality adherence to the LHKH pattern was success #3 at 809 PM; the first perfect run was success #24 at 833 PM (there was no warm-up prior to 805 PM the start). As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Prior to the workout I felt as if I was too tired to do the workout, but as it turned out (despite 12 hours between the time I arose and the time I practiced) the feeling was misleading. I remember weeks ago there would be days where I felt even more tired than I did today but the workout still turned out OK.
Due to the (gasp) two week layoff there was of course a drop-off in the skill level but this was not as bad as I had expected. The skill level was superior to the days before I started using the LHKH pattern. During the practice I felt that my ability to run a fast sprint time after time throughout the practice had definitely improved (improved endurance of a type). This could be due to Potassium, herbs, rest, weightlifting or some other factor. I felt as if today aside from endurance, I was faster on the sprint than I ever have been.
Today continued the trend wherein the deviations from the LHKH/LHKHK patterns, were nevertheless high quality runs with with the ball kept under tight control at a high speed, with the ball almost always never bouncing between touches.
On the negative side the number of perfect classic textbook runs was relatively low today.
About half way through the practice I started talking to Mike for ten minutes; after talking to Mike, seems my concentration was impaired, the result being lots of high quality fast tightly controlled runs that however deviated from LHKH pattern and so were not counted as successes. For example, LHKK was the most common deviation the ball being kicked twice in a row with it never touching the ground, as opposed to being headed on the fourth touch (LHKK does not count as a successful adherence to the LHKH pattern).
Seems I have gotten to the point (and this is becoming more so with each passing practice day) where the majority of the runs that cannot be classified as LHKH adherence are nevertheless fast tightly controlled with the ball kept off the ground and air-dribbled a long distance. Examples of such are: LHK bounce K; LHK followed by ball kicked at same time it hits ground; LHKKK; LHKKH. LHKHH (there were about a couple of these today) is counted as an LHKH pattern adherence success because it starts with LHKH however, it is a deviation from LHKHK which is the ideal I aim for.
Today was my first day of air dribbling after switching to the new schedule of waking up at the normal time. Given this was the case combined with the two week layoff performance was very good. Before the practice I felt nervous, lacking confidence, but things still turned out well. Previously typically I was starting practice five hours after waking up, today it was twelve hours after waking up but I still felt maybe peppier than I ever have.
Again after the game I noted a complete absence of the soreness stiffness and pain I am used to feeling in the lower parts of my body after practice.
Faces in the Crowd
During the practice I saw this white guy with long wavy black hair and a short beard and a mustache shooting baskets. I was very impressed time after time he made six or seven in a row shooting from the corners of the free throw line. I queried him re his technique, he said that when he is shooting long he aims by eyeing the front of the rim, and when he is shooting short he eyes the back of the rim. As good a shooter as he was from 16 feet or nearer, his dribbling was not so elegant and he was not so good at 3- pointers. He said the guy he was with Matt, was the 3-point shooter. He told me he was in a band called 'Teen Plant'; he hesitated but then he gave me his email address so I could question him re basketball shooting techniques (lest I lose it or forget, it is
Matt who was with Mike was almost as good a shooter as Mike (Mike wanted me to note in my notebook that Matt is the good 3 point shooter). Mike was wearing a knit woolen winter hat--made out of the same material as sweaters-indoors in the hot gym, while yet again I marveled at how YMCA gyms are hot even in the winter and in the cool fall or spring months. To me Mike, what with his hat, looked like what the proverbial 'Central Casting' would send you if you wanted an extra to portray a Jew in a movie about Israel during the time of Christ. He looked similar to those Jews in the ancient Dura-Europos paintings what with is hat and all; but he had more lines (of worry?) in his face than the Dura-Europos Jews and his skin was whiter. He said to me, "very nice meeting you" and seemed like he meant it. I told him (he is a guitarist) that once I heard my voice on my dad's answering machine, and it sounded angelic.
As we were talking, Californian Mike in between the lines pointed at me with a finger and (ventriloquist/off-subject in-between-the-lines style like a Massachusetts person) almost inaudibly said, "you're a Pele". I was thinking to myself that when I told him what a good shooter he was this could be very clearly heard; but when he told me I was a 'Pele', it was almost inaudible, off-topic, ventriloquist-like. Seems from what Matt was muttering as he left the gym he noticed this difference also.
During the practice I was thinking to myself (nothing to do with Mike or Matt), that those who are envious at heart who would commit an envious sin if given the opportunity, are as bad as those who have actually committed envious has been seeming to me that there are lots of envious hearts around.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout at about 755 PM I was 191 lbs unclothed, 1 lb less than two days ago. This surprised me I thought I would be heavier. Day before yesterday I had delicious tasty baby back ribs (half slab) from Bison County; yesterday I had a delicious tasty regular size (not the smaller individual) deep dish Pizzeria Uno Chicago style pizza all to myself (which I wolfed down very quickly feeling hungry from the weightlifting) so I thought I would be heavier. Last two days I did not have the fried eggs and multigrain toast; yesterday I did not have the juices oils pills cocktail. I suspect that I overestimate the value of big tasty restaurant meals and underestimate the value of the toast eggs juices oils pills when it comes to gaining weight--the effect of advertising I guess.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Wednesday March 5 '08
815-940 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 85 minutes
Before practice this time SKIPPED the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
Zero cg day in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin, 48 oz beer in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 geodon pill taken before going to sleep in night prior to practice.
5th day of exercise after starting to consume MAO-inhibiting herbs daily

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs. Today like yesterday, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 815 ended at 940--total 85 minutes running the LHKH pattern. Produced 42 runs that succeeded in adhering to the LHKH pattern. At 806 in the 2nd minute, the 2nd run of the day ws the first that adhered to the LHKH pattern. The first high quality adherence to the LHKH pattern was success #4 at 825 PM; the first perfect run was success #15 at 826 PM (there was no warm-up prior to 805 PM the start). As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Today I had a Mexican dinner just an hour before practice. The spiciness (hot peppers in the salsas) seemed to produce a lack of endurance, fatigue; the feeling in the stomach was similar to what you feel when you try to play a tough sport when you have been smoking cigarettes alot. But it was very tasty and enjoyable.
Today the pre-nutrients cocktail was skipped; and before going to sleep the previous night,  I had one 'Geodon' pill. I felt that today I was relatively clumsy, and also not nearly as peppy as yesterday. Hard to say if this was due to the Mexican dinner right before the workout, or the Geodon, or the skipping the usual juices/oils/pills cocktail. But despite the fatigue and the clumsiness I was better than I ever was say six months ago. Again there were several LHKK deviations (LHKH is proper) that nevertheless were fast tightly controlled long distance air dribble runs.
After the practice I felt much more of the stiffness soreness etc that have been gone for a few days; thus I could now estimate that the stiffness/soreness is a result of a potassium deficiency (when I was taking the juices oils pills cocktail without the potassium I used to feel very stiff/sore after practice). As I recall, I earlier estimated that the Potassium or the weightlifting or a combination of the two had cured the stiffness/soreness problem.
Today I woke up late as the Geodon pill made me feel very sleepy and tired, I was not out of bed until 100 PM.
And today, I just do not feel mentally energetic enough to write much in today's log entry.
Faces in the Crowd
As usual the gym had a bunch of kids in it who carried on as if I was not there. The 'Mass Wildcats' grade school girls basketball team was practicing and their highnesses stayed beyond the alotted time of until 800 PM that had been allocated to them. They were a surprisingly attractive bunch but all the males, the boys and men, hid their frustration over the fact the royal princesses overstayed their scheduled gym time by 15 minutes--apparently the various feudal dignitaries in the area consider it a breach of etiquette to fail to overstay the gym time allotted to them in the gym schedule. Heck lethargic as I feel, simply knowing that important people read this log, energizes me to a little hip humorousness such as this.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout at about 800 PM I was 194 lbs unclothed, 3 lbs more than yesterday, a personal record for me. Five more lbs 199 lbs at my 5' 10" height will be proportionately the same as 235 lbs at 6 feet 2.5 inches which was the weight and height of Schwarzenegger for competitions. This gain of 3 lbs (visual inspection did not show any visible fat on the body)  surprised me. All I had to eat between the practice yesterday and evening and the practice this evening, was: 48 oz "Sagres" beer; 3 cups coffee with creamer and cane sugar; 1 oz potato chips; 12 oz 'Odwalla' brand 'Super Protein Vanilla Al'Mondo 'Soymilk Drink' (consumed when waking up during the night and feeling thirsty). My guess as of now, is that drinking the Odwalla soymilk protein drink when waking during the night and feeling thirsty, or immediately before sleeping, is a good way to gain weight. These Odwalla types (also Bolthouse and Noble brands amongst others) have shown that they are capable of doing an excellent job of supplying vitamins in a natural form (juices) to the public. Thus it is reasonable to suspect that they can do a very competent job of supplying assimilable proteins in drinks for the public. I admit that heretofore, I have been perhaps unduly pessimistic re these protein drinks due to all the foolish hype that has been associated with them for decades.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Thursday March 6 '08
815-935 PM
Waltham Y Gym
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 80 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,Bolthouse C-boost juice, Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
1 big cheeseburger 4 hours prior to start of workout.
A zero cg day again 0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin, 48 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.4 c (late c) day.
continued with 9 potassium pills, dates to get potassium level up
SKIPPED the MAO inhibiting herbs today
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; today's practice the most enjoyable and relaxed in memory. Today like yesterday, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 815 ended at 935--total 80 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 42 LHKH pattern-adherence runs; I got the 42 done with 5 minutes time left, decided to give myself the last 5 minutes off as a reward. At 816 in the 2nd minute, the 2nd run of the day ws the first that adhered to the LHKH pattern (same as yesterday); this run was also of high quality. The first perfect run was success #4 at 824 PM in the ninth minute (there was no warm-up prior to 815 PM the start). As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
“Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat, nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds”
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
I felt that today I enjoyed the soccer air-dribbling practice more than I ever have. I felt physically and mentally relaxed as if I was enjoying a sauna in some upscale seaside resort. the performance was also good, low level of error, lots ot tightly controlled fast LHKH pattern-adherence and  'deviant' runs. Seemed that the endurance and the speed might have been a little less than on Monday, but such judgement is clouded by the phenomenon of constantly rising standards and expectations. Perhaps I was not as energetic in the sense of the kind of endurance that allows one to run a fast sprint time after time with little rest in between; but I felt energetic in the sense of bouncy, muscular strength which is a different thing. After the practice I could tell, simply by feeling my legs with my hands and also from the way my body and legs felt, that the latest bout of doing the leg exercises on the Nautilus machines had had a significant positive impact.
For about the first half hour of the practice, I felt as if the new scoring system of aiming for only 1 LHKH success every 2 minutes was finally accomplishing what it is supposed to accomplish, which is a fun, relaxing workout. I was enjoying myself on every run no matter what happened (I fell such joy will if I can make a habit of experiencing it improve my fitness and skill levels). Then after about the first half hour the mental concern for keeping up to the one success every two minutes pace began to sort of overwhelm or impair, to some extent, the sense of joy and relaxation. I am reminded of how Brazil's big forward Ronaldo, said that every time he touches the soccer ball he feels 'pure joy'.
During one dribble this boy who wears a Celtics Jersey with the name 'Pierce'emblazoned on it, a son of the lady who works the front desk, ran in front of me as I was air-dribbling forward at a fairly fast running pace, but I competently knocked the ball right over him, ran around him, and continued the air-dribble. I have noticed as a result of people intersecting with my flight path that I have this ability.
Immediately prior to practice in the locker room I felt like I as having a panic attack; I felt as if I was about to collapse or die. But strangely enough during the practice I felt better than I ever have going back as far as I can remember.
In the hours before the practice before I got to the Y, I was feeling fatigued and stressed; I felt like I needed to take deep breaths; but deep breathing did not help the situation much.
So the key question today becomes, why was the workout more enjoyable and relaxed than it ever has been before? There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for this:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: in bed 630 AM-100 PM about 6.5 hours; asleep for about 4.5 hours of this time. I have noticed that when I am physically healthy enough, reduced time in bed and/or asleep can uplift my mood and energize me. It is good to know that my health/conditioning is getting back to the might where I can be happy and relaxed after a reduced amount of sleep.
2 Number of hours in between rising and practice: this was 7.25 hours today.
3 time of pre-game meal: this was about 415 PM 4 hours before practice, it was exactly what I felt like eating, which was a gas-grilled cheeseburger from Bison County.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was at about 630 PM, 1.75 hours before practice started. In the past I have consumed this cocktail about 0.75 hours before starting practice.
5 The MAO inhibiting herbs, after being consumed for a few days, were not consumed today. This does not necessarily mean that the herbs have been a negative. I have read reports re how those who consume Ginseng in the areas where it has been most extensively consumed for the longest amount of years in history, those who consume Ginseng use tricks such as consuming Ginseng for a few weeks and then for a few weeks not consuming Ginseng or replacing Ginseng with Fo-ti. I doubt that the MAO-inhibiting herbs along with their effects had been flushed from my body at practice time, given that about a third of a teaspoon of each herb had been consumed 30 hours prior to practice.
6 From about 200 PM to about 330 PM I attended a meeting attended by the landlord, his staff and the tenants: It was relaxing for me to meet these people in a friendly type of way. In the past it has been stressful for me because all my encounters with them have been in stressful situations having to do with me allegedly having been a bad boy so to speak in some way. I am reminded of recent research showing that the human brain is wired to benefit from seeing human faces in the morning.
7 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today C was not consumed until I had been out of bed and awake for 5.5 hours. In the past C has been consumed within an hour of waking up. This despite the fact that I have know for a long time that C should not be consumed until one has been awake for a few hours. Foolishly I, who had always been opposed to consumption of C in the morning, allowed myself to be influenced by this Cambridge youth who I met in Harvard Square who enthused to me about how great it is to consume C in the morning; foolishly I forgot and ignored a piece of wisdom that I have been aware of for a long time, which is that C is not to be consumed right after waking up. I amaze myself how in various ways I forget and fail to put into practice little lessons of life that I have been aware of for a long time. Such little pieces of wisdom IMHO are what Christ was talking about when he said, 'the children of this world, are wiser than the children of light'.
'the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.'
8 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: I was exposed to daylight for about 6.5 hours prior to practice today.
Faces in the Crowd
Matt and Mike were playing basketball, this time it was two on two featuring Matt and Mike split up or on the same team. Despite their awesome ability to shoot from 16 feet when unguarded, they were given a very hard time by guys who cannot shoot from 16 feet as well as them. The 2 on 2 basketball games to me were evidence of how people who are great at shooting from 16 feet when unguarded can be equalled by those who make up for lack of such shooting ability by: defense, hustle, dribbling, in close shooting, long distance shooting, ability to shoot when guarded.
There was a very cute lovable little girl with brown hair in a pony tail and almost invisible brown eyebrows running around jumping rope and being sort of sociable and sociably faux-aggressive with her brother and others. Her mother holds a humble position in life working the front desk at the Y but I was impressed by this daughter of hers who seemed to me to ably represent the spirit of the Irish Celts or something like that. Of course upon inspection of the facts it might well turn out that the girl is actually Polish or something.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout at about 800 PM I was 193 lbs unclothed, 1 lb less than yesterday. This surprised me, because I felt I had pulled all the levers that would produce weight gain--in the 24 hours prior to practice I consumed: 48 oz beer, 3 cups coffee with cream and sugar; a big cheeseburger, peanuts, the juices/oils/pills cocktail, and 16 oz of the Bolthouse Farms Soymilk protein drink (drunk when waking up at night).
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Monday March 10 '08
450-620 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 90 minutes
Before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
Zero solid food before workout
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin or alcohol consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 1 c  day.
continued with 9 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
SKIPPED the MAO inhibiting herbs today
Today was the first day that I consumed the "Cacao Power" Raw Chocolate Powder, 'certified organic', made by Navitas Naturals prior to the practice.
Today I felt sort of as if I was half-way to coming down with a cold

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; lots of very fast runs. Today I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 450 PM ended at 620 PM--total 90 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 50 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 50 done 10 minutes prior to the 100 minute mark, decided to give myself the last 10 minutes off as a reward. At 451 PM in the 1st minute, the 2nd attempt of the day was the first that adhered to the LHKH pattern; this run was of high quality and 'perfect' (lots of runs are better than perfect though).  As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
Today was not like Thursday March 6, 4 days ago the last time I exercised--Thursday I felt more happy and relaxed than I ever have felt (in memory); but today I just felt 'wired', hyped up. Aside from my emotions, today was perhaps the best day ever from the number of fast runs and speed of fast runs point of view. Today was good in terms of handling difficult balls; at the same time today there were a relatively high number of miskicks on the third touch with the foot.
Why was the workout emotionally speaking 'wired' and not paradisical as it was on March 6?
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for this:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: in bed approx 330 AM-100 PM about 9.5 hours; asleep for about 7 hours of this time.
2 Number of hours in between waking and practice: this was 5.8 hours today.
3 pre-game meal: no pregame meal
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was at about 235 PM, 2.25 hours before practice started. In the past I have usually consumed this cocktail about 0.75 hours before starting practice.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: the Mao inhibiting herbs were not consumed today, but the Navitas Cacao Powder was taken to the tune of 3 tblspns, in a cup of coffee consumed from about 300 to 400 PM.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today C was not consumed until I had been awake for 3.75 hours; the figure for this interval March 6 the paradisical day was 5.5 hours...a possibility is that 1.75 hours on this stat is very significant.
8 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: I was exposed to daylight for about 3.75 hours prior to practice today.
9 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I felt half way to the point of having a cold.
Maybe there is some genius out there who can input the March 6 and the today March 10 data into some brilliant software and spit out the secret to human happiness. As for me (I am merely a sub-genius in certain ways) as of now I estimate that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecesary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep. By way of contrast, Points 1 to 9 above show that I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today.
I have this cough and fatigue which I believe are a result of visiting this guy in his apartment--he smokes and does not bentilate his apartment. In the past I have succesfully dealt with such cold type stuff by consuming Agave-based Tequila. This time I am trying a fruit juice drink containing Agave: 'Bossa Nova' brand mango acai juice with agave. Today was an admirably energetic workout given that I have had a cough, and fatigue for a few days.
Faces in the Crowd
The people in the gym were almost all either grade school age or adults and either black or white; they all basically acted as if I was not there. Except for Chris Kennedy the veterinarian from Cornell U. I've had some trouble getting in touch with him via email; lest I forget or lose the adsress, his email address according to what he wrote in my notebook is: Chris was trying very hard not get in my way. I told him he was the only one who gave a hoot about geting in my way. He said that the with the Y staff the kids (who get in the way) always come first but he did not think such was correct. I told him that I always defer to the kids who get in the way. He suggested that I do the air dribble sprint the length of the gym instead of the width of the gym to avoid the kids. He said that since I was always trying to avoid the kids running around, I was getting less attempts in per hour--which come to think of it as I write, shows thoughtfulness and observation on his part (I had not noticed him watching me maybe he watches without me seeing him from a doorway or a corner).
Chris agreed with me that it is improper the way the kids run out and get in my way when I was there first and had established myself in the runway-like strip of space about 6 yds wide and 17 yds long I use for the drill. He also agreed that the wise thing was to defer to the presence of the kids and humbly avoid them without complaining because the Y staff attitudes are what they are.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout at about 435 PM I was 191 lbs unclothed, 2 lbs less than yesterday. Seems there is this prattern of me losing weight when I don't exercise, which implies that I am gaining muscle as opposed to fat. Low protein foods such as beer (scorned by some as 'empty' calories) can help one gain muscle, by freeing-up the proteins which might otherwise be used simply as fuel for activities, to build muscles instead. During the 4 days in which I lost 2 lbs I skipped the juices oils pills and the MAO inhibiting herbs; not sure exactly what I ate, but I ate alot of tasty steaks and ribs in the past four days. Again goes to show that tasty ribs and steaks might be over-rated as nutritiional tools for building muscle.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Tuesday March 11 '08
800-920 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 80 minutes
2 hours before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
12 bean salad before workoout
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin or alcohol consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.3 c  day.
continued with 9 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
Today was the 2nd day that I consumed the "Cacao Power" Raw Chocolate Powder, 'certified organic', made by Navitas Naturals prior to the practice.
Today again I felt sort of as if I was half-way to coming down with a cold; the cough, featuring sputum coughed up, continued.

