Soccer Drills Diary Table Page 9
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Hts and wts of players on Brazil,  Germany national soccer teams, and goalkeeping rules notes:
table log of  soccer air-dribbling flight drill workouts
Dimensions of soccer field, goalie habitats,
jpeg marked scale map of soccer field, notes on dimensions of field...





Saturday Oct 6 07 

Wrote Entry for second practice of Thursday October 4.
Purchased new Adidas Teamgeist Replique ball.

This Adidas Replique ball appears to be the same ball as the one I have been using up to today. The ball I have been using has taken such a beating that the seams containing the panels have stretched with the result that the ball has become slightly larger than it should be.

Oct 7 07
Waltham YMCA
638-755 PM
77 minutes researching first kick angle to precede header at 3 yds

Researched How Angle of Kick on First Kick of LHLH Drill Effects Outcomes
Focus on balls headed THREE yards from kick-point
The LHLH Drill has been discussed in  previous entries. It's first segment usually involves me flipping the ball up with my left foot, kicking the ball forward so as to be able to after sprinting forwards 7 yds head the ball before it touches the ground.
I decided that I needed information regarding how the angle the ball is kicked at effects outcomes, when the kick is such that the ball is headed THREE yards away from the point at which it is first kicked.
Table Showing Angle of First Kick on LH and Distance at which Ball Headed After Kick When Object is to Head Ball THREE Yards Away From Kick Point
Notes on Table:
I flipped the ball up from the ground with my left foot and kicked it forward with my left foot. My intention was to after kicking the ball, sprint forward at full speed and then head the ball at a point ONLY THREE yards in front of the point at which I first kicked the ball with my left foot.
While I did this I kept track of the angle the ball traveled at from the point it left my foot to the point it reached its apex (1st column of table). The ball going straight up towards the ceiling would be counted as 90 degrees. The ball moving parallel to the ground would be counted as 0 degrees. The ball going at a 45 degree angle moving a yard forward for every yard it rose was counted as 45 degrees. And then there were the angles in between.
I also usually  kept track of how hard I kicked the ball: soft, medium-soft, medium.
In the table below, in the 2nd column you can find the time when the attempt was made, and what happened after the ball was kicked, for each angle of ball after kick to apex of trajectory.
How to read the shorthand in the second column:
The second Column gives a brief step by step description of what happened after I kicked the ball, which is basically the notes taken in practice verbatim.
Numbers such as L67 L52 mean the ball was kicked with the left foot at a 67 or 52 degree angle. Words such as soft medium and hard after these figures tell how hard the ball was kicked.
Figures such as 90%, 40% etc. mean I sprinted at 90% the speed I can sprint at when I sprint as fast as I possibly can. If it says simply that I sprinted with no number given that means the sprint was at approx maximum sprint speed. If no mention is made of the ball bouncing between the time I kicked it on the first touch and the time I headed/kicked it on the second touch, that means the ball did not bounce between the first touch and the second touch.
Med=medium; w/ or w = with; H=head; H followed by a number = ball headed at angle given by number after letter H; ht = height; hi = high; sp = speed; hite = height; w/o = without; spr = sprint; obstr = obstruction such as a wall impeded continuance of run; B followed by a negative number = the ball was falling to earth at this angle, 90 equals straight down, 45 equals moving forward a foot for every foot it falls; L = ball kicked with left foot; R = ball kicked with right foot; COS/cos = caught on sprint at approx maximum speed unless otherwise speficied; a number by itself = this many paces were run without touching the ball prior to what happened next; AD = air dribble, running forward while keeping the ball off the ground under some level of control; K = ball kicked with foot; c = caught as in ball caught; if it is not specified what part of the body the ball was touched with after the kick it was touched with the head; WHB = would have been;
For example L56 c w H at 5 yds at 85% sp means the ball was kicked at a 56 degree angle and then caught with the head 5 yds from the point at which it was kicked while I was running forwards at a speed that is 85% of my max sprint speed.

Angle of
First Kick


Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
517 L78 cos w/ chest, shoulder at 2 yds, 65% sp
521 L78, ball went over shoulder landed behind w/ body forward 2 yds
538 L74 c w/ H at 3 yds at 60% sp
542 L78 shoulder high c w/ chest at 1 yd at 35% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
605 L74 shoulder high caught w/ chest at 50% sp at 1 yd
606 L74 c w/ H at 2 yds, 50% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
618 L74 c w. H at 3 yds at 50% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
442 L74 c at 2 yds w H at 65% sp
458 L78 c w H at 1 yd at 25% sp
501 L78 c w H at 1 yd
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
518 L78 c w H at 2 yds at 50% sp
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
527 L74 c at 5 yds w H at 65% sp
553 L78 c w chest at 2 yds at 50% sp
555 L78 c w H at 1 yd at 20% sp
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
746 L74 c at 4 yds at 75% sp
754 L74 c at 4 yds at 50% sp
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
828 L74 c w H at 4 yds at 70% sp
842 L78 c w H at 2 yds at 80% sp
845 L74 c w H at 3 yds at 60% sp
855 L78 c w H at 2 yds at 60% sp
856 L74 c w H at 2 yds at 50% sp
903 L78 c w H at 2 yds at 35% sp
904 L74 c w H at 3 yds at 75% sp
907 L74 c w H at 2 yds at 75% sp
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
919 L78 c w H at 2 yds at 50% sp
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
650 L74 c at 50% sp at 4 yds
655 L74 c at 5 yds at 55% sp
657 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
719 L74 c at 4 yds at 60% sp
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
426 L74 c at 1 yd at 20% sp
433 L78 c at 2 yds at 30% sp
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
503 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
506 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
507 L74 c at 5 yds at 65% sp
509 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
521 L74 c at 4 yds at 55% sp
531 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp\
533 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
556 L74 c at 3 yds at 50% sp

Sunday October 7
642 L67 too long
653 L67 cos at 4 yds at 50% sp
656 L63 cos at 5 yds at 55% sp
658 L67 cos at 3 at 50% sp
707 L67 cos at 3, 35% sp
716 L67 c at 4, 70% sp
724 L67 c at 40% sp at 3 yds
736 L67 cos at 50% sp at 4 yds
738 L67 c at 5 yds at 60% sp
746 L67 c at 4 yds, 65% sp
748 L67 c at 3 yds, 70% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
437 L67 c at 3 at 50% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
512 L67 c at 50% sp at 4 yds
513 L67 c at 5 yds w/ H at 65% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
607 L67 c w/ chest at 2 yds 50% sp
615 L67 c at 70% sp at 4 yds w/ H
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
354 L67 c at 2 at 50% sp, tight
406 L67 c w H at 3 yds at 70% sp
409 L67 c w H at 4 yds, 60% sp
416 L67 c w H at 4 yds, 70% sp
422 L65 c at 6 yds w H at 85% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
436 L67 cos w H at 5 yds
441 L67 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
446 L67 cos w H at 4 yds at 80% sp
449 L67 the guess, chest high, c at 2 yds w chest at 40% sp
501 L67 cos w H at 6 yds
509 L67 cos w H at 80% sp at 2 yds
511 L67 c w H at 3 yds at 55% sp
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
523 L67 c w H at 3 yds at 60% sp
531 L67 cos w H at 4 yds
539 L67 cos w H at 4 yds
550 L67 cos w H at 5 yds
610 L67 c w H at 4 yds at 80% sp
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
814 L67 c w chin at 2 yds at 40% sp
816 L67 cos w H at 4 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
829 L67 c at 2 yds w H at 70% sp
838 L67 c w H at 3 yds at 60% sp
839 L67 c w H at 3 yds, at 50% sp
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
930 L67 c w H at 4 yds at 80% sp
949 L67 c w H at 4 yds at 80% sp
Sunday October 14 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
558 L67 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
604 L67 long whb c on bo w thigh/foot at 7 yds
617 L67 c at 5 yds at 70% sp
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
654 L67 c at 4 yds at 50% sp
713 L67 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
718 L67 c at 3 yds at 60% sp
Sunday October 14 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
734 L67 c at 3 yds at 55% sp
744 L67 c at 3 yds at 55% sp
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
425 L67 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
428 L67 c at 5 yds at 85% sp
448 L67 c at 5 yds w H at 55% sp
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
510 L67 c w H at 3 yds at 50% sp
530 L67 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
549 L67 c at 2 yds at 50% sp
620 L67 c at 3 yds at 50% sp

Sunday October 7
643 H60 too long COS at 7 yds  
658 L60 cos at 5 yds at 55% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
434 L60 c at 4 yds at 70% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
530 L60 c at 3 w/ H at 70% sp
546 L60 c w/ H at 5 yds, 85% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
552 L60 c at 2 yds w/ H at 65% sp
603 L60 cos at 4 yds
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
427 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
430 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
447 L60 c w H at 2 yds at 65% sp
459 L63 cos w H at 3 yds
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
521 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
611 L60 cos w H at 3 yds almost perfect in ball placement, up on toes when ball headed
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
750 L60 cos at 5 yds
755 L60 cos at 4 yds
756 L60 cos at 3 yds
804 L60 cos at 4 yds
813 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
817 L60  cos w H at 3 yds
821 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
822 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
840 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
841 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
843 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
845 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
847 L60 cos w H at 4 yds
848 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
849 L60 cos w H at 4 yds
850 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
854 L60 c w H at 3 yds at 80% sp
901 L60 c at 3 yds w H at 80% sp
902 L60 cos w H at 4 yds
905 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
918 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
922 L60 cos w H at 4 yds
934 L60 c w H at 3 yds at 70% sp
935 L60 c w  H at 3 yds at 60% sp
939 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
940 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
944 L60 cos w H at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
603 L60 cos w H at 5 yds
626 L60 cos at 4 yds
633 L60 c at 3 yds at 90% sp
635 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
636 L63 cos at 4 yds
638 L60 c at 3 yds at 70% sp
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
644 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
647 L60 cos at 3 yds
656 L60 c at 3 yds at 60% sp
700 L60 cos at 3 yds
701 L60 cos at 4 yds
703 L60 cos at 3 yds
705 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
707 L60 c at 3 yds at 80% sp
708 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
709 L60 c at 4 yds at 85% sp
711 L60 c at 3 yds at 80% sp
715 L60 c at 3 yds at 90% sp
720 L60 c at 3 yds at 60% sp
721 L60 c at 3 yds at 50% sp
Sunday October 14 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
731 L60 cos at 3 yds
737 L60 c at 3 yds at 75% sp
738 L60 c at 3 yds at 75% sp again
741 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
743 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
746 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
430 L60 c at 3 yds at 80% sp
432 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
452 L60 cos at 4 yds
452 L60 cos at 3 yds at 70% sp
453 L60 cos at 3 yds at 70% sp again
457 L60 cos at 3 yds at 75% sp
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
519 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
523 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
524 L60 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
540 L60 c at 65% sp at 3 yds
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
547 L60 cos at 3 yds
603 L60 c at 3 yds at 75% sp
608 L60 c at 3 yds at 85% sp
612 L60 c at 3 yds at 60% sp

Sunday October 7
648 L56 cos at 5 yds, med soft kick
720 L56 cos at 5 yds
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
433 L56 cos at 6 yds
503 Lf6 cos at 5 w/ H
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
525 L56 cos at 4 yds w/ H
541 L56 c at 3 yds at 80% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
619 L56 cos w/ H at 4 yds
626 L56 c w/ H at 4 yds at 80% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
401 L56 cos at 6
407 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
428 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
444 L56 c at 2 yds w H at 60% sp ball low/far when headed
445 L56 c at 2 yds w chin at 65% sp
449 L56 cos w H at 4 yds
453 L56 c w H at 60% sp at 3 yds
503 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
506 L56 cos w H at 3 yds, kicked while concentrating on angle/force of kick, have been concentrating on force/angle since 433
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
601 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
607 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
609 L56 c w H at 3 yds at 55% sp
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
758 L56 cos at 4 yds
800 L56 cos at 4 yds
806 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
812 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
823 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
837 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
844 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
846 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
858 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
859 L56 cos w H at 3 yds again
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
912 L56 c at 70% sp at 3 yds w H
917 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
923 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
924 L56  cos w H at 4 yds
925 L56 cos w H at 4 yds
926 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
929 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
931 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
937 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
947 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
948 L56 cos w H at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
557 L56 c at 85% sp at 3 yds on first kick of day, no warmup
609 L56 cos at 4 yds
610 L56 cos at 4 yds
614 L56 cos at 3 yds
619 L56 cos at 3 yds
620 L56 cos at 5 yds
621 L56 cos at 4 yds
624 L56 cos at 3 yds
626 L56 c at 3 yds at 90% sp
627 L56 cos at 3 yds
628 L56 cos at 3 yds
629 L56 cos at 3 yds
630 L56 cos at 3 yds
632 L56 cos at 3 yds
639 L56 cos at 3 yds
640 L56 cos at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
643 L56 c at 3 yds at 80% sp
646 L56 cos at 3 yds
648 L56 cos at 5 yds
651 L56 cos at 3 yds
659 L56 cos at 4 yds
702 L56 cos at 3 yds
716 L56 cos at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
729 L56 cos at 3 yds
730 L56 c at 3 yds at 90% sp
736 L56 cos at 3 yds
739 L56 cos at 3 yds
742 L56 cos at 3 yds
747 L56 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
420 L56  cos at 3 yds 1st run of day
423 L56 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
431 L56 cos at 3 yds
442 L56 cos at 3 yds
445 L56 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
502 L56 cos at 3 yds
508 L56 c at 3 yds at 65% sp
511 L56 c at 3 yds at 70% sp
515 L56 cos at 3 yds
517 L56 cos at 3 yds
526 L56 cos at 3 yds
528 L56 cos at 4 yds
532 L56 cos at 3 yds
536 L56 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
551 L56 cos at 3 yds
552 L56 cos at 3 yds
554 L56 cos at 3 yds
558 L56 cos at 3 yds
607 L56 cos at 3 yds
619 L56 cos at 3 yds

Sunday October 7
L52 too long
645 L52 caught at 65% sp at  4 yds
647 L52 med-soft COS at 5 yds
651 L52 cos at 3 yds at 50% sp
654 L52 cos at 5 yds at 85% sp
709 L52 cos at 85% sp at 5 yds
711 L52 cos at 5 yds
712 L52 soft K cos at 4 yds
715 L52 cos at 4 yds
717 L52 too long
719 L52 cos at 5 yds
722 L52 cos at 4 yds
722 L52 c at 80% sp at 4 yds
730 L52 cos at 4 yds
731 L52 cos at 5 yds
732 L52 c at 75% sp at 3 yds
733 c at 70% sp at 3 yds
735 L52 cos at 5 yds
737 L52 cos at 4 yds
739 L52 cos at 5 yds
744 L52 cos at 5 yds
745 L52 cos at 5 yds
747 L52 cos at 3 yds
752 L52 cos at 4 yds
754 L52 cos at 4 yds
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
436 L52 cos ar 5
440 L52 soft cos w/ thigh at 5 yds
442 L52 soft cos w/ H at 4 yds
443 L52 soft ankle flip kick, cos w H at 3 yds
449 L52 cos w/ H at 5 yds
450 L52 cos w/ H at 5 yds
500 L52 soft ankle flip c at 3 yds at 70% sp
505 L52 cos at 3 w/ H, soft ankle kick, body/leg use minimized (as was true for all kicks in this time period)
507 L52 cos at 4 yds
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
526 L52 cos at 5 yds w/ H
528 L52 cos at 3 yds w/ H
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
L52 cos at 3 yds
612 L52 cos w/ H at 6 yds
613 L52 cos w/ H at 4 yds
616 L52 c at 80% sp at 3 yds w/ H
617 L52 cos w/ H at 5 yds
625 L52 cos w/ H at 4 yds
627 L52 cos w/ H at 6 yds
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
414 L52 c w H at 3 yds, at 70% sp
426 L52 c w H at 3 at 65% sp
433 L52, cos w H at 3 yds; mind focused on angle/force of kick during kick
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
437 L52 c w H at 3 yds at 65% sp
455 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
457 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
505 L52 cos w H at 6 yds
514 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
520 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
529 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
532 L52 cos w H at 4 yds
552 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
600 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
614 L52 cos w H at 4 yds
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
751 L52 cos at 3 yds
808 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
811 L52 cos w H at 4 yds
820 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
834 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
836 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
914 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
916 L52 cos w H at 4 yds
920 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
927 L52 cos w H at 4 yds
928 L52 cos w H at 5 yds
932 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
938 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
945 L52 cos w H at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
607 L52 cos at 3 yds
608 L52 cos at 4 yds
613 L52 cos at 3 yds
615 L52 cos at 3 yds
623 L52 cos at 3 yds
637 L52 cos at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
733 L52 cos at 3 yds
740 L52 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
435 L52 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
534 L52 cos at 3 yds
537 L52 cos at 3 yds
539 L52 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
544 L52 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
548 L52 c at 3 yds at 60% sp
559 L52 cos at 3 yds
606 L52 cos at 3 yds 