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance worse than March 4 and all the Days Since March 4 Due (?) to Only 2.5 hours sleep. Today again, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 800 PM ended at 920 PM--total 80 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 45 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 45 done 10 minutes prior to the 90 minute mark, decided to give myself the last 10 minutes off as a reward. At 801 PM in the 1st minute, in a repeat of yesterday, the 2nd attempt of the day was the first that adhered to the LHKH patternm and again this run was of high quality and 'perfect' (lots of runs are better than perfect).  As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour so as to avoid burnout/jet-lag whatever you want to call it.
The performance today was definitely impaired. There were large numbers of 3rd touch kicks which sent the ball so far ahead of me that I would not be able to reach the ball even on a bounce. By way of contrast on previous days I have taken pride in the fact that even when the ball is kicked imperfectly on the third touch of the ball during the run, I have still been able to maintain tight control over the ball at high speed.
However today I had plenty of physical endurance taking into account that I only got 2.5 hours sleep the previous night and did not start practice until I had been awake for approx 8.5 hours.
Again as yesterday, today was not like Thursday March 6--Thursday I felt more happy and relaxed than I ever have felt (in memory); but today I felt emotionally humdrum.
Why was the workout emotionally speaking humdrum and performance-wise impaired?
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for this:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: in bed approx 530 AM-100 PM about 7.5 hours; asleep for only approx 2.5 hours of this time.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice was approx 7 hours after rising and 8 hours after waking today.
3 pre-game meal: Just a bean salad
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was at about 600 PM, 2.0 hours before practice started. In the past I have usually consumed this cocktail about 0.75 hours before starting practice.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: the Mao inhibiting herbs were not consumed today, but the Navitas Cacao Powder was taken to the tune of 3 tblspns, in a cup of coffee consumed slowly from about 200 to 500 PM.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today 0.1 units C was consumed after I had been awake for approx 1.5 hours.  Then 0.3 units C was consumed 0.75 hours prior to practice.On March 6 the paradisical day C was not consumed till I had been awake for  5.5 hours...a possibility is that the C even at 0.1 units consumed immediately upon waking caused a problem emotionally later in the day.
8 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: I was exposed to low indoors level of daylight for about 7 hours prior to practice today.
9 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today again I felt half way to the point of having a cold and had a cough.
As of now I estimate that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecesary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep; no C consumed until awake for 5.5 hours. NOTE: On March 6 I awoke and got out of bed at the same time.
By way of contrast, Points 1 to 9 above show that I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways: the time asleep was only about 2.5 hours; the 0.1 units C was consumed only 2.0 hours after waking; time was spent in bed after waking; mono-amine precursor Cacao was consumed instead of Monoamine-Oxidase-Inhibitor herbs. 
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry Into Paradise Formula, was the 7.5 hours in between getting out of bed and starting practice; but this in and of itself does not seem to be enough to produce an emotionally paradisical day.
Again today I had the fruit juice drink containing Agave: 'Bossa Nova' brand acai juice with agave; I still have not licked the cough. Nevertheless seems that given the facts that: I only got 2.5 hours sleep the night before the practice; there was a long gap of approx 8.5 hours between when I got out of bed and started practice; and I felt under the weather--given these facts, today was an energetic practice. In past time I can see myself not even bothering with practice under such circumstances.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 191 lbs unclothed, same as  yesterday. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate: 2 mcD's hamburgers and small fries; small bowl bean salad; 1 big cup coffee w cane sugar creamer and Cacao powder; oils juices pills cocktail; 12 oz acai juice w Agave; and some insignificant forgotten stuff also probably. Surprisingly this small amount of food is for me enough to avoid weight loss, even when doing a tough 90 minutes of soccer daily.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Wednesday March 12 '08
810-935 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 85 minutes
2 hours before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot/passion/apple juice.
2 fish fillet and 1 hamburger from McDonalds 2.5 hours before workout
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin or alcohol consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.3 c  day.
continued with 9 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
Today was the 3rd day that I consumed the "Cacao Power" Raw Chocolate Powder, 'certified organic', made by Navitas Naturals prior to the practice. But only about 3 tspns today not 3 tablespoons which is the recommended dose  that I've been using.
Today I still had a a cough/fatigue though this was improved.
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance and emotional state were mediocre (except for poetry in motion using the left foot alone). Today again, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
When I say mediocre performance, this is in the context of what have become very high standards. Performance was better than yesterday; but again today I did not feel energetic. The cough (and attendant fatigue) is better but has not gone away yet. Come to think of it, a cough is a physically energetic activity that probably takes alot of energy out of the body. When there is a lack of energy, then the slight extra investments of energy that are required to produce stellar performance are neglected. There are also probably emotional effects having to do with the attainment of high standards being impaired by the cough. I suppose if I were wiser I would be able to common-sensically block physical cough/fatigue from impairing my emotional state by sort of talking myself out of letting the problem effect me emotionally.
On the positive side today as usual there were deviations from the LHKH pattern that were impressive; today for the first time I began to feel sort of like I had complete mastery of the ball when air-dribbling at a high speed using my left foot alone; this can be easier and more natural on certain runs than: alternating between kicking the ball and heading it as called for by the LHKH pattern; or using the right foot (I am left footed). Today certain of the deviant runs developed into the use of the left foot alone but the ball was still kept off the ground and under tight control at high speed--and I felt like a skater in ice-hockey controlling the puck with his stick while sailing along on the ice; I felt as comfortable as a typical soccer ground dribbler does dribbling the ball on the ground. Again it was evident that the discipline enforced by  adherence to the LHKH pattern has produced big improvements in me on 'deviant' patterns such as LHKKK in which the ball is kicked three times in a row instead of being headed on every other touch as required by the LHKHK pattern.
I noted that today as yesterday, I drank alot more water than I usually do, about 24 oz; this is probably due to the body struggling with the cough/fatigue. I have the feeling that all that water in the body can throw off something as precise as the air-dribble; maybe that is why when perfectly healthy I drink little water.
Today I started the practice at 810 PM ended at 935 PM--total 85 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 45 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 45 done 5 minutes prior to the 90 minute mark, decided to give myself the last 5 minutes off as a reward. At 801 PM in the 1st minute, the first attempt of the day was an LHKH success; I forgot to note when the first good and the first perfect runs occurred (there are runs that are better than perfect).  As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time.
Again today I was deliberately slowing things down in terms of attempts per hour.
The emotions during the workout today were at a mediocre level I think this has something to do with a tough workout being done in a fatigued state due to a lack of rest (3rd day in a row of the 90 minutes running the LHKH) and a cough.
Also in the past week or so I have been exposed to stresses such as: not being able to spend my own money due to bureaucratic/legal hassles; excess messages left on my answering machine by a guy who I told not to call me more than 3 times per week; having to associate with persons who produce a stressed reaction in me; having to eat dinner in a smoke-filled room (second day this month I was in a smoke-filled room).
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the mediocre emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: in bed approx 100 AM expecting to fall asleep immediately due to lack of sleep previous night--but did not fall asleep till 530 AM; slept till approx 1230 PM, out of bed 100 PM. Total time asleep approx 7 hrs.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice was approx 7 hours after rising and 8 hours after waking today.
3 pre-game meal:  Two fish fillets from McD's and 1 hamburger, at approx 530 PM 2.5 hours before start of practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was as yesterday at about 600 PM, 2.0 hours before practice started. In the past I have usually consumed this cocktail about 0.75 hours before starting practice.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: A large cup of coffee containing approx 3 tspns Cacao powder and the Monoamine-oxidase-inhibiting herbs was consumed slowly from 200-430 PM.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today zero C was consumed until 1 hour before practice when 0.3 units C were consumed.
8 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: As yesterday, I was exposed to low indoors level of daylight for about 7 hours prior to practice today; got little exposure to outdoors daylight.
9 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough/fatigue though better, was still there.  
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep; no C consumed until awake for 5.5 hours; MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not on day of practice; about 1 hour exposure to outdoors daylight prior to practice; resting the day before the practice. NOTE: On March 6 I awoke and got out of bed at the same time.
By way of contrast, Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways:  mono-amine precursor Cacao was consumed in combination with MAO-inhibiting herbs the same day as the practice instead of Monoamine-Oxidase-Inhibitor herbs alone the day before the practice; sleep was about 7 hours instead of 4.5; exposure to outdoors daylight was minimal.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the 7.5 hours in between getting out of bed and starting practice; the no C consumed until awake for 6.25 hours; but apparently such in and of itself does not seem to be enough to produce an emotionally paradisical workout.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 191 lbs unclothed, same as  the previous two days. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate: 1 Burger King Whopper w/ Cheese; 1 large cup coffee w herbs cacao creamer and cane sugar; 2 MCD's Fish Fillets and 1 McD's small hamburger, juices/oils/pills cocktail, 15 oz Yogurt smoothie, (not necessarily in order listed)  + probably some insignificant forgotten stuff. Yet again,  surprisingly this small amount of food was for me enough to avoid weight loss, even when doing a tough 90 minutes of soccer daily.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Thursday March 13 '08
820-925 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 65 minutes
Approx 2 hours before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  tomato juice.
1.5 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread before workout
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin, 48 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.5 c  day.
continued with 9 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had a a cough/fatigue though this was improved.
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B-; emotional state C-; Today again, I was back to running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 820 PM ended at 925 PM--total 65 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 40 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 40 done 15 minutes prior to the 90 minute mark, decided to give myself the last 15 minutes off as a reward. At 823 PM in the 3rd minute, the 4th attempt of the day was an LHKH success, it was a good run but not perfect; I forgot to note when the first perfect run occurred (there are runs that are better than perfect).  As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under control and off ground over at least 11 yds at a speed at least 50% of max sprint speed.
When I say 'B-' performance, this is in the context of what have become very high standards. Performance was again better than the previous day; but the cough (and attendant fatigue) though better has not gone away yet--again today I did not feel energetic and I deliberately slowed down the speed of the air-dribble runs across the floor somewhat.  The runs today though slower were very tightly controlled. Today for the first time, I noticed an extreme rarity of touches with the right foot while doing the LHKHK pattern runs. There have been days previously wherre the runs were slower than today; but today due to the slowing down and due to having reached a new high level of skill, the heading and kicking was so accurate that for the first time, I very rarely had to use my right foot which is not as good as my left foot. Today the right foot came into play mostly on the fifth, last touch of long fast runs. If things continue like this I will have to devote certain segments of time to deliberately involving the use of the right foot. Today the right foot touched the ball during LHKH pattern adherence attempt runs, only about 10 times the entire evening.
Today after sleeping around night-time for only 2 hours, and then in the afternoon taking a 1.5 hour nap, while feeling under the weather due to cough-fatigue, I nevertheless went to the Y and did a tough 65 minute workout in the evening after a hard day of running around. I cannot imagine myself accomplishing this--sick/tired/sleep-deprived yet still working out--3 months ago. It takes a certain level of fitness to do a tough workout when sleep deprived and sick.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not working out these days.
During the practice I noticed something about the ball arc or trajectory that I have not noticed before. In the course of the LHKH air dribble run, the ball follows an arc in between touches. This arc can follow a trajectory and timing that is such that while running forward one has the option of heading the ball before kicking it--so that, the air dribble run forward will continue whether or not the ball is headed at the option point. This option point can be used for feints.
I drank approx 14 oz water during the workout today.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'C-' grade level I think this (like yesterday) had something to do with a tough workout being done in a fatigued state, a lack of rest (4th day in a row of the running the LHKH) and a cough. Seems to me, that I still have not reached that saintly level at which my emotions are unaffected by things like: cough/attendant-fatigue; lack of rest day previous to practice; lack of sleep.
Today I was exposed to the stress of running around during the day getting these financial records copied and sent to a lawyer in Chicago.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'C-' level emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: in bed approx 400 AM - 900 AM but slept only 2 hours during this time; 1.5 hour nap 3-430 PM ended 3.75 hours before practice. Total time asleep approx 3.5 hrs.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice was approx 11.5 hours after rising in the morning and 4 hours after ending the afternoon nap. 
3 pre-game meal:  Just 1.5 pieces multigrain bread.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was as yesterday at about 600 PM, 2.0 hours before practice started. In the past I have usually consumed this cocktail about 0.75 hours before starting practice.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today 0.2 units C was consumed 3 hours before practice, and 0.3 units ws consumed 1.25-1.0 hours before practice..
7 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  relatively large amount of outdoors daylight prior to practice today, approx 3.5 hours of it.
8 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough/fatigue though better, was still there.  
9 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 48 oz beer
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep; no C consumed until awake for 5.5 hours, approx 0.4 units C consumed; MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not on day of practice; about 1 hour exposure to outdoors daylight prior to practice; resting the day before the practice; 48 oz beer in 24 hours prior to practice; eat what I feel like eating 4 hours before practice. NOTE: On March 6 I awoke and got out of bed at the same time.
By way of contrast, Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again, today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways: sleep was about 2 hours plus 1.5 hours nap instead of 4.5 hours in one stretch; there was the cough/fatigue problem; there was no rest the day before practice; I was exposed to stress of financial problems during the day before practice; did not eat what I felt like 4 hours before practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: I was exposed to daylight and walking around during the day as I was on March 6 the great day; but today this exposure and activity was greater than it was on March 6. In the previous 24 hours I had 48 oz beer same as for the 24 hrs prior to the magical March 6 day, Apparently getting a good shot of daylight during the day and consuming the right amount of beer the evening before, in and of itself is not enough to produce the magic emotional result during practice.
Faces in the Crowd
This black guy with spectacles and a beard, was walking around wearing this shirt that had the 'diabolical' number '666' emblazoned in the chest area against a background of flames. I could not help querying him re his shirt. He said it was a frat-prank type thing and that he was an MIT Mass Inst Tech grad. When I learned he was an MIT grad who has his own business my interest in his email address wa spurred. He gave it to me, lest I forget, it is, When I complained to TL that I suspected that I got a low grade in a scientific course while in college because the course was labeled as 'introductory' even though it was actually more advanced than 'introductory', TL defended the course and those who gave it. TL said something to the effect that 'introductory' is not the same thing as 'beginning' or something like that.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 192 lbs unclothed, up 1 lb from the previous day. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 48 oz beer, a homemade hamburger, a Hannaford ham and cheese sub, a piece of sausage, 1.5 pieces bread, the usual juices oils pills pregame nutrients. I expected this to produce weight gain and it did.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Saturday March 15 '08
815-925 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 70 minutes
Approx 2 hours before practice consumed the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
The complete dose as of  now:  B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; coral calcium pill, wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast,  vegetable juice; ran out of A+D from Cod pill.
1.5 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread before workout
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin, 24 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.3 c  day.
continued with 9 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had a a cough/fatigue though this was improved.

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B+; emotional state C; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I started the practice at 615 PM ended at 725 PM--total 75 minutes running the LHKH pattern. The task I had set for myself today was 42 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 42 done 15 minutes prior to the 85 minute mark, decided to give myself the last 15 minutes off as a reward. At 615 PM in the 1st minute, the 2nd attempt of the day was LHKH success #1;  success #3 at 618 PM in the 3rd minute was the first good/perfect run; it followed the LHKHKH pattern, ball kept tightly controlled at a good speed for a long distance. As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 60% of max sprint speed.
When I say 'B+' performance, this is in the context of what have become very high standard--after I give myself a few A+ ratings in a row the standards will get even higher. Performance was again better than the previous day; the cough (and attendant fatigue) has not gone away yet--but today the speed of the runs was approx what it is when I feel perfectly healthy which indicates I am on the verge of beating this cough/fatigue thing.
Today was perhaps the best day ever if the criteria are the number of long fast tightly controlled runs, and how fast tightly controlled and long these runs are; but there were too many runs in which on touches one two or three, the ball was mis-kicked or mis-headed. Emphasizing the stellar side of today's performance I would give myself a B+; emphasizing the consistency I would give myself a B; I choose to give myself a B.
Note: I coughed only about twice during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising these days.
I drank approx 3 oz water only during the workout today--another sign I am getting over the cough/fatigue.
The emotions during the workout today were at a C grade level; yet again I felt emotionally impaired by the cough/fatigue. 
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the  C  level emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice: asleep taking nap approx 930 PM - 1100 PM friday evening (recovering from pigging out at all-you-can eat Old Country Buffet); in bed 200 AM - 100 PM of which approx 7 hours was sleep. Total time asleep approx 8.5 hours.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice was approx 5.25 hours after rising and 6.25 hours after waking.
3 pre-game meal:  Just 2.0 pieces multigrain bread approx 2 hours before start of practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this was at about 600 PM, 2.25 hours before practice started.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today 0.3 units C was consumed 4.75-1.0  hours before practice.
7 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 20 minutes prior to practice.
9 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough/fatigue though better, was still there.  
10 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 24 oz beer
11 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, was a day of rest.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep; no C consumed until awake for 5.5 hours, approx 0.4 units C consumed; MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not on day of practice; about 1 hour exposure to outdoors daylight prior to practice; resting the day before the practice; 48 oz beer in 24 hours prior to practice; eat what I feel like eating 4 hours before practice. NOTE: On March 6 I awoke and got out of bed at the same time.
By way of contrast, Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again, today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways: sleep was approx 8.5 hours instead of 4.5 hours; there was the cough/fatigue problem; there was a lack of exposure to daylight prior to the practice; I did not eat exactly what I felt like eating 4 hours before practice; only 24 oz beer was consumed in the 24 hours prior to practice; 0.1 units C was consumed within 1 hour of waking.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: there was a day of rest the day before the practice; apparently such is not enough in and of itself to produce the Paradisical type experience while practicing.
The night before the practice I had a few dreams which I quickly forgot but I remember one of them: I was a defender for Iran's national Futsal (indoors soccer) team. I was personally, playing a one-touch game, as soon as I got the ball I would pass it high in the air to a team-mate or shoot off a lob like chip-shot, but the passes and shots were very accurate. The gym we were playing in was kind of dark. Futsal is a little different than soccer, the ball is smaller and a low-bounce type; last time I checked a few months ago the world's top-ranked national Futsal team was Iran's. Fact is that air-dribbling is not the only aspect of soccer I am good at; but the thing is, I have to be good at air-dribbling to get people to respect me as a player; and air-dribbling has a way if strengthening skills like passes in the air above the ground, and chip shots.
I estimate the fact I am world class in Futsal was obscured when I played at the Oak Square Y or YMCA by factors such as: extremely loud reggae music being blasted during the game; extremely high temperature in the gym; extremely high humidity near 100% in the gym; me being out of shape; me not intaking enough Potassium; full court games with only 3 or 4 players on each team; various factors causing me to play the weird no hands goalie position (which I did very well on certain days by not so well on other days). When the number of players on each side full-court  was five or more during the games at the Oak Sq Y my performance was always much better.
Faces in the Crowd: the usual mix of boys and men, blacks and whites, acting as if they did not notice superstardom in their midst. The mountain climbing instructor and his students were there as usual; one of these mountain climbing students watched me do a few excellent fast long tightly controlled runs before his class started without saying anything. There was a red haird dad there with about five little red haired boys; I was wondering how does he manage such father-hood in such tough times. When my soccer ball rolled in this dad's direction he spent alot of time and energy trying to get it out of the bleachers for me.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 194 lbs unclothed, up 2 lbs from two days ago; 194 lbs ties my all-time record for weight. Between day before yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: Thursday after practice, just a few peanuts, a little fruit juice; then on Friday I had some coffee/creamer/cane-sugar, 24 oz beer, and  ate alot at the 'Old Country Buffet'--steak, roast beef and gravy, corn, mashed potatoes, fish, salmon, shrimp, iced tea, cake, pie, ice cream; then Saturday prior to the practice all I had was 2 cups coffee with creamer and cane sugar, the healthy juices-oils-pills, 2 pieces multigrain bread; plus I probably snacked on some stuff I forgot to report. In other words seems that this time the big meal at the buffet almost by itself was enough to raise my weight 2 lbs over 2 days. At the buffet looking in the mirror in the big dining hall, I noticed that I looked healthy, young-ish, well fed handsome and white. I remember when the Rumsfeld-on-Steroids said I was a movie-actor, he first told me that I am white. But TL Perkins from MIT was yesterday about the seventh person in my life to tell me that I look like some actor named Venetio Dell Torre.
At the Old Country Buffet ( ) I saw also eating there, the nice clean-shaven white male with black hair supervisor at the Oak Sq Y who found fault with me writing in my log about how I could air-dribble across the width of the gym but the other guys at the Oak Sq Y could not do this. I'll dig his name out of a previous entry in my log when I get a chance. At least he did not get in the way of me playing soccer at the Oak Sq Y.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Sunday March 16 '08
500-600 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
8 oz soymilk protein drink, 2 cups coffee with creamer and cane sugar, 1 small McD's hamburger 1 small McD's fries before practice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total  since December 1, '07; no melatonin, 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; a 0.3 c  day.
Zero potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had  a cough/fatigue though this was improved; there was much less fatigue today

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance A-; emotional state C+; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today I corrected a mis-statement in yesterday's entry, the new correct words are in boldface green.
Today I started the practice at 500 PM ended at 600 PM--total 60 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to 500 PM the start).  The task I had set for myself today was 30 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes; I got the 30 done in 60 minutes. At 501 PM in the 1st minute,  the 2nd attempt of the day was LHKH success #1;  success #2 at 504 PM in the 3rd minute was the first good/perfect run; it followed the LHKHKH pattern, ball kept tightly controlled at a good speed for a long distance. This was almost an exact repeat of the pattern yesterday, except everything happened 75 minutes earlier by the clock today. As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 65% of max sprint speed.
'A-' performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards. Performance was again better than the previous day; the cough has not gone away yet but the fatigue is almost gone. Today the speed of the runs was approx equal to or a little faster compared to what it has been when I have been feeling perfectly healthy.
Yesterday I said yesterday's practice was "perhaps the best day ever if the criteria are the number of long fast tightly controlled runs, and how fast tightly controlled and long these runs are; but there were too many runs in which on touches one two or three, the ball was mis-kicked or mis-headed" Today, the tightness speed and length of the runs was even a little better than yesterday, especially taking into account the problem of the gym being crowded with people today; and today there were percentage-wise less runs that were screwed up on and the screw-ups were not as serious (today the number of runs in general was reduced by the large number of boys-young men in the gym). Thus I graded myself at A- performance wise today. Today there were some long fast tightly controlled deviant runs such as LHKKK and (attaining to a good point I had previously attained to a while back) the number of runs in which the ball was kicked away to the point where I would lose control over it was low.
Today while the black-teenager-types had their full court basketball game, the so to speak flight path I followed while doing the air dribble runs was for almost the first time diagonal, from the middle of one side to the far corner, so as to make sure I did not collide with basketballers. This is is a distance of 25 yards approx. There were several 25 yards length runs today that were fast and tightly controlled, which is even more spectacular than the usual straight across the width of the gym approx 17 yd runs; hard to see how the basketball players and their fans could not have seen these flights. This is especially commendable given that when the flight path across the gym is always changing due to a need to avoid collisions, flight becomes more difficult.
Note: I coughed only about twice during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising these days.
I drank approx 3 oz water only during the workout today.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'C=' grade level; I felt a little better than I did yesterday when I gave myself a C. I guess I felt better due to being well rested and improving in terms of the cough/fatigue affliction.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'C+' level emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed midnight - 100 PM, 13 hours,  of which approx 9 hours was sleep; awoke noon out of bed 1 PM.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began 4.0 hours after rising and 5.0 hours after waking.
3 pre-game meal:  McD's small hamburger and small fries approx 1 hour before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today.
6 Time at which the mystery substance 'C' was consumed. Today 0.4 units C was consumed 1.5 - 4.5  hours after waking.
7 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 20 minutes prior to practice.
9 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough though better, was still there while the fatigue that came with the cough was almost gone.  
10 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer
11 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary). Fundamentally this would involve putting 7.5 hours in between time out of bed and practice; getting out of bed at same time that I awake (I've heard such is a common healthy trait); going to bed 6.5 hours before rising time; being satifisied with approx 4.5 hours only of sleep; no C consumed until awake for 5.5 hours, approx 0.4 units C consumed; MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not on day of practice; about 1 hour exposure to outdoors daylight prior to practice; resting the day before the practice; 48 oz beer in 24 hours prior to practice; eat what I feel like eating 4 hours before practice; start practice 7.25 hours after waking/rising. NOTE: On March 6 I awoke and got out of bed at the same time.
Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again, today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways: sleep was approx 9 hours instead of 4.5 hours; there was the cough/fatigue problem; there was a lack of exposure to daylight prior to the practice; I did not eat exactly what I felt like eating 4 hours before practice; only 0 oz beer was consumed in the 24 hours prior to practice; 0.1 units C was consumed within 1 hour of waking; MAO inhibiting herbs were not consumed the day before practice;
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: almost everything deviated from the March 6 Formula today.
Faces in the Crowd:
The first 18 minutes there was a birthday party occupying one half of the gym divided by the big blue curtain hanging from the ceiling; and on the other side there must have been around 25 boys playing basketball at 3 baskets. So I went over to the other side and contemplated doing a run. But this little brown boy wearing a skullcap took my ball away and kept getting in the way. The Little-Brown-Skullcap-Boy and his friend stood in the way and smiled at me (the cartoon character 'Snoopy' type smiles" they wanted me to play with them, I had not time for such and did not want to interfere in their birthday party. Plus the white skin black hair young woman chaperoning the party informed me that they were a party and wound not be done until 530 PM so I did all the runs I did in the first 18 minutes on the other side of the gym at which point the birthday party ended at 518 PM. Right before their party ended I saw Little-Brown-Skullcap-Boy attacking a little white boy with karate kicks; seemed his victim did not know karate.
These first 18 minutes were tough because the gym was so crowded; I had only a very narrow strip of space about 3 yards wide running parallel to the curtain dividing the gym, to run the air-dribble pattern in on the side opposite the side with the children's party; I had to constantly be on the lookout for running into some boy/teenager; I had to keep the ball under very tight control because of the people around, all this without any kind of warmup; but I still executed 8 mostly high quality runs across the width of the gym air-dribbling the ball. Then in the remaining 40 minutes or so, the teenager-types (they were mostly black guys) took over the entire gym for a full court basketball game and I had to run the air-dribble pattern at the exact moments when I could make it across the floor to the other side without running into any of the basketball players. There was this constant pressure of being seen by lots of people--none of whom paid me a compliment--but nevertheless I handled the pressure well, performed well. There were about a dozen people in the bleachers watching the basketball game who of course also saw me.
Before they started their full court game, "Louis", a stocky bespectacled bearded young black man, who said the Y-staff-guy who looks just like him is his twin brother, was sitting in a chair, watching a pickup half-court basketball game. I stood in front of him before starting an air dribble run because I approach the ball from a 45 degree angle when starting the run. He loudly admonished me that I was obscuring his view of the pick-up basketball game. Then later 'Elvis Sarge',  as he ran by me tried to do a trick with the soccer ball that was stationary a yard in front of me, the ball went rolling across the gym, I had to go retrieve it myself, Elvis is a nice guy but this is not the first time such has happened. But a Spanish looking almost bald-headed middle-aged looking guy who juggled my ball sending it rolling across the gym, hustled to retrieve it and return it to me.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 193 lbs unclothed, down 1 lb from yesterday. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 34 oz various soymilk type drinks; Burger King hamburger & whopper jr, 2 coffees with creamer and cane sugar, 1 tea with creamer and cane sugar, McDs hamburger & small fries; & probably some isignificant forgotten stuff. In other words, 34 oz soymilk drinks & 3 little hamburgers 1 fries 3 coffee/teas not enough to stave off weight loss.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Monday March 17 '08
525-621 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 56 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
2 cups coffee with creamer and cane sugar, 1 small McD's hamburger 1 small McD's fries, 8 oz tangerine juice before practice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 2 5 mg  melatonin pills taken 16 hrs before practice, 12 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
Zero potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had  a cough/fatigue though this was yt again improved;
LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B+; emotional state C+; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today practice started 525 PM ended 621 PM--total 56 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to 525 PM the start).  The task I had set for myself today was 32 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 65 minutes; I got the 32 done in 56 minutes. At 526 PM in the 2nd minute,  the 2nd attempt of the day was LHKH success #1;  success #2 at 528 PM in the 3rd minute  was the first good/perfect run (taking into account by nature one cannot sprint at max speed in the 3rd minute of a practice);
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 70% of max sprint speed.
'B+' performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
Today I noticed that due to what I have been emphasizing/de-emphasizing, the speed of the runs up to the point where the third touch with the foot is made, could be faster. The emphasis on producing large numbers of LHKH runs that successfully adhere to pattern, results in caution and restraint during the first three touches.
What stood out today was the speed and the tightness of control during the runs. This speed/control was especially evident after the 3rd touch (kick) was made.
It is getting to the point where the wall I run into at the far end at aprox 17 yds, is more and more becoming an impairing factor reducing the apparent (not the real) quality of the run.
Today I noticed that despite the fact that the right foot has not been used much during the runs the past few days, the level of skill with the right foot has not gone down and is still high, high enough so that the use of the right even if it produces deviation from the alternating header and kick pattern, such as two kicks in a row, is still effective enough to produce generally tight control and high speed in the continuation of the run.
Note: I coughed only about twice during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank 20 oz gatorade during the workout today, usually its just water.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'C+' grade level; I felt sort of like I felt yesterday.
I realize that the best thing for emotions is less sleep/rest, and for exercise, the air-dribble exercise not by itself but combined with weightlifting, treadmill, body-weights. But I am in the process of vanquishing this cough/fatigue thing, I am taking extra rest and avoiding weights.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'C+' level emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed midnight - 100 PM, 13 hours,  of which approx 8 hours was sleep; awoke noon out of bed 1 PM. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began 4.5 hours after rising and  5.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  McD's small hamburger and small fries approx 1 hour before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today and the previous day. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 45 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough though better, was still there while the fatigue that came with the cough was almost gone.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before practice
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 10 mg approx 16 hours prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again, today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state today in certain ways, actually in almost every way.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: only the level of exposure to outdoors daylight prior to the practice; apparently this in and of itself is not enough to produce the paradisical stte of mind.
Faces in the Crowd: There was an annoying guy playing basketball, who looked like a hefty white black-haired junior high-schooler. Every 5 minutes or so, he shouted out loudly in his hefty Flintston-esque way of shouting: "Oh my God!!!!!". This annoyed me. And four grade school age boys and girls took over 2/3rds of the entire gym for their ball game and then of course one of them ran into me on my air-dribble run. I told them that four kids cannot take over 2/3rds of the gym for themselves; they quietly reformed to use only 1/2 of the gym; my tone of voice was in retrospect probably too harsh.  
As usual it seemed weird that I could be performing so spectacularly (3 months ago I would have thought today was superb, the B+ grade reflects rising, high, standards) and at the same the adults and kids in the gym should act as if I was not there. It is getting to the point where I can feel something, something that almost cannot be said, and it seems others can feel it too: in certain ways I am becoming not just a 'Pele' but something clearly a cut above a Pele--seems me being white and Pele being black, my eclipsing a Pele is tragic and unspeakable in the eyes of some. For one thing, Pele was only 5' 7" and 145 lbs, built sort of like the lovely loveable female track star at the college track meet. But I am 5' 10" 190 lbs. It is tough to play the kind of aerial game I play well when you are light in weight, short in height, with short legs, short arms, a lack of what the boxing world calls "reach". I get the feeling alot of the great players got alot of their reputation made, playing against relatively low-quality defenders--seems like the areas that produce the great offensive players also tend to produce through lack of interest and other factors, defenders who are relatively easy to beat.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 190 lbs unclothed, down 3 lbs from yesterday. Rarely do I lose so much weight in 24 hours. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank only: a Chorizo Tostada, half an order of Beans, half an order of rice, and 12 oz beer from Taqueria Mexico; 2 cups coffee, 1 cup tea with creamer and cane sugar; 6 oz tangerine juice, 1 small McD's hamburger, 1 small McD's fries; and probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.  Lesson: looking at what happened yesterday, seems with skimpy amounts of food/beer such as this about 42 oz Soymilk type protein drinks could prevent weight loss.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Tuesday March 18 '08
835-925 PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 50 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
1 cup coffee, 1 cup tea, both with creamer and cane sugar, 1 McD's big mac, 1 small McD's fries, 8 oz tangerine juice before practice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
Zero potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had  a cough though this was yet again improved;

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B-; emotional state C+; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today practice started 835 PM ended 925 PM--total 50 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 925 PM start).  The task I had set for myself today was 30 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 60 minutes; I got the 30 done in 50 minutes. At 835 PM in the 1st minute,  the 1st attempt of the day was LHKH success #1, it was a good run tightly controlled all the way across the width of the basketball court;  success #4 at 841 PM in the 6th minute  was the first perfect run (by nature one cannot sprint at max speed early in the practice);
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 65% of max sprint speed.
'B-' performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
Again what stood out was the speed and tightness of the runs starting with the 3rd touch of the run with the foot.
Basically it seems, that the more physical energy, mental energy, alertness, concentration, and attention I put into a practice, the better the practice. Sometimes I just feel like cruising along not putting too much of such energies and attention into the practice, and the performance goes down; but hey maybe it is best to sometimes follow one's natural inclinations and take it easy.
I have been forgetting to note that I have been while air-dribbling sprinting on the balls of my feet as opposed to flat-footed, for about 3 weeks now. Best I can recall this getting up on the balls of the feet started a few days before the first experiments with the MAO inhibiting herbs.
It is getting to the point where as I near the wall at the far side of the gym, I have to make a decision: keep control of the ball tight as I slow down as I approach the wall; or, kick the ball the distance I would kick it if I were to continue at high speed, this can involve the ball hitting the wall or me slowing down as I near the wall so the ball hits the ground before I get to it. This has to do with changes in terms of the points at which the ball is touched on the run; seems as the fifth touch on the ball gets closer and closer to the wall the wall becomes more of a problem.
I noticed today that though I rarely bring the right foot into use on the kicks, when I do use it, the right foot performs very competently producing fast tight control according to the designated pattern usually.
For the first time in a few weeks I guess, I did not shower in the 24 hours or so prior to the practice. Seems as a result I felt kind of hot and sluggish.
Note: I coughed only about twice during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank 4 oz water during the workout today.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'C+' grade level; I felt sort of like I felt yesterday.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'C+' level emotional state today:
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed midnight - 200 PM, 14 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which approx 8 hours was sleep; awoke noon out of bed 2 PM. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began 6.5 hours after rising and  8.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  McD's Big Mac and small fries approx 2 hours before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today and the previous day. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 40 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough though better, was still there while the fatigue that came with the cough was almost gone.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before practice
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 0 mg approx 16 hours prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: the woman in the apartment beneath mine was blasting music from early in the morning on into the afternoon. It is getting to the point where I suspect this music blasting is having a serious effect on me, interfering with my sleep, effecting the content of the dreams that I am able to remember. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that yet again, today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state in many ways.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: time between rising from bed and starting practice; exposure to outdoors daylight; apparently this in and of itself is not enough to produce the paradisical stte of mind.
Faces in the Crowd: gym was basically empty
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 192 lbs unclothed, up 2 lbs from yesterday. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: half a side order of rice and half a side order of beans from the Mexican restaurant; 4 eggs 1 cup milk 2 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread, all organic, used to make 2 pieces french toast and scrambled eggs; 12 oz juice, 8 oz half and half with cane sugar, 2 cups tea and 1 coffee all with cane sugar and creamer; 1 big mac and 1 small fries from McD's, plus probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.  Lesson: looks like organic bread eggs and milk, though not glamorous, can go a long way towards maintaining or increasing body weight.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Wednesday March 19
815-930  PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 75 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; (except for B vit pill, 3 potass pills, apple juice)
1 cup coffee,  with creamer and cane sugar, 1 steak and cheese sub (at approx 5 pm) from deli, 10 oz apple juice before practice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 42 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
3 potassium pills with pre workout juices/oils to get potassium level up
No Cacao Powder or MAO-inhibiting herbs today
Today I still had  a cough though it and the fatigue were almost nonexistent

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C+; emotional state C+; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) after flipping it up, then heading it (H), then kicking it (K), then heading it again (H), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Today practice started 815 PM ended 930 PM--total 70 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 815 PM start).  The task I had set for myself today was 40 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 80 minutes; I got the 40 done in 75 minutes (there was a 5 min bathroom break). At 819 PM in the 1st minute,  the 6th attempt of the day was LHKH success #1, it was a good long tight fast run tightly controlled all the way across the width of the basketball court;  I forgot to record the run that was the first perfect run. It took an unusually large number of attempts before the first successful run was accomplished today.
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 11 yds at a speed at least 70% of max sprint speed.
'C+' performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
On the positive side today, there were several fast runs with the ball under control, at a speed at least as fast as the fastest runs I have ever made; the control on these runs was not very tight but control still existed and the runs were very fast.
On the negative side today was relatively inconsistent in that, there were runs that were off on the the first second or third touches, and an unusually large number of runs were technically speaking LHKH pattern adherence runs but not high quality.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank approx 24 oz water during the workout today an unsually large amount.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'C+' grade level; I felt sort of like I felt yesterday.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'C+' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 130 AM - 100 PM, 11.5 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which only  5 hours was sleep; awoke 1030 AM, out of bed 1 PM. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 815 PM 7.0 hours after rising and  9.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  Steak and cheese deli sub at 5 PM approx 3.25 hours before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today; rather, some apple juice, a B vit pill, 3 potass pills were consumed 2.25 hours prior to start practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were skipped today and the previous day. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 40 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough/fatigue were almost gone. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 42 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 0 mg approx 16 hours prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: message left on answering machine by annoying person. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: I spent time in bed that was not spent sleeping; I lay in bed after awaking; the time between practice starting and waking up was off; the nutrients cocktail was not consumed; the MAOI herbs were not consumed the day prior to the practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the amount of sleep; the time between rising from bed and start practice; the amount of beer consumed evening before day of practice; apparently this in and of itself is not enough to produce the paradisical stte of mind.
It is hard to face the idea that what we eat and drink, our nutrition, could effect our psychological state. It seems unfair--look at all the inequality in terms of what people are able to eat. Then again a good scientist faces the reality that nutrition might effect psychological state.
According to scriptures, long ago Christ: chastised people for putting on 'a sad countenance' when fasting; and, explained that his disciples did not fast because since he was with them it was not a time of mourning.
Rev 6:6  And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.
Pre-Christian scripture talks of: how God causes the herbs to grow for the service of mankind; how bread makes the heart of man 'glad'; how a dinner of herbs is better than 'a stalled ox and hatred therewith'; how God creates "wine that maketh glad the heart of man";  
Gen 1:12  And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
Gen 1:29  And God said, Behold, I have given you (mankind, male and female) every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Heb 6:7  For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth blessing from God:
It also is hard to face the reality that rest can effect the emotional state. There is great inequality in the world in terms of how much rest people get; and so it seems unjust that the amount of rest should effect the emotional state. But again, seems a good scientist has to face the reality that the amount of rest can effect the emotional state.
Mat 23:4  For they (persons condemned by Christ) bind heavy burdens and grievous to be borne, and lay them on men's shoulders; but they themselves will not move them with one of their fingers.
A paradox is that one can be emotionally depressed due to the fatigue of 'getting into shape'; yet when one finally gets into better shape, activities that used to be depressing no longer are depressing.
Faces in the Crowd: 'Elvis Sarge' and his white buddy were shooting baskets while I was running the drills.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 194 lbs unclothed equal to my personal all-time record, up 2 lbs from the previous day for the second day in a row. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 1/2 lb cooked shrimp; 42 oz beer; 1 cup tea w halfnhalf and cane sugar; 1 small bag doritos; 3 oz sea-salted potato chips; 14 oz apple juice; another tea and a coffee both with the halfnhalf and cane sugar; steak and cheese deli sub, 16 oz apple juice, B vit pill, 3 potass pills, plus probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.  Lesson: looks like shrimp with plenty of tartar sauce lime juice and sea salt might be good for putting on weight an strengthening the juice produces bowel movements. Yesterday I saw that in the mirror I still have that well-formed tough-guy strong look despite several days not lifting weights.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Thursday March 20
815-927  PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 72 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; (except for 8 oz bolthouse c-boost drink)
2 cups coffee,  with 
halfnhalf and cane sugar, 2 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread, before practice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 48 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
0 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup coffee
drunk 700-725 PM
Today I still had  a cough though it and the fatigue were almost nonexistent

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B; emotional state B; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
I decided today to correct the grades I gave myself for emotional state from March 13 when I started giving this grade to yesterday. Seems to me that they were all a half-notch too high. I wanted to report today's emotional state as two notches above yesterday's, but that would put today's at a B+, leaving too little room for improvement for states better than today's. Thus today I reduced the emotional state grades for March 13 to yesterday March 19 by a half-notch.
Thus thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practice have been:
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
Today practice started 815 PM ended 927 PM--total 72 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 815 PM start).  The task I had set for myself today was 40 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 80 minutes; I got the 40 done in 72 minutes (there was a 3 min bathroom break). At 815 PM in the 1st minute,  the 1st attempt of the day was LHKH success #1, it was a good long run tightly controlled all the way across the width of the basketball court, it followed the LHKHKKH pattern; again  I forgot to record the run that was the first perfect run.
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 70% of max sprint speed.
B level performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
On the positive side today: there were a relatively large number of textbook-classic runs that adhered to pattern, were fast even if not extremely fast, and were very tightly controlled;  the number of attempts on which I failed to attain to the LHKH pattern was low.
On the negative side: too many of the runs that were scored as adherence to LHKH pattern were low quality; too many attempts failed to adhere to LHKH pattern.
On one of the runs I noticed something that I have not seen before. I kicked the ball at a low trajectory a little too far ahead of me so that it bounced before I got to it; when this happened I was running at about 80% max sprint speed so the ball was going a little faster than 80% max sprint speed; despite the speed at which the ball was moving, and its low almost parallel-to-ground trajectory when it hit the ground, when it bounced, it literally bounced backwards instead of forwards, and to my right instead of straight backwards as one would expect given the absence of spin--due to the spin that was on the ball. Me learning to anticipate such spins better than the defenders could give me significant advantage.
I remember being exposed to cricket as a boy; my estimate remembering the spin-bowlers is, that the spin on the ball will effect the bounce of the ball even more on turf or grass than it does on the wooden basketball court floor.
Towards the end, after I had scored about 35 LHKH pattern-adherence runs, I went into a streak in which several of the attempts went astray on the third touch with the foot or before the third touch with the foot. This was because the people running around in the space I was heading towards gave me the fear of running into them; the resulting lack of performance produced a lack of self confidence which further impaired performance. I should have been wise enough to realize, that the misperformance was simply due to a fear of collision then confidence would not have been impaired. I do not fear collision with defenders in a game, I have experience as a thin young boy colliding with heavier players; but I fear it with these non-soccer players who run around oblivious to my existence, because I fear hurting them or getting in trouble for colliding with them.
An idea in my head now is--there are various points in the run in which an attempt can be made to accelerate to maximum sprint speed. Lately this has been starting with the third touch with the foot. Alternatively, I could command myself to explode to max sprint speed starting with the second touch with the head, or the first touch with the foot, or even starting with the flip up prior to the first touch with the foot. Seems that the first thing to do would be to do some runs in which I explode to max sprint speed starting with the second touch with the head.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today an unsually small amount. Seems the MAOI herbs reduced the need for water drastically.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'B' grade level; I felt significantly better than I did yesterday. It was not so much the presence of positive emotion as it was, the lack of negative emotion. Yesterday my mind, and yes even my body during the practice,kept getting infected with hatred for this guy who leaves excessive number of messages on my answering machine. Today this infection of negative emotion was absent. Today I felt less gloomy. Today I felt more upbeat because I was much less tired than I was yesterday. My estimate is that credit for this lack of fatigue should go to the consumption of the MAOI herbs with the cup of coffee from 700 to 725 PM before I left for the gym. Seems to me, that when the consumption of nutrients is limited, as it was for me today, one can be more aware of, and can better appreciate, the value of such herbs.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 200 AM - 100 PM, 11.0 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which only  4.5 hours was sleep; awoke 1130 AM, out of bed 1 PM. at 1030 AM I was woken up by the woman who lives in the apartment directly below mine blasting music. I am trying to get to sleep early so I can get a full night's sleep before the she starts blasting the music in the morning, but I have not been succeeding in shifting the schedule and the result has been time spent lying in bed and a lack of sleep. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 815 PM 9.25 hours after rising and  10.75 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  Just 2 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread and 1 oz potato chips 2 hours before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today; rather, simply 8 oz Bolthouse C-boost drink 1.5 hours before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of coffee from 700-725 PM, approx 1 hour before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for only about 20 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today the cough/fatigue were almost gone. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 0 mg approx 16 hours prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: relatively stress-free day. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: the time at which I awoke; the time spent lying in bed after waking; the longer interval between rising and waking and practice; the small pregame meal, eaten closer to practice time than march 6; the nutritional vitamins/minerals cocktail not consumed; the MAOI herbs consumed 1 hour before practice not day before practice; the low level exposure to outdoors daylight; the lack of rest the day before practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping; the time out of bed, MAOI herbs consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time; little to no cough fatigue;the 48 oz beer consumed evening of day before practice
the no melatonin in 24 hours prior to practice;the relatively stress free day.
Faces in the Crowd: There were about 20 blacks and whites ranging mostly from high school age to grade school age, mostly females, running around the gym while I was practicing. None of them said anything re the demigod (me) in their midst. But when am American style oval-shaped football came my way, I threw it across the gym, a nice accurate spiral 17 yards to the recipient, the first time I have thrown such a ball in years, and an East Asian girl enthusiastically complimented me for the quality of the throw. Come to think of it I am sure I could throw as good as a pro quarterback if given the chance to practice. In grade school and high school I used to play in informal games, sometimes as quarterback (hyperinflated egoes interfered with me getting a chance to play more quarterback). Once I had a dream that I was able to throw the ball better than this pro quarterback named Jeff George.
Before the workout I was 195 lbs unclothed a new personal all-time record, up 1 lb from the previous day for the second day in a row. That means I am now only 4 lbs away from the coveted level of 199 lbs at 5' 10" in height which would proportionally speaking be the same as Schwarzenegger at 6' 2.5" and 235 lbs. When I get to 199 lbs I can concentrate on shaping the flesh on my body as opposed to adding more flesh to the body.
Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 48 oz beer, 1 frozen $7 Pizzeria Uno Pizza, 12 peanuts, 10 oz apple juice, 2 cups coffee with cane sugar and halfnhalf, 2 pieces Barowsky bread, 1 oz potatochips, 8 oz Bolthouse C-boost drink, the MAOI herbs. Lessons looks like beer and pizza might help to add muscle and strength to the body; seems the MAOI herbs might help the body to better assimilate food and put on weight. Feeling my legs during and after the workout it felt like I am putting on muscle in the legs as opposed to fat in the stomach.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Friday March 21
850-940  PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 50 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills;
pre-practice meal = 2 pieces multigrain bread and tea with maoi herbs
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
0 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup coffee
again drunk 700-730 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough though the fatigue was almost nonexistent