Sunday October 7
659 L48 cos at 5 yds
705 L45 soft cos at 3
713 L45 too long
718 L45 too long
721 L45 cos at 4 yds
740 L45 too long
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
445 L45 soft cos w/ chest at 3
457 L48 cos at 4 w/ H
501 L45 c w. chest at 3 yds at 60% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
511 L45 long
516 L48 cos w/ H, at 4 yds
527 L48 cos at 3 yds w/ H
532 L45 cos w/ thigh at 5 yds
533 L48 cos w/ H at 3 yds
534 L48 cos w/ H at 3 yds again
540 L48 cos at 4 yds
550 L45 caught on bounce w/ stomach at 5 yds at 65% sp
Monday October 7 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
629 L48 cos w/ H at 3 yds
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
356 L48 cos at 3 yds
358 L45 cos at 3 yds  ball a little low, far
404 L48 cos w H at 3 yds
418 K45 cos w H at 3 yds
431 L45 cos w H at 4 yds, ball a little low/far
432 L48 cos w thigh at 5 yds
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
602 L45 cos w H at 4 yds, ball too low/far
604 L45 too long would have been c on bo
605 L45 cos w H at 5 yds ball too low/far when headed
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
743 L48, cos at 3, on ist run of day no warmup!
745 L45 cos at 4 ball a little low and far when headed
747 L ball to head high, did not see angle, estimate angle at L48; cos w/ H at 3 yds
749 L45 ball not serious pursued would have been (WHB) c on bo at 5 yds
815 L45 cos w H at 4 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
857 L45 cos w H at 4 yds
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
913 L45 cos at 5 yds w F
942 L45 cos w side of H at 3 yds, ball a little low
951 L48 cos w H at 3 yds
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
653 L48 cos at 3 yds
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
434 L48 cos at 3 yds ball a little low/far?
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
513 L45 c w face at 3 yds at 85% sp
518 L45 cos at 3 uds ball a little low/far?
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
546 L48 cos at 3 yds
553 L45 cos at 3 yds ball a little low/far?
600 L45 cos at 3 yds
604 L48 cos at 3 yds
614 L48 cos at 3 yds
621 L45 cos at 3 yds ball a little low/far?
623 L45 cos at 3 yds

Sunday October 7
650 L37 cos at 5 yds, ball low & far
706 L37 cos at 5 ball low
710 L35 cos at 90% sp at 5 yds
727 L37 c at 70% sp at 3 yds
734 L37 a little too long
743 L37 c at 3 yds at 70% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
446 L37 long
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
536 L37 cos w/ H at 3 yds
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
558 L37 cos w/ F at 5 yds
600 L40, cos at 3 yds w/ H (when headed at 3 yds appeared to be at 48 degree marker on ceiling visually, but degrees supposed to be judged from start point in reference to ceiling marker)
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
608 L37 ball headed to far, not pursued
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
402 L37 cos at 5 w F
412 L47 c at 2 yds at 60% sp w H
420 L40 ball to chest high, c at 2 yds at 40$ sp
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
440 L40 cos w H at 3 yds, ball low, headed downwards
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
617 L40 cos w H at 5 yds

Sunday October 7
701 L33 soft K, c at 3 at 70% sp, ball kept low kicked soft
728 L33 cos at 90% sp at 3 yds
729 L30 too long
742 L33 c w/ chest at 3 yds, 75% sp
Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
455 L30 c w/ chest at 3 yds 50% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
424 L33 is the estimate, head-high ball, cos w F at 5 yds

negative 22 (-22) to 22
Sunday October 7
741 L22 too low and long
753 L22 c w/ chest at 3 yds, 70% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
611 L22 ball knocked too far not pursued
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
438 L-22 negative 22, ball bounced of chest at 0 yds


Height of
Ball at
Apex on
First Kick Recorded Instead

Monday October 8 Ankle Use Maximized in Kick:
458 L waist high cos w/ F at 5 yds
508 L waist high c at 3 w thigh 80% sp
509 L chest high cos w/ thigh at 4
Monday October 8 Ankle Use MINIMIZED in Kick:
515 L chest high cos at 5 yds w/ F
519 L stomach high, c w/ thigh at 3 yds, 80% sp
520 L groin high, c w/ thigh at 3, 70% sp
523 L chest high, c at 3 w/ thigh at 85% sp
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
554 L thigh high c w/ thigh at 3 yds at 65% sp
555 L40 too long a ball not pursued
556 L? ball over shoulder bounced behind w body at 2 yds
Monday October 8 2nd Segment of Ankle Use Maximized in Kick
609 L waist high c w. thigh at 2 yds at 50% sp
621 L face high c w/ chin at 2 yds at 70% sp
623 L face high c w/ thigh at 4 yds at 85% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use Minimized in Kick
410 L waist-high, c on 1 bounce at 5 yds at 70% sp
Tuesday October 9 1st Segment of Ankle Use MAXIMIZED in Kick
440 L knee-high c on bounce at 5 yds at 50% sp
456 L chest-high, cos w thigh at 3.5 yds
502 L thigh-high, cos at 3 yds w thigh
510 L shoulder-high, c w chest at 1 yd at 30% sp
513 L thigh-high, c w thigh at 3 yds at 75% sp
Tuesday October 9 2nd Segment of Ankle Use minimized in Kick
519 L thigh high c at 4 yds w F at 80% sp
522 L to long would have been caught on bounce
524 L head high cos at 3 yds w H
528 L chest-high cos at 4 yds w F
548 L chest-high c w thigh at 3 yds at 80% sp
613 L knee high would have been caught on bo at 6 yds
Thursday October 11 1st Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick
753 L chest-high, c at 4 yds w/ G at 80% sp
759 L chest-high, cos w F at 4 yds
800 L shoulder-high c w chest at 2 yds at 40% sp
801 L stomach-high, c at 85% sp at 3 yds w thigh
803 L groin-high cos w F at 3 yds
805 L waist-high, cos w F at 4 yds
809 L chest-high, c at 4 yds w F, 85% sp
810 L to side of head at 0 yds
814 L kicked too far hit cone 5 yds away
819 L groin high cos w thigh at 2 yds
Thursday October 11 2nd Segment--Ankle-use-MAXIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
829 L groin high, c at 4 yds w F at 50% sp
830 L to chest at 0 yds, c w F at 2nd kick at 85% sp
831 L hit chin at 0 yds
832 L chest-high cos w thigh at 3 yds
833 L shoulder-high cos w thigh at 3 yds
835 L head-high, c at 1 yd w H at 35% sp
852 L shoulder high, c w  chest at 4 yds at 80% sp
900 L waist-high, cos w thigh at 3 yds
908 L shoulder-high, cos w thigh at 4 yds
Thursday October 11 3rd Segment--Ankle-use-MINIMIZATION  for first kick + kicking leg kept straight (knee-use-minimization)
921 L head high, cos w F at 5 yds
941 L shoulder-high, cos w F at 3 yds
943 L face high, cos w F at 5 yds
Sunday October 14 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
605 L shoulder-high, underled self, ball bo at 1 yd
611 L chest-high, cos at 2 yds w chest
616 L face-high c at 3 yds w thigh at 80% sp
621 L face-high, c w thigh at 3 yds at 50% sp
634 L shoulder-high, c at 4 yds at 85% sp w F
Sunday October 14 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MAXIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
645 L shoulder-high, cos at 4 yds w thigh
658 L chest-high, c w thigh at 3 yds at 70% sp
704 L knee-high, c at 4 yds at 55% sp on 1 bo
706 L  chest-high, c w chest 1 yd at 40% sp
710 L shoulder-high, c w F at 4 yds, 65% sp
712 L long chest-high reached on 1 bo at 5 yds at 35% sp
714 L chest-high, cos at 3 yds w thigh
722 L to 7' high, c w F at 4 yds at 40% sp
Sunday October 14 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
727 L? c at 4 yds w F at 60% sp
728 L chest-high, c at 4 yds w F at 60% sp
732 L chest-high c at 5 yds at 75% sp
734 L waist-high, c at 5 yds on 1 bo at 50% sp
Monday October 15 1st Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MODERATION on first kick
427 L face-high c at 7 yds on 1 bo w chest, 50% sp
436 L face-high, c at 1 yd w thigh at 20% sp
437 L groin-high c on 1 bo at 6 yds at 65% sp
439 L face high, hit chin at 1 yd at 70% sp
446 L thigh-high, c at 3 yds w F at 80% sp
450 L chest-high, c w thigh at 2 yds at 70% sp
455 L 7' high, c w F at 6 yds at 70% sp
456 L chest-high, cos w thigh at 3 yds
459 L face-high, c w F at 5 yds at 70% sp
Monday October 15 2nd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIIZATION combined with knee-use MINIMIZATION on first kick
505 L face-high, cos w F at 5 yds
510 L shoulder-high cos w F at 4 yds
522 L knee-high c at 4 yds w F at 35% sp
529 L face-high, cos w F at 5 yds
541 L 7' high, cos w F at 5 yds
542 L 7' high, cos w F at 5 yds again
Monday October 15 3rd Segment--Ankle-use MINIMIZATION combined with knee-use MAXIMIZATION on first kick
555 L 7' high, c w F at 5 yds at 85% sp
601 L face-high, ball went over shoulder behind back to right, WHB c on 1 bo at 4 yds at 60% sp
609 L waist-high cos w F at 5 yds
615 L face-high, ball rolled over shoulder & behind back at 1 yd at 35% sp
622 L face-high c w shoulder at 0 yds

General Notes/Conclusion:
Looking at the data for now, my estimate is that the ball should be kicked forward at a 48 degree angle if the object is to sprint forward 3 yds at full speed and head the ball.
Thus the pattern we have is: kick ball at 48 degree angle to sprint forward 3 yds and head ball; kick ball at 52 degree angle to sprint forward 5 yds and head ball; kick ball at 60 degree angle to sprint forward 7 yds and head ball.
I have my doubts re the wisdom/utility of practicing kicking the ball forward, sprinting forwards for 3 yds and heading the ball before it hits the ground.
The ball during this move never or almost never rises to a height where an opposing player cannot touch it. Nevertheless, it is true that the upper parts of a player's body have less horizontal reach than the lower parts of a player's body.
The kick followed by a header five yards forwards is much easier to master than the 3 yds forwards version.
It is much easier to kick the ball 5  yds forwards, sprint forwards 5 yds full speed to head it, compared to kicking the ball 3 yds forwards and sprinting forwards 3 yds to head it. With the the 3 yds version you usually end up with a jog forward to head the ball. Nevertheless, tactics can take into account the fact that the 3 yds forward movement is only at about 40% of max speed. 
Whatever the impracticality of the 3 yds version, doing the 3 yds practice gradually improves the ability to minimize the distance one sprints forwards after kicking the ball to head the ball.
I am excited and interested by the idea that one can kick the ball forwards, sprint forwards for 3 yds at 70-75% sp and hit the ball with the chest.
The main problem with the new ball which is smaller than the old one is that it has a slicker surface which at first threw off the process of rolling the ball back and flipping it up.
Faces in the Crowd
Before I started the practice, Sebastian and Herod the Second,  two of the Hispanic type boys who played in the game Friday were out on the basketball court playing soccer using the miniature goals, and tall strong Black Buddha was playing with them.
Black Buddha tried to dribble the ball past them, but he could not. Herod the Second  told me it was because they were "too good" for him.
Herod the Second and Sebastian at this stage of their development as players, are as of now when it comes to the game of soccer, excelled by most of the other boys amongst the  dozen or so Hispanic or Brazilian boys I played with on Friday. This is not an insult to Herod the Second or Sebastian--think of it as a compliment to the others amongst the dozen boys such as Edgar and Julio etc etc.
Boys better at soccer than Herod the Second and Sebastian could not stop me on the dribble and they were all stopped by my when they tried to dribble me.
But Black Buddha could not beat Sebastian or Herod the Second on the dribble.
And Black Buddha is in certain ways a better athlete than me. He for sure is better at weightlifting, and probably in better anaerobic/aerobic shape.
This is not an insult to Black Buddha--look upon it as a compliment to Herod the Second and Sebastian.
It just goes to show, how hard it is to dribble by even boys like Herod the Second and Sebastian, in the game of soccer.
You could be the fittest, strongest, fastest man alive and not be able to dribble by boys like Herod the Second and Sebastian.
It goes to show, that it is an error to underestimate the magnitude of my accomplishment on Friday playing with and against these boys.
One of the boys told me that Black Buddha's name is Donald so I guess etiquette calls for me to refer to him as Donald from now on.
Things could change for Herod the Second and Sebastian if they decide to invest time and energy into their physical development and their soccer skills. But who knows whether such would be a wise investment of time and energy for them as individuals?
The last half hour a half dozen or so white teenage females were practicing volleyball in the gym while I did the soccer. I could not understand why two of them decided to practice knocking the ball back and forth so close to the little area of the gym I was doing the soccer in.
Clerical Note: This soccer log entry is 1925 words long as of the day it was written. Since then there have been additions to the data table.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

Monday October 8 07
Waltham YMCA
427-630 PM
123 minutes researching ankle use minimization/maximization
on  first kick angle to precede header at 3 yds

Yesterday I studied kicking so as to head the ball after 3 yds. Today I continued doing the same thing, with the twist thrown in that I switched off between maximizing the role played by the ankle in the kick and minimizing the role played by the ankle in the kick.
Today I recorded the results for today in the table created yesterday found in the previous Sunday October 7 entry.
My impressions after practice, before I looked at the tallied and typed up data: I am making rapid progress in terms of the ability to kick the ball, sprint forwards for only 2-4 yds at a high speed and then hit the ball with thigh chest or head before it bounces; surprisingly, minimizing the use of the ankle seems to produce better kicks even for short kicks that are headed just 3 yds from the kick point.
Does the data recorded for today bear out my initial impressions? One thing to keep in mind is that today a greater percentage of the miskicks were recorded, at the same time there were less miskicks.
I do not have the time energy or inclination right now to do a detailed statistical analysis but at most of the important angle levels the percentage of good kicks was better today.
Yesterday there were 0.09 Red runs per minute today there were 0.11 red runs per minute. There were 0.22 black runs per minute yesterday, 0.23 today. Yesterday the avg speed on the red runs was 82% today it was 91%. Yesterday there were only 2 100% speed runs today there were 8.
But somehow today it seemed the improvement was greater than the figures show. Maybe the black runs (recorded in boldface black) were of a higher quality today.
Today of the 13 red runs (best quality), 6 were while ankle use was minimized even though the ankle use minimization method was in force only one third of the time.
Prior to today's practice my estimate was to aim for the 48 degree angle on the first kick in order to kick the ball so as to head it 3 yds later today my estimate for this is 50 degrees.
For now my order to myself is to continue to switch between ankle minimization and maximization, and to aim at the 50 degree angle, continue practicing the L3H meaning kick the ball sprint 3 yds forwards and then head it.
Useful data has been piling up re how to kick the ball so as to reach it with the foot, thigh or chest 2-5 yds away from the kick point.
One problem with the estimation of the angles has been that the markers on the ceiling signify a different angle when they are seen from a horizontally closer distance such as the end of a 3 yd run, compared to the beginning of the 3 yd run.
Faces in the Crowd
The hispanic guy who works at the Y who has the little kid, who gave me the thumbs up the other day, heartily announced to me that I could have half the gym to myself today. Thus I was alone most of the time except during the last 10 minutes or so when the volleyballers began arriving.
Clerical Note: Today's Entry 552 words in length, and also the entry for the previous day was expanded by 990 wds, thus 1542 wds added today in 117 minutes (alot of slow data entry today).
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 9 '07
Waltham Y Gym

123 minutes researching general technique &
ankle use minimization/maximization
on  first kick angle to precede header at 3 yds

Continued Research Into How to Kick Ball so as to Head Ball on Sprint 3 Yds Away from the Kick Point
Today I continued what was begun yesterday, switching off between maximizing the role played by the ankle in the kick and minimizing the role played by the ankle in the kick.
Today I recorded the results for today in the table created Oct 7 found in the Sunday October 7 entry.
My impressions after practice, before I looked at the tallied and typed up data: I felt as if I was improving at an admirable rate in terms of the L3H skill. L3H is the acronym I am giving to what has been done Oct 7, 8, and 9--the kick, the 3 yds run at top speed and the header.
Today I recorded  every miskick. Yesterday Oct 8 less miskicks were recorded and Sunday Oct 7 even less than that.
Today there were 11 red runs maximizing the use of the ankle on the first kick, and 21 red runs minimizing the use of the ankle on the first kick, over 120 minutes.
Thus there were 0.28 red runs per minute with the ankle-use-maximization, and 0.26 red runs per minute with the ankle-use minimization. This is a dramatic improvement over yesterday's figure of 0.11 red runs per minute total.
For some reason before typing up today's data and looking at it I felt I did better today minimizing the use of the ankle, even though the red runs per minute figure turned out to be basically the same for both ankle use minimization and ankle use maximization.
Prior to today's practice my estimate was to aim for the 50 degree angle on the first kick in order to kick the ball so as to head it 3 yds away;  today my estimate for this is 54 degrees.
For now my order to myself is to continue to switch between ankle minimization and maximization, and to aim at the 54 degree angle, continue practicing the L3H meaning kick the ball sprint 3 yds forwards and then head it.
From 433 to the end at 614 PM I was during the kick mentally concentrating on getting the right angle and the right level of force into the kick. This seems to produce good performance.
Seems there are more attempts per minute with the ankle use maximize method because you get lots of these really short runs that come to an end quickly with the ball easily retrieved.
Faces in the Crowd
407 pm a Hispanic guy was playing with a couple of toddlers in the gym. At 530 the hispanic boys who had been playing basketball on the other side of the gym for about an hour came over to my side and sat down on the bleachers, at this time the  curtain dividing the two halves was pulled and some kids group took over the other half. From 532 to 548 I allowed the boys to interrupt my practice for about 16 minutes and talked with them.
Herod the Second had managed to find the this web page that you are now reading and read it,  I gave him the URL on Sunday.
Herod II said his actual name is Kennin Teo, but he said he likes to be called Herod the Second. He said he is from Guatemala.
Herod smiled in fond remembrance of my poems. He had found my main page by removing a portion of the URL I gave him. He said the poems were "very nice".
Herod II said he wants to be known as 'Teo el Magnifico'.  Herod the Second declined to censor any of the words I have written about him.  By way of contrast that Italian guy at the Oak Sq Y took offense because I said that I could do something (air-dribble the width of the gym on the run) that the other guys at the Oak Sq Y could not do.
Another of the boys said he was Eduardo from Mexico. He offered to pay me $50 for the new Replique I was using that cost me $25. I said why. He said because it is the ball thatI had been using, meaning it was a special ball because I had been using it. Eduardo wanted to know my age I would not tell him. He asked me if I was over eighteen I said yes.
Herod II  wrote the name of one of the boys who was with them in my notebook; this boy did not want his name written in my notebook; at one point he pulled his shirt up to cover his face. He made sure his name was crossed out, completely illegible. Herod II wrote in my notebook what he said was another name for this boy, "Sean John'. They said 'Sean John' (who is sophisticated looking) had a website called (which later I found, turned out to be a hetero-porno website).
One or two of the boys wanted to know if I loved anybody, if I was married, who my girlfriend was blah blah blah.
I told the boys that I was not a cop or border guard; Herod II responded, eyes wide, that his mother told him not do drugs.
I offered the boys a piece of nicotine gum they declined.
Seems like these boys are dead-set against stuff like nicotine and drugs, but at the same time they value/respect hetero-porn.
They are not grown men yet so they are especially wise to stay off the nicotine/drugs. But my opinion re adults is that the hetero-porn is more dangerous than the nicotine or the pot. Scripture says, that not that which goes into a man defiles, the man, but what comes out of the man, defiles the man.
I  do not know the family history of these boys specifically but I know some generalizations about the Hispanic family. I was wondering to myself whether kids born out of wedlock, are inclined to hyper-tolerance re extramarital sex.
But I understand that the word in the Bible that is translated as 'bastard' did not originally in scripture mean what it means in English today, I understand how at least one of the Bible's great heroes was described in scripture as a 'bastard'.
Clerical Note: Today's Entry 1057 words in length, and also the entry for Sunday was expanded by 1169 wds through adding to the Sunday table, thus 2226 words added today in 126 minutes (alot of slow data entry again today).
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding; black sweat-
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 11 '07
743-952 PM
129 minutes researching general technique &
ankle use minimization/maximization & knee use minimization
on  first kick to precede header at 3 yds