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B+; emotional state B-; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Thus thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practice have been:
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
Today practice started 850 PM ended 940 PM--total 50 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 850 PM start).  The task I had set for myself today was 30 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 60 minutes; I got the 30 done in 50 minutes. At 851 PM in the 2nd minute,  the 3rd attempt of the day was LHKH success #1; the first good quality LHKH pattern-adherence run was success #2 at 853 PM in the 3rd minute; the first perfect was #4 at 856 PM in the 6th minute.
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 70% of max sprint speed.
B+ level performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
As I did not get around to producing this log entry until 24 hours after the practice, I could not recall the positive and negative aspects of the practice. Alot of things about a practice, seems you forget if you wait 24 hours before writing up the log entry.
One thought in my mind during the practice was that tough drills doing new hard stuff will accelerate the rate of improvement.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank ? oz water during the workout today an unsually small amount.
The emotions during the workout today were at a 'B-' grade level; since I did not get around to writing up the log entry I could not recall the specifics re why I gave the B- grade.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 200 AM - 230 PM, 12.5 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which only  5 hours (630-1030 am, 1130 am -1230 pm) was sleep; awoke 1230 PM, out of bed 230 PM. I am trying to get to sleep early so I can get a full night's sleep before the she starts blasting the music in the morning, but I have not been succeeding in shifting the schedule and the result has been 'lazy' time spent lying in bed and a lack of sleep. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
This going to bed at what for me is a new early time, is merely resulting in time wasted lying in bed but not able to sleep. Apparently the solution is to go to sleep when sleepy, and to wake up and get out of bed at the target time no matter what.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 850 PM 6.5 hours after rising and  8.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  Just 2 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of coffee from 700-730 PM, approx 2 hours before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for ?? minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 0 mg approx 16 hours prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: ?? stress during day. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: much more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping; the pregame meal was less substantial; nutrients cocktail was not consumed; maoi herbs consumed 2 hours before practice instead of day before; no beer consumed evening of day before practice;
no rest day before practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping; the time out of bed, MAOI herbs consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time;
Faces in the Crowd: Dont remember this as I did not write up this log entry until the day after practice.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 194 lbs down 1 lb from yesterday. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 1 thin frozen 12" Hannaford Pizza, 1 cup tea, 8 oz bolthouse blueberry juice, 8 oz bolthouse c-boost juice, maoi herbs with coffee, plus probably some insignificant stuff.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Saturday March 22
625-725  PM
Waltham Y Gym

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; just 5 oz bolthouse c-boost before practice
pre-practice meal = 2 pieces multigrain bread and cup tea w maoi herbs; 5 oz bolthouse c-boost drink
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice;
0 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup tea
515-530 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough though the fatigue was almost nonexistent

LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B-; emotional state B; Today again, I was running the air-dribble pattern, the 'LHKH' pattern. The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible.
Thus thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practice have been:
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
Today practice started 625 PM ended 725 PM--total 60 minutes running the LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 850 PM start).  The task I had set for myself today was 35 LHKH pattern-adherence runs at a rate of one pattern-adherence success every two minutes over 60 minutes; I got the 35 done in 60 minutes. At 826 PM in the 2nd minute,  the 3rd attempt of the day was LHKH success #1 (like yesterday); the first good quality LHKH pattern-adherence run was success #2 at 658 PM in the 4th minute; the first perfect was #3 at 630 PM in the 6th minute. This was all similar to yesterday.
As always,  many of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time. The typical run was--ball kept under tight control and off ground over at least 12 yds at a speed at least 70% of max sprint speed.
B- level performance, is in the context of what have become very high standards.
On the positive side--there were several fast tightly controlled, and very fast but controlled, air-dribble runs across the floor; and, several of the runs that could not be scored as LHKH-pattern-adherence successes, were at least still runs in which the ball was maintained under control or could have been kept under control if I had hustled mustered the energy to chase the ball. There were impressive, very fast, long, tightly controlled deviations such as LHKKK, and LHK-bounce-chest-K,  that technically speaking could not be classified as LHKH pattern-adherence successes.
On the negative side, there was some inconsistency in that there were too many low quality runs that were nevertheless technically speaking LHKH pattern adherence successes, and there were too many attempts that did not result in being scored as LHKH pattern-adherence successes.
During the practice I noticed--
I can sprint forward reach the ball that is moving forward at a speed similar to my sprinting speed, and then by kicking the ball, deliberately send it on a trajectory straight upwards perpendicular to the ground or even somewhat backwards. This a ground dribbler cannot do. It makes for some interesting possibilities when it comes to teamworks and also individual dribbles.
There is a declining rate of return on drills such as LHKH. On a graph where the Y axis represents the rate of return and the x axis represents the date on which the drill was done, the line would be the old bell-shaped convex curve; you get to a point at which each successive repetition of the drill produces less return in terms of improvement. Thus it might be wise to now mix in some new drills doing tough new stuff like zig-zagging, stop and go, and acceleration to max sprint speed on the second or first touch. True it is a blow to the ego to do new drills one is not proficient in, and in the process one can look incompetent in the eyes of the public, but we must be mature about things.
Emotional calmness seems to result in more mental energy being available for the purposes of performance-enhancing alertness, attentiveness, focus, concentration.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank 8 oz water during the workout today an unsually small amount.
The emotions during the workout today were at a B grade level; I felt I did a good job of not allowing my performance to effect my emotional state, not getting emotionally flustered by things going wrong. This was a result of a conscious attempt to deliberately use the mind to reproduce the mental state in effect on the glorious March 6 'entry-into-paradise' day. Thus I was able to mentally monitor the performance level, which is useful, without getting emotionally flustered.
I had a bad night Friday night; driving around at night discovering that three different supermarkets did not have the Bolthouse mix of Passion, Apple, and Carrot Juice (an outstanding product) was annoying and depressing.
But at night I had a dream that I found spiritually uplifting in a way for some reason. In the dream they had discovered that one of the Great Lakes, Erie or Superior, not Michigan, had once been home to lots of these bases for military type canoes manned by American Indians. Each canoe contained 100 Indian Braves, and there were 100 of these canoes. These Indian Braves were brave tough men who tortured their enemies. When I heard about the Canoe-Bases being discovered I took a trip out to the midwest to tour the sites and learn about them; it felt good being a tourist. There was some kind of tour where you got on a replica of the war-canoes whose bases had been discovered. I got on a war canoe it was about four yards wide and about 40 yards long and had a woodn floor like a basketball court; at the front end it contained a tall book-case; my ship-mates in the canoe with me were this white young woman with wavy yellow hair and some little guy; I felt a spiritual kinship with the woman we became friends; it felt good to take a vacation and travel; in the dream the woman on the ship and me were both brave and tough like the Indian Braves of old times. In the dream The woman's face lacked detailed not sure who she represented. Point is that after I woke up and went to practice, during the practice I felt sort of a new mental toughness inside of myself that seemed to originate from the feelings in the dream. There can be nothing wrong with admiring characteristics such as toughness when faced with torture and bravery; characteristics similar to such toughness and bravery can improve emotional state and performance in soccer; the early Christian church admired such in its martyrs; but society seems to be de-emphasizing such in favor of things like wealth and income.
I guess alot of us are descended from brave folks who were pioneers in the tough environment that was North America say more than a hundred years ago and are thus kindred spirits in a sense. In high scholl english class, We used to read about such hardy frontiersmen and frontierswomen such as the French who settled Canada. Was it Willa Cather who wrote one of those books? Not sure.
The same night I also had another enjoyable dream in which I was walking around Bombay India, of modern year 2008 times, which however despite modern improvements had alot of charming 19th and early 20th century British-Indian characteristics, again I was a tourist having fun. In the dream I liked the way the Indians had taken on some positive British cultural characteristics; I saw horses pulling wagons, manned by British troops, driving around the streets of Bombay in the dream.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 1230 AM - 200 PM, 13.5 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which only  5.5 hours (430-600, 630-730 am, 830-1030 am, 1130 am - 1230 pm) was sleep; awoke 1230 PM, out of bed 200 PM. I am trying to get to sleep early so I can get a full night's sleep before the neighbor starts blasting the music in the morning, but I have not been succeeding in shifting the schedule and the result has been 'lazy' time spent lying in bed and a lack of sleep. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
I skipped computer work in the evening yesterday, thinking that the result would be that it would be easier for me to fall asleep, but no such luck.
REPEAT: This going to bed at what for me is a new early time, seems to be merely resulting in time wasted lying in bed but not able to sleep. Apparently the solution is to go to sleep when sleepy, and to wake up and get out of bed at the target time no matter what.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 625 PM 4.25 hours after rising and  6.0 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  Just 2 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread and tea with maoi herbs 1 hour before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of coffee from 500-530 PM, approx 1.5 hours before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 20 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 6 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was no rest rather a workout. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin intake: 0 mg in 24 hrs prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: ?? stress during day. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 9 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: yet again, compared to March 6, much more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping; time between rising/waking and start of practice was less than March 6; the pregame meal was less substantial; nutrients cocktail was not consumed; maoi herbs consumed 1.5 hours before practice instead of day before; oinly 6 oz beer consumed evening of day before practice;no rest day before practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was close to March 6; the MAOI herbs consumed were at least consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time;
Faces in the Crowd:  Basically empty except at the beginning of practice, a black young man in sky-blue shirt and shorts and a grade school black girl who was with him who was dressed in green
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 194 lbs same weight as yesterday. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank: 11/2 of a large fried rice from Chinese Restaurant, 1/2 of a $10 Kung Pao tripledelight, 6 oz beer, 10 oz bolthouse c-boost drink, 16 oz mix of bolthouse blueberry, organic milk, organic halfnhalf, and cane sugar; 2 pieces multigran bread, plain tea w halfnhalf and cane sugar, tea w halfnhalf  and cane sugar and maoi herbs mixed in, plus probably some insignificant stuff.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Monday March 24
525-638  PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 73 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; just 4 oz bolthouse c-boost before practice
pre-practice meal = 1 piece multigrain bread and cup tea w maoi herbs; 5 oz bolthouse c-boost drink
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 WHole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup tea
415-445 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough though the fatigue that used to be there with the cough, was almost nonexistent

First Day of 'ZZ' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance D; emotional state B; Today I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practice have been:
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
march 24 D B (new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
Today practice started 525 PM ended 638 PM--total 73 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 525 PM start).  At 526 PM in the 2nd minute,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1, this was also a good and perfect run of ZZ-R LHKH, even though the angles on the turns of the zig-zag were slight. In the end after 73 minutes: there had been 16 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 12 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.22 almosts per minute and 0.16 successes per minute.
Some of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time, with the ZZ-R variant of the LHKH pattern maintained.
D level performance as a grade, is in the context of what have become very high standards. This ZZ-R zig-zagging variant of the LHKH pattern is much more difficult than the very difficult straight LHKH pattern; today was the first day that I did it; I was pleased with my ability to quickly begin mastering the new skill. But I decided to give myself a D as a reference starting point, because naturally this first day will probably be the worst day, though it was not a failing day; and I have to leave plenty of room grades-wise for improvement in the future.
On the positive side--there were some fast tightly controlled perfect or almost perfect zig-zag runs; several runs were almost pattern-adherence runs with the ball under control; there were deviant runs that were impressive.  On the negative side, there was plenty of inconsistency and failure, especially on the first header of the run; it is tough to flip the ball up, kick the ball diagonally forward to one's right and then head it diagonally forwards to one's left while keeping the ball under control, tougher than it is to do such later on in the run at higher speed.
During the practice I noticed--
The amount of angle on the turns is slight, and the distance traveled on the straight parts of the zig zag is not long right now.
The ball bouncing between touches is more of a natural part of this ZZ-R variant of the LHKH pattern than is the case with the original LHKH pattern.
Seems as if two quick touches with the head instead of just one touch with the head, could be a natural part of this ZZ-R variant (it is hard on the first touch with the head to knock a ball going to one's right, towards one's left, by touching the ball with the head just once).
I can see how partial adherence to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern could be useful. For example, kick ball to slant to right, head ball to slant to left, and then kick shot forwards could be deadly.
On this zig zag variant of the LHKH pattern, I noticed my feet slipping on the wood basketball court floor. I first noticed slippage a couple of days ago, I think due to a combo of them refinishing the floor, and the soles of my shoes wearing away.
Note: I coughed only about once during the entire workout so I do not think at this point it is dangerously infectious. The regulations are that a person with an infectious disease must not use the pool. The drill I have been doing is a solitary activity. I do much more coughing when I am not exercising.
I drank only about 4 oz water during the workout today.
The emotions during the workout today were at a B grade level; I was doing a good job of preventing failure (common with a new difficult drill) from disturbing me emotionally, while at the same time putting physical energy and mental energy (attention, alertness, concentration, focus) into the runs.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 315 AM - 100 PM, 10.75 hours (trying to use rest to get rid of cough),  of which only  5 hours (600 am-1230 PM with intervals awake) was sleep; awoke 1230 PM, out of bed 100 PM. I am trying to get to sleep early so I can get a full night's sleep finished with earlier in the morning, but I have not been succeeding in shifting the schedule and the result has been 'lazy' time spent lying in bed but not asleep. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
REPEAT: This going to bed at what for me is a new early time, seems to be merely resulting in time wasted lying in bed but not able to sleep. Apparently the solution is to go to sleep when sleepy, and to wake up and get out of bed at the target time no matter what. Problem is that if one has slept for only a couple of hours when the target time for getting out of bed arrives, it is hard to resist sleeping past the target time, because you know you will perform better in the day's activities if sleep has not been too little.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 525 PM 4.5 hours after rising and  5.0 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  Just 1 pieces Barowsky multigrain bread and tea with maoi herbs 1 hour before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of tea from 415-445 PM, approx 1 hour before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 20 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was a day of rest. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin etc intake: IN 24 hrs prior to practice, zero melatonin, 2 Whole Foods brand 'Restful Sleep' capsules. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin or herbal sleeping pills in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: not alot of stress. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 11 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: yet again, compared to March 6, much more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping; time between rising/waking and start of practice was less than March 6; the pregame meal was less substantial and taken closer to practice start; nutrients cocktail was not consumed; maoi herbs consumed 1 hours before practice instead of day before; 0 oz beer consumed evening of day before practice; herbal sleeping pills taken before sleep before practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was close to March 6; the MAOI herbs consumed were at least consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time; there was day of rest before the practice started.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff:
Lately I have been remembering much fewer dreams upon awaking than usual. Last night was different. I had a dream about the Prez Dubya Bush. In the dream: It was early morning or late evening, dawn or twilight; I was with him outdoors, seemed like we were sitting on something like a big tractor-crane and talking. He was nicer looking than he is in photos/TV, nicer than you would expect him to be as a person given all the rumors swirling about regarding him. I had the distinct impression that he was losing power as a leader while at the same time I was gaining power. It seemed that he, Dubya, is not so much a bad person but rather a person who makes mistakes. I felt that Dubya lacks wisdom wheras I have it. I saw what looked like a gigantic tool of the type used by mechanics, shaped like a big sword 12 meters long; I was using this tool to good effect; I had wisdom, I was able to use a small amount of force to accomplish a lot, similar to 'leverage' and 'torque' (there are these tools that are not power-tools that allow you to accomplish with a little energy what you could not accomplish using much more energy without the tool). I felt as if Dubya was supposed to be the drinking buddy of the liberal Prez (me) but had somehow gone astray and become a critical argumentative conservative instead. And in a second dream, I saw this beautiful young white woman named Heather who I first encountered at Frosty's which is now the Lincoln (I heard that she 'does'); she was walking on the sidewalk ten yards in front of me with a similar woman and I felt I liked her.
Faces in the Crowd:  grade schoolers playing basketball, and some other folks. This one Y staff guy was showing the Y to an East Asian family, in between the lines he was muttering about me doing the ZZ-R LHKH pattern drill--he had noticed the change, he approved of it, he noticed me succeeding and 'juking' (his word for the zig-zagging). At this point I am wondering, all these people seem to think I am important, how is it that they do not think someone important like me should be making a good income?
I had the feeling today that me doing the zig zag variant of the LHKH is more important to the world than it is to me in a way; I have always known that I will be able to succeed in zig-zagging while air-dribbling the ball sprinting while keeping the ball under control and off the ground--but it seems the world will not believe such can be done until they see it done with their eyes.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was 193 lbs 1 lb less than two days ago. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank very little(mostly organic/natural): 0.8 lb bone-in pork chop, halfnhalf cane sugar milk and berry juice mix, some Bolthouse C-Boost juice drink, cups of tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf, 1-2 piecea multigrain bread, a few peanuts, a candy bar, cup tea with maoi herbs, and some unremembered insignificant stuff. Surprising that so little food over two days could result in loss of only 1 lb over two days. The food was organic, high quality, healthy stuff. The coffee of yore has been replaced for now with tea.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Tuesday March 25
803-933 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 73 minutes
Skipped the usual mix of juices oils and pills; just 4 oz bolthouse c-boost before practice
pre-practice meal today = 1 piece multigrain bread, 3 xchicken drumsticks, Amer chop suey and cup tea w maoi herbs; 5 oz bolthouse c-boost drink
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup tea
700-715 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough though the fatigue that used to be there with the cough, was almost nonexistent

Second Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance D+; emotional state C-; Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
Today practice started 803 PM ended 933 PM--total 90 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 803 PM start).  At 806 PM in the 4th minute,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1, this was also a good and perfect run of ZZ-R LHKH, though the angles on the turns of the zig-zag were slight. In the end after 90 minutes: there had been 8 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 29 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.09 almosts per minute and 0.32 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                   0.16
March 25  0.08                   0.32
Several of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 17 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time, with the ZZ-R variant of the LHKH pattern maintained.
D+ level performance as a grade, is in the context of what have become very high standards. This ZZ-R zig-zagging variant of the LHKH pattern is much more difficult than the very difficult straight LHKH pattern;  I decided to give myself a D+ today, because I estimate that when I get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level, and then progress upwards further in grade by increasing the quality of the successes as opposed to the number of successes per minute.
On the positive side--during the practice today I could see the light at the end of the tunnel; I could see that eventually, I will be able to consistently perform fast zig zagging ZZ-R LHKH pattern adherence runs all the way across the floor at high speed keeping the ball under tight control and close to the body. Today there were some impressive deviations which did not exactly stick to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern, but which nevertheless were tightly controlled zig zagging runs with the ball bouncing no more than once over 15 yards. There were a few that were LHKHKH and similar things the zig zag pattern maintained the entire time over many touches of the ball. In general it was evident that this new difficult ZZ-R variant, is tightening up the control of the ball; there were a few runs impressive for the tightness of control and the number of zig zag turns during the run across the width of the gym.
On the negative side--there is still simply too much inconsistency, too many attempts on which something goes wrong so that the ZZ-R LHKH pattern is not adhered to; and, too many of the runs that were scored technically speaking as ZZ-R LHKH pattern adherence successes, were of low quality.
My estimate now is that doing this new ZZ-R variant will improve my performance in non-patterned freestyle air-dribbling, and the straight non zig-zag LHKH, more than doing the straight non zig-zag LHKH will improve my performance in such areas.
It would be easier and more natural to use mostly the feet  for zig-zag patterns, but I have decided to stick with the LHKH pattern alternating between kicking the ball and heading it as I believe that the LHKH pattern is almost sacred in terms of the advantages it produces.
I drank about 8 oz water during the workout today.
The emotions during the workout today were at a C- grade level; I was again doing a good job of preventing failure (common with a new difficult drill) from disturbing me emotionally, while at the same time putting physical energy and mental energy (attention, alertness, concentration, focus) into the runs. However, my sleep pattern being thrown off even more than usual, combined with stresses of the previous two days related to my financial accounts, had me emotionally down.
I have learned to not allow poor performance during a practice to effect my mental state; but I have not become adept at preventing unpleasant experiences outside of practice from effecting my mental state during practice. I think what I have to realize, is that preventing unpleasant outside-of-practice experiences from disturbing me mentally during the practice is not enough. Suppose I have unpleasant experiences 20 hours before practice and 8 hours before practice. I cannot allow such unpleasant experiences to emotionally disturb me up to the time of practice and then simply shut down the emotional disturbance during the practice--because then, by the time practice starts, the disturbance will have built up to a point where I cannot recover from it during the practice. What I need to do is to prevent the unpleasant experience from even beginning to negatively infect me at the time that the unpleasant experience occurs.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 315 AM - 300 PM, 11.75 hours (trying to use rest to adjust schedule and get rid of cough),  of which only  4.5 hours (900 am-200 PM with intervals awake) was sleep; awoke 200 PM, out of bed 300 PM.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
REPEAT: This going to bed at what for me is a new early time, seems to be merely resulting in time wasted lying in bed but not able to sleep. Apparently the solution is to go to sleep when sleepy, and to wake up and get out of bed at the target time no matter what. Problem is that if one has slept for only a couple of hours when the target time for getting out of bed arrives, it is hard to resist sleeping past the target time, because you know you will perform better in the day's activities if sleep has not been too little.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 803 PM 5 hours after rising and  6 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  a little American chop suey, 3 chicken drumsticks, bolthouse c-boost drink, 1 piece Barowsky multigrain bread, tea with maoi herbs 1.5-1 hour before practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of tea from 700-715 PM, approx 1 hour before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 20 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was a practice rather than rest. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin etc intake: In 24 hrs prior to practice, zero melatonin, 2 Whole Foods brand 'Restful Sleep' capsules. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin or herbal sleeping pills in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: two very stressful encounters with Mr. Grinch (not his real name), one yesterday and one today, re my financial accounts. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Points 1 to 11 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: yet again, compared to March 6, much more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping;  the pre-game meal was taken closer to practice start; the nutrients cocktail was not consumed; maoi herbs were consumed 1 hours before practice instead of day before; 0 oz beer was consumed evening of day before practice; herbal sleeping pills wree taken before sleep day before practice; and, perhaps most importantly unlike the relatively stress free March 6, there were these very stressful conversations with the gratuitously unpleasant Mr. Grinch...the way conversations with him go, seems like it would be appropriate to have an announcer announce, just before we begin conversing, 'let the unpleasantries begin'; I have been drinking tea instead of coffee which I was drinking on and around March 6.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was close to March 6; the MAOI herbs consumed were at least consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time; there was day of rest before the practice started.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff:
My estimate now is that: I remember fewer of my dreams, or have fewer dreams, when I drink coffee; and, I remember more of my dreams, or have more dreams, when I drink tea. I have switched from coffee to tea for about 3 days now, such might be hard to get used to mentally and physically, but I have been remembering alot more of my dreams. Not sure what kind of effect remembering or having dreams has on emotions and on soccer practice. You could say  that dreams are good in that they help to keep us in socially and psychologically in touch with the people in the world; then again you could say that the problem with dreams is that they bring us too close to the people in the world.
Last night I dreamt of this beautiful white black haired girl (not the same one mentioned in the previous entry) who 'came on' to me when she was underage (about twelve), she was a friend of my neighbor's when I lived at 90 Myrtle St. Waltham, since then I moved to a new location and lost touch with the people at the old location. In the dream someone told me her name (I do not know her name), and then I forgot it. The name was an English name I think it ended in  'best'; I think it was something-best. In the dream this family of this girl who is now a woman liked me. The dream was kind of a shock for me, because I felt disappointed that I did not remember the name given me in the dream, and this got me to realizing the extent to which I miss the company of this girl who has become a woman.
Faces in the Crowd:  Some white and brown teenage boys, about ten of them, got down on their knees while I was in the gym, and in unison touched their heads to the floor, their heads facing towards the East--they knew exactly which direction the exact East was. As it turns out they were Muslim boys.  One of themm white clean shaven and bespectacled, under his breath said, 'you're good' as he looked at me. They have no foreign accent when they speak. One of them said he was an 'American'; they said originally they were from different countries outside of America; they did not seem to want to talk about which countries these countries were. One of them said he was from Venezuela. The first thought that entered my mind when I saw them praying was: Christians have a scripture which counsels them to pray in secret so nobody knows they are praying; but these Muslim boys are praying in public--I have never seen Christians praying at a quote Young Men's Christian Association unquote (YMCA). Some of these boys then joined some boys and young men of the usual Y type for a half court basketball game while I was doing the soccer drill.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs the locker room with the scale was closed. Between yesterday's practice and today's I ate/drank little(mostly organic/natural): 0.8 lb bone-in pork chop, halfnhalf cane sugar milk and berry juice mix, some Bolthouse C-Boost juice drink, cups of tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf, 1-2 piecea multigrain bread, a few peanuts, cup tea with maoi herbs, a little American chop suey, 3 chicken drumsticks and proably some unremembered insignificant stuff.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Wednesday March 26
815-935 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 73 minutes
For the first time in days, had the nutrients cocktail (oils juices pills), 2.5 hours before practice.
pre-practice meal today = 2 piece multigrain bread, and cup tea w maoi herbs;
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 4 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
9 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup tea
700-715 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough though the fatigue that used to be there with the cough, was almost nonexistent
I could tell that the 'nutrients cocktail' begain to help my body to conquer the cough just minutes after I consumed  it.
The complete dose for the nutrients cocktail as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot juice.

3rd Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C-; emotional state B-; Today I corrected a clerical error in the performance/emotions grades history that I have been including in these log entries--for March 24 and March 25 I had accidentally put the performance grade second in the little table and the emotions first, whereas actually the format is suppose to be the reverse performance first emotions second. The new correct numbers are in green in the previous two entries.
Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
Today practice started 815 PM ended 935 PM--total 80 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 815 PM start).  At 816 PM in the 2nd minute,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1, this was also a good and perfect run of ZZ-R LHKH, though as usual nowadays, the angles on the turns of the zig-zag were slight. In the end after 80 minutes: there had been 6 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 35 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.08 almosts per minute and 0.44 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                   0.16
March 25  0.08                   0.32
March 26  0.08                   0.44
Looking at the data above, you could say I will continuing at today's rate of improvement, be at 0.83 successes per minute in 3 days (the initial improvement in terms of successes scored per minute), and then it will take another week or two to polish up the quality of the runs scored as pattern-adherence successes. Seems to me this is the proper approach--first one improves in terms of the number of runs that are technically speaking "successes" per hour; and then one polishes up the quality of the runs and slows down the pace in terms of runs attempted per hour.
I think I am following the correct path by first mastering the ZZ-R variant featuring the first slant being towards my right; and then after this going on to master the ZZ-L variant which will features the first slant going to my left. With the ZZ-L variant the right foot does the difficult change of direction kicking, and I am left-footed not right footed. The idea is to learn what proper technique is using the favored left foot and then apply these lessons to the use of the right foot.
The ZZ-L will be difficult because I am left footed, but since it will come after the ZZ-R has been mastered in that sense it will be easier.
My estimate now is that in one month I will have mastered the ZZ-L and ZZ-R variants, and then I will be really something, able to not just blast across the width of the gym keeping the ball off the ground and close the the body; but rather also able to change directions in the course of the flight across the gym. Seems to me that it is a no-brainer, that a couple of hours of practice a day for a month, is a bargain price to pay to be able to attain to such abilities.
I remind all those who might feel inclined to scoff at me having spent time on the straight LHKH instead of the zig-zag, that there is no way I could do the zig-zag without first learning the straight.
Today several of the runs took the ball all the way across the width of the gym (approx 15 yds) at high speed, with the ball under tight control and kept close to the body and off the ground the whole time, with the ZZ-R variant of the LHKH pattern maintained.
C- level performance as a grade, is in the context of what have become very high standards. This ZZ-R zig-zagging variant of the LHKH pattern is much more difficult than the very difficult straight LHKH pattern;  I decided to give myself a C- today, because I estimate that when I get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level, and then progress upwards further in grade by increasing the quality of the successes as opposed to the number of successes per minute.
On the positive side-- What I especially noticed starting early in the practice today, was that compared to yesterday, I had become significantly, definitely more competent, in running this new zig-zagging LHKH pattern up to the point of the third touch, a kick (K) of the ball; however many times this third touch mis-hit the ball so that the pattern could not be completed. I suppose it is natural that at first, the competence should be gained over the first three (L for left foot kick, H for head, K for kick) touches on the ball; I believe it is more advantageous to improve on the first 2 touches at the beginning, as opposed to improving on the 3rd and the 4th touches of theruns. Starting 907 PM about 52 minutes after the start, the number of long fast tightly controlled runs that adhered to the zig-zagging ZZ-R pattern per ten minutes of practice, went up dramatically.
On the negative side--same as yesterday: there are still too many attempts on which something goes wrong so that the ZZ-R LHKH pattern is not adhered to; and, too many of the runs that were scored technically speaking as ZZ-R LHKH pattern adherence successes, were of low quality.
I drank about ?? (failed to keep track of this) oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted, that it definitely seemed that if I adopted a certain attitude while doing the runs, my performance improved. This attitude was: these zig zagging LHKH runs are not that different from the straight LHKH runs, I should do the zig-zagging LHKH runs in a manner similar to the way I do the straight LHKH runs; these zig-zag LHKH runs are not that much harder than the straight LHKH runs I became so competent at.
I have been feeling emotionally somewhat up, excited, energized, when not at practice these days--I think this is due to the fact that doing the new zig-zag version of the LHKH is exciting, majestic. Seems like both I and the people around, see the significance and the drama of it.
The emotions during the workout today were at a B- grade level; like yesterday, I was again doing a good job of preventing failure from disturbing me emotionally, while at the same time putting physical energy and mental energy (attention, alertness, concentration, focus) into the runs. Today taking heed of what I noted yesterday re preventing outside of practice stresses from causing emotional disturbance, I had made a point all day of not allowing the stresses to even begin to effect me negatively, the result was an improved emotional state during the practice.
Yesterday in the log I noted: "What I need to do is to prevent the unpleasant experience from even beginning to negatively infect me at the time that the unpleasant experience occurs".
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B-' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 430 AM - 230 PM, 10 hours (trying to use rest to adjust schedule and get rid of cough),  of which only  4.5 hours (900 am-130 PM with intervals awake) was sleep; awoke 130 PM, out of bed 200 PM.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
When it comes time to get out of bed early after having had very little sleep, I rationalize sleeping later on the grounds that my performance in the day will be better if I get a little more rest.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 815 PM 6 hours after rising and  7.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal:  2 slices Barowsky multigrain bread, tea with halfnhalf and cane sugar with MAOI herbs, at 700 PM 1.25 hours before start practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was for the first time in days, consumed today at 540 PM, 2.5 hours before start practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of tea from 700-715 PM, approx 1 hour before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 20 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was a practice rather than rest. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin etc intake: In 24 hrs prior to practice, zero melatonin, 4 Whole Foods brand 'Restful Sleep' capsules. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin or herbal sleeping pills in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: a moderately stressful encounter with Mr. Grinch re my financial accounts, the stress was handled better than yesterday. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Note: keeping track of things like points 1-11 could be useful for improving performance also, not just emotional state.
Points 1 to 11 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: yet again, compared to March 6,  more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping;  the pre-game meal was taken closer to practice start; the pregame meal was skimpy compared to March 6;  maoi herbs were consumed 1 hours before practice instead of day before; 0 oz beer was consumed evening of day before practice; herbal sleeping pills wree taken before sleep day before practice; the day was somewhat stressful compared to March 6; there was no rest the day before the practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was the same as March 6; the MAOI herbs consumed were at least consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time; the time interval between practice and rising/waking was similar to March 6.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much to report.
Faces in the Crowd: Black Y-staffer Patrick Ferdinand and a white young basketball guy, sat down on some chairs right next to the starting point, and watched me during the first 15 minutes or so of the workout, as I in relatively clumsy-looking fashion, started out trying to do something that is much more difficult than very difficult. During this time the runs were working out well up to the point of the foot touching the ball on the third touch but on this third touch the ball was being miskicked. I can say that I did not allow the pressure of being watched while clumsy emotionally disrupt me and I do not think it disrupted me performance wise either. At one point Patrick muttered that once I master the zig-zagging, I will "have them".
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs I forgot to check my weight in the locker room. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little(mostly organic/natural):  halfnhalf cane sugar milk and berry juice mix, some Bolthouse C-Boost juice drink, cups of tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf, 2 pieces multigrain bread, a few peanuts, cup tea with maoi herbs; plus probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Thursday March 27
826-940 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 73 minutes
For the 2nd day in a row,  had the nutrients cocktail (oils juices pills), 2.5 hours before practice.
pre-practice meal today = 1 piece multigrain bread, and cup tea w maoi herbs;
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
9 potassium pills
taken before
MAO inhibiting
herbs in cup tea
700-715 PM
Today I still had  a slight cough
I could tell that the 'nutrients cocktail' helps my body to conquer the cough; the coughs are now less intense and less frequent. 
The complete dose for the nutrients cocktail as of  now: A+D pill made from cod liver oil; B vitamin pill, C vit pill; E vit pill; mineral pills, potassium pills; wheat germ oil, fish oil, cod liver oil, hemp oil, brewer's yeast, tangerine juice,  Bolthouse carrot juice
4th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C; emotional state B-; Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
Today practice started 826 PM ended 940 PM--total 74 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 815 PM start). I adjust this 74 minutes to 67 minutes today, becaus 7 minutes were spent talking to TL from MIT,  and the Ct Sch Broadcasting grad 'Mike'.  At 827 PM in the 2nd minute,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; at 830 in the 5th minute success #2 was also a good and perfect run of ZZ-R LHKH, though as usual nowadays, the angles on the turns of the zig-zag were slight. In the end after 67 minutes: there had been 15 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had like yesterday, been 35 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern this time in only 67 minutes. That comes out to 0.24 almosts per minute and 0.52 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
Looking at the data above, you could say I will continuing at today's rate of improvement, be at 0.83 successes per minute 5 days from now (the initial improvement in terms of successes scored per minute), and then it will take another week or two to polish up the quality of the runs scored as pattern-adherence successes.
C level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C today, because I estimate that when I first get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side-- starting about 919 PM, 53 minutes after the start, the number of long fast tight ZZ-R LHKH pattern adherences began to be high in terms of successes per ten minutes. Yesterday the story was almost exactly the same, 52 minutes after the start, the successes per ten minutes suddenly  went up to a higher level. Today the performance during the first part of the practice was better.
On the negative side--Today I had less energy than yesterday, the speed of the runs was lower, there were fewer high quality successes. Too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Re the having less energy, this is the fourth day in a row in which the practice has been based on the theme of achieving as many pattern-adherence runs as possible; this kind of practice involves a lot of hustle and intensity from beginning to end. I remember previously I found that this kind of practice burned me out to the point where I would avoid soccer for days or even weeks.
I drank about 10  oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted--with this new difficult drill, two days in a row now I have noticed that after approx 50 minutes, the performance improves dramatically; in other  words, with this new difficult drill, there is a long extended 'defacto' 50 minute warmup period. Thus I hypothesize that it may be advantageous to utilize long duration workouts, say 100 minutes or longer, so as to better take advantage of time spent practicing after the 50 minute warmup period has been suffered through.
The emotions during the workout today were at a B- grade level; like yesterday and the day before, I was as usual  preventing failure from disturbing me emotionally.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the improvement to a  'B-' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 530 AM - 130 PM, 8 hours, of which only  4.5 hours (700 am-1230 PM with intervals awake) was sleep; awoke 1230 PM, out of bed 130 PM.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 826 PM 7 hours after rising and  8 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal: 1 slice pizza 500 PM;1 slice Barowsky multigrain bread, tea with halfnhalf and cane sugar with MAOI herbs, at 700 PM 1.5 hours before start practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger from 'Bison County' in Waltham MA 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was for the first time in days, consumed today at 610 PM, 2.25 hours before start practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were consumed today, with a cup of tea from 700-715 PM, approx 1.5 hours before start of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 70 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest prior to practice: day before practice, there was a practice rather than rest. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin etc intake: In 24 hrs prior to practice, zero melatonin, 2 Whole Foods brand 'Restful Sleep' capsules. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin or herbal sleeping pills in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: a stressful meeting with Mr. Grinch and Mrs Grinch re my financial accounts; I handled it the best I could, attempting to prevent the stress from even beginning to negatively effect me. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Note: keeping track of things like points 1-11 could be useful for improving performance also, not just emotional state.
Points 1 to 11 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways (exactly the same ways as yesterday): yet again, compared to March 6,  more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping;  the pre-game meal was taken closer to practice start; the pregame meal was skimpy compared to March 6;  maoi herbs were consumed 1 hours before practice instead of day before; 0 oz beer was consumed evening of day before practice; herbal sleeping pills wree taken before sleep day before practice; the day was somewhat stressful compared to March 6; there was no rest the day before the practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was the same as March 6; the MAOI herbs consumed were at least consumed at some time from 36 hours before practice to practice time; the time interval between practice and rising/waking was similar to March 6; the number of hours exposed to daylight prior to the practice.  
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much to report.
Faces in the Crowd: 
Donald, the 'Black Buddha', was sitting talking with a white female he coaches in basketball or something on a table right next to the starting point I used for the drills. The table is where I usually put my clipboard, bag, water, nicotine gum, etc. So I had to make do with using a chair for my stuff today. Black Buddha was there talking with her, as they watched me and the other goings on in the gym, for about a half an hour. So just like yesterday, I was watched closely during the relatively clumsy beginning phase of the practice, while attempting doing something very difficult, something that these days I do not get good at until I have been practicing for about 50 minutes.
And I saw 'Mike', this heavy, white, black-haired, bearded, long-haired, jovial Connecticut School of Broadcasting graduate, whose dreams of being a disc jockey have not panned out. He was glad to see me and give me his phone number, lest I forget or lose it, it is 781-775-0003. I wanted an email address from him. My idea which enthused him, was to perhaps use him while producing some internet-compatible audio or video, as I expect he would be able to do a good job of sounding like a pro announcer.
And I talked with TL, the black MIT grad. TL told me that he had been thinking about what I had said re how Schwarzenegger at 6' 2.5" 235 lbs, is proportionately equal to 5' 10" 199 lbs. TL was wondering whether we were wise to exercise every day. We discussed the issue. While talking to him I was convinced that although people like TL might be able to convincingly defeat me in terms of performance as students in certain subjects, nevertheless I am able to provide them with conversation that they find interesting informative and enjoyable; they do not outshine me intellectually in the art of conversation or the intellectual characteristics made manifest during conversations. People like TL tell me that people who are good science students can be weak in areas that are more quote verbal unquote; I have a hard time digesting the idea that these good science students who awe me could be beneath me in certain ways; but the empirical data does indeed show that good science students can be outshined intellectually in certain ways by persons who are not so good at science.
I remember we were ruminating re how folks like Donald the 'Black Buddha' go to Waltham High School and then U-Mass Dartmouth and become successful programmers while people like me have a tough time studying programming on our own and at the famous Harvard University. David Hay (lest I forget his email is ) told me that it has to do with the fact that some teachers are better than others; then thinking re what he said, it occurred to me that those who are very excellent in science, elites such as professors at prestigious universities, might not be so good at teaching people science, due to their inability to understand problems people have learning science, due to the fact they themselves, being very gifted, never had problems learning science.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little(mostly organic/natural): 2 pork chops (discovered that maple syrup unlike cane sugar or blueberry juice, has a very overwhelming dominating state and should be used very sparingly if at all when cooking pork chops); halfnhalf cane sugar milk and berry juice mix, some Bolthouse C-Boost juice drink, tangerine juice, cups of tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf, 1 slice pizza, 1 piece multigrain bread, a few peanuts, cup tea with maoi herbs; plus probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Friday March 28
452-600 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 73 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 11 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today
Today I still had  a slight cough