Continued Research Into How to Kick Ball so as to Head Ball on Sprint 3 Yds Away from the Kick Point
Tested ankle-use minimization/maximization & knee-use minimization
Today the first segment of 40 minutes was done with anke-use minimization. Towards the end of this first segment I began to think that keeping the leg straight when kicking the ball (knee-use minimization) might work well in combination with ankle use minimization.
The second segment of 40 minutes involved ankle-use maximization as done on previous days, but with the added twist of an emphasis on also  keeping the leg straight (knee-use minimization).
The third segment of 40 minutes done today involved ankle-use minimization as done on previous days, but with the added twist of an emphasis on keeping the leg straight (knee use minimization).
Today I recorded the results for today in the table created Oct 7 found in the Sunday October 7 entry.
My impressions after practice, after the first segment, was that the first segment was proof that when it comes to developing this kind of skill, skipping practice for a day (I skipped practice yesterday), will set you back; I did not feel that I had done that well. After the second segment I was not sure if the second segment was better than previous segments using ankle-use-maximization. After the third segment I felt that the third segment today was the segment that to my surprise suddenly brought me to the virge of mastering this particular skill.
As it turned out the stats for today when tabulated were as follows (top quality runs recorded in boldface red / total number of runs, (the percentage figure): 1st segment, knee-use not specified, ankle-use-minimization--15/36 (42%); 2nd segment, ankle-use-maximization combined with keeping leg straight (knee-use minimization)--24/40 (60%); 3rd segment, ankle-use-minimization combined with keeping the leg straight (knee-use-minimization)--24/35 (69%); 1st half of 3rd segment, ankle-use-minimization combined with keeping the leg straight (knee-use-minimization)--10/18 (56%); 2nd half of 3rd segment, ankle-use-minimization combined with keeping the leg straight (knee-use-minimization)--14/17 (83%).
Thus it is evident that there was alot of improvement today as there was yesterday, seems to a large extent this is due to the introduction of the innovation of keeping the leg straight as possible during the kick, minimizing the use of the knee.
My theory is that the brain or mind finds it easier to develop precise skill when only the ankle or only the body/hip is relied on for the kick as opposed to two or three out of the trio of ankle, knee, and body/hip all being relied on. Think of everything the brain/mind has to compute and remember when ankle, knee, and hip/body are all involved in kicks, as opposed to ankle + hip/body or hip/body by itself.
As of now my order to myself for the next practice is to experiment with: ankle minimization plus knee minimization; ankle maximization plus knee minimization; and also perhaps throw in for a change of pace knee maximization for a segment, which would be the opposite of straight-legged knee minimization.
I kind of feel as if I have died and been born again during the time between Sunday and this Thursday evening this week. For a couple of days I felt stumped by a difficult task, but by the end of Thursday I felt close to mastering it. I improved faster than I thought I would. It was day after day, attempt after attempt all the while failing to master the skill, it was gloomily rainy outside, I was doing something lots of people would fail to appreciate if they saw it, I was cutting the runs short after the second touch with the head so as to speed up the process, alot of the time I was alone in the gym.  But now I have my reward, the mastery of the crucial skill is well within my reach.
Seems the important thing when it comes to mastering skills such as this, is to keep oneself open to adopting new innovations in technique.
Today it seemed that the kicks at an angle of 52 degrees or lower, produced balls that were a little low/far when headed.
During the second segment I was approaching the ball from the side at an extreme angle before flipping it up and kicking it, in the third segment this was a little less extreme, but still at more than 45 degree angle in terms of approach to ball before flip up and kick.
During my very hot streak at the second half of the third segment, I felt as if the feeling that I know the feel of doing this right, is a helpful feeling that produces results.
Note: Today Oct 11 I recorded every miskick except about 3 or 4 of them. OCTOBER 9 i recorded  every miskick. Compared to October 9 on Oct 8 less miskicks were recorded and Sunday Oct 7 even less than that.
Faces in the Crowd
I got to the gym early there were alot of Pop Warner cheerleaders of young grade-schooler age on one side of the gym and older grade-schooler age on the other side of the gym. They really get a kick out of doing cheerleading routines cheerleading for Waltham, cheering for Waltham. Sort of exuberantly and innocently community-spirited.
But during the workout except for a couple of guys shooting baskets for a while I was all by myself.
Clerical Note: Today's Entry 983 words in length, and also the entry for Sunday was expanded by 1367 wds by way of adding to the Sunday table, thus 2350 words added today in ??? minutes (alot of slow data entry again today).
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
orange soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 14 '07
Waltham Y Gym
557-747 PM
110 minutes researching ankle use minimization/maximization in combination with  knee use maximization
on  first kick to precede header at 3 yds

NOTE: Friday October 12 I swam for 45 minutes; Saturday did not exercise
Continued Research Into How to Kick Ball so as to Head Ball on Sprint 3 Yds Away from the Kick Point
Tested ankle-use minimization/maximization in combination with knee-use maximization
Today the first segment of 40 minutes was done with anke-use minimization in combination with knee use maximization. The second segment of 40 minutes featured ankle-use maximization in combination with knee-use maximization. The third half-segment of 20 minutes involved ankle-use minimization combined with knee-use maximization for the second time.
Today I recorded the results for today in the table created Oct 7 found in the Sunday October 7 entry.
Figures for runs recorded in boldface red (ball touched at 3 yds at greater than 60% of maximum speed) in the October 7 table for today:
First 40 minute segment (Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization): 22/36 total (61%); 1st 20 minutes-8/19 (42%), 2nd 20 minutes, 14/17 (82%). First 10 minutes 3/10 (30%).
Second 40 minute segment (Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Maximization): 20/37 total (54%); 1st 20 minutes-11/19 (58%), 2nd 20 minutes, 9/18 (50%).
Third segment, only 20 minutes (Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization): 14/20 total (70%).
Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 5) total for day: 36/56 (64%).
Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use maximization (L3H Method 6) total for day: 20/37 (54%).
Earlier data for high quality runs recorded in red in this log per total number of attempts has been:
October 11:
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 1): 15/36 (42%).
Knee-use Minimization + Ankle-use Maximization (L3H Method 4): 24/40 (60%).
Knee-use Minimization + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 3): 24/35 (69%); 10/18 (56%) 1st 20 minutes; 14/17 (83%) 2nd 20 minutes.
October 9:
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 1): 21/53 (40%).
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Maximization (L3H Method 2): 11/30 (33%).
After the practice today before I tabulated the stats, I felt convinced that Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization is superior to Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Maximization. The ankle-use minimization method was the first one used, there was no warm-up, the first ten runs of the day the score was 3/10 (30%). The kick-runs performed utilizing Knee-use maximization + ankle-use maximization produced red (high quality) runs that were slower than the red runs produced by the Knee-use maximization + ankle-use minimization method. The second half of the first segment, and the third 20 minute segment, which involved the knee-use maximization + ankle-use minimization, produced very high success rates (82%, 70%).
Today on the first kicks I aimed for a 56 degree angle.
As of now it appears that the best methods are methods 3 (knee-use minimized, ankle-use minimized) and method 5 (knee-use maximized, ankle-use minimized).
My orders to myself for the next day: practice methods 3 and 5; and/or give methods 1 and 2 another chance seeing they were experimented with at a time when I was less skilled. Continue to aim for the 56 degree angle on the first kick.
Note: Today Oct 14 I recorded every miskick , all of them. October 11 I recorded every miskick except 3 or 4 of them. October 9 I recorded every miskick. Compared toctober 9 on Oct 8 less miskicks were recorded and Sunday Oct 7 even less than that.
Faces in the Crowd
I got to the gym early there were alot of Pop Warner cheerleaders of young grade-schooler age on one side of the gym and older grade-schooler age on the other side of the gym. They really get a kick out of doing cheerleading routines cheerleading for Waltham, cheering for Waltham. Sort of exuberantly and innocently community-spirited.
But during the workout except for a couple of guys shooting baskets for a while I was all by myself.
Clerical Note: Today's Entry 720 words in length, and also the entry for Sunday was expanded by 1032 wds by way of adding to the Sunday table, thus 1752 words added today in 123 minutes (alot of slow data entry again today).
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
blue medium thickness soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 15 '07
Waltham Y Gym
420-624 PM

124 minutes researching knee  use minimization/maximization/
moderation in combination with  ankle use minimization
on  first kick to precede header at 3 yds

Continued Research Into How to Kick Ball so as to Head Ball on Sprint 3 Yds Away from the Kick Point
Tested knee-use minimization/maximization/
moderation in combination with ankle use minimization
Today the first segment of 40 minutes was done with anke-use minimization in combination with knee use moderation. The second segment of 40 minutes featured ankle-use minimization in combination with knee-use minimization. The third segment of 40 minutes involved ankle-use minimization combined with knee-use maximization.
What I mean by knee use moderation is: freestyle, knee used as much as comes naturally.
Today I recorded the results for today in the table created Oct 7 found in the Sunday October 7 entry.
Figures for runs recorded in boldface red (ball touched at 3 yds at greater than 60% of maximum speed) in the October 7 table for today:
First 40 minute segment (Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Minimization, L3H Method 1): 15/28 (54%);
Second 40 minute segment (Knee-use Minimization + Ankle-use Minimization, L3H Method 3): 18/33 total (55%); alot of the 18 'red' 'superior' runs were at less than 90% of max sprint speed.
Third 40 minute segment, (Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization, L3H Method 5): 21/30 (70%).
Thus looking at the previous two days data combined with what happened today, cumulatively total scores have been: L3H Method 1 -- 30/64 (47%); L3H Method 3 -- 42/68 (62%); L3H Method 5 -- 57/86 (66%).
The previous two days L3H Methods 3 and 5 were about even but today Method 5 pulled ahead.
Now I feel that if future experiments are carried out, Method 5 will show superiority over Method 3. Question is, make the decision to choose Method 5 now, or do some more experimenting?
Method 1, involving the level of involvement of the knee being unspecified, being left to be simply whatever is natural, has been defeated by Method 3, featuring knee-involvement minimized, and Method 5, featuring knee involvement maximized. The implication is that some kind of mental command, such as 'maximize knee  involvement', or 'minimize knee-involvement', is preferable to the vagueness of the mind simply telling the body part/joint to 'do whatever comes naturally' with the knee.
Earlier data for high quality runs recorded in red in this log per total number of attempts has been:
October 14:
Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 5) total for day: 36/56 (64%).
Knee-use Maximization + Ankle-use maximization (L3H Method 6) total for day: 20/37 (54%).
October 11:
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 1): 15/36 (42%).
Knee-use Minimization + Ankle-use Maximization (L3H Method 4): 24/40 (60%).
Knee-use Minimization + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 3): 24/35 (69%); 10/18 (56%) 1st 20 minutes; 14/17 (83%) 2nd 20 minutes.
October 9:
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Minimization (L3H Method 1): 21/53 (40%).
Knee-use Moderation + Ankle-use Maximization (L3H Method 2): 11/30 (33%).
Today again on the first kicks I aimed for a 56 degree angle.
Starting about 525 PM today I remembered to focus my mind during the kick on angle and force-level, I found this improved performance.
Seems the balls kicked at 52 degrees or lower are caught at a fast approx maximum speed sprint; whereas, with the balls kicked at 56 degrees or higher, the balls are caught at a slower speed, even though the balls are at 56 degrees better placed when they are caught. A paradox.
My orders to myself for the next day: practice methods 3 and 5; or practice method 5 only, moving on to concentrating on the angle of the header that comes after the first kick with the left foot, and how the angle of the header effects the outcome, the desired outcome being a kick after the header before the ball has gone a long way or touched the ground, with the body moving forwards at full sprint speed.
Today Oct 15 I recorded every miskick. Oct 14 I recorded every miskick. October 11 I recorded every miskick except 3 or 4 of them. October 9 I recorded every miskick. Compared toctober 9 on Oct 8 less miskicks were recorded and Sunday Oct 7 even less than that.
Seems that with the passage of time, I have become less likely to record a given run as featuring 'cos' (ball caught on sprint), meaning I was at basically maximum sprint speed when I reached the ball, and I record more of the runs as being at 80% speed, 70% speed etc.
With the passage of time it has become more difficult to judge the angles of the balls because the ball altitudes have been getting lower, everything moves faster and faster, the little gap of time after I kick the ball during which I look at the angle before I sprint forward is disappearing.
Faces in the Crowd
When I walked in the gym, I got mobbed by a half dozen Hispanic boys. They wanted to sell things, borrow things, discuss the blog you are now reading, etc. 'Carlos' said this is because they found me to be 'interesting'.
Sebastian offered to give me a spiral notebook I said I did not need one. They continued their yap about the porno site. They all enthusiastically shouted 'yes' when I asked if they were Catholic, but they did not know what 'lust' is. I explained to them that 'lust' is being sexually excited by someone you are not  married to.
Eduardo wanted me to let him hold my car key. I said no. He said, 'would you say yes if I was white?'. I told him the truth, if he was white I would not let him hold my car keys.
They continued to annoy me by: lying to me, then confessing they had lied as if it was a joke, and by pretending that they were stealing my soccer balls.
I had earlier informed them that it is low, to tell a lie, then confess the lie, then laugh as if such is a joke. In Proverbs in the scriptures, it says that such is foolish and dangerous.
Seems the Catholic Church would do a better job if it taught kids lessons found in scriptures such as "Proverbs of Solomon, Son of David, King in...". Proverbs has alot of practical earthy advice appropriate for people such as 15 year old boys.
Kennin 'Herod II' Teo, displayed the air-dribbling of the type where you just stand there without going anywhere, kicking the ball up in the air with your feet without touching the ground. He has become good at this trick. He dribbled the ball like this for about 20 touches. He challenged me to a competition re who can do this trick better. I declined, I told him he could do it better--which as of now is the truth. I should have challenged him to attempt the trick that I was doing, the kick the ball up, sprint 3 yds forwards and head it trick.
A long time I ago I decided that juggling the ball while standing still is a waste of time. Do that in a game and the ball will at best quickly be stolen from you; at worst someone will kick at the ball and injure you on the follow-through, without even being called for a foul. So I have not put any time into such.
Notably when Kennin 'Herod II' Teo does his stationary juggling trick, his eyes are always on the ball when he kicks it; by way of contrast I have progressed to the point where when I juggle the ball while sprinting here and there (the 'air-dribble'), my head and eyes stay up and do not follow the ball to my foot--which is a real advantage in a game situation.
As Eduardo and Carlos were leaving one of them gave a loud cheer as he saw me perform a run which I coded in the Sunday Oct 7 data table as 'L56 cos at 3 yds'. At least there are some people who can appreciate what I am doing.
Clerical Note: Today's Entry is 1438 words in length, and also the entry for Sunday was expanded by 1213 words by way of adding to the Sunday table, thus 2651 words added today in 158 minutes (alot of slow data entry again today). Today the majority of the time I was watching/listening to the Red Sox Cleveland game on my computer while writing/typing this up, which apparently slowed down the productivity rate.  
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thin orange
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 16 '07
Waltham Y Gym
402-600 PM