5th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C+; emotional state B; Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
It would be easy to get lost in bureaucratic clerical detail and hence underemphasize the importance of the achievement that was today's practice. Today's practice showed that soon I will be able to zig-zag at sharp angles using my left foot, my right foot, and my head, while air-dribbling forwards at a high speed with the ball under tight control while kept off the ground, for a long distance. When I am at this state I will undoubtedly be a superstar.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
Today practice started 452 PM ended 600 PM--total 68 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 815 PM start). I adjust this 68 minutes to 62 minutes today, because approx 4 minutes were delays caused by sharing half a gym with some "Spanish Boys"; and 2 minutes were spent on a bathroom break. At 452 PM in the 1st minute on the 1st attempt,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; at 458 in the 7th minute success #5 was a good perfect run that adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern, though as usual nowadays, the angles on the turns of the zig-zag were slight. In the end after 62 minutes: there had been 5 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 42 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.08 almosts per minute and 0.68 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
Looking at the data above, you could say I will continuing at today's rate of improvement, be at 0.83 successes per minute just one day from now (the initial improvement in terms of successes scored per minute), and then it will take another week or two to polish up the quality of the runs scored as pattern-adherence successes.
C+ level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C+ today, because I estimate that when I first get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side--
Today was different from previous days, in that the success rate per ten minutes, and the quality of the successes, was good from the start; previously the success rate and the quality did not get good until after 50 minutes of practicing. Seems today was the first day on which, when I set my mind to it, I was able to put speed and good form into the beginning not just the end of the runs.
Today for the first time I noticed the slant of the zig zags becoming admirably more than just a slight slant on some of the runs. Today from beginning to end, there were many runs that adhered to pattern and that were long and/or tight and/or fast. And of course today was the a big jump ahead (0.52 to 0.68) in terms of runs per minute that adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern.
On the negative side--
Today like yesterday my energy level was down somewhat so the speed of the runs was down a little. As usual,  too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Re the having less energy today, this is the fourth day in a row in which the practice has been based on the theme of achieving as many pattern-adherence runs as possible.
Today during after the first 40 minutes I felt pain in the soles of the feet; and after the practice I felt sore and stiff. This has to do with the lack of Potassium today and/or the lack of the nutrients cocktail today.
I drank about 6  oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted--
I can at least now do a pretty good job of well formed fast runs betwen the first kick and the first header and between the first header and the first kick; this as a result of the previous production of large amounts of poorly formed slow runs that adhere to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern, which was a result of the motivation to score high number of successes per minute which is what the drills are all about right now due to the grading system emphasizing ZZ-R LHKH pattern adherence successes per minute.
Today there were for the first time, a few runs in which the angle of the zig-zags was significantly sharper than the slight angles of the previous 4 days. This in my mind vindicates my tactic or strategy of at first being satisfied with slight angles and being patient re the appearance of sharper angles.
I noticed that the drill has resulted as expected, in increased skill when it comes to zig-zagging using the feet alone as opposed to alternation between the foot and the head.
Although due to the nature of the ZZ-R LHKH pattern the right foot is used rarely in executing the pattern, I noticed today that the right foot for some reason has become more proficient at zig-zagging than it previously was.
Generally all this vindicates my theory that running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern will lead to improved performance in air-dribble runs that are quite different from the ZZ-R LHKH pattern.
The emotions during the workout today were at a B grade level; a little better than the previous three days. I was as usual  preventing failure from disturbing me emotionally. Seems the performance and emotions were improved because for the first time in days I felt that the time spent sleeping (not sure how long) had been deeply restful. This restful sleep seemed to be a result of: fatigue; drinking a good amount of Bolthouse berry juice and halfnhalf and cane sugar mixed with the Bolthouse berry juice before going to bed and afterwards; and taking to 'Whole Foods' 'Restful Sleep' herbal sleeping pills.
There are various suspect factors and combinations of factors that could be held responsible for the 'B' level emotional state today:
(approx times)
1 Sleep the night before the practice:   in bed 430 AM - 130 PM, 9 hours, of which 5 hours was sleep; awoke 1230 PM, out of bed 130 PM, sleep was unusually restful, I estimate because of plenty of Berry juice being consumed prior to going to bed and thereafter.  March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: In bed 6.5 hours from 630 AM to 100 PM; asleep 4.5 hours from 830 AM - 100 PM; rising and waking at same time.
2 Number of hours in between rising/waking and practice: Practice began at 452 PM 4.5 hours after rising and  5.5 hours after waking. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: practice begins at 815 PM, 7.25 hrs after rising/waking at 100 PM, rising-time=waking-time.
3 pre-game meal: Just cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: ate exactly what I felt like eating, a big high quality cheeseburger from 'Bison County' in Waltham MA 4 hours before practice.
4 time at which the usual pre-practice cocktail of juices oils and pills was consumed: this 'cocktail' was not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: nutrients cocktail consumed 1.75 hours before workout starts.
5 Mono-amine Oxidase inhibiting herbs or Mono-Amine promoting substances: these were not consumed today. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: MAO inhibiting herbs consumed day before practice but not day of practice.
6 Number of hours exposed to daylight prior to practice: Was exposed to  outdoors daylight for 30 minutes prior to practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: exposed to 1 hr outdoors daylight prior to practice.
7 Common Cold Type Stuff: Today I had a slight cough. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: no cough, fatigue or fever
8 Alcohol previous 24 hours: 0 oz beer evening before day of practice. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: 48 oz beer evening before day of practice.
9 Rest on day prior to practice day: day before practice, there was a practice rather than rest. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: rest on day before practice.
10 Melatonin etc intake: In 24 hrs prior to practice, zero melatonin, 2 Whole Foods brand 'Restful Sleep' capsules. March 6 Magic Formula figure for this: zero melatonin or herbal sleeping pills in 24 hrs prior to practice.
11 Various Stresses: a stressful meeting with Mr. Grinch and Mrs Grinch re my financial accounts; I handled it the best I could, attempting to prevent the stress from even beginning to negatively effect me. March 6 Magic Formula for this: March 6 was basically stress-free.
As of now I am estimating  that if I re-create everything that I did March 6 I will have an emotionally paradisical practice (even if this means superstitiously doing some things that are unnecessary).
Note: keeping track of things like points 1-11 could be useful for improving performance also, not just emotional state.
Points 1 to 11 above show that today I deviated from what seems to produce a paradisical emotional state on March 6 in certain ways: yet again, compared to March 6,  more time was spent lying in bed and not sleeping;  the pre-game meal was taken closer to practice start; the pregame meal was very skimpy compared to March 6; 0 oz beer was consumed evening of day before practice; herbal sleeping pills were taken before sleep day before practice; the day was somewhat stressful compared to March 6; there was no rest the day before the practice.
What was done right today going by so to speak the March 6 Entry-Into-Paradise-Formula: the time spent sleeping was similar to March 6; the MAOI herbs were consumed on the day before the practice day and not on the practice day; the number of hours exposed to daylight prior to the practice.
Positive things done today that were different from March 6: Drinking lots of berry juice before going to bed and afterwards seemed to produce an unusually restful sleep.  
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much to report.
Faces in the Crowd: 
There were some grade school to high school "Spanish Boys" playing basketball on the side of the gym I was on; on the other the right side of the gym, separated from us by a big blue curtain, they were hurling a hard little lacrosse ball here and there using their nets on sticks. I decided to avoid the hard ball hurled by the net on the stick and did the runs on the other side.
The presence of about 8 "Spanish Boys" did not impair my performance. At one point, "Spanish Boy" Carlos, made a little bow in my direction and said, 'I'm just Carlos'. He Carlos seemed more mature than he wa prior to me writing him up in this log a few weeks ago, for the sin of shouting about how I allegedly have 'madly skinny legs'.
I guess there is something about words written down in a log such as this--they have more impact than words that are merely spoken. 
Today the 'Spanish Boys' did not directly compliment me, but seems it is a certain kind of "Spanish Boy" that does compliment me. The ones that compliment me are the best player in the bunch, or the maturest of the bunch types.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural) (not necessarily in order listed): $5 of baked frozen breaded scallops, a baked  fish-stick, about 28 oz Bolthouse Berry juices (seemed to improve sleep), halfnhalf, cane sugar, lemon juice tartar sauce, organic 'ghee', slice multigrain bread, 2 hrebal sleeping pills;  plus probably some insignificant forgotten stuff.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Saturday March 29
650-750 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today
Today I still had  a slight cough

6th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C+; (repeat:) Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Today I decided to shorten the log entry leaving out the emotions stuff and some other stuff like details about what I ate. I think I have a pretty good idea now how to improve the emotional state, and will report on it again when I have something significant to report. Seems that including all the extra info in the log reports, in and of itself is a stress and a drain on time and energy which could negatively impact my emotional state and or my performance. Reminds me of how there is apparently this phenomenon in science whereby the simple observation of some thing that is happening, in and of itself automatically changes what is happening; you could similarly say, that the degree or extent to which something is observed, effects the thing that is being observed. I wonder whether too much reporting on things like when I awake or go to sleep or how I feel emotionally or what I ate could negatively effect my performance in areas of life such as what is reported on. Seems like revealing too much in terms of details about one's private life, could negatively effect one's ability to improve onself. The time and energy put into reporting such details, reduces time and energy available for things like thinking out the solutions to the soccer performance problems and getting on with non-jock life.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
Today practice started 650 PM ended 750 PM--total 60 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 650 PM start). At 650 PM in the 1st minute on the 1st attempt,  there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; at 659 PM in the 10th minute success #6 was a good run that adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; at 702 PM in the 13th minute pattern-adherence-success #8 was the first 'perfect' run. In the end after 60 minutes: there had been 5 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 38 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.08 almosts per minute and 0.63 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
C+ level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C+ today, because I estimate that when I first get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side--
From the tenth minute to the end in the 60th minute, there were runs that adhered to pattern and were: long and/or fast and/or tightly controlled. Though the object of the drills it to alternate between using the feet and using the head in touching the ball, there were about a half a dozen runs featuring sharp competent  zig-zagging using the feet to hit the ball at the angle points.
On the negative side--
As usual,  too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Today during after just the first 20 minutes (yesterday this figure was 40 minutes) I felt pain in the soles of the feet; and after the practice I felt sore and stiff. This has to do with the lack of Potassium today and/or the lack of the nutrients cocktail today.
I drank about ??  oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted--
The new zig-zagging as opposed to straight pattern, puts more stress on the feet as the feet struggle against factors such as slippery floor and shoes wearing out, to produce the zig-zags; when you combine this stress with the pain in the soles of the feet that is a result of lack of nutrients, what you end up with is a significant impairment, especially when the impairment has to be struggled with day after day.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: 
The night before the practice, I again had a dream about the Myrtle St. girl, who I talked about having a dream about in the March 25 entry  4 days ago. In the dream: it was night-time, but I could see what was going on anyway. This ocean wave went by me from my left to my right, the crest of the wave was carrying one or two dozen people away at a high speed with force; the people being swept away were shouting, "treason!"; one of these people was the Myrtle St. girl.
The dream saddened me. People feeling betrayed is sad; people being betrayed is sad; people feeling betrayed and expressing their sense of betrayal is sad. In the dream what I saw was not betrayed people cleverly prospering as individuals by sucking up to the betrayers of their group. What I saw was betrayed people vocally expressing their sense of betrayal. From a punky-type point of view, those who prosper by sucking up to their betrayers are more fun and relaxing than those who openly express their sense of betrayal.
Seems to me that there are these disrespectable people, who in their conduct and attitude resemble forces of nature. They seem to think like this: tornadoes and tsunamis and hurricanes and earthquakes kill millions of people, and so there is nothing wrong with me killing and destroying and damaging millions of people.
Faces in the Crowd: 
This brown haired white girl who I guess is about nine years old, who often wears a flashy silver belt, was playing basketball in the gym while I was there as has been the case a few times previously. She is hard to describe without using over-used words that generalize too much like 'cute'. To me she though not typically pretty is a good-looking enjoyable part of nature as she runs around the gym playing with the boys. Today as I was doing the runs, twice she sat down in the chair directly behind my starting point for a few minutes and drank from her water bottle. There were all these chairs lined up in a row, 20 or 30 of them, and she chose to sit down in the one closest to my starting point. Her sitting there did not seem to impair my performance.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Sunday March 30
510-609 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 59 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today
Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I think due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail 

7th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C-; (repeat:) Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
Today practice started 510 PM ended 609 PM--total 59 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 510 PM start). At 514 PM in the 5th minute, there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; at 516 PM in the 7th minute success #2 was a good run that adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; at 518 PM in the 9th minute pattern-adherence-success #3 was the first 'perfect' run. In the end I counted 57 minutes running the drill as I subtracted 2 minutes due to a (dreaded inevitable) collision with a grade-schoolish boy; in the 57 minutes there had been 7 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 27 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.12 almosts per minute and 0.47 successes per minute.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
C- level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because I estimate that when I first get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side--
Several of the runs today featured sharper turns on the angles compared to the slighter turns of yester-yore. In my notes in my notebook taken during the practice, these runs were described as: fast sharp KK (two kicks in a row) zig-zag; sharp tite; sharp; sharp; fast tite sharp; long tite sharp; long fast tite sharp perfecto; sharp; fast tite sharp; sharp; long sharp. In other words, the sharp turns on the angles were today combined with speed and/or tightness of control and/or long length of run.
I did not really feel like today was a step downwards compared to yesterday because of this improvement in the sharpness of the angles on the turns; but as of now, I am going by the numbers which do not take into account the sharpness of the turns and by the numbers today is a C- compared to yesterday's C+.
From beginning to end today, there occurred at regular intervals runs that were long and/or fast and/or tight that adhered to pattern.
On the negative side--
At 528 PM the dreaded inevitable occurred. I had already been doing the runs across the uncrowded gym floor for 18 minutes and the grade-schoolish white boys playing on the basketball court had seen me doing them. But of course after I started a run, a typically oblivious boy ran right into my way and collided with me at about the 13th yard of the run, sending me and himself to the floor. Admirably, I have been keeping my head and eyes up on these runs, not following the ball with my eyes all the way to the point of the touch with the foot--still I did not see the boy because he was so short that he ran right under my field of vision.
As I hit the floor, my first reaction was, what if the kid is hurt and I get in trouble? I shouted at the kid that he should watch where he is going. The kid was not crying or complaining luckily he was not hurt. I apologized to his tall white bald athletic looking clean-shaven white dad; his dad was very nice about it--he just said, 'that's alright'. Then I complimented the kid for being tough and heroic about the collision.
I do my absolute best to avoid such collisions; the path was clear when I started the run, but the kid being short ran under my visual radar and blam!, I was sprawled out on the floor. After this collision, my performance in the strictly numerical sense of pattern-adherence successes per minute was down; it is sort of sickening, that momentary fear of not being allowed to practice in the gym because of a collision with some kid; and then that fear of such a collision occurring yet again.  
As usual these days with this dificult now drill,  too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Today after just the first 23 minutes (yesterday this figure was 20 minutes) I felt pain in the soles of the feet; and after the practice I felt sore and stiff. This has to do with the lack of Potassium today and/or the lack of the nutrients cocktail today. I have been skipping the potassium and the nutrients cocktail due to running out of time before the start of the practice.
I drank about 1 oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted--
One of the many positive aspects of alternating between feet and head, is that naturally the middle parts of the body such as the chest and the thigh come into play (today there was a very tightly controlled sharply zig zagging run in which the thigh came into play). If one is aiming for such an alternating foot to head to foot pattern and the placement of the ball intended to set up a header is a little off, the thigh or the foot can still be brought into use to continue the air-dribble run. If I kick the ball say with my left foot on a slant forwards and to the right, and miss the ball with my head, I can bring my right foot into play as a back-up to continue the air-dribble run at speed with the ball under control.
There is a real conflict doing this drill, between the impulse to produce high-quality runs, and the desire to produce a good score in terms of pattern-adherence runs per minute. The tendency is that the number of pattern adherence runs per minute score goes down if I emphasize the production of high quality runs. But attempting high quality runs can contribute to improved performance at least as much as trying to run up a high score in terms of pattern-adherence-runs per minute.
Similarly, sometimes there are runs in which a ball is somewhat mis-hit so the result is that in order to have a chance at turning the run into a pattern-adherence success, I have to hustle especially hard. When I am mentally focused on producing a high pattern-adherence-run per minute score the result can be that I neglect to produce the hustle required to possibly turn the run into a pattern-adherence success, because I figure that it would be better to save the energy given the low(?) probability of turning the run into a success through the extra hustle. The conflict and the paradox is that when I do produce the hustle needed to prevent a somewhat mis-hit ball from getting out of control, the result can be very fast very tight very long runs that are some of the best runs I have ever produced; the production of which improves performance more than obsessing over producing a high pattern-adherence per minute score.
There are times when I surprise myself with bursts of speed, whereby from a jogging type start, I sprint around ten yards at max speed to chase down and contact balls before the balls hit the ground, balls that it seems would be impossible to reach before they hit the ground given that they have been hit so far ahead at such a low trajectory. These bursts of speed often are forcibly slowed down at the end, due to the presence of the wall on the opposite side of the gym. We hear alot about the 40 yard dash from the crouch start and the 'shuttle' back and forth sprints and the like; but what about the ten yard sprint from the jogging start?
I have also noted that I am becoming quicker and quicker when it coms to changes of direction, despite the disadvantage of indoor soccer shoes on a wood basketball court. What about quickness with such changes of direction, which are not 180 degree turns of the type made in 'shuttle' runs but rather are turns at angles of the type commonly made during games? 
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much today
Faces in the Crowd: Elvis Sarge walked up to me as I was practicing. He kept saying, 'Ronaldo, Ronaldo, Ronaldo', as he looked at me. I said, 'what'? He said, 'ya, you're a Ronaldo'. There are two world-class Ronaldos considered amongst the best forwards in the world, one is Ronaldo of Brazil who is similar to me in body build (stocky for a soccer player) build but darker skinned; the other is Ronaldo of Portugal who is white, more similar to me in face, but thinner than me. Then I told Elvis  Sarge about this Ronaldo I knew who worked at the gas station, and he started shouting emphatically that he did not know Ronaldo who works at the gas station. I guess snobbery is infectious; the victims of snobbery feel as if they can get ahead by becoming snobs themselves.
Weight/Appearance: Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Monday March 31
532-628 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 56 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today
Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I think due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail 
I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough?

8th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C+; new personal record numerical score (repeat in small type:) Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
Today practice started 532 PM ended 628 PM--total 56 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 532 PM start). At 532 PM in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; at 537 PM in the 6th minute success #4 was a good run that adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; at 542 PM in the 11th minute pattern-adherence-success #8 was the first 'perfect' run. In the end I in the 57 minutes there had been 5 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 39 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.09 almosts per minute and 0.70 successes per minute. 0.70 successes per minute is an all-time record for me in this drill.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
C+ level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C+ today, because I estimate that when I first get to 0.83 successes per minute, I will be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side-- from the beginning to the end, there were many runs that adhered to pattern, that were long and/or fast and/or tight and/or sharp on the turns of the zig-zag. Several of the runs were runs that I felt proud of, runs that combined two or more of such characteristics, runs that I felt excelled zig-zagging runs I had done previously. There continued to be improvement in all facets effecting quality of runs, the number of runs featuring sharp turns on the zig-zags continued to increase, there continued to be manifestations of tightly controlled fast zig-zags using the feet twice in a row as opposed to what is prescribed in the ZZ-R LHKH pattern which is the alternation of the use of feet and head.
The quality of the kicks of the ball after the fourth touch with the head, was excellent today and exceeded the quality of the kick of the ball on the third touch. In a sense this is good news, because it means that I am not in a position in which I face some difficult future problem of mastering zig-zagging at a high speed a long distance from the point at which I started the air-dribble. Strange that I should be doing so well after the fourth touch but messing up on the third touch.
The tightness of control on the runs was really impressive today; today there were a few long fast tightly controlled zig-zag runs featuring sharp turns on the zig-zags, in which the tightness of control was so extreme that the ball never went more than 3-4 feet away from my body during the course of the run--this while I was sprinting over a length of 15 yards keeping the ball off the ground but close to my body, zig-zagging, alternating between touching the ball with my head and with my feet! Oh my Gosh!
On the negative side--
The weakness clearly as of now is the 3rd touch of the run with the foot. Time after time I set up what should have been an easy 3rd touch with the left foot, through good work on the first touch with the foot and the second touch with the head; and time after time I miskicked the ball on the third touch with the foot. Weird thing is that I was doing great today on touches with the foot that came after the first touch with the head, at a time when the ball and my body were both traveling at high speed; but on the third touch with the foot coming before the ball and the body speed had gotten to a high level, I was mis-kicking the ball.
Yesterday and today, inspired by the way the college basketball players on TV shoot the simple basic free-throw shots well, I decided that I had to crack down on myself, concentrate, and stop making mistakes on the first kick of the runs with the left foot that comes after flipping the ball up with the left foot. In the process the first kick and the second touch with the head significantly improved but seems the quality of the third touch with the foot declined.
As usual these days with this dificult now drill,  too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Today again after about 30 minutes of practice there began to be pain in the soles of the feet and after the practice I felt sore and stiff. This had to do with the lack of Potassium today and/or the lack of the nutrients cocktail today. I have been skipping the potassium and the nutrients cocktail due to running out of time before the start of the practice.
I drank about 1 oz water during the workout today.
During the practice I noted--
One way to deal with the problem that the 3rd touch with the left foot is the weak link in the chain, would be to end the air-dribble after the 4th touch with the head, so as to put more practice time into the 3rd touch with the foot. Heretofore I have been continuing the zig zag foot-head alternation pattern after the 4th touch with the head extending the runs up to sometimes 7 or 8 touches (even though such extra effort does not increase my pattern-adherences/minute score).
After the practice I noted--
Today and yesterday the interval between awaking and starting practice was unusually low time-wise, 3.5-4 hours only.
This good practice today came after I had been eating only food I myself cooked for a couple of days. Yesterday and the day before I made and ate an spaghetti sauce I made that is very different from other previous sauces out there in the world; if you told people that it is a secret recipe dating from the time Marco Polo visited Kublai Khan in Xanadu and when Venice and the East first met, people would believe you. I seem to have good luck with things like sports performance when I eat food that I myself have cooked.  
Basically the recipe involves frying ground pork in peanut oil with: cayenne pepper powder, yellow mustard powder, whole (not ground) coriander seeds, Siberian ginseng powder (available at Cambridge Naturals in bulk), Ginger powder (available at Cambridge Naturals in bulk), black pepper, cane sugar, sea salt, and turmeric; and then mixing the fried meat with spaghetti sauce. The trick to optimum quality production seems to be to know exactly when to add the spices to the mix as spices can be overcooked and undercooked; to be on the safe side, one could opt to add a given spice at various times during the cooking process. This is new never heard of Siberian Ginseng powder or ginger powder being used in cooking. I think the recipe excels due to: the use of the ginseng powder and the ginger powder; replacing coriander powder which is overemhasized in south asian cooking with whole coriander seeds; relying on black pepper less than typical south asian cooking does.
Sort of peeved me how the volleyballers who took over at 630 PM and started coming in the gym around 615 PM, failed to so to speak burn incense to me the emperor. Here is the transcript of the notes I took during the practice from 615 PM on re what I was doing; I did these spectacular things described in the notes while the volleyballers were in the gym with me in the last 15 minutes of practice--yet none of them acknowledged that anything heroic had happened. First I give the key for reading the notes and then the notes as they appear in my notebook, having been scribbled with a pen while I was practicing:
Key: L=long, the air-dribble run was 15 yds or more in length; T=tight the ball was kept especially close to the body in the course of the air-dribble run; F=fast I was sprinting at an especially fast pace during the air-dribble run; sharp=the angle of the turns on the zig-zags was especially sharp; perfecto=the run was perfect; # sign followed by a number = for example: #30 means the runs was the 30th run that successfully adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern.
Notes excerpt:
#27 LT sharp 615; #28 LFT sharp perfecto 616; #29 F 617; #30 LFT sharp perfecto, 618; #31 L 619; #32 LT sharp 620; #33 FT sharp 622; #34  LFT sharp perfecto 623; #35 TF sharp 623; #36 FT sharp 624; #37, 625; #38, LT 627; #39 T sharp 628; end 
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much today
Faces in the Crowd: See previous section re volleyballers.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Tuesday April 1
830 -935 PM
Waltham Y Gym

ZZ-R (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 65 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf plus 1 tspn American Ginseng and 1 tspn Korean Ginseng
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 6 oz wine consumed evening of day before practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for Ginsengs in tea prior to start of workout.
Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I think due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it.
I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough
9th Day of New Very Difficult 'ZZ-R' (zig-zag) type LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance B-; new personal record numerical score=0.86 ZZ-R LHKH successes per minute; today  I finally succeeded in attaining to at least the target 0.83 per minute
(repeat in small type:) Today again I was running an air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-R" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-R (R for right) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 3rd touch with the foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the right; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
March 31 C+ NR
April 1     B-  NR
Today practice started 830 PM ended 935 PM--total 65 minutes running the ZZ-R LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 830 PM start). At 830 PM in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; it ws a good and perfect run taking into account that today I refrained from attempts to continue the runs beyond the 4th touch. It was a fast and tightly controlled run. In the end in the 65 minutes there had been 9 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-R LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 56 successes in maintaining the ZZ-R LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.14 almosts per minute and 0.86 successes per minute. 0.86 successes per minute is an all-time record for me in this drill; the 0.86 score means that for the first time, I have attained to the target I set for myself in this drill of 0.83/minute. The idea has been, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes; and then, finally to move on to the ZZ-R LHKH which would involve the first slant being towards the left instead. Then again I could move to the ZZ-L variant before polishing up the quality of the ZZ-R.
Stats so Far for ZZ-R LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
B- level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a B- today, because I estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side--
Today I ended the runs after the 4th touch with the head (I discussed this tactic yesterday), so as to increase the emphasis on the weak link in the chain, which has been the 3rd touch with the  foot, which surprisingly has been much less accurate than touches with the foot coming after the 4th touch with the head.
The result, as I had expected, was that I improved more than usual on the 3rd touch with the foot, and had more time and energy to put into practicing the 3rd touch with the foot.
On the negative side--
Given the savings of time and energy derived from ending the runs after the 4th touch with the head, one might even better than the 0.86 per minute recorded today.
The cutting short the runs after the 4th touch with the head resulted in the fact that there is less to crow about today. Those high speed touches with the foot and the head coming after the 4th touch with the head are what make these runs spectacular but today they were not even being attempted.
Despite the high score, still too many runs ended in failure to adhere to pattern or merely low quality adherence to pattern. Today again after about 30 minutes of practice there began to be pain in the soles of the feet and after the practice I felt sore and stiff; but it was not as bad as yesterday despite the fact that again I skipped the complete maoi herbs (ecxept for gingseng in my tea), the pre-practice nutrients cocktail, and the pre-practice potassium. Today I mixed American Ginseng and Korean Ginseng into the tea I drank before practice.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted--
When the 3rd touch with the foot is off, this means that the number of chances to even attempt a 4th or 5th or 6th or 7th etc. touch is reduced. Thus at the present time it makes tactical sense to end the runs after the 4th touch so as to have more time and energy available for practicing the 3rd touch.
After the practice I noted:
I have learned the value of a stoic approach, I have been preventing failures during practice or disappointments off the practice field from messing up performance.
Reasons for the 3rd touch with the foot being surprisingly less competent than touches with the foot coming after the 4th touch with the head: at high speed it is easier to zig zag at a given angle; the runs that are still going after the 4th touch with the head are the better runs featuring the ball being accurately placed.
I estimate that now I am at a level of skill/endurance in terms of pattern-adherences per minute, that excels the past. I estimate that the mental stoicism combined with the mental concentration I have tought myself should be credited for this.
Today I noted that compressing my lips during the first touch with the foot seemed to produce good results. In Proverbs it says that 'he that compresseth his lips bringeth evil to pass'--but this is a game, and you could say I am bringing 'evil to pass' for the defense and the defenders.
It would be unreasonable to fail to record that today: I had more rest before the practice than usual; and, today prior to practice I put 1 tspn of Korean Ginseng, and 1 tspn of expensive American Ginseng, into the tea I had before practice.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much today
Faces in the Crowd: Nothing to report gym mostly empty today.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Wednesday April 2
835 -935 PM
Waltham Y Gym

1st day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf plus 2 tspns 'Siberian Ginseng'.
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 30 oz champagne consumed evening of day before practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; but some potato chips eaten before workout; little pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for Siberian Ginseng in tea prior to start of workout.
Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I think due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it.
I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

1st Day of New Ultra-difficult zig-zag type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C-; numerical score=0.44 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute; Today for the first time I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
March 31 C+ NR
April 1     B-  NR
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April 2 C- NR
Today practice started 835 PM ended 935 PM--total 60 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (minus 1 minute subtracted because basketballer white teenager with 'Chi-town' shirt kicked soccer ball across gym); (there was no warm-up prior to the 835 PM start). At 835 PM in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-R LHKH success #1; it was a long run.  At 839 PM in the 5th minute, there was success #3 in adhering to pattern, it was a fast tight long perfect run. In the end in the 59 minutes there had been 10 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 26 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.17 almosts per minute and 0.44 successes per minute. The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
C- level performance as a grade, is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
On the positive side--
I surprised myself with the competence and elegance of my right foot. Amazing how well my right foot does, seeing that I am left footed, doing difficult air-dribbling stuff, and the right foot gets maybe one touch for every touch the left foot gets in the drills I have been doing. I guess I have forgotten about all the time I spent doing the E3, in which I alternate between kicking the ball with the left foot and kicking it with the right foot while running forwards and keeping the ball off the ground. I estimate as of now, that the right foot in certain ways is technologically superior because I learned how to air-dribble with the right foot after I learned how to air-dribble with the left foot because I am left-footed. Thus the errors that ingrained themselves in the left foot style, did not engrain themselves in the right-footed style, or such I suppose. Abd maybe the defects that are characteristic of the right-brain which controls the left foot, are to blame (I must admit I am naturally left-footed, but I've heard the left brain which controls the right foot is in certain ways superior to the right side of the brain which controls the left foot).
With my left foot when I kick the ball on these air-dribbles, I tend to use the ankle; with my right foot, I tend to use the knee (after extensive experimentation I learned that on the first kick of these runs, the kick that comes after flipping the ball up, it is better to use the knee as opposed to the ankle). It could be, that the kick that involves a flick of the ankle, characteristic of the left-footed kicks, is not as good as the kick that emphasizes knee movement ( characteristic of the right-footed kick), when it comes to an air-dribble kick that involves a zig-zagging change of direction.
We could get lost in bureaucratic clerical details forever, such as 'how many peanuts did I eat in the last 24 hrs?:' but the point is that today I showed that I can zig-zag using my right foot, even though I am left-footed. Thus we can now say with confidence, that undoubtedly, within a few weeks I will be at the level of a demi-god, super-hero, super-star, whatever you want to call it, when it comes to the game of soccer.
The 3rd touch of the day today was always with the right foot. Although there was a certain level of inconsistency on these touches with the right foot, nevertheless, large numbers of these kicks on the 3rd touch with the right foot, were, impressively and surprisingly, very accurate.
On the negative side-- there was too much inconsistency, too many runs technically scored as successful pattern-adherence runs which were low quality, too many runs which failed to adhere to pattern. This was due to mis-kicks on the first touch with the left foot and on the 3rd touch with the right foot.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted-- today is the day to do the ZZ-L variant of the LHKH pattern, as opposed to further refining the ZZ-R variant of the LHKH pattern. This because: the ZZ-L variant is more closely related to ZZ-R basic than it is to ZZ-R advanced; I have been having success via the formula whereby the emphasis is on the new difficult drill as opposed to the familiar drill which has become easy; my heart mind and soul felt like doing the ZZ-L basic now.
After the practice I noted: The successes per minute while there were lots of people (spanish boys etc playing basketball) in the gym in the first 26 minutes was, 0.52 per minute; in the second 33 minutes (just 3 'Spanish' teenagers-adults sitting in the bleachers watching and discussing things like me) it was 0.39 successes per minute. Just goes to show again how I tend to come alive when the gym is packed. Better than being someone who chokes when he is being watched by lots of people I guess.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much today
Faces in the Crowd: Before the practice this Iranian guy with graying hair and a mustache, who said that I was insane to send emails to Iran Prez Ahmadinejad, and who had previously been what I would call 'rude' to me, was in the locker room talking with this 'Spanish' man about all the kids and grand-kids the 'Spanish' man had had. The Iranian guy was very complimentary re what a great thing it was that the 'Spanish' man with the extensive tattoos had kids and grand-kids. It all sounded as if what he meant was, that this hyar 'Spanish' man having all these kids and grand-kids, was such a great thing compared to this guy here  ( me) who is merely becoming the world's best soccer player. And I felt like, how can they blame me for not having kids, they are denying me what it takes to have kids, namely plenty of money, they come up with weird northeastern liberal 'masshole' bullshit like 'yo is overqualified'.
I was thinking, that these American Christians. and etc. tend to destroy their nation and their world because they are like some kind of creature that would suck the devil's c___ if such would get their damned daughter a college scholarship; they have kids when they should not have any, or they have too many kids, as a result of which they have too little time and energy and money for the concerns of society; their whole game is that thir kids are their excuse for their cowardly effeminate failure to be a good citizen (they obsess over the advancement and welfare of their kids); the end result is that their kids are worse off than they would be if their damned parents had put some emphasis on citizenship as opposed to motherhood and fatherhood; it has to do with the tendency to obsess over a given scripture, take it out of context, and ignore all the other scriptures, which is characteristic of American Christians; I am sick of all the 'Massholes' treating parents with kids like God to the point where they abuse beautiful men who are brilliant and amongst the world's best athletes.
The first half of practice today the gym was filled with 'Spanish' boys and teenagers and whites and blacks playing basketball etc; the second half it was just 3 'Spanish' persons sitting in the bleachers talking and watching me. I heard them say something like: 'now let's see what he says' (in his blog).
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Thursday April 3
902 -950 PM
Waltham Y Gym

2nd day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 48 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf plus 1 tspn Amer Ginseng, 1 tspn Korean Ginseng, 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng; plus 8 oz Bolthouse Farms 'C-Boost' drink
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 30 oz champagne consumed evening of day before practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; little pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for the Ginsengs in the in tea prior to start of workout.
Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I estimate due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail use-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it.
I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

2nd Day of New Ultra-difficult zig-zag type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C; numerical score=0.58 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute; Today again for the second day, I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Today for the third day in a row, I refrained from continuing the air-dribble runs after the 4th touch with the head.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
March 31 C+ NR
April 1     B-  NR
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April 2 C- NR
April 3 C  NR
Today practice started 902 PM ended 950 PM--total 48 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern; (there was no warm-up prior to the 902 PM start). At 902 PM in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-L LHKH success #1; it was a long run.  At 908 PM in the 7th minute, there was success #3 in adhering to pattern, it was a tight fast sharply-angled perfect run. In the end in the 48 minutes there had been 14 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 28 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.29 almosts per minute and 0.58 successes per minute. The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
April     3  0.29                      0.58
C level performance as a grade (up from C- or 'C minus' yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
At this rate of improvement, I will be at the 0.83/minute (pattern-adhering-runs/minute) target in only two days.
On the positive side--
The day was similar to yesterday; what stood out aside from the obvious improvement in terms of successes and almost-successes per minute, was the degree to which the runs featured tight control of the ball and sharp turns on the zig-zags, and the number of runs that were tightly controlled and sharp on the turns on the zig-zags. Like yesterday, the right foot produced many excellent kicks, during which I felt as if my right foot was picking up the ball, cradling it, and with excellent customer-service depositing the ball on my forehead as I sprinted forwards.
On the negative side-- On the 3rd touch with the right foot, as usual, there was too much inconsistency. as usual there was too much inconsistency, too many runs technically scored as successful pattern-adherence runs which were low quality, too many runs which failed to adhere to pattern. This was due as usual to mis-kicks on the first touch with the left foot and on the 3rd touch with the right foot.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted-- nothing much today.
After the practice I noted:
On the internet there is this constant stream of terrifying, horrifying news regarding the economic future of this nation that I live in; I have been again hounded via the answering machine by the guy who bothers me with phone messages too much; I had no more than 3 hours of sleep per night over the past two days; I only practiced for 48 minutes today; the Mass 'Wildcats' girls basketball team coached by 'Black Buddha' as usual overstayed their scheduled time today they took up the entire court until 900 PM though I was ready to start at 830 PM and this was depressing; the unnecessarily gratuitously unpleasant trustee Mr. Grinch called on the phone; but, despite all of this, by my efforts I turned a potentially lost and worthless day into a day of dramatic advance forwards in terms of soccer--hats off, 'kudos', whatever, to me.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: In the only approx 3 hours sleep I got the so to speak 'night' before practice today, I managed to have a dream; in the dream: it was the time period in between 1800 and the civil war; a bunch of important types had misused financial funds they had control over; they by way of shady illegal dealings made alot of money with this money that they misused; but by the time of the 21st century none of the descendants of these swindlers were important; in the dream I saw the exact names of about a dozen of these swindlers; when I awoke I could remember nothing except that they were English type names; at the end of the dream after I in the dream saw the names of the swindlers on what looked like a yellow and orange label on a jazzy upbeat yuppyish bottle of wine, this crocodile-like creature was biting at the left side of my torso but I felt no pain; the creature was biting me because I had seen the names of the swindlers.
Faces in the Crowd: 
As I started the practice, the stragglers amongst the Mass WIldcats Girls Bball team such as their coach Donald who I call 'Black Buddha', probably saw the clumsy but not so clumsy beginnings of today's practice which actually were not so clumsy; I saw Donald sitting watching for a few minutes. I was wondering if they appreciated that what they saw was the first few clumsy minutes of me working with my clumsy right foot, sort of like a right-handed baseball pitcher trying to throw with his left arm. During the practice I heard Donald the 'Black Buddha' lecturing to his girls, that he Donald is a 'stoic'; 'stoic' is the exact word that I have used to describe my approach over the past few weeks with regards to mastering the final crucial skills.
I was trying to digest the humiliation of being white and not a pro computer programmer while Donald is black and a pro programmer. I soothed my mental indigestion and heartburn by  thinking of how people like Donald who went to high school after I did, had the advantage of growing up with computers and having access to computer programming courses in high school, whereas I myself, being older than Donald, never had a chance to take programming courses in high school and passed through my formative years and even graduated from college before the age of the widespread popularity of the internet and the personal computer.
Thinking re the Iranian guy in the locker room yesterday shouting out his speech re how great the Hispanic man was for having kids and grandkids, I was thinking of amongst other things: all the lowly peasants of the third world who have had six or more children (Mr. Iranian admires the production of large number of kids so much); how the liberal-democrat locals favor the less intelligent over the more intelligent and the less attractive over the more attractive; how being liberal-democrat in and of itself will not save your soul; how the story of my life is--another beautiful young white woman wants to have kids, and another beautiful young white woman wants to have kids, and another beautiful white woman wants to have kids, etc etc on and on ad infinitum, and I am not allowed to make enough money to afford such kids; how one could say that the unintelligent outnumber the intelligent, the unattractive outnumber the attractive, and the problems this could lead to; how years ago I figured out theoretically (new and original intellectual work) that the physically beautiful in terms of personality and conduct must be assumed to be equal to the un-beautiful, thus the beautiful being beautiful are above the un-beautiful, whereas in these parts the un-beautiful are favored over the beautiful and those beloved amongst the beautiful.
In another dream last night, I was in a room with my father's sister and some other people; I was about 20 feet above the other people in the room; one of the people 20 feet below me was my father's sister and I angrily shouted at her for some reason.  
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Friday April 4
506 -600 PM
Waltham Y Gym

3rd day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 51 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf plus 1 tspn Korean Ginseng, & 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng; FORGOT the Vit C containing juice
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 30 oz wine consumed evening of day before practice; 0 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; little pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for the Ginsengs in the in tea prior to start of workout.
(Repeat in small type:) Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I estimate due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail use-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it. I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

3rd Day of New Ultra-difficult zig-zag type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C-; numerical score=0.45 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute; Today again for the 3rd day in a row now, I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern.  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Today for the 4th day in a row, I refrained from continuing the air-dribble runs after the 4th touch with the head.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
March 31 C+ NR
April 1     B-  NR
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April 2 C- NR
April 3 C  NR
April 4 C-  NR
Today practice started 506 PM ended 600 PM--total 51 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern since I subtracted 3 minutes for boys delaying things by getting in the way; (there was no warm-up prior to the 506 PM start). At 506 PM in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-L LHKH success #1.  At 511 PM in the 6th minute, there was success #2 in adhering to pattern, it was a tight sharply-angled perfect run. In the end in the 51 minutes there had been 15 runs in which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 23 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to (like yesterday) 0.29 almosts per minute and 0.45 successes per minute (0.13 lower than yesterday). The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes in drills already done, or move on to some new drill.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
April     3  0.29                      0.58
April     4  0.29                      0.45
C- level performance as a grade (down from C yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
At this rate of the opposite of (numerical score) improvement, you could say that I will be a complete bozo in just 4 days.
On the positive side--
There were lots of 'almosts' and plenty of excellent runs. Today I could see in my performance many runs that were fast tight and sharply angled prior to the 3rd touch with the right foot-- I could see such in some of the runs that almost adhered to pattern, and also in some runs that did not even almost adhere to pattern as the 3rd touch with the right foot sent the ball off in a very inaccurate fashion.  
There are things beyond score (pattern-adherence-runs per minute score), that are dramatic good news, things that are maybe more important than the score, such as this being fast and tightly controlled and sharply angled prior to the 3rd touch instead of starting with the 3rd touch; yet the tendency is to get gloomily obsessed with the numerical score, even though the numerical score is only a rough measure of the quality of the performance. (but we should remember that the best fairest criteria could still be a rough and imperfect criteria)
Today there were fast tightly controlled sharply angled runs in which I would first kick the ball diagonally forwards to the left; then head the ball diagonally forwards to the right; and, then at full speed sprint get my  right foot on the ball and by mistake kick the ball away. If I was not on the 3rd touch with the right foot trying to accomplish the difficult feat of  kicking the ball to a point ahead of me and diagonally to my left where it can be headed on the sprint before it bounces, I could have on these 3rd touches perhaps continued to maintain tight control by deliberately hitting the ball so as to make it bounce before I touched it again. On these runs I covered about ten yards from beginning kick with the left foot to last touch with right foot.
In an actual game a fast tightly controlled sharply angled ten yard air dribble sprint such as these, featuring a shot or pass or continued air-dribble off of a bounce on the last 3rd touch of the air-dribble, could be spectacular and deadly. You could say that in actual games such 3 touch air-dribble sprints are more practical, realistic, and common than longer 4 touch air-dribble sprints. Fact of the matter is that the short fast tightly controlled sharply angled 10 yard 3 touch air-dribble sprints that I performed today, even though they are not scored as pattern-adherence successes, are vey glamorous and professional looking and something I should now be chortling over and taking pride in; nevertheless my soul is (foolishly?) cast down within me, due to the low pattern-adherence-runs per minute numerical score today.
On the negative side-- Very inconsistent today on the first touch with the left foot and the third touch with the right foot.
Too many runs that technically speaking were successful pattern-adherence runs were low quality, and too many runs failed to adhere to pattern.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted-- nothing much today.
After the practice I noted:
Due to the inconsistency I became a little un-stoic and I do not think this helped. There began to occur a crisis of self-confidence, too much 2nd guessing, indecision and panic on the 3rd touch with the right foot.
Yesterday  I skipped the shower after practice because the workout started late. The previous time when I skipped a shower the performance was not so hot either.
Before the practice for the first time in I think weeks, I neglected to drink a few ounces of juice containing vitamin C; this probably negatively effected performance.
Compared to yesterday and the day before, the time interval between rising/waking and start of practice was small, and the amount of tea drunk measured in terms of teabags used and also in terms of liquid consumed was low; thus I was not as awake during the practice as I was the previous two days. Today the interval between waking and start practice was 3 hrs, whereas yesterday and the day before this interval was 6.5 hours.
When I woke up this morning I felt great, I felt as if the rainfall that occurred during the night had cleaned out the environment ionized the air allowed me to have more restful relaxing sleep than I have had in weeks and rejuvenated me; nevertheless the level of performance was down.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much
Faces in the Crowd: 
The usual smattering of oblivious grade-school and high school age boys.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Saturday April 5
650 -750 PM
Waltham Y Gym

4th day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cupgreen tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf; 2 cup coffee w cr and sug plus 2 tspn Korean Ginseng,  plus Bolthouse C juice drink
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0  melatonin pills taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 0 oz wine consumed evening of day before practice; 2 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; little to no pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for the Ginseng in the in tea prior to start of workout.
(Repeat in small type:) Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I estimate due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail use-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it. I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

4th Day of New Ultra-difficult zig-zag type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; performance C; numerical score=0.52 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute; Today again for the 4th day in a row now, I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern. (Repeat:)  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Today for the 5th day in a row, I refrained from continuing the air-dribble runs after the 4th touch with the head.
Thus far, the grades for performance and emotions during the practices have been:
(original straight not zig-zag LHKH pattern)
NR = no report
march 13 B-, C-
march 15 B+ C
march 16 A- C+
march 17 B+, C+
march 18 B- C+
march 19 C+ C+
march 20 B  B
march 21 B+ B-
march 22 B- B
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
march 24 D B
march 25 D+ C- 
march 26 C- B-
march 27 C B-
march 28 C+ B
march 29 C+ NR
March 30 C- NR
March 31 C+ NR
March 31 C+ NR
April 1     B-  NR
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April 2 C- NR
April 3 C  NR
April 4 C- NR
April 5 C  NR
Today practice started 650 PM ended 750 PM--total 60 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (there was no warm-up prior to the 650 PM start). At 650 PM on the first attempt in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-L LHKH success #1 a tight sharp run.  At 654 PM in the 5th minute, there was success #2 in adhering to pattern, it was a tight sharply-angled fast perfect run. In the end in the 60 minutes there had been 23 runs on which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 31 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.38 almosts per minute and 0.52 successes per minute (0.07 better than yesterday). The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes in drills already done, or move on to some new drills.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
April     3  0.29                      0.58
April     4  0.29                      0.45
April     5  0.38                      0.52
C level performance as a grade (down from C yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
At this rate, from an arithmetic type growth projection point of view I will be at the target 0.83 in 4.5 days; from an exponential compound interest point of view, at this rate of growth I will be at the target 0.83 in 3 days.
On the positive side-- the first kick with the left foot and the second touch with the head have been becoming more consistent resulting in the right foot being consistently well set up for kicks on the third touch. Today was a personal record for almosts per minute; today was my second best performance it terms of almosts per minute plus successes per minute looking at both the runs emphasizing the left foot (ZZ-R) and those emphasizing the right (ZZ-L); nevertheless I felt down re my performance today. Looks like I am suffering from constantly-rising-expectations syndrome. In this syndrome since with each passing day you have higher expectations for yourself, you underestimate your rate of progress. As usual there were plenty of excellent or perfect runs.
On the negative side-- Very inconsistent today on the third touch with the right foot. Too many runs that technically speaking were successful pattern-adherence runs were low quality, and too many runs failed to adhere to pattern.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted-- nothing much today.
After the practice I noted:
I am tempted to at this point to attempt to focus on the 3rd touch with the right foot by throwing the ball forward and to my left with my hands, then heading it diagonally forwards to my right, and then kicking it diagonally forwards to my left with my right foot and then heading it. This would result in more chances of the 3rd touch with the right foot type. But it would also result in less practice of the first touch with the foot, less practice of the second touch with the head following a first touch with the foot. Right now things are looking up with regards to performance on the first two touches so for now I have decided not to replace the first kick with the foot with a throw.
Compared to April 3 when I scored my personal record of 0.58 on this drill on the first day I did this drill, the time interval between rising/waking and start of practice was small; today there was relatively speaking more hectic hassle etc between waking/rising and start of practice. Today I lost a set of car keys, got home and realized I had lost them, drove to the gas station parking lot, and found them in the gas station parking lot all in ten minutes just before leaving for the gym.
Today the interval between waking and start practice was approx 5 hrs, whereas April 3 when I did well, this interval was about 8 hours. Seems I perform better when practice commences later in the evening. Then there is more time to get ready for practice.
Given all the disadvantages today, and the stress of a low score yesterday, I thought I did pretty well today.
The only innovation I can think of now to accelerate improvement on the 3rd touch with the foot is this: for a given time segment watch the ball for as long as possible before kicking it with the foot on the 3rd touch; and in other time segments watch the ball only while it is above waist height which is the method I have usually employed so far.
In a sense it is commendable that I have been watching the ball with my eyes only when the ball is above waist height prior to the 3rd touch with the right foot, because eyes-up means seeing what is going on in the field. Yet it could be that for now, being left-footed by nature, I might improve through some practice involving eyeing the ball for a maximal amount of time prior to kicking it with the right foot on the 3rd touch.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much
Faces in the Crowd: 
The usual smattering of oblivious grade-school and high school age boys.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Sunday April 6
500 -600 PM
Waltham Y Gym