52 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
15 min break;
52 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
I decided to to use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entry) for the first kick of the runs. The object was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch); continue the full speed sprint and head the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 3rd touch point (4th touch).
Today I recorded in the table found in this entry, every run, no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
In the table, the top quality gold medal type runs are recorded in boldface red and the silver medal type runs in boldface black, according to criteria I established today, having to do with the distance between the 2nd touch and the 3rd touch and the speed at the time of the 2nd and 3rd touches, and what part of the body the 3rd touch was made with.
I was faced with a kind of crisis--there were runs that I was very pleased with, impressive fast well controlled runs, that during the practice I labeled as "very cool" etc. I felt tempted to list these runs in boldface red but I chose the mature option, and decided to record runs in boldface red or boldface black based not on how cool they seemed to be at the time but rather based on speed and distance between second touch and third touch. This is because what I am trying to develop is a head on the 2nd touch, a kick on the third touch, full speed sprint at the time both second and third touches are made, and minimized distance between second and third touch.
Today I could feel, how the L7H, and then L5H, and then L3H drills done on previous days (see previous log entries for September and October 07) had built up my sprint speed (I was very fast even before this improvement), resulting in speed increase over the first 10 yards of a sprint, as today the runs extended beyond the second touch allowing me to appreciate and be aware of the speed increase. While doing the L3H drill I had suspected that such would be the  case.
I had been wondering why the L3H had been tiring me out so much and I had concluded that this was because The first 3 yards of a sprint place more of a burden on the body than the subsequent yards of a sprint, as an approx 170 pound body is being moved from stationary to full speed while at the same time difficult things are being done with the ball and there is the physical/mental burden of developing new extremely precise/quick skills.
Today I could feel how the L3H etc done on previous days had improved my skill in the sense that today the ball was being kicked with greater confidence, the air-dribbles have become much faster than before the L3H L5H L7H drills and the rebound off the wall drills of the previous days. There has been a real  change, the kicks on the air-dribble runs are now more confident accurate and decisive, the sprint speed during the air-dribble runs is faster, there is tighter ball control. Seems to me that the depressing boring un-glamorous drills such as L3H L5H and L7H are mainly responsible for this improvement though the rebound off the wall drills may also have played a part.
Today it seemed that after a spectacular first half, during the second half I felt as if I had nowhere to go but down, I felt like I wanted to quit after the first half and go home and  celebrate, and so the second half was not so good, also there was the fatigue factor.
Today after the 3rd touch of the run I aborted several of the runs so as to be able to remember data mentally recorded during the run.
L3H Extended Results Table
Notes on Table:
I flipped the ball up from the ground with my left foot and kicked it forward with my left foot. My intention was to after kicking the ball, sprint forward at full speed and then head the ball at a point ONLY THREE yards in front of the point at which I first kicked the ball with my left foot; and then to kick the ball before it hit the ground while continuing to sprint forwards at full speed, at a point as close as possible to the 3 yds from start point at which it was headed;  and then after this to head the ball while continuing to sprint forwards at maximum speed at a point as close as possible to the point at which the ball was previously kicked.
The first kick of the run, with the left foot, resulted in a variety of outcomes. Sometimes the ball would be at what I call a medium height for this particular play featuring a header at full speed 3 yds from the starting kick point; sometimes the ball would be at what I would call a low or a high point.
The first column shows what kind of ball I was dealing with on the second touch of the air-dribble run. The second column shows the time of the run, the distance from the starting kick point the ball was next touched and what transpired thereafter.
Distance between 2nd & 3rd touch of run in yards = DB23
Distance between 3rd & 4th touch of run in yards = DB34
If 2nd & 3rd touches were both with the head an H is put after the number as in DB23=1H
How to read the shorthand in the second column:
The second Column gives a brief step by step description of what happened after I kicked the ball, which is basically the notes taken in practice verbatim.
Figures such as 90%, 40% etc. mean I was sprinting at 90% the speed I can sprint at when I sprint as fast as I possibly can at the time the ball was touched.  If no mention is made of the ball bouncing during a run, this means the ball did not bounce during the run.
Med=medium; w/ or w = with; H=head; ht = height;  w/o = without; L = ball kicked with left foot; R = ball kicked with right foot; K=ball kicked; F=foot cos = caught on sprint at approx maximum speed; a number followed by the word 'pace' = this many paces taken before ball next touched;  AD = air dribble, running forward while keeping the ball off the ground under some level of control; c = caught as in ball caught; WHB = would have been; bo = ball bounced; DK or dropkick=ball kicked immediately after bouncing; str=straight; number such as 11 O'Clock or 11 PM = the run was in this direction given straight ahead in the intended direction as 12:00 on the imaginary clock dial; YMCS = Yard Marker Cone Syndrome -- the burden of looking at the cones marking how many yards from the start I was at during the touch on the ball, impaired performance on the touch on the ball; 10'  etc high chip = the ball was chipped on an arc that reached 10' etc at its apex; dir = direction; if direction of run not recorded, run was on target straight ahead
Example of how to read the shorthand in the second column
402 Medium height/distance ball cos at 4 yds; H, cos w F at 10 yds, 11' high chip, cos w thigh at 15 yds  Picture perfect on first run of day. DB23=6' means: a ball that was at medium height and distance, was caught on the sprint at 4 yds with the head; then it was caught on the sprint with the foot at 10 yds; when it was caught at 10 yds with the foot it was kicked in a chip that went 11' high at the apex of the arc; the ball was then caught on the sprint with the thigh at 15 yds; the ball never bounced the entire time as no bounce was mentioned;  this was a picture-perfect run; the distance between the second touch of the run and the third touch was 6 yards.
Meaning of black boldface and red boldface as of Oct 16: If the DB23 number is 4 or less and the ball is caught on the third touch with a part of the body other than the head at a speed of 70% or greater, and the speed at the 2nd touch was 70% or greater, the run is recorded in boldface red.  If the DB23 number is 5 or 6 and the ball is caught on the third touch with a part of the body other than the head at a speed of 70% or greater, and the speed at the 2nd touch was 70% or greater, the run is recorded in boldface black.  If the DB23 number is 4 or less and the ball is caught on the third touch with a part of the body other than the head at a speed of less than 70%, or the speed was 70% or less at the second touch, the run is recorded in boldface black. If the ball is caught on the second touch at 4 yds and the the ball is caught on the third touch at 8 yds or less at at least 70% speed the run is recorded in boldface black.
The roll-back and the flip up of the ball at the beginning are not counted as touches. The first kick forward is the first touch, the next touch after that is the second touch, etc.

Type of Ball
at Second


Tuesday October 16 1st 52 minute Segment
405 low ball c at 2 yds at 80%; H 1 H bo K at 10 yds at 100%. DB23=1H DB34=8
416 low ball cos at 3 yds; H; K at 10 yds at 100%; picture perfect DB23=7
419 low ball cos at 4 yds w F; K; cos w thigh at 11 yds; imperfect but spectacular DB23=7
425 low ball c at 3 yds at 85%, H, K at 7 yds at 95%, H at 10 yds at 90% DB23=4 DB34=3
428 low ball  c at 60% w H at 2 yds; 1 pace, H, forgot what happened next DB23=1H
436 low ball cos w H at 3 yds; K at 9 yds at 100%. Very cool. DB23=6
440 low ball cos at 3 yds w H; K at 9 yds at 100%; K at 14 yds at 100%. Very cool. DB23=6
445 low ball c w H at 3 yds at 80%; K at 8 yds at 100%; K at 12 yds at 100%. Cool. DB23=5 DB34=4
450 Low ball cos w H at 3 yds, headed out too far straight ahead DB23=?
Tuesday October 16 2nd 52 minute Segment
516 low ball cos w F at 5 yds
530 low ball c w H at 2 yds at 50%; H again without even one more pace; K at 3 yds; K at 10 yds at
100%. DB23=1H DB34=7
533 low ball cos w H at 3 yds; 1 bo, K at 10 yds at 100% DB23=7
534 low ball cos w H at 3 yds; 1 bo K at 10 yds at 100% again DB23=7
538 low ball c w H at 2 yds at 50%; K at 3 yds, 1 bo, K at 10 yds at 100% DB23=1
543 low ball cos at 3 yds w H, c w F at 6 yds, grounded at 6 yds at 85%, stop at 6 yds. DB23=3
545 low ball cos at 3 yds w H; 1 bo; chested at 8 yds; K at 12 yds at 100% DB23=5
552 low head-high ball, c w F at 6 yds at 85%
557 low ball c w F at 7 yds at 90%
558 low ball cos at 3 yds, c w thigh at 6 yds at 95% DB23=3
559 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c w thigh at 7 yds at 95%, K at 15 yds at 95%. Cool. DB23=4
Wednesday October 17 1st 55 minute Segment
745 low ball H at 2 yds at 80%, thigh at 3 yds, dropkick at 10 yds at 95% DB23=1
752 low long ball c w F at 7 yds at 85%,
755 low ball cos at 3 yds w H; cos at 7 yds w F DB23=4
757 low ball cos at 3 yds w H; 1 bo; cos w F at 15 yds DB23=11
802 low ball cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, bo,  cos w F at 15 yds DB23=4
808 low ball, cos w F at 4 yds
809 low ball, cos w thigh at 3 yds; cos w F at 10 yds DB23=7
810 low ball cos at 3 yds w H, bo,  cos w F at 13 yds DB23=10
812 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
814 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds; bo; cos w F at 10 yds 7
815 chest high ball, cos w F at 3 yds
822 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 4 yds, cos w F at 5 yds DB23=1
833 low ball, cos w H aat 3 yds; bo, cos w knee at 7 yds DB23=4
Wednesday October 17 2nd 55 minute Segment
859 low ball, c w H at 3 yds at 60%; bo, K at 10 yds at 100% DB23=7
901 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds; cos w thigh at 4 yds DB23=1
902 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, K at 10 yds at 100% DB23=7
908 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 7 yds DB23=4
912 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds DB23=2
914 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
918 low ball, waist high, cos w F at 3 yds
920 low chest-high ball, cos w F at 4 yds
926 low waist-high ball, cos w thigh at 3 yds
928 low waist-high ball, c w thigh at 2 yds at 70%; cos w F at 5 yds DB23=3
933 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
937 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
939 low waist-high ball, cos w thigh at 3 yds
943 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 4 yds!! DB23=1
Thursday October 18 1st Segment 52 minutes
802 low ball, cos at 2 yds w H, cos w F at 6 yds, ball kicked up and to side on 3rd touch
804 low ball cos at 3 yds w H, bo, cos w thigh at 13 yds
806 ball kicked w L, bounced near kick point after rising waist high, easily reached on walk on bounce
809 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, cos w F at 10 yds. Cool but disciplined.
812 low ball cos w H at 3 yds; cos w F at 7 yds; cos w F  at 10 yds. Cool/disciplined.
814 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, whb cos w H at 18 yds but wall obstruct
825 low waist-high ball cos w F at 4 yds, cos w H at 10 yds
827 low waist-high ball cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 14 yds
831 low ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, shot forward
840 low ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, c w chst at 4 yds at 80%, c w thigh at 5 yds at 80%
Thursday October 18 2nd Segment 53 minutes
858 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, 2nd H at 3 yds, ball slipped away to side slowly, recoverably
909 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 10' high chip, bo, cos w chest at 14 yds
916 low ball cos w H at 3 yds; cos w F at 7 yds; b shot forwards
933 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 14 yds--incredible ball never bounced entire time and all those touches at such a high speed, just 21 minutes into the segment w no warmup prior to start of segment
939 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 11 yds
945 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 15 yds
947 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 15 yds again.
Sunday October 21 1st Segment 45 minutes
611 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at ? & shot str forwards
618 low ball, whb cos w H at 3 yds but left foot slipped, ball went over head hit upper right part of back, rolled slowly in 2 O'clock direction (straight ahead as 12 O'clock), ball easily recoverable
620 low ball cos w H at 50% at 5 yds, cos w thigh at 11 PM direction at 7 yds, ball rolled away to left
623 low ball cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 8 yds, bo cos w F at 13 yds
632 flipped ball up, ball went too low just shin high; grounded ball at 0 yds
634 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds - 9' high chip- cos w F at 12 yds, 10' high chip, whb ? wall obstruct at 17 yds. Cool, fast nice over the head chips at 7 yds and 12 yds
638 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 8 yds, 10' high chip, bo, whb cos w F at 18 yds
643 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 9'high chip, cos w F at 13 yds. Off but footsy cool & fairly disciplined
646 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 9 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
649 low ball, cos w F at 4 yds, 11' high chip, cos w H at 9 yds, 10' high chip, cos w F at 13 yds. Cool semi-adherence to foot/head alternation.
654 low ball cos w thigh at 2 yds, 12' high chip, cos w H at 7 yds, 10' high chip, cos w F at 13 yds. The alternating spirit of the drill adhered to.  
Sunday October 21 2nd Segment 45 minutes
710 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo,  cos w chest at 8 yds, dk at 13 yds at 100%
714 low ball, cos w F at 4 yds, high chip, cos w H at 12 yds, c at 14 yds at 50% w H
716 low ball, bo, c w  chest at 8 yds at 90%, cos w F at 13 yds
721 low ball, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, K str ahead, YMCS.
730 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 7 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 14 yds
732 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 11 yds
738 low ball, cos w thigh at 2 yds, cos w F at 3 yds, high chip, cos w F at 13 yds
743 low waist-high ball, c w thigh at 1 yd at 50% & grounded
749 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, cos at 6 yds w left eyebrow, bo cos w F at 13 yds
Monday October 22 1st segment 9 minutes
418 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, c w thigh at 7 yds at 90%, c at 90% w thigh at 11 yds, 9' high chip, whb bo cos w F at 19 yds, but wall obstr -- third run of day, flashy yet tightly controlled
Monday October 22 2nd segment 38  minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during flip-up and kick
422 low waist-high ball cos w F at 3 yds, 18' high chip, cos w F at 13 yds -- cool potentialy useful hi-speed jump from 3 yds to 13 yds
426 low thigh-high ball, bo, cos w thigh at 5 yds, K at 8 yds
428 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 13 yds
431 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 11 yds, cos w F at 15 yds
436 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, backspinning bo, c w F at 16 yds at 60%. Fast tightly controlled--Notably the last bounce due to its backspin, bounced almost straight up waist high, instead of forwards, as a result of which I had to slow down to play it
445 low ball cos w F at 7 yds, & shot forwards
448 low ball cos w H at 4 yds, bo, bo, DK at 13 yds at 100%
449 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, bo, cos w H at 15 yds
452 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, & shot str forwards. YCMS
457 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, whb cos w F at 19 yds but wall obstr. Off but cool.
Monday October 22 3rd segment 86 minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during kick but NOT during flip-up
515 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & K to 100 PM
523 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 6 yds, bo, cos w shoulder at 15 yds
527 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, K str ahead
530 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, whb bo, cos w thigh at 18 yds but wall obstr
532 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w chest at 6 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, cos w H at 15 yds. Short intervals between touches & foot/thigh alternation, off but cool & fast
543 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 15 yds-- followed by sips of water
546 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 6 yds, cos w thigh at 10 yds, cos w F at 18 yds -- bo but cool/tight --followed by sips water
550 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, DK at 11 yds at 100%
601 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, K str forwards, YMCS
606 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 6 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 15 yds
611 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, K str ahead at 8 yds. Very tight control on the sprint
620 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 11 yds, 10' high chip, cos w F at 15 yds at 85%
626 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w knee at 4 yds, ball knocked ahead. The 1st kick was so perfect in terms of setting up a short interval between 2nd & 3rd touch that 3rd touch came surprisingly quickly
Tueday October 23 120 minute segment On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up
357 FIRST RUN OF DAY, NO WARM-UP: low ball cos at 2 yds w H, cos w F at 5 yds
403 low ball, bo, cos w chest at 6 yds, cos w F at 11 yds
407 low ball dir 1:00 PM, bo, c at 4 yds w F at 35%
409 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 4 yds, bo, cos w chest at 12 yds
416 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w knee at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
430 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & K str up 10' high, ball bo at 10 yds behind me, bounced str up
439 low ball cos w chest at 6 yds, cos w F at 9 yds, K str ahead
456 low ball flipped up too close to body & grounded at 0 yds
505 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, dir 1130 PM, zig zag produced small dist between touches
507 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 15 yds
516 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, K str ahead
523 low ball, cos w thigh at 3 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds -- at least alternated between foot/thigh & head, w short distances between touches to 11 yds on the sprint
531 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds & K to side
537 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, K dir 10:30 PM, bo, cos at 11 yds, zig zag
Wednesday October 24 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 5 mg Melatonin taken 20 hours before practice; NC
800 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos at 7 yds and missed w F
804 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w thigh at 4 yds, cos w nose at 4 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & K str ahead
811 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & K str ahead
828 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w thigh at 4 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & K str ahead
831 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w H at 6 yds, c w F at 9 yds at 90%, c w H at 12 yds at 90%, c w F at 15 yds at 90%. Ft/thigh vs head alternation w very short distances between touches at high speed
835 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, cos w F at 14 yds. Fast 4-touch run w short distances between touches
841 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, & K str ahead
843 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 4 yds & K str ahead
847 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 9 yds & K str ahead
849 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, whb cos w F at 16 yds
855 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
858 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & K str ahead
902 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead
920 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, c w F at 90% at 9 yds, c w H at 90% at 11 yds, c w F at 90% at 13 yds, c w H at 90% at 16 yds. Extremely small distances between touches at high speed, H vs Ft/thigh alternation adhered to for 8 touches over 16 yds at high speed. Fantastic.
937 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, missed w F at 9 yds at 100%
Thursday October 25 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC
757 low ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 7 yds
806 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 8 yds, DK at 10 yds at 100%
810 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cone obstructed last touch
817 low ball, bo, cos w chest at 6 yds, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead
818 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, c w F at 8 yds at 85%, c w F at 9 yds at 75%
821 low ball, c w H at 2 yds at 80%, c w knee at 3 yds at 80% & knocked straight ahead
823 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 12' high chip, cos w F at 15 yds
831 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, cos w F at 11 yds
849 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 12 yds, cos w F at 16 yds --LHKHK pattern adhered to at high speed
855 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 10 yds
859 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, headed dir 1:30, bo, shot accurately and hard forward w R at point 2 yds from where headed
906 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 7 yds (ball K up into head), cos w H at 11 yds
909 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 7 yds, knocked straight ahead
924 low ball, c at 90% w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, cos w F at 15 yds, LHKHK pattern basically adhered to
931 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 13' high chip, cos w thigh at 15 yds
934 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, c w F at 6 yds at 90%, c w F at 9 yds at 90%, K str ahead
937 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 10 yds, cos w thigh at 13 yds, fast 5 touch run, short distances between touches
944 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 20' high chip sent straight ahead
Saturday October 27 111 minute 1st segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
456 low ball cos at 3 yds w H, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, whb cos w F at 16 yds, but wall obstruct--LHKHK pattern basically adhered to at high speed on 1st run of day w no warm-up!
501 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c at 6 yds at 90% w thigh, c at 8 yds at 90% w thigh, c at 11 yds w H at 89%, c at 15 yds w F at 90%, LHKH again basically adhered to on 2nd run of day w no warm-up
505 low ball cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, wall obstruct -- but all the way to 13 yds without a bounce at high speed
509 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, bo, cos w chest at 15 yds -- LHKH pattern adhered to on 4tth run of day w no warm-up
521 ball kicked up into chin & grounded at 0 yds
523 low ball, cos w H at 3 ydsd, cos w F at 6 yds & high chip, c at 11 yds w H at 85% & med chip, c at 15 yds w H at 85%; LHKH pattern adhered to
535 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, high chip, cos w H at 13 yds, wall obstruct, LHKH pattern adhered to
545 ball kicked up into chin at 0 yds, bo, easily caught & grounded at 2 yds
548 low ball, c at 2 yds w H at 85%, c at 3 yds w H at 85%, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
552 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w knee at 11 yds
556 low ball c w H at 2 yds at 80%, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w H at 4 yds at 80%, cos w F at 11 yds
602 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 10 yds & med chip cos w H at 14 yds
LHKH pattern approx adhered to; in the past, I have not been able to get the ball up on the K after I chest it
609 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 9 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, c w F at 12 yds at 85% & ball K slow roller dir 230; LHKHK pattern basically adhered to
625 ball kicked up into chin, & grounded at 1 yd,
626 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w knee at 9 yds
628 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 8 yds & knocked forwards
631 low ball, c at 90% at 2 yds w H, K at 80% at 3 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, LHKHK pattern adhered to
635 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds& K dir 100; bo, cos w H 9 yds from 4th touch
638 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w  chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & chipped med high, cos w H at 15 yds, LHKH pattern almost adhered to
642 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 5 yds & K str ahead
647 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w nose at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds
Saturday October 27 49 minute 2nd segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
701 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, c w F at 15 yds at 90%. LHKHK pattern basically adhered to.
705 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, c w F at 6 yds at 90%, c w F at 8 yds at 90%, bo, whb cos w chest at 16 yds but wall obstr
721 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K dir 100 high chip, cos w F at 10 yds from 3rd touch point
725 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 10 yds, cos w F at 13 yds & med chip, wall obstr--previously these thigh after bo moves usually knocked ball too far ahead
730 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & med high hip, cos w H at 11 yds, bo, whb cos at 17 yds but wall obstr, LHKH pattern adhered to
737 low ball, cos w  chest at 2 yds, cos w F at 3 yds & K str ahead
740 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, & caught w hands at 3 yds run aborted
743 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, cos w F at 15 yds, LHKHK pattern adhered to at high speed with short distances between touches, line drive balls not chips between touches, the basketballers saw this & said nothing
Sunday October 28 75 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 1-CG
633 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 9 yds, cos w H at 14 yds
642 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 10 yds & 15' high chip, whb cos at 18 yds but wall obstr; 4th touch got chip up whereas in the past such after chest touches have knocked ball too far
653 low ball cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, cos w F at 15 yds, mostly approx 8' high chips, both L & R ft used.
718 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K dir 1030, bo, cos w F at point 7 yds from previous touch point & K dir 1200, cos w F 2 yds from previous touch point
723 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, & K str ahead
726 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo cos w F at 7 yds & K str forwards
735 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, & H dir 100, bo, bo, whb, cos w F at pt 10 yds from previous touch pt but gave up
748 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, bo cos w F at 13 yds
Wednesday October 31 120 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 0.25-CG
749 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, whb cos at 18 yds but wall obstr; LHKH pattern adhered to on 1st run of day
753 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 16' high chip, whb cos at 16 yds but wall obstr LHKH pattern basically adhered to
757 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & K backwards dir 700
804 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w thigh at 4 yds & knocked straight ahead
810 low ball cos w F at 4 yds, cos w F at 9 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, example of what I used to do, being done better than before
831 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, & 11' high chip, c w F at 8 yds at 75% & 11' high chip, c w F at 13 yds at 75%
838 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & 15' high chip, c at 11 yds at 75% w H, c at 13 yds at 50% w H, c at 15 yds at 50% w H
845 low ball, bo, c w chest at 6 yds at 70% & grounded at 8 yds
850 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, c w F at 15 yds at 80%
855 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, cos w chest at 13 yds
909 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, c w F at 3 yds at 80% & K str ahead
920 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 12' high chip, cos w H at 14 yds, LHKH pattern adhered to at sprint
927 low ball, cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds & 13' high chip, cos w H at 13 yds
940 low ball, cos w F at 2 yds, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & 10' highchip, whb cos w H at 17 yds but wall obstr; K after chest improving
947 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K str ahead
Thursday November 1 106 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; C, 3-CG
806 low ball, flipped up & grounded at 0 yds
807 low ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 10' high chip, c w H at 11 yds at 70%, c w F at 15 yds at 80%, LHKHK pattern adhered to on 2nd run of day
817 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & run transformed into 100% speed, high speed forward ground dribble, this something new
825 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, c w H at 6.5 yds at 70%, c w F at 8 yds at 70%, c w H at 9.5 yds at 70%, c w F at 11 yds at 70%, c w F at 13 yds at 70%, c w F at 15 yds at 70%; unbelievably tightly controlled slower speed run, LHKHKH pattern adhered to, 2md to 6th touches chips were about 6.5' high. Incredibly time consuming to report in notes (10 minutes remembering and writing)
851 low ball, cos w F at 3 yds & 16' high chip dir 1130, bo, cos at 15 yds w H
900 low ball cos w H at 2 yds, cos w F at 4 yds & 25' high chip that miraculously sailed over & through obstructions hanging from ceiling; whb cos at 20 yds but wall obstr
904 low ball cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & 10' high chip dir 1130 cos w F at 15 yds