5th day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 60 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup double strength brown tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf; 1 cup coffee w cr and sug plus 1 tspn Korean Ginseng & 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng, 
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
1 5 mg  melatonin pill taken in 24 hours before practice; 24 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 0 oz wine consumed evening of day before practice; 1 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; little to no pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for the Ginsengs in the in tea prior to start of workout.
(Repeat in small type:) Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I estimate due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail use-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it. I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

5th Day of New Ultra-difficult Zig-Zag Type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; numerical score=0.72 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute, new personal record; 5-6 PM at Waltham Y This evening, was like a dramatic military victory (ignored by the Oblivious Boys)--successes were of high quality despite use of clumsier right-foot on 3rd touches;
The performance showed I will quickly master the last obstacle on the road to greatness, which is the zig-zagging using the right foot.
Today again for the 5th day in a row now, I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern. (Repeat:)  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Today for the 6th day in a row, I refrained from continuing the air-dribble runs after the 4th touch with the head.
Today practice started 500 PM ended 600 PM--total 60 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (there was no warm-up prior to the 500 PM start). At 500 PM on the first attempt in the 1st minute, there occurred ZZ-L LHKH success #1.  At 512 PM in the 13th minute, there was success #6 in adhering to pattern, it was a long (despite the 4 touch limit) fast tight perfect run. In the end in the 60 minutes there had been 16 runs on which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 43 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.27 almosts per minute and 0.72 successes per minute (0.20 better than yesterday). The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes in drills already done, or move on to some new drills.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
April     3  0.29                      0.58
April     4  0.29                      0.45
April     5  0.38                      0.52
April     6  0.27                      0.72
C+ level performance as a grade (down from C yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
Easy to be Deceived by the harsh C+ grade I gave today's practice, into underappreciating today's performance and the importance thereof.
Because of the way that I do the grading, you could on the grounds of the C+ grade scoff at my performances these days. You would be wrong to scoff because: practices such as today produced a relatively speaking very high quality of run scored as success--the formula I use to give the grade does not take into account quality of successes; the formula used does not take into account the number of runs recorded as almost being a success; the formula used is pessimistic re what the quality of the runs scored as successes will be when the score gets to 0.83 successes per minute; the formula does not take into account whether the left or the right foot is being used, this despite the fact that I am left footed and naturally clumsier with the right foot; with the passage of time though the general principle of giving myself the benefit of the doubt remains, I become more and more stringent re whether I consider a run to be a success (example judging the the ball did not slant left on the first touch).
At this rate, looking at the 0.20 per minute advance from yesterday, from an arithmetic type or exponential (compound-interest style) growth projection point of view I will be at the target 0.83 in 1 day. Looking at the
0.28 per minute advance over four days compared to the 0.44 performance the first day I did this drill April 2, from an arithmetic type (0.28 growth every 4 days) point of view (of all these the most pessimistic viewpoint) I will be doing 1.00 per minute, better than the target 0.83 per minute four days from now on April 10; from an exponential (64% growth every 4 days) point of view I will be doing 1.18 per minute four days from now. Thing is, I plan to move on to something somewhat new and different when I achieve 0.83 on this.
On the positive side-- The score in almosts and successes per minute (total 0.99) was only 0.01 less than my all time best on these ZZ variants of the LHKH, and the all-time best was done with the ZZ-R variant that emphasizes the favored left foot. The quality of the runs was high. The 3rd touches with the left foot were handled better than previously, using the innovation of following the ball with the eye for as long as possible before kicking it with the right foot on the 3rd touch. A large percent age of the runs scored as successes were long and/or fast and/or tight and/or sharply angled on the turns. Although the the runs were limited to four touches, they usually were at least ten yards in distance from the first touch to the last touch with the head.
What happened today, the high level of performance with the clumsy right foot, illustrates the value of thoughtfulness/notes such as presented in this soccer log.
The various disadvantages such as: hectic lack of time before practice, lack of time between waking and start of practice, various stresses, were handled well and prevented from impairing performance.
Note: what a long run is when the runs are limited to four touches: 11 yds; when runs not limited to four touches: 15 yds.
On the negative side--
The main thing to report negatively speaking today, is that many of the runs were aborted because the first kick of the runs sent the ball directly forwards instead of on a diagonal slant to the side. These errors would happen in streaks, twice or thrice in a row. Solution for now is to be satisfied with a high chip at a sharp angle leftwards even though such does not produce the optimum in terms of grace beauty speed and length during the runs. When the slant leftwards is slight on the first touch this tends to produce great runs thus the temptation is to aim for such a slight slant that one ends up with the ball going forwards or slanting right on the first kick; such straight forward orslanted right on the first kick means the run cannot be counted as a success.
I have to remind myself to put effort and concentration into this 1st kick with the foot as it seems to be an easy kick, easier than it actually is.
As usual as a perfectionist I would say that too many attempts were not successes and the successes could have been of better quality.
I drank 0 oz water during the workout today.
Before the practice I noted-- The way to deal with the frustrating slow pace of improvement on the ZZ-L variant now being done, is to on the 3rd touch with the right foot, follow the ball for as long as possible with the eye. Previously I had been following the ball with eye only until it reached about waist height. So in the practice I followed maximally with the eye on the 3rd touch, this produced dramatic improvement.
After the practice I noted:
Certain parts of the practice were especially hot. Practice started at 500; from 514-532 PM in 18 minutes, there were 17 successes. Of these 15 had at least one notable good point such as speed length tightness or sharpness; 8 had at least 3 good points; and 4 had 4 good points (which I would call perfect).
Today's performance indicates that the superior method on these ZZ-L variants is to eye the ball for as long as possible prior to kicking it on the 3rd touch with the right foot, at least for now. Still the possibility remains, that the problem is that indecisiveness on the 3rd touch, not having made up one's mind re whether the ball will be eyed for as long as possible or only as long as it is above approx waist height. Prior to today I had not set doctrine such as follow ball for as long as possible with the eye, or follow ball only as long as it is above waist-height.
Today I succeeded in remaining stoic throughout the workout.
Prior to the workout: I had best I can recall, 1 tspn Korean Ginseng & 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng in the tea; a cup coffee and a cup double strength tea; I forgot to drink the natural vitamin C containing juice drink; I had been awake 4 hours; I felt flustered by a lack of time to prepare; the night before the workout I had one 24 oz beer, 5 mg Melatonin pill, 1 herbal sleeping pill, and 20 oz blueberry and rasberry juice (skipped the half and half and cane sugar mixed in), the result was a relatively restful sleep but sleep was still I estimate only about 4 hours.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: Nothing much
Faces in the Crowd: 
The usual smattering of oblivious high school age and college age young men playing basketball. Their obliviousness contributed to this sense of weirdness I felt after today's workout: I was thinking, today's workout showed that in a short time I will become a great player, but still: the boys in the gym were oblivious, the sun did not shine on yet another rainy gray day; I still feel stressed out as if I do not have enough stress-defeating-power to deal with the stresses upon me; I do not feel like I am in Paradise; all the people still sin by treating me as if I was just somebody, nobody special. Reminds me that one time several years ago, this little old white bespectacled lady on Moody Syt., who best I can recall was French or worked at some place with a French name, for no reason, looked at me and shouted, 'you nothing special! (she was the opposite of correct in her attitude).
The guy who is like a twin of  Unmesh who was my friend in India, named Anush, gave me his email address when I opportuned him for it, even though he is apparently an admirably successful electrical engineer. Lest I forget it or lose it it is: Problem is that the second letter looks like it might be a u have to check with him on that. Anush and Unmesh seem to both possess some admirable qualities. The pressure of growing up surrounded by poverty can produce maturity, masculinity, humility, hard-work, endurance. Likewise growing up surrounded by the comforting presence of widespread affluence can produce weakness in such areas of character, I guess.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to 7.5 psi

Tuesday April 8
835 -935 PM
Waltham Y Gym

6th day of ZZ-L (zig-zag) LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble Runs 58 minutes
no nutrients cocktail(oils juices pills), before practice today.
pre-practice meal today = 1 cup double strength brown tea with cane sugar and halfnhalf; plus 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng & 1/4 tspn Korean Ginseng, 1/6 tspn American Ginseng; 1 cup coffee w cr and sug; mini-tuna-sub from 'Subway'
0 cgs in 24 hours prior to practice; 1 cg total (on March 4)  since December 1, '07; 
0 melatonin pill taken in 24 hours before practice; 0 oz beer consumed in 24 hours prior to practice; 24 oz 'Zinfandel' wine consumed evening of day before practice; 0 Whole Foods Brand 'Restful Sleep' Herbal sleeping capsules taken before bed night before workout
0 potassium pills
taken before
workout; little to no pain in soles of feet during or after workout
No MAO inhibiting
herbs today except for the Ginsengs in the in tea prior to start of workout.
(Repeat in small type:) Today my slight cough was almost completely gone, I estimate due to combo of steam room and nutrients cocktail use-- but it could have been just the nutrients cocktail that solved it. I wonder, how many times per day does the healthy person cough

6th Day of New Ultra-difficult Zig-Zag Type ZZ-L LHKH Soccer Air-Dribble runs; numerical score=0.67 ZZ-L LHKH successes per minute, EYES UP during 3rd touch kicks with right foot
Again, like yesterday, the performance showed I will quickly master the last obstacle on the road to greatness, which is the zig-zagging using the right foot.
Today again for the 6th day in a row now, I ran a new air-dribble pattern, the "ZZ-L" type  'LHKH' pattern. (Repeat:)  The LHKH pattern features me, at minimum, starting the run kicking the ball with the left foot (L) (touch 1) after flipping it up, then heading it (H) (touch 2), then kicking it (K) (touch 3), then heading it again (H) (touch 4), all with no more than 4 paces between touches, all with me running forward as fast as possible, and all with the ball not touching the ground. The ZZ innovation is that I run the LHKH pattern in a zig zag; ZZ-L (L for left) specifically means that after flipping the ball up the first kick sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the left; the 2nd touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right; the 3rd touch with the right foot sends the ball forwards and diagonally towards the left; the 4th touch with the head sends the ball forwards and diagonally to the right.
Today for the 7th day in a row, I refrained from continuing the air-dribble runs after the 4th touch with the head.
Today for the first time, every time I kicked the ball with the right foot on the 3rd touch, I attempted to keep the eyes looking in a direction such that the eyes did not follow the ball when the ball sank to below waist height. In reality this resulted in my eyes not following the ball when it went below face-height, as I was trying hard to avoid letting the eyes go down and overcompensated.
Today practice started 835 PM ended 935 PM--total 60 minutes running the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (there was no warm-up prior to the 835 PM start). I subtracted 2 minutes from the 60 minutes due to: tying shoelaces; sweeping of gym floor interfererence. At 836 PM in the 2nd minute, there occurred ZZ-L LHKH success #1.  At 841 PM in the 7th minute, there was success #3 in adhering to pattern, it was a long (despite the 4 touch limit) fast tight shaprly angled perfect run. In the end in the 58 minutes there had been 15 runs on which I almost adhered to the ZZ-L LHKH pattern (almost means that the pattern was off by no more than the fact that one of the touches in the pattern was somewhat off); there had been 39 successes in maintaining the ZZ-L LHKH pattern. That comes out to 0.26 almosts per minute and 0.67 successes per minute (0.05 worse than yesterday). The idea now is, to attain to 0.83 per minute; and then slow down the pace of attempts per hour and concentrate on improving quality of runs scored as successes in drills already done, or move on to some new drills.
Stats so Far for ZZ variants of the  LHKH Drill:
Date         Almosts/minute    Successes/minute 
(new ZZ-R variant of LHKH pattern)
March 24  0.22                      0.16
March 25  0.08                      0.32
March 26  0.08                      0.44
March 27  0.24                      0.52
March 28  0.08                      0.68
March 29  0.08                      0.63
March 30  0.12                      0.47
March 31  0.09                      0.70
April     1  0.14                      0.86 (target of 0.83 per minute finally attained!)
(new ZZ-L variant of LHKH pattern)
April     2  0.17                      0.44
April     3  0.29                      0.58
April     4  0.29                      0.45
April     5  0.38                      0.52
April     6  0.27                      0.72 (eyes follow ball maximally)
April     8  0.26                      0.67 (eyes do not follow ball below face level height)
C+ (repeat:) level performance as a grade (down from C yesterday), is in the context of what have become very high standards.  I decided to give myself a C- today, because with the previous ZZ-R variant, I started at 0.16 successes per minute, and estimated that when I first got to 0.83 successes per minute, I would be at a B- grade level.
Again it would be easy to be deceived by the harsh C+ grade I gave today's practice, into under-appreciating today's performance and the importance thereof. It's getting to the point where I wonder whether I should abandon this letter-type grade. However I realize that numerical-score-wise I will level off, the numbers will become constant, while the performance continues to improve.  
(Repeat:) Because of the way that I do the grading, you could on the grounds of the C+ grade scoff at my performances these days. You would be wrong to scoff because: practices such as today produced a relatively speaking very high quality of run scored as success--the formula I use to give the grade does not take into account quality of successes; the formula used does not take into account the number of runs recorded as almost being a success; the formula used is pessimistic re what the quality of the runs scored as successes will be when the score gets to 0.83 successes per minute; the formula does not take into account whether the left or the right foot is being used, this despite the fact that I am left footed and naturally clumsier with the right foot; with the passage of time though the general principle of giving myself the benefit of the doubt remains, I become more and more stringent re whether I consider a run to be a success (example judging the the ball did not slant left on the first touch).
On the positive side--
Whatever the score was, I felt as if today was maybe the best day ever for the zig zagging variants of the LHKH, even though today the clumsier right foot was used on the difficult key 3rd touches with the foot.
I did well with the right foot on the 3rd touches despite the fact that my eye was not following the ball down when it sank below chest height prior to me striking it with the right foot on the 3rd touch.
Still, there were about a dozen instances wherein the first touch with the foot and the second touch with the head placed the ball almost perfectly, only to result in the third touch with the right foot kicking the ball away due to the intense pressure I put on myself not to follow the ball down with my eye when it sank below chest height.
Thus the first touch with the foot and the second touch with the head were performed well today. Today I felt confident and I knew that eventually I will master zig-zagging with the ball alternating between touch with foot and touch with head, whether or not I have to depend on my better left foot.
This kind of zig-zagging I am doing now, is the most difficult of the remaining skills I need to master before I become what is undoubtedly a superstar; thus I now know that I am a world-beater; this knowledge makes me feel confident rather than elated. The remaining drills to be done focus on variations in the change of direction, and on changes in speed during the course of the run; these remaining drills are less difficult than the zig-zags I am now doing. On top of this you have the fact that I am doing all this alternating between touches with the head and touches with the foot, which is much harder than not having to do such alternation. Thus I confidently feel that I now 'have it made'.
Today from beginning to end there were plenty of runs which combined three or more of the following attributes: speed, length, tightness of control, sharpness of turns.
Note: what a 'long' run is when the runs are limited to four touches: 11 yds; when runs not limited to four touches: 15 yds.
On the negative side-- due to the forcing the eyes to stay up on the third kick with the right foot, the right foot on the third touch was often off, even though it had been set up well by the first and second touches of the run. Today there were a few balls which were misplaced on the second touch with the head.
I drank 12 oz water during the workout today; the gym was hot and humid.
Before the practice I noted-- before the practice I felt as if I was too tired, too sore and stiff in the legs to be able to do even a decent high quality workout. But once the practice started I felt fine.
During and after the practice I noted: even when I keep my eyes up so that I am looking straight at things that are at about face-height when kicking the ball, sometimes, when the foot is stretched forwards, my kicking foot is visible to my eyes (peripheral vision) at the moment that I kick the ball.
My estimate is that the best thing would be not keeping the eyes up, or, keeping the eyes down, but rather, letting the eyes naturally do what they feel like doing.
Today's practice provided further evidence in support of the theory that doubt re matters such as whether the eyes should be kept up or down, impairs performance.
Today I succeeded in remaining stoic throughout the workout.
Today 'Shank' came by to visit me, he caused stress and fatigue, but the workout turned out well anyway.
Prior to the workout: I had, 1/4 tspn Korean Ginseng & 1 tspn Siberian Ginseng & 1/6 tspn American Ginseng in a double strength cup tea; a cup coffee; 6 oz of the natural vitamin C containing Bolthouse Farms 'C-Boost' juice drink; I had been awake 8 hours; the night before the workout I had one 24 oz sinfandel wine, zero Melatonin pill, zero  herbal sleeping pill, 20 oz blueberry/rasberry juice (skipped the half and half and cane sugar mixed in), a few oz of the 'C-Boost' drink. The day before the workout, was a day of rest which seemed to result in more (approx 5 hours whoop-de-doo) sleep, more restful sleep.
I am beginning to wonder if this kind of air-dribbling fries my brain to the point where I cannot sleep until 12 hours have passed between the end of the workout and the time I go to sleep.
Irrelevant(?) Stuff: 
The night before the workout I had a dream about the Russian Prez Vladimir Putin. We met with each other, just me and him. A key part of the meeting was this crimson or maroon colored cloth that looked like a window curtain about 2 feet high and 2 feet wide; it was the same color as the ties worn by Bush and Putin when they had their most recent joint news conference. IN the dream I felt as if I was in touch with Putin's personality. His personality was about what you would expect it to be, watching him on TV and seeing him in photos; his personality was friendly, attractive, simple, earthy, humble, Slavic-like in a good way I guess. In the dream Putin produced a 'Zaftig' prostitute for my use, she was white, about five foot seven inches tall, brown hair sort of tied up at the nape of the neck, somewhat buxom, strong-legged and wide-hipped, she wore blue jeans that had worn to white at the points where the leg most stressed the pants, she was pretty. In the dream, Putin and I sat side by side in a rail-car type thing, sort of like the hanging cars skiers used to get from here to there, that whizzed through what looked like gigantic storage areas colored in light green and white with of course the accompanying metal colors of the metal parts of the storage area. On and on we whizzed in the rail car through the storage areas at like 40 mph. At the end of the dream there were some details I cannot remember now.
Faces in the Crowd: The gym was empty tonight, except for the Italian lady sweeping the gym floor. I feel like, Italy is supposed to be number one in the world in soccer, this Italian lady does not pay me homage except for coy smiles as she watches me sometimes.
Weight/Appearance: (repeat in small type:) Before the workout I was ??? lbs. Like yesterday, I did not feel like checking my weight in the locker room as I have been sort of lazily neglecting to pump calories and protein into myself. Between yesterday's practice and today's I again ate/drank little (mostly organic/natural). Skipping the details on this for now.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 layer Propel Gel Padding;
Adidas Replique ball inflated to ?? psi
Forgot to check psi of ball before workout and inflate to 7.5 psi; after workout ball was at 7.0 psi.

April 9 08
Brilliant Analysis

Analysis Regarding The Drills of the Future
There are hundreds of drills that could possibly be done in the future to further sharpen the air-dribbling capability.
I have come to realize that moving on to some new difficult drill produces more improvement than polishing up performance on a familiar drill.
With regards to change of direction, the first ones that come to mind are:
(L = kick with left foot; H=head ball; K= kick ball with foot)

Long Corner Left





Long Corner Right






Short Corner Left





Short Corner Right




Beyond this change of direction stuff, there are hundreds of possible combinations which combine fast or slow movement between the various first four touches of the air-dribble runs, with coming to a stop or continuing forwards at various points in the four touches of the air-dribble runs.
On the LHKH straight pattern alone (no changes of direction) there are 128 different possibilities when it comes to combining various different alternatives with regards to stopping or continuing at various points and going fast or slow between various touches on the ball.
Faced with such a multitude of choices, I concluded that: moving fast between touches teaches more than moving slow between touches; and, coming to a stop at various points is more difficult than, and teaches more than, simply speeding ahead at the various points.
I also concluded that for the purposes of simplifying things for scoring purposes and for practical purposes, all the hundreds of alternatives should be narrowed down to the following:
LL (close to each other as possible on the field) followed by HH  (close to each other as possible on the field) followed by KK  (close to each other as possible on the field)  followed by HH  (close to each other as possible on the field). Meaning, the LL, two kicks of the ball with the left foot, come while the body is stationary as possible in terms of position on the field; the HH, two heads of the ball, also come while the body is stationary as possible in terms of position on the field; the KK, two kicks of the ball, also come while the body is stationary as possible in terms of position on the field; and, finally, the HH, two heads of the ball, come while the body is stationary as possible in terms of position on the field. This is all executed with maximum speed betwen the stationary positions. This LL HH KK HH pattern can be executed with each of the change-of-direction patterns described previously.
Thus I must now admit that there are drills that will be done in the future that are actually more difficult than the ZZ-L LHKH variant I am now doing. However I still believe that I can attain to a level of world dominance by mastering the drills that are less difficult than changes of direction combined with fast movement between stationary positions combined with two touches or a 'stationary' stop at the various points instead of one touch or forging ahead at the various points of the runs.

April 9,

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@2008 David Virgil Hobbs