Tuesday October 16 1st 52 minute Segment
402 Medium height/distance ball cos at 4 yds; H, cos w F at 10 yds. Picture perfect on first run of day.
411 med ball c at 3 yds at 65%; H; K at 8 at 90%. DB23=5
413 med ball c at 3 yds at 65%; H; stumbled in foolish attempt to avoid marker cone
422 med ball cos at 3 yds w H; 1 pace, H, K at 12 yds at 100%, spectacular DB23=1H DB34=8
Tuesday October 16 2nd 52 minute Segment
510 med ball cos at 3 yds w H; K at 10 yds at 100%. Fired off shot with last kick (again aborting run so
so as to remember data) but still quite cool. DB23=6
517 med ball cos at 3 yds w H; 1 pace, H at 100%; K at 12 yds at 100%. Cool. DB23=1H DB34=8
522 medium ball cos at 3 yds w H; hit w thigh at 8 yds at 95%; K at 12 yds at 100%. Cool. DB23=5
525 low ball, c w thigh at 2 yds at 80%; 1 bo; c w chest at 10 yds DB23=8
540 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, K at 8 yds at 100%...runs being aborted so as to remember data DB23=5
555 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds; K at 10 yds at 95% DB23=7
Wednesday October 17 1st 55 minute Segment
749 med ball, H at 3 yds at 80%, F at 7 yds at 85%, F at 10 yds at 85% DB23=4
758 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds; cos w chest right after bo at 15 yds DB23=4
817 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
820 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8.5 yds DB23=5.5
825 med ball, cos at 3 yds, bo, cos at 13 yds DB23=10
827 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds DB23=4
830 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w F at 6 yds at 80%  DB23=3
834 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds DB23=3
836 head high ball, cos w F at 6 yds
Wednesday October 17 2nd 55 minute Segment
853 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%; K at 6 yds at 90% DB23=3
855 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, K at 7 yds at 100% DB23=4
904 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds DB23=4
906 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds  DB23=4
910 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds DB23=4
917 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 10 yds DB23=7
922 med ball c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w F at 7 yds at 80% DB23=4
924 med ball, cos w H at 4 yds; cos w F at 8 yds DB23=4
929 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w H at 7 yds DB23=4
940 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, c w F at 6 yds at 85% DB23=3
Thursday October 18 1st Segment 52 minutes
750 med ball cos at 3 yds w H; cos w F at 6 yds; cos w F at 11 yds, cool yet disciplined
752 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds
756 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 1 bo cos w chest at 15 yds
759 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, ball shot straight ahead
800 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, ball shot straight ahead again
807 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds; cos w F at 11 yds. Cool but disciplined--perfect adherence to LHKH pattern with minimized distance between touches and top speed maintained, this run proves that the ideal in my mind is indeed possible for me.
823 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds
838 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 17 yds. Off but spectacular.
Thursday October 18 2nd Segment 53 minutes
859 medium ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cone impeded last touch; ball shot forwards
902 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, shot forwards again
904 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c w F at 7 yds at 90%; c w thigh at 8 yds at 90%; c w F at 10 yds at 90%; c w F at 15 yds at 90%. An example of 'La Jugo Bonita', but at slightly slower than max sprint speed, executed well despite cones near kick points at 11 and 15 yds
912 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds--slick but 4th touch should be with head technically speaking on this particular drill
921 med ball cos w H at 3 yds; H at 4 yds at 95%; cos w F at 10 yds
923 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 4 yds
926 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds
928 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 15 yds. Very slick.
930 cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds marker cone obstructed play 
937 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 13 yds. Almost perfect adherence to LHKH pattern at a high speed.
Sunday October 21 1st Segment 45 minutes
626 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K fowards
630 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead. YCMS.
640 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w H at 8 yds, bo cos w thigh at 13 yds
Sunday October 21 2nd Segment 45 minutes
705 med ball cos w H at 85%, cos w F at 6 yds & shot str forwards
707 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 6 yds, c w F at 7 yds at 85%, & roller kicked straight forwards
712 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, & K str ahead-YMCS
718 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, & K str ahead. YMCS.
724 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, K str ahead, YMCS. Direction 11:30 PM.
727 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, K str ahead, YMCS again Direction 1130 PM.
739 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, & K str ahead YMCS.
741 med ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, YMCS.
745 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 15 yds
748 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, & K str ahead, YMCS.
Monday October 22 1st segment  minutes
416 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, c at 90% at 6 yds w thigh, c at 85% at 8 yds w thigh --second run of day
Monday October 22 2nd segment  38 minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during flip-up and kick
434 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & shot straight ahead, YMCS
Monday October 22 3rd segment 86 minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during kick but NOT during flip-up
506 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 17' high chip, whb cos at 19 yds
509 med ball c w H at 2 yds at 50%, c w thigh at 4 yds at 70%, c w H at 7 yds at 85%, cos w F at 11 yds, cos w F at 15 yds classic tightly controlled acceleration to sprint
513 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w knee at 8 yds, & ball knocked forwards
518 med ball, c w H at 2 yds at 70%, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, cos w F at 10 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, another cool run discriminated against by scoring system in effect
536 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, YMCS
555 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, whb  cos w F at 16 yds but wall obstr
558 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cone impaired last touch
624 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, YMCS + cone obstruction
Tuesday October 23 120 minute segment On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up
359 FIRST MEDIUM BALL RUN OF DAY NO WARM-UP:  med ball cos w H at 3 yds, c w F at 5 yds at 70%, zig-zag
405 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 20' high chip, c at 14 yds at 50% w H
412 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, bo, cos w chest at 13 yds, dir 1:00 PM
415 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds,
418 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K str up 8' high; over-compensation for ball alwez knocked too far on 3rd touch
421 med ball c w H at 3 yds at 90%; c w F at 7 yds at 90%, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, c w H at 15 yds at 90%, LHKH pattern adhered to and more, very cool, short distances between touches
427 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K str ahead
435 med ball, c at 90% w H at 3 yds, c at 7 yds at 90% w F, 12' high chip, cos w F at 11 yds. Short dist between K's to 11 yds
445 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, c w H at 12 yds at 30% --LHKH pattern adhered to to 11 yds
448 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, cos w F at 12 yds zig zag left foot to right foot alternation can reduce distance travelled forwards between touches
450 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, short dist between touches to 11 yds
457 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 6 yds, K str ahead--at least this run got a small whooping cheed out of Eduardo who was watching
501 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, 12' high chip, cos w F at 15 yds. 3rd touch almost set up header
512 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, med high chip, cos w F at 11 yds, cos w left eye at 11 yds-ball hit left eye-cos w F at 15 yds--Eduardo assisted me with remembering what happened on this run 'yea you went all the way across (the gym)'
534 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 14' high chip, whb cos at 18 yds w F but wall obstruct
544 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 8 yds, cos w F at 11 yds
547 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, K str ahead
549 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 5 yds, cos w H at 8 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, whb cos w F at 15 yds but cone obstruct--I was afraid to knock over the markercone
557 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, whb cos at 19 yds but wall obstr -- LHKH pattern adhered to w short distances between touches & more
Wednesday October 24 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 5 mg Melatonin taken 20 hours before practice; NC
757 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w H at 5 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, 12' high chip, whb cos at 19 yds but wall obstruct--long fast run on 1st run of day, w no warmup
807 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, c at 11 yds w F at 90%, c w H at 15 yds at 90%. LHKHK alternating pattern adhered to until 5th touch at 15 yds at high speed on 5th run of day, 10 mins after start
821 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K dir 3:00 PM
845 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K str ahead
927 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds--ball literally caught with foot & thrown forwards, very unusual--DK at 9 yds at 90%
932 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90% 10' high chip,  c w F at 12 yds at 90%.
941 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 15 yds at 90%. LHKH+ pattern adhered to w small intervals between touches at high speed
Thursday October 25 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC
753 med ball, ca at 2 yds w H at 80%, cos w F at 7 yds, DK at 12 yds at 100% on 1st run of day
758 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 14 yds -- LHKH pattern adhered to on 3rd run of day
801 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 15 yds, whb cos at 19 yds but wall obstr--LHKH pattern adhered to on 4th run of day
803 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, cos w F at 14 yds -- long fast 5 touch run small distances between touches
826 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 16 yds at 90%; -- LHKHK pattern adhered to
838 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, cos w F at 14 yds -- LHKHK pattern basically adhered to
841 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 13 yds, LHKH pattern adhered to
844 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 11' high chip, cos w F at 13 yds
918 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, ball rolled slowly forwards. 3rd touch by nature should have been w thigh, tried to force it to be w F & ball was grounded
928 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cone obstruct
943 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead
Saturday October 27 111 minute 1st segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
530 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, c w F at 7 yds & knocked towards 1030 dir, cone obstructed 3rd touch, hit w thigh was natural on 3rd touch, but I slowed down to contact ball w F so as to exactly adhere to prescribed pattern, resulting in awkward K on 3rd touch
615 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 85%, cos w F at 7 yds & K dir 130, bo, cos w F at point 8 yds from 3rd touch
Saturday October 27 49 minute 2nd segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
716 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c at 7 yds w F at 85% (slowed down so as to use foot as prescribed by drill pattern), cos w H at 11 yds & low chip, whb cos w F at 17 yds but wall obstr; LHKHK pattern adhered to
735 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, cos w chest at 15 yds
Sunday October 28 75 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 1-CG
637 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K dir 1030, bo, cos w shoulder 10 yds from 3rd touch point
657 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 12 yds, cos w F at 16 yds at 90%, LHKHK pattern adhered to, 3rd & 4th touches produced approx 11' high chips
702 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, 12' high chip, cos w F at 14 yds, wall obstr--3rd touch almost set up header on 4th touch as prescribed by LHKH pattern
714 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 85%, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 12 yds, cos w F at 15 yds, wall obstr, approx 7' high chips on 3rd & 4th touches
738 med ball c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w thigh at 5 yds at 85%, c w H at 7 yds at 85%, c w F at 9 yds at 90%, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 13 yds at 90%, c w H at 15 yds at 90%, LHKH pattern basically adhered to, & tight fast alternation between head & foot
Wednesday October 31 120 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 0.25-CG
819 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w thigh at 5 yds at 90%, c w thigh at 7 yds at 90%, c w thigh at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 14 yds at 90%. Long fast tightly controlled
825 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, K straight up 8' high, bo at 6 yds & bounced straight up
827 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K straight up 7' high, bo at 7 yds & rolled backwards dir 600
835 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 6 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, bo, cos w H at 13 yds
847 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 85%, c w F at 7 yds at
85% & K roller dir 900; got confused whether 3rd touch was supposed to be with head or with foot, thus caused error
853 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds, cos w H at 15 yds 
858 med ball c w H at 3 yds at 85%, cos w F at 7 yds, c w H at 9 yds at 50%, c w F at 11 yds at 50%, c w H at 13 yds at 50%, c w F at 15 yds at 50%; LHKHKHK pattern adhered to
902 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, whb cos w H at 17 yds but wall obstr
905 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, c w thigh at 4 yds at 85%, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead
912 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 16' high chip, cos w H at 14 yds, LHKH pattern adhered to at sprint
932 med ball c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, c w H at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 15 yds at 80%, starting w 3rd touch 10' high chips between touches, LHKHK pattern adhered to at high speed with tight control.
936 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 7 yds & 11' high chip, cos w H at 13 yds & 10' high chip, whb cos at 18 yds but wall obstr, LHKH pattern adhered to at high speed
944 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w thigh at 5 yds, bo, cos w chest at 9 yds, cos w F at 12 yds & K str ahead
949 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, bo at 16 yds--bounced straight up, missed ball w F
Thursday November 1 106 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; C, 3-CG
812 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 10' high chip, c w H at 11 yds at 90% & 10' high chip, c w F at 15 yds at 90%; LHKHK pattern adhered to at high speed, small dist intervals between touches, almost textbook-classic
820 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, c at 10 yds at 80% w H, c at 13 yds at 80% w F, from 3rd touch on chips were only 7' high causing a slowdown; LHKHK pattern adhered to
838 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
842 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 16' high chip, bo, whb cos w H at 16 yds but wall obstr
844 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 8' high chip, cos w F at 13 yds & 8' high chip, whb cos w F at 19 yds but wall obstr, last touch was perfect
854 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 14' high chip, whb cos w F at 15 yds but wall obstr
856 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds & 12' high chip dir 730, bo, grounded at point 4 yds from previous touch point
911 med ball cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & 14' high chip, cos w H at 13 yds & 13' high  chip dir 130, cos w F 5 yds from previous touch point at 90%. LHKHK pattern adhered to
922 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, c w F at 15 yds at 90%, almost textbook-classic LHKHK pattern. 3rd & 4th touches produced chips 9' high
926 med ball, c at 3 yds w H at 90%, cos w F at 7 yds & 14' high chip dir 130, cos w RF 6 yds from previous touch point & K line drive dir 1200
930 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos at 11 yds w knee & knocked str ahead
932 med ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds & K str ahead; YMCS
938 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90% & 13' high chip, c w H at 11 yds at 65% & 11' high chip, c w F at 15 yds at 65%, LHKHK pattern adhered to
942 med ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%,  cos w F at 7 yds & chest high line drive,  cos w F at 11 yds & chest-high line drive, cos w stomach at 14 yds, cos w thigh at 14 yds, cos w F at 15 yds

Tuesday October 16 1st 52 minute Segment
409 high ball c at 3 at 50%; H; K at 7 at 95%. DB23=4
430 high ball cos at 5 yds w H; K at 10 yds at 100%. Off but very cool. DB23=5
Tuesday October 16 2nd 52 minute Segment
507 high ball cos at 4 yds, H, 1 bo, K at 12 yds at 100%. Off but cool. DB23=8
512 high ball c at 50% at 2 yds, whb K at 7 yds at 85%, but cone avoidance syndrome DB23=5
520 high ball c at 2 yds at 50%; H, 1 pace, H, K at 10 yds at 100% DB23=1H DB34=7
527 high ball c at 50% at 3 yds w H; c w thigh at 7 yds at 85%; K at 10 yds at 90% DB23=4 DB34=3
548 high ball, cos at 4 yds w H; K at 7 yds at 90%; H at 11 yds at 90%, K at 15 yds at 90%, cool.
DB23=3 DB34=4
553 high ball c w H at 3 yds at 60%; 1 bo, chested at 10 yds at 95% DB23=7

Wednesday October 17 1st 55 minute Segment
743 high ball, H at 2 yds at 50%, thigh at 3 yds knocked ball too far
747 high ball, H at 3 yds at 65%, F at 7 yds at 85% DB23=3
754 high ball, c at 4 yds at 85% w H, F at 8 yds at 75% DB23=4
804 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 60%, H at 4 yds at 60%, F at 7 yds at 85%
806 high ball c w H at 3 yds at 50%; c w F at 8 yds at 95% DB23=5
837 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 40%, c w F at 4 yds at 80% DB23=2
Wednesday October 17 2nd 55 minute Segment
857 high ball c at 4 yds w H at 70%;  K at 8 yds at 85% DB23=4
932 high ball, c w H at 4 yds at 65%, c w F at 9 yds at 95% DB23=5
935 high ball, c w H at 75% at 4 yds, c w F at 8 yds at 75% DB23=4
946 high ball, c at 3 yds w H at 85%, cos w F at 7 yds DB23=4
947 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w F at 13 yds DB23=9
Thursday October 18 1st Segment 52 minutes
817 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 35%, cos w F at 7 yds, ball shot straight ahead
820 high ball cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w F at 15 yds
833 high ball, c w H at 65% at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, shot forwards
835 high ball, c w H at 4 yds at 85%, bo, c w F at 11 yds at 80%
Thursday October 18 2nd Segment 53 minutes
856 high ball, cat 70% at 4 yds w H, L at 7 yds at 85%; H at 11 yds at 95%, LHKH pattern with shrunken distances between touches.
918 high ball cos w H at 3 yds; H at 4 yds at 95%; F at 9 yds at 95%; F at 10 yds at 90%
943 high ball cos w H at 5 yds, cos w H at 7 yds, cos w thigh at 15 yds
Sunday October 21 1st Segment 45 minutes
614 high ball c w H at 40% at 2 yds, H at 3 yds at 40%; K at 4 yds at 40%
616 high ball H at 3 yds at 60%, cos w thigh at 8 yds, bo, cos w F at 15 yds
625 high ball cos w H at 4 yds, c at 90% w H at 7 yds, c at 90% w H at 12 yds
628 high ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 7 yds, cos w F at 13 yds. Cool.
Sunday October 21 2nd Segment 45 minutes
734 high ball, cos w H at 5 yds, cos w H at 11 yds
Monday October 22 1st segment  minutes
413: high ball c at 2 yds at 40% w H; H at 2 yds again, cos w thigh at 100% at 7 yds dir 1130 PM -- first run of day
Monday October 22 2nd segment  38 minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during flip-up and kick
442 high ball, c w F at 2 yds at 35%,  K at 2 yds  high chip, bo, c w F at 13 yds at 85%
454 high ball, c at 2 yds at 50%, bo, cos w thigh at 11 yds, at 90%, c w F at 15 yds at 85%
Monday October 22 3rd segment 86 minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during kick but NOT during flip-up
540 high ball, cos w H  at 4 yds, cos w F at 12 yds
Tuesday October 23 120 minute segment On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up
410 high ball, dir 1:00 PM, c w H at 5 yds at 50%, bo,  cos w F at 12 yds
440 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, c w H at 3 yds at 60%, cos w F at 6 yds, K str ahead
443 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, bo, cos w chest at 7 yds, cos w F at 10 yds, K str ahead
454 high ball, c w H at 2 yds, at 25%, cos w F at 6 yds, K str ahead, YMCS
510 high ball, c at 25% at 2 yds, c at 80% at 4 yds w F
521 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, bo, whb cos at 16 yds w F but wall obstruct
541 high ball, c w H at 4 yds at 80%, c w H at 6 yds at 80%, c w F at 12 yds at 90%, c w F at 14 yds at 90%
554 high ball c w H at 3 yds at 90%, c w F at 5 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, med high chip, whb cos w thigh at 18 yds but wall obstr --very short distances between touches at high speed
Wednesday October 24 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 5 mg Melatonin taken 20 hours before practice; NC
802 high ball cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, bo, cos w F at 16 yds
823 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 9 yds, cos w F at 11 yds, c w F at 13 yds at 85%
826 high ball, c at 50% at 4 yds, cos w F at 9 yds, cos w face at 9 yds, ball bounced off face straight ahead to wall 8 yds away
838 high ball c w H at 2 yds at 50%, c w H at 3 yds at 40%, c w F at 5 yds at 80%, 15' high chip, whb cos w F at 17 yds, but wall obstr
853 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 25%, c w F at 4 yds at 75%, 20' high chip hit ground at 16 yds
900 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 30%, c w F at 5 yds at 60% dir 1:00 PM & K str backwards
904 high ball, c at 3 yds at 70%, bo, cos w F at 6  yds, cos w F at 9 yds, cos w F at 13 yds 
907 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w F at 6 yds at 90%, c w H at 9 yds at 90%, c w F at 12 yds at 90%, c w F at 16 yds at 85%. LHKH pattern & more at high speed, short distances between touches
914 high ball c w H at 3 yds at 80%, c w thigh at 5 yds at 90%, c w F at 7 yds at 90%, c w F at 11 yds at 90%, c w F at 15 yds at 90%. Short distances between touches at high speeds over long distance, 6 touches
938 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w thigh at 7 yds, bo, whb cos w H at 19 yds but wall obstr
944 high ball, cos w H at 3 yds, bo, cos w chest at 9 yds, cos w thigh at 10 yds, cos w F at 11 yds & K str ahead
Thursday October 25 108 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC
811 high ball, c at 3 yds at 35%, bo, cos w H at 12 yds, cos w F at 15 yds
815 high ball, cos w H at 5 yds, bo, cos at 15 yds
835 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, cos w F at 6 yds
902 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, K dir 3:00 slow roller
911 high ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 6 yds, & grounded at 6 yds dir 1130, cone obstruct on both touches
921 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w chest at 10 yds, cos w F at 13 yds
940 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 70%, c w F at 6 yds at 70%, c w H at 10 yds at 80%, c w F at 13 yds at 80%, LHKHK pattern adhered to
Saturday October 27 111 minute 1st segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
513 high ball, cos w H at 5 yds, c at 90% at 7 yds w H, c at 90% at 10 yds w H, c at 90% at 15 yds w H
559 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, cos w nose at 8 yds, cos w H at 11 yds, LHKH pattern basically adhered to
620 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 11 yds
644 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 70%, cos w thigh at 5 yds, cos w thigh at 10 yds & knocked str ahead
Saturday October 27 49 minute 2nd segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, NCG
708 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 50%, cos w F at 8 yds, DK at 13 yds & transformed into controlled forwards ground dribble
711 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 30%, cos w F at 5 yds & K str ahead
749 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 90%, bo, cos w F at 8 yds & K dir 200, cos w F 6 yds from 3rd touch point & K dir 1200
Sunday October 28 75 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 1-CG
706 high ball c at 3 yds at 70% w H, c at 7 yds at 90% w F & 11' high chip, c at 12 yds at 90% & 12' high chip again dir 100
729 high ball c w H at 2 yds at 35%, c w F at 6 yds at 90%, 12' high chip, c w H at 11 yds at 65%, c w thigh at 13 yds at 85%, c w thigh at 15 yds at 85%, LHKH pattern adhered to but slowly
743 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 60%, c w F at 5 yds at 90%, & K roller towards 1030
746 high ball c w H at 3 yds at 75%, c w F at 7 yds at 90% & K str ahead
Wednesday October 31 120 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; NC, 0.25-CG
801 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, c w H at 3 yds at 60%, bo, c w F at 10 yds at 90%, & 9' high chip, c w F at 15 yds at 75%
806 high ball c w H at 2 yds at 35%, c w F at 5 yds at 70%, c w H at 9 yds at 70%, c w F at 13 yds at 90% & bballbackboard obstr, LHKH pattern adhered to
844 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, bo, cos w thigh at 13 yds
924 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 9 yds & K str ahead
Thursday November 1 106 minute segment--On 1st K w L,  NO special emphasis on forward-lean during kick or preceding flip-up; 0 mg Melatonin in previous 24 hours; C, 3-CG
804 very high ball cos at 7 w H, whb cos at 20 after several bounces but wall obstr; 1st run of day
810 high ball c w H at 2 yds at 50%, bo, cos at 10 yds w F, c w H at 12 yds at 75%, c w F at 15 yds at 70%,
839 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, whb cos w F at 11 yds but cone obstruct
848 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 80%, cos w F at 7 yds, bo, whb cos w chest at 16 yds but wall obstr
908 high ball, cos w H at 3 yds, cos w F at 8 yds & K str ahead
916 high ball, cos w H at 4 yds, cos w F at 8 yds, c w H at 11 yds at 80%, c w F at 15 yds at 80%; 3rd & 4th touches 11' high chips, LHKHK pattern adhered to
934 high ball, c w H at 2 yds at 50%, bo, c w chest at 6 yds at 75%, c w F at 9 yds at 75% & K str ahead
946 high ball, c w H at 3 yds at 79%, c w F at 7 yds at 80% & 16' high chip, c w H at 13 yds & 12' high chip, whb c w F at 16 yds at 50%;
LHKHK pattern adhered to on last run of day

Tuesday October 16 1st Segment
434 c at 50% at 2 yds w H, dont remember what happened next
Wednesday October 17 1st 55 minute Segment
751 dont remember what happened
Wednesday October 17 2nd 55 minute Segment
942 head-high ball, c w F at 5 yds at 85%
Thursday October 18 1st Segment 52 minutes
748 dont remember what happened on first run of day
819 7' high ball cos w F at 4 yds
Monday October 22 2nd segment 38  minutes
On 1st K w L, emphasis on forward-lean during flip-up and kick
500 dont remember

Faces in the Crowd
The usual type were in and out of the gym while I was doing the runs, parents and kids, Hispanic boys, etc. I estimate some of the spectacular runs were seen. Seemed like poetic justice--my first hour had been spectacular featuring runs faster and more tightly controlled than ever before, and after the workout as I left the gym, I saw in the parking lot something I had never seen before--two Waltham Police cars, that seemed to be there on unofficial business as the lights were not flashing and nobody was in them.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 2490 words in length, took approximately 165 minutes to write/type. The entry contains alot of new stuff that could not be based on content in previous entries.

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thin white
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 17 '07
Waltham Y Gym
743-948 PM

55 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
15 min break;
55 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
total 110 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
I decided to to repeat what I did yesterday, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch); all this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
Before the practice started I did some air-dribbling and ground dribbling with a soccer-ball-sized heavy medicine ball. This seemed to throw me off for the first 10-15 minutes but things improved after that.
Yesterday, I consumed about eight cod liver oil pills right before practice. Seems this made a big difference. Today I had no cod liver oil pills, did not feel nearly as peppy.
Today lots of runs, most of the runs, were aborted after the 3rd touch so as to enable me to remember data mentally recorded during the run, and conserve energy. Watching the yard marker conflicts with continuing the run.
I did not feel royally spectacular today like I did yesterday, but looking at the data table the performance given the goals set for this drill was way up. The score was way up today given my method of scoring. Looks like you get performance-wise what you score highly.
Thinking things through carefully yesterday and today, helped me to concentrate on the task at hand, which is, not being spectacularly cool, but rather shrinking the distance between touches while maintaining speed.
What happened after mis-touches (mistake on the touch) on the second touch not recorded today.
Yet again I surprised myself by improving so quickly, so quickly getting so much closer to the goal I set for myself skill-wise. I think the main reason for this is that I mentally disciplined myself to value a reduction in distance between second and third touches while maintaining speed, as opposed to spectacular 'coolness'.
I surprised myself today by doing things that I had just yesterday thought were impossible, such as catching the ball at full sprint with my head, and then just one or two yards later touching the ball with my foot or thigh without slowing down.
Faces in the Crowd
A bespectacled clean-shaven dark-haired white guy with graying hair who was wearing glasses was there in my side of the gym for a little while today shooting baskets. His name was Mark. His email address is, lest I forget, . He told me, looking at all the cones I use for this drill,  that he thought what I was doing looked 'pretty sophisticated'. He was interested in reading this soccer log you are now reading. I told him I would send him the link to this hyar soccer log.
I told Mark about the soccer leagues for people 50 years of age or older, he was shocked at the idea that I was 50 years old, I assured him that I was not 50 years old.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 632 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1124 words. Total 1756 words.  Took approximately 72 minutes to write/type. Alot of data entry involved.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
med thickness
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 18 '07
Waltham Y Gym
748-948 PM

52 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
15 min break;
53 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
total 105 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did yesterday, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today the added innovation was to attempt to continue the full speed sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
Today again I found that keeping track of the cones used as yard markers so as to keep track of the distance in yards at which ball was touched, impaired performance.
During the first segment today, the first half was strong from the first run, but the second half of the first segment was not as good. The skill of doing difficult stuff is there, but the conditioning needs to be improved.
I should consider myself fortunate. It is alot easier to improve conditioning, than it is to get to the point where you go out and the first time you touch the ball with your feet you do something really hard.
I had the cod liver oil today, I was not as peppy as the previous time with cod liver oil Tuesday, but more peppy that yesterday. Tuesday came after a few days of runs aborted after the first touch, which must have somehow been restful. Yesterday I aborted the runs after the third touch.  
Today I changed the cone marking the 7 yds from start point from being directly in the path of my run, to two cones at 7 yds each to the side of the path of the run. This improved the third touch with the foot performance, as the tendency is to avoid knocking over cones, even if one tries to dispel oneself of the tendency. It is a pain in the ass to reset a knocked over cone.
90% of these runs were directionally speaking in the correct direction today. Many were so perfect directionally perfect that the cones placed directly in the path of the run (11 yd and 15 yd marker cones today) were almost run into but avoided, or indeed knocked over.
Today I was not always recording what happened after the last touch.
Today unlike most days I felt a need for water in the middle of the second half.
It is an important development that today I was regularly extending the runs to the 4th touch, and often producing results that were cool combined with disciplined on these 4 touch or more runs. I had not expected to jump ahead to four touch runs so quickly, I was expecting to be stuck doing runs aborted after the 3rd touch for a couple of more days.
Today I was aiming for the 52 degree angle on the first kick whereas on the previous two days I had been aiming for the 56 degree angle. This seemed to improve things.
Faces in the Crowd
This white clean shaven approx six foot tall guy with a crew-cut, in his twenties, who wears a sweatshirt that says 'Navy' on it, was in the gym with me shooting baskets the whole time, although he took alot of long breaks. He has been in the gym with me after the Pop Warner cheerleaders leave, in the evening, previously. Seems like he is so absorbed in his basketball that he does not even notice me.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 737 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1074 words. Total 1811 words.  Took approximately 69 minutes to write/type. Alot of data entry involved. Looks like in past few days I have made real improvement in terms of word output per minute despite  the data entry. I am becoming fast at data entry, mixing together numbers and weird characters with letters of the alphabet.  

Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thin green
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 21 '07
Waltham Y Gym
610-750 PM

45 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
10 min break;
45 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;
total 90 Minutes Extended L3H+Extension Runs;

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 18, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I sometimes attempted to continue the full speed sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
Today I was wondering whether hidden purposes are served by unconscious(?) variations from the exact intended course of action on these runs. I might have been trying to paint a rosy picture of what was simply a decline in performance compared to October 18, but I sort of felt that variations from the intended course of action can reveal new possibilities and add valuable data to the data table; I felt as if the unconscious mind can express a kind of thirst for such data and such new possibilities via variations not willed by the conscious mind.
Today I noticed that even if the second touch is not made with the head as is intended, and the 3rd touch is not made with the foot as intended, the alternating between foot/thigh and head spirit of the drill is still adhered to when such alternation is executed, and such imperfect alternation that is still indeed alternation was executed a few times today.
I was wondering whether today I was off because of my activities yesterday.  Yesterday at dinner I had a scotch & water and a glass of wine, then later in the evening about 50 oz beer around 11 PM. A problem with this is that drinks at dinner time might be just fine for those at the dinner who woke up early in the morning at the normal time; but the person at the dinner (example me)  who woke up late forgets that he has not been awake long enough to have a drink without  impairing himself mentally/physically.
Another possibility is that beer and scotch simply cause more of a negative after-effect for the next day than wine when it comes to performance in this kind of drill. I have noticed that  the days after drinking a significant amount of Burgundy wine, have sometimes been excellent days featuring significant improvement over previous days.
Then there is the problem of strange persons who are constantly shouting when one is in their company, and the disconcerting, stress-producing effect such persons can have. These people talk at an extremely loud volume, and they are constanty talking.
I earned some extra money yesterday doing a moving job for a constantly-shouting type of guy. He was constantly shouting about his own good qualities and how bad people who abuse him are. I was wearing 32-decibel ear-plugs and it was still almost unbearable for me.  Not only was he constantly shouting, and never quiet, he was drunk the whole time that I was using my Honda Element to move him from one place to another.
But I like the way my Honda Element pays for its relatively low miles per gallon capability and its high price compared to some other cars with usefulness for things like moving jobs extra money can be earned on.
On October 18, it seems I had much less of a problem with 'Yard Marker Cone Syndrome' (YMCS), the name I have come up with for the phenomenon wherein performance on a touch on the ball is impaired by the eye and the mind checking to see where the marker cone showing distance from the start is at the time the ball is touched, due to the need to obtain distance-from-start data.
I had a few cod liver oil pills before the practice today, there did not seem to be a dramatic effect.
I aimed at the 52 degree angle again today on the first kicks.
It could be that not having practiced for  two days was the reason for impaired performance, it could be that the activities of Saturday was the reason, it could be a combo of both, but what I felt intuitively during the practice was that the drinking before being awake long enough, the beer and the scotch instead of the wine, and the guy who I had agreed to do the moving job for being drunk and constantly shouting, was more of a performance-inhibiting factor than the layoff of two days.
Faces in the Crowd
The tall black guy Donald who I used to call 'Black Buddha' and his black friend were in the gym shooting baskets while I did 643, 646, 649, and 654 runs today.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 942 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1071 words. Total 2643 words.  Took approximately 97 minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
med thickness black
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 22 '07
Waltham Y Gym
413-626 PM

133 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 21, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
The 1st 9 min segment today, there was no special emphasis on forward-lean during the first kick or flip-up. 2nd 38 min segment, there was forward lean both during the flip-up and the kick. 3rd 86 min segment, there was forward lean during the first kick but not during the flip-up preceding the 1st kick.
I was remembering how when I was first developing the skill of kicking the ball forwards so as to head it at 3 yds on the sprint, leaning forwards during the 1st kick seemed to work well. I did not remember all the details re this lean forward. In the 2nd segment today I tested leaning forward during the flip-up AND the first kick. In the 3rd segment I tested leaning forwards during the first kick but NOT during the flip-up preceding the 1st kick.
Given that the object is to kick the ball forward 3 yds, head it on the sprint and then kick the ball on the sprint after going less than 4 yds further forwards: seems forward lean during flip-up AND kick is worse than no-forward-lean-emphasis or forward-lean-emphasis during 1st kick but not during preceding flip-up; forward-lean-emphasis during 1st kick but not during preceding flip-up is better than no-forward-lean-emphasis on low balls but worse on medium balls.
The fact remains that it is possible that variations such as forward-lean-emphasis during flip-up and 1st kick, or forward-lean-emphasis during 1st kick but not during preceding flip-up, are capable of producing more than usual amounts of certain kinds of runs that might sometimes be needed, and are capable of producing a change-of-pace and surprise.
COS meaning 'caught on sprint' is an approximation term. It means I was running at at least 90% of maximum sprint speed when I touched the ball. Day by day my forward speed on the second and third touches is getting faster and faster as ball control and sprinting speed improve--this makes accurate kicks etc on the 3rd touch so as to set up a 4th touch more difficult.
Today I saw more balls being caught on the sprint at 2 yds as opposed to 3 yds--this is an example of variation from intent producing desirable result (tighten up distance between touches); it has to do, it seems, with forward lean of body on 1st kick with left foot producing more 2-yarders.
Generally it seems forward lean on 1st flip-up AND 1st kick produces the lowest balls, no forward-lean emphasis produces the highest balls and forward-lean-emphasis on 1st kick but not on preceding flip-up is in the middle in terms of height of balls produced by 1st kick.
There were good points in the performance today that I gloomily failed to notice while practicing but did notice after the minute by minute reports were typed up. Today there seemed to be an improvement in terms of the number of fast 4 touch runs featuring  minimal distance run between touches on the ball. Indicates emphasis on minimizing distance between touches is producing results.
I had a few cod liver oil pills before the practice today, there did not seem to be a dramatic effect.
I aimed at the 52 degree angle again today on the first kicks.
Faces in the Crowd
While I was in the gym practicing various people were in and out of the gym such as the white young man shooting baskets, the East Asian woman and her daughter, two short stocky white guys who work at the Y who were checking the ceiling lights above the area of the gym where I practice, this dark East Asian teenager guy who works at the Y and wears military T-shirts etc alot and practices Karate, my personal name for min is the 'Karate Kid', & the white adult volleyballers who took over the gym at 630 PM.
The E. Asian woman's daughter got in the way, I was politely quiet and patient, her mother called her out of the way. The E. Asian woman looked at me before she left the gym and said, "Bhayya!". "Bhayya" or "Bhaia" or "Bhaya" is Hindi for "brother". I was surprised. I think there is also some area of Brazil called 'Bhaya' or something like that
One of the guys who work at the Y, while slowly wandering around looking at the ceiling lights knocked one of the cones out of place with is foot, which surprised me. I was quiet about it.
A white adult female volleyballer starting picking up the marker cones I had set up at about 615 PM while I was absorbed in making notes in my notebook. I explained to her what I was doing and put the cones back in place. The way she moved the cones out of the way reminded me of some little kid. The little kids at the Y for some reason love to waddle out to the cones I set up and move their position etc etc.
A couple of days ago, one little white kid of about four years old walked out to one of the cones I had set up and started moving it; I explained as politely as I could in as nice a voice as I could that the cone should not be moved; and the child ran back to its mother's embrace and cried and cried, all because I had told the child to not move the cone.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1167 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1190 words. Total 2357 words.  Took approximately 117 minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
black sweat-socks
socks got sort of folded out of place in front of left foot
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 23 '07
Waltham Y Gym
357-557 PM

120 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 22, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
Today I found that as I had suspected, a slight slowdown from the full speed sprint speed, allows for perfect, short distance between touches adherence to the intended LHKH pattern, which involves the first touch being a kick with the left foot, the second touch being a header, the third touch being a kick with one of the feet, and the fourth touch being a header, with ideally no more than 4 yds distance between touches at a high speed, with the ball never touching the ground.
You can find some comments of the type that used to be found in this section of the log entries, inserted attached to the entries for today in the table created Oct 16 that is found in the Oct 16 entry.
At least today we see overcompensation, the ball kicked straight up on the 3rd touch to compensate for it being often kicked too far on the 3rd touch, such is a good sign.
Today again I noticed that this drill requires alot of mental concentration, and as the practice drags on I get tired of all the intense mental concentration.
As a result of ever-rising expectations, runs I would be crowing about, excited about when I first started this drill a few days ago, do nothing to disrupt my general sense of gloom during the practice.
But gloomy though I may be during practice,  I can for the first time report today that the practice gave me confidence that this battle of mastering this skill wherein the LHKH pattern is adhered to with small distances (< 5 yds) between touches at a high speed, will indeed soon be won.
Not only that, but I can see from today's practice that I will soon master skills that are similar to but more difficult that the LHKH pattern with less than 5 yds between touches, (skills I once thought impossible) such as 4 touch runs at high speed featuring less than 4 yds between touches.
Again I had a few cod liver oil pills before the practice today, again there did not seem to be a dramatic effect, but maybe that is because I have had the cod liver oil before practice a few days in a row now. Actually compared to how things were before I took the cod liver oil before the practice, I feel much less tired--but maybe this reflects improvements in conditioning that are not a result of cod liver oil intake.
I aimed at the 52 degree angle again today on the first kicks.
Faces in the Crowd
Six of the junior high school age Hispanic boys were playing a full court soccer game when I got to the gym, they were using a volleyball which is very light compared to a soccer ball.
When I re-entered the gym after going to the locker room, a short stocky clean-shaven young white male who works at the Y got the cones out of the closet for me, he told me I could ignore the Hispanic boys and set up my drill on half of the gym. I set up the cones and the Hispanic boys just quietly stopped their full court game without complaint. I was impressed by them and by the YMCA worker for not impeding my practice drills.
Around the time of the second run of the day, around 359 PM, I hustled a little to retrieve a ball for the Hispanic boys. Eduardo said to me, 'you're so fast'.
I told Eduardo (the truth as far as I can tell) that someone who is famous and important said that I was a 'Pele'. I told him that it was a secret who said this.  Eduardo did not scoff,  he and the boys he was with gave me no lip about this.
From 357 to 430 PM, the majority of the time the gym I was practicing in contained Hispanic boys, and/or a young white man shooting baskets, and/or the pretty young white female with the straight brown hair who was working at the front desk. This front-desk girl had a long conversation with the boys in the far corner of the gym as she watched me doing the drills.
457 PM Eduardo returned to the gym. He told me that he wants to be my coach. He barked at me not to walk in between air-dribble runs. I told him I would note his suggestion re not walking but that I would not implement it immediately.
Eduardo asked me if I knew about Santos, a Mexican who plays for Barcelona. He said his three interests were, Mexican soccer, cars, and "P----", a name for a cat that also in slang refers to a part of the female anatomy.
Eduardo told me I should be on a team in a league. But I find a problem with these teams, is that they are loaded up with players and cannot take anybody new. I told Eduardo how the smart coaches say that scrimmaging (playing in games) is over-rated and overdone.
Eduardo sat on the bleachers near me and talked with me between runs from 500 to 521. His email address, lest I forget, is .
530 PM the middle-aged white woman who works at the front desk, the one with the short brown hair, came into the gym, some alarm had gone off. She said that Hispanic boys are "excellent" kids, she talked of how impressed she was by Edgar ( he was at the gym today), the Waltham High School soccer star who she had seen playing in their games. And I was thinking, this woman thinks these boys are 'excellent'--but to me they seem to be less than 'excellent', because of their lustfulness.
Note: one reason for such detail in this section is that it reminds me that I can perform while people are watching me closely.  Another is that such detail is evidence that I am not lying about what goes on during practices.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1241 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1223 words. Total 2464 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
black soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 24 '07
Waltham Y Gym
757-945 PM

108 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
5mg nature's bounty maximum strength Melatonin eaten 20 hours before practice; drank 0.75 liters Carlo Rossi Chianti wine 22 hours before practice; today was a NC day. What NC means is a secret

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 23, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
At 811 PM today I started retching, even threw up a little bit. I had tangerine juice, coffee w non-dairy creamer & sugar, and 2 'samosas' & cod liver oil before practice.
Today there were these long runs with lots of touches which took a long time to record in the notes.
Today the balls between touches followed a chip-like, lob-like trajectory more often than in the past, this was not always reported in the run descriptions in the Oct 16 data table, because long several touch runs take so much time to report. These chip like kicks have the advantage that the ball can be sent over the defender's heads giving them no chance to intercept.
Today the kicks with the foot on the 3rd touch of the runs several times almost set up a header on the 4th touch of the runs, which is a step in the right direction.
Today was an incredible day from the 2nd touch with the head on, but the first kick was off today.
Today there was dramatic very significant improvement in terms of things happening after the first kick from the second touch on: short and very short distances between touches and alternation between foot/thigh and head at high speed with the ball never touching the ground.
I aimed at the 52 degree angle again today on the first kicks.
Faces in the Crowd
The Pop Warner cheerleaders were in the gym before practice (looked like grade-school age and junior-high school age girls). As they were leaving the gym and I was getting set up, I heard one of them say in a loud voice, 'he's a Pele'. Then when I went to KFC I am fairly certain that the nice Haitian man who is the manager there, said to me in a low tone of voice as I was making my order, 'you're a Pele'. I keep feeling as if nobody sees my best runs but I guess some people are noticing.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 568 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1120 words. Total 1688 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thin green soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 25 '07
Waltham Y Gym
753-945 PM

112 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank 0.75 liters Carlo Rossi Chianti wine 22 hours before practice; today was a NC day. What NC means is a secret.
Before practice had cod liver oil, fish oil, wheat germ oil, hemp oil, mineral pill, Mcdonald's hamburger, Burger-King hamburger
Ate little 24 hours previous to practice

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 24, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration.
The first 5 runs of the day today (with no warm-up activities) were all boldface red runs (see scoring system Oct 16 entry) with the intended LHKH pattern adhered to on 2 of them.
Today I managed to adhere to the 5-touch  LHKHK pattern several times, whereas my goal has been merely to adhere to the 4-touch LHKH pattern (abbreviations explained in Oct 16 entry).
Again today I felt taht feeling, that things will just get worse for the second half of the practice, which makes me feel kike ending the practice prematurely.
Yet today I felt that I was learning how to overcome that 'I feel like quitting early because I'm doing well' syndrome, which impairs performance. You just sort of bear down and concentrate and try hard even though you feel like going home and ending the practice early.
Faces in the Crowd
4 black young adults were in the gym while with me while I was practicing from 753 to 844 PM. At 826 PM they had a big argument regarding whether one of them had committed the 'traveling' foul while dribbling the basketball. They shouted questions at me, such as 'did you see that!?!', 'he traveled!'...'no I did not!' etc etc. And I was thinking to myself, I was doing spectacular things right in front of them and they said nothing, yet at the same time they think the big thing of the evening is whether one of them committed the 'traveling' infraction in basketball, and they expect me to have noticed whether he did or did not.
Then from about 844 PM to 911 PM a white guy wearing a 'city basketball' jersey and a hispanic teenager were shooting baskets.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 519 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1051 words. Total 1570 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
med thickness
black soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 27 '07
Waltham Y Gym
456-750 PM

174 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 1 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine approx 21 hours before practice; today was a NC day. What NC means is a secret. Also a NCG day, another secret.
Before practice had cod liver oil, wheat germ oil, a pea Samosa, cup coffee (coffee in past not recorded when consumed); during break between segments had 2 small pieces of 'Jalebi' (Indian sweet looks like gold pretzel)
Ate little 24 hours previous to practice but ate the 32 bean Whole Foods mix

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 25, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
 All this is supposed to be done without the ball hitting the ground.
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration. Notes of the type that used to be found in this section are attached to the runs in the Oct 16 entry table.
The first six runs in the first 27 minutes today (not counting the run that was grounded at 0 yds), were incredible. There was no warm-up with the ball prior to the first run-nevertheless:  the 1st, 2nd, and 6th runs all adhered to the LHKHK pattern at a sprint; the 4th run adhered to the LHKH pattern a little shorter than LHKHK at a sprint; and all six of the runs covered at least 13 yds before running into the wall at the far end of the gym, at a sprint, with tight control, and the ball never hitting the ground.
The pattern seems to be that I forge ahead in a different way every day.
I know we are supposed to say our prayers secretly where nobody can see us but this is science: today before every run I said the "Our Father who Art in Heaven..." prayer.
The problem with the performance level decreasing as the practice drags on seems  to be mental exhaustion, not physical exhaustion. Then again one could say that in an activity so precise, even an almost un-noticeable level of physical exhaustion could throw things off, though this effect should lessen as skills increase.
Today it felt like, the performance level declined as the practice dragged on because I drank too much wine the day before, and/or did not eat enough in the 24 hours prior to the practice.
Seems the angle of the face when the ball is headed (face pointed up or pointed straight ahead) is a key factor on the headers in this drill.
Seems the lesson of the day for me is: I am at the point where I can for extended periods of time be a soccer God, but I have to cut down on the wine consumption--which sort of reflects the meaning of the words in the Lord's Prayer.
Seems like as of now, there is a limited amount of 'soccer god' available in me for reach practice and once this limited amount of 'god' gets used up, I am back to being a mortal.
Prior to the second segment I had a snack--two very small pieces of the Indian sweet 'Jalaybee' (dont know exact spelling looks like a gold pretzel) (there are tons of Indian grocery stores in my neigborhood); this very small snack seemed to be helpful in terms of bringing performance back up.  Seems a snack can ward off not just physical but also mental fatigue.
Like I said before, being able to be god-like without a warm-up is better than being in shape, because it is easy, simple, to get in shape.
It was hotter in the gym today than it has been for weeks, almost uncomfortable hot.
Faces in the Crowd
In summary suffice it to say for now that today it feels like these black/white locals could watch you walk on water and they would do nothing but pout--and this is discouraging. Seems the brown hispanics conform themselves to be silent like the black/whites when they are hanging out with the black/whites.
At the beginning at 456 PM, there were two approx ten year old white grade school boys playing basketball in the far side of the gym, and in the near side of the gym there were four teenagers playing basketball, seems 3 of them were white and one of them was brown/hispanic. By 535 PM the two grade school boys were gone. 545 a white young adult male entered the gym and shot baskets. 556 PM the gym contained myself, the four basketball teenagers, a middle aged white man with a two year old daughter, and a bespectacled white grade school boy. 615 PM Donald, who I used to call 'Black Buddha' joined the teenage boys to play basketball ith them, the solitary young adult white male basketballer and the man and his little daughter left. 635 PM two of the teen-age basketballers were still hanging around. About 700 PM 2 young adult white males, a black teenager, and a brown teenager entered to play basketball. 711 PM two over-weight white teenage females entered to play basketball.
The teenage basketballers saw me while I was red-hot the first half-hour and said nothing--but at least they did not complain about all the cones, one of the cones I must admit was somewhat in their way. At 743 PM I had a fantastic high speed tightly controlled long air-dribble run, while one of the basketballers was on my left and the other on my right throwing a football back and forth. I remember one of the basketballers was this six foot tall thin bald bearded bespectacled guy. They saw the great 743 PM run and said nothing. But at least the two grade school boys who were in the gym at the beginning looked sort of wide eyed and shocked. I remember one of them wore a yellow shirt and the other a red shirt. I think one of them said in a very quiet small voice, 'he's God...'--but I am not sure, hard to be sure of things when people speak at a low volume and you are wearing ear-plugs.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1131 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1483 words. Total 2614 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
med thickness
blue soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 28 '07
Waltham Y Gym
633-748 PM

75 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx ? liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine approx ? hours before practice; today was a NC day. Also a 1-CG day
Before practice consumed ???
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 27, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
The ideal that I strove for, was: 1st touch--left foot; 2nd touch-header; 3rd touch--foot; 4th touch--header; 5th touch--foot. The ideal I strove for was, that all this should be done at a sprint, with the ball never touching the ground, with the 1st touch at 0 yds; 2nd touch: 3 yds; 3rd touch: 7 yds; 4th touch: 11 yds; 5th touch: 15 yds
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration. Notes of the type that used to be found in this section may be attached to the runs in the Oct 16 entry table.
The notes taken during the practice session were very laconic this time, maybe because I had only 75 minutes.
During the practice session I felt like I was regressing from my performance on October 27. I felt like today was the first day in weeks, on which I did not excel my performance of the previous day. This because I was not as successful at adhering to the LHKH pattern, meaning, ball kicked with left foot on first touch, headed on 2nd touch, kicked with left or right foot on 3rd touch, and headed on 4th touch.
But after I typed up this entry working from the notebook notes made on Oct 28 on Oct 31 wednesday night, what I  felt was this: even if I am failing to adhere to the LHKH pattern, the air-dribble runs are often spectacular, tight, fast, traveling a long distance without a bounce, and are distinctly and significantly superior to the air-dribble runs I used to do before I started the LHKH drills on October 16 twelve days ago. This because they are faster, tighter in the sense of distance between touches, & fail in the sense of the ball bouncing along the way or getting out of control a lesser percentage of the time.
In other words, constantly attempting to adhere to the LHKH pattern on the air-dribble runs, improved my performance on air-dribble runs in which the LHKH pattern was not adhered to. 
The LHKH pattern was decided upon after reviewing what happened when I would do the drills in which I would intercept the ball after it bounced off the wall and start an air-dribble. I had concluded that the LHKH pattern was the natural typical pattern when commencing an air-dribble off of a ball that bounces towards one or come towards one on the fly.  Could be that as I evolve as a player other patterns might become more common and natural on such air-dribble runs.
Thus not to under-estimate the importance of the improvement in terms of air-dribble runs that deviate from the intended LHKH pattern.
The whole point of these drills featuring an attempt to adhere to the LHKH pattern is  the improvement of the air-dribble that is commenced off a ball bouncing towards me or volleyed in the air towards me.
It would be sort of like a nutty coach, or a crazy general in a movie, to get obsessed with what percentage of the time I succeed in adhering exactly to the intended LHKH pattern.  Nevertheless keeping in mind what percentage of the time I succeed in exactly adhering to the LHKH pattern is important, a good motivator, helps to improve performance in terms of adhering to LHKH pattern and otherwise.
Seems performance would be better than today if time between when out of bed and when practice begins were increased.
Faces in the Crowd
None the gym was empty this practice session save for myself
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 787 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 696 words. Total 1483 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type. Written-typed on night of Wednesday Oct 31, after Wednesday Oct 31 practice.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
??? soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

October 31 '07
Waltham Y Gym
749-949 PM

120 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx ? liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine approx 1 liter wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a NC day. Also a 0.25-CG day.
Before practice consumed 1 coffee with cream & sugar, pizza slice crusts, wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, 6 oz water
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I missed soccer practice on October 29 & October 30. My guess is that stress-producing messages left on my answering machine by a rejected-by-society, panicky guy, is one reason I missed the practices. Seems the spirits of persons are contagious, and some spirits are more contagious than others. Rejected-by-society panicky types and drunks seems to have especially contagious spirits. Another contributing factor could be that avoiding CGs & the NC lifestyle have in some ways made me lazier.
I repeated what I did October 28, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
The ideal that I strove for, was: 1st touch--left foot; 2nd touch-header; 3rd touch--foot; 4th touch--header; 5th touch--foot. The ideal I strove for was, that all this should be done at a sprint, with the ball never touching the ground, with the 1st touch at 0 yds; 2nd touch: 3 yds; 3rd touch: 7 yds; 4th touch: 11 yds; 5th touch: 15 yds
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration. Notes of the type that used to be found in this section may be attached to the runs in the Oct 16 entry table.
Today the long fast non-LHKH pattern runs were being done much better than before I started the drill attempting the LHKH pattern on October 16.
The main problem today as on October 28 seems to be, not enough time between when out of bed, and start of practice, impairs performance. On Oct 28 I felt I did not equal the performance of  Oct 27, and today Oct 31 again I did not feel I equalled Oct 27.
Today I did not have the advantage of being able to see the typed up report re the previous day's practice, as the report re the previous day's practice was not typed up until after today's practice.
Faces in the Crowd
Jose the maintenance man from Brazil entered the gym approx 915 PM and chatted with me. He told me he is from Rio De Janeiro in Brazil. His friend was at that time taking his little son swimming. He asked me when I started playing soccer I told him when I was about seven years old. He said that on Saturdays he goes to Providence Rhode Island to play soccer with a bunch of Brazilians who drink beer and smoke cigars while they play soccer. He said there is a crime problem in the big cities in Brazil. He said he has lived in Australia and also in Canada; he said his wife is Italian. He said it is very good for him (I think he means financially) to be in the USA.
The way Jose looked at me when I told him I had been playing since I was seven, and something else he said, and the way he looked when I told him about the Brazilians at the Oak Sq Y on Tuesday nights, gave me the feeling that he had some kind of contempt for the Oak Sq Y, mainly because of how Tariq had implied that I was an inexperienced player--seemed that somehow he had read my soccer log that you are reading here or heard something through the grapevine.
I tried to explain to Jose how the heat and the humidity at Oak Sq Y impaired my performance.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 709 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1139 words. Total 1848 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type. Written-typed on night of Wednesday Oct 31, after Wednesday Oct 31 practice.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thin white soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

November 1 '07
Waltham Y Gym
804-950 PM

106 minutes L3H+Extension Runs;
0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 1 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a C day (c does not stand for cocaine). Also a 3-CG day.
Before practice consumed 1 coffee with cream & sugar, 2 slices Borowsky 12-grain bread, wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice
Felt a little melancholic from listening to somewhat-melancholic ('For Everman') Jackson Browne tunes the evening before (IMHO Browne was an excellent artist but some of his tunes can produce melancholic nostalgia in me)
Note: for a few weeks now I have been avoiding garlic as it is supposed to slow reaction times.

Extended L3H Air-Dribble Runs, Runs Continued Beyond the Header after the First Kick
Emphasis on reducing distance between 2nd & 3rd touch while maintaining speed
Runs extended to 4th touch
I repeated what I did October 31, use the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs. The object again as yesterday was to roll the ball back, flip the ball up,  kick the ball with the left (1st touch), sprint 3 yds forwards at full speed and head the ball (2nd touch); continue the full speed sprint and kick the ball at a point a minimal distance away from the 2nd touch point (3rd touch).
And today I usually attempted to continue the sprint forwards after the 3rd touch and head/thigh/kick the ball (4th touch) at a point a minimal distance away from where the ball was touched for the 3rd touch.
The ideal that I strove for, was: 1st touch--left foot; 2nd touch-header; 3rd touch--foot; 4th touch--header; 5th touch--foot. The ideal I strove for was, that all this should be done at a sprint, with the ball never touching the ground, with the 1st touch at 0 yds; 2nd touch: 3 yds; 3rd touch: 7 yds; 4th touch: 11 yds; 5th touch: 15 yds
Today I recorded in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, every run made today, again no run was excluded due to it being supposedly an 'insignificant' aberration. Notes of the type that used to be found in this section may be attached to the runs in the Oct 16 entry table.
Again today I was aiming for 52 degree angle on the first kick this is the angle I aim for unless otherwise noted.
Notes taken during practice laconic. Felt unusually tired during the practice. After the practice I felt that: I started out strong, then got worse at about the half-way point, then got better towards the end; there was alot of success adhering to the LHKH pattern today.
Seems that when before the run I remind myself to try to do the LHKH pattern, then I succeed in doing the LHKH pattern.
Faces in the Crowd
The Pop Warner cheerleaders were supposed to be out at 730 PM, they did not get out until 755 PM. This adult white female was angrily shouting at about a dozen of them, right in the middle of the basketball court, until 755 PM. I could not make out what she was saying, I was wearing earplugs, I was resting my mind and hearing her shout without understanding what she was saying.
There was a young white clean-shaven adult male shooting baskets in the gym while I was there from the beginning at 804 PM. He wore white sleeveless T-shirt, yellow pants with a black letter M on them. In the past I have seen him wearing a 'Navy' sweatshirt.  When he dribbled the basketball it hit the ground so hard that it made a thunderous noise, & I was wearing earplugs. 846 PM a black male teenage basketballer entered the gym. 851 PM the white basketballer exited. 900 PM the white basketballer re-entered. 916 PM the white basketball re-entered after having left again and the black basketballer exited.  934 PM the white basketballer exited.
I turned around after finishing one of the best runs of the day and caught the white basketballer looking at me as he picked up the basketball. His eyes were big and wide and he had a wry half-smile, Mona-Lisa type smile on his face.
Likewise I turned around after finishing another of my best runs of the day, & the white hispanic lady with the bushy black hair who mops the gym floor was looking at the floor, with the same wry Mona-Lisa type half-smile on her face.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 699 words in length, plus the additions to the the Tuesday Oct 16 table made today, amounted to 1109 words. Total 1808 words.  Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
thick maroon
(as in U-high Maroons my
high school
team) soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 p

Nov 3
Historical Analysis of
Oct 16 Table Data
Table Showing Historical Performance in Achieving LHKH, LHKH+ Pattern
Based on Data in Table in Oct 16 Entry
The table shows for each practice session the number of times the LHKH, LHKHK, LHKHKH, & LHKHKHK or longer pattern was achieved. LHKH means the pattern of air dribble forwards featuring on first touch ball kicked with left, on 2nd touch ball headed, on third touch ball kicked/hit with thigh, on 4th touch ball headed. LHKHK is the same with an additional kick/thigh-hit at the end; LHKHKH is the same as LHKHK with an additional header at the end; LHKHKHK is the same as LHKHKH with an additional kick/thigh-hit at the end. For each date the number of runs adhering to each pattern is shown, the top number in a table cell shows the number of runs started with a low ball that adhered to the pattern, the middle number in a cell shows the number of runs started with a medium ball that adhered to the pattern, the bottom number in a cell shows the number of runs starting with a high ball that adhered to the given pattern. An LHKH run is awarded 4 points, a LHKHK run is awarded 5 points, a LHKHKH run is awarded 6 points, and a LHKHKHK (or longer featuring head vs thigh/foot alternation run is awarded 7 points.  
4 pts
5 pts
6 pts
7 pts




















You might say, what an over-attention to detail, but I have already recorded in previous entries in this log, how it appears that you get what you score for in terms of performance. Meaning, that when you score a practice session so as to give a high score to certain kinds of performance, you get improvement in the kind of performance that is scored highly.
On November 1 there were 0.27 runs per minute, the runs were not so numerous because of the time spent noting the results of each run. If the average score for each run was 5 points as awarded for a LHKHK run, this would come to 1.35 points per minute. Thus I estimate that a score of 1.35 runs per minute is a Greek-God type of score and status.
On Oct 18 my score was  0.08 points per minute. On November 1 it was 0.43 points per minute. That amounts to a 0.35 rise over 14 days, 2 weeks. So I now estimate that I will reach this Greek-God type level, five weeks from today, assuming that every two weeks my points per minute score rises by 0.35.
Alternatively you could say (simply be using a compound interest calculator in an unorthodox way) ( ) that over the past 2 weeks my points per minute has been rising by 12.8 percent per day, and so therefore if the points per minute keeps rising at a rate of 12.8 percent a day, I will be at the 'godly' level of 1.35 points per minute in 9.5 days.
Averaging 9.5 days and five weeks which is 35 days you get 22 days, 3 weeks as the  amount of time it will take for me to reach the 'Greek-God' type level of 1.35 points per minute.
Subjectively speaking, it has felt like it has been such rough going to get to the point of 0.43 points per minute that I am now at, that it feels as if it would take much longer to attain to 1.35 points per minute.
It should be kept in mind that on these runs there is always a very strong emphasis on speed and keeping the ball off the ground, and keeping the ball tightly controlled. For example I never on the 3rd touch with the foot, attempt to merely kick the ball so that it bounces and then bend down and head it. I always try to on the 3rd touch kick the ball up so that I can head it at a point a minimal distance away from the 3rd touch point at high speed. Were I to de-emphasize speed, being so to speak 'airborne' or keeping the ball off the ground, and tightness of control or minimal distance run between touches, I might be able to get my score in terms of points per minute up to a higher level, but I do not intend to de-emphasize these things.
Clerical Note: This Entry is 1152 words in length

November 9 '07
Waltham Y Gym
927 AM-1200 Noon

80 minutes researching footwork pattern on LHKHK Runs
73 minutes LHKHK Run Attempts Adhering to Footwork Pattern

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0.2 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a C day (c does not stand for cocaine). Also a 4-CG day.
Before practice consumed 2 coffee with cream & sugar, 2 slices Borowsky 12-grain bread each with a 'natural' no artificial ingredients Oscar Mayer hot dogs, wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice
Return to Practice After 8 Day Rest
First Morning Practice in A Long Time
The practice started at 927 AM, been a long time since I last practiced in the morning. For various reasons I missed practice for 8 days. I realized that I had to get in the habit of practicing in the morning. I felt too decrepit to do it but I did it, as usual once I had been practicing for 20 minutes I no longer felt too decrepit to do the practice.
Research Into Footwork Pattern on LHKH+ Runs
I had concluded that I should get a detailed understanding of what the footwork pattern is on successful LHKHK runs. I did several LH runs with the ball while watching my footwork pattern. Then I figured out the subsequent footwork patterns without the ball by sprinting past marker cones.
I concluded that the pattern on an ideal full-speed LHKHK Run is as follows:
LK(1) LRL H(2)R LR LK(3) RL H(4) RL RK(5)
Meaning: I roll the ball back with my left foot, flip it up with my left foot, kick it forward with my left foot (1st touch); then I step forward with my left foot meaning I put my left foot forwards, step forward with my right foot, step forward with my left foot, step forward with my right foot and head the ball a moment before my right foot hits the ground (2nd touch); step forward with my left, step forward with my right, step forward with my left and kick the ball with my left foot a moment before the left foot touches the ground (3rd touch); step forward putting my right foot forwards, step forward putting my left foot forward, step forward putting my right foot forward and head the ball before the right foot touches the ground (4th touch); and, step forward with my left foot, step forward with my right foot and kick the ball a moment before the right foot touches the ground (5th touch).  
LHKH+ Air-Dribble Runs
Emphasis on Footwork Pattern
I had decided that I should do the LHKH+ Runs based on footwork pattern instead of based on visual sighting of cones. Up until today I would use cones marking the 3, 7, 11, and 15 yard distances from the start, to guide me with regards to where I would attempt to place the ball during the air-dribble runs.
What I mean by based on footwork pattern, is that for example the mind is instructed to head the ball, step forward with the left, step forward with the right, and then kick the ball with the left; in this method the cone markers are not used to target the ball.
My hypothesis before I started today's practice was that I will accelerate improvement by combining the visual eye on cone marker method used in past days, with the number of paces method used today, with regards to using the mind to spot the ball on the touches.
Previously when I had improved my ground dribbling, I improved by dribbling in patterns such as kick with left, step forward with right, step forward with left, kick with right and etc. This kind of pattern practice resulting in me resembling a 'natural' dribbler from a 'soccer country' much more.
Also, again,  previously when I had improved my air-dribbling, I improved by dribbling in patterns such as kick with left, step forward with right, step forward with left, kick with right and etc.
So I did LHKH+ Air Dribble Runs from 1047-1200 based on footwork/headwork pattern, meaning I attempted to adhere to the exact footwork pattern described above, the 'LK(1) LRL H(2)R LR LK(3) RL H(4) RL RK(5)' pattern on each run. I ran the runs at a slower pace than the usual full speed sprint, due to the added difficulty of the precision of attempting to take exactly the same steps between touches and touching the ball in exactly the same way on each touch.  
I used the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs.
The ideal that I strove for, was: 1st touch--left foot; 2nd touch-header; 3rd touch--foot; 4th touch--header; 5th touch--foot. The ideal I strove for was, that all this should be done at about 70% of full sprint speed, with the ball never touching the ground, with the 1st touch at 0 yds; 2nd touch: 3 yds; 3rd touch: 7 yds; 4th touch: 11 yds; 5th touch: 15 yds
Today for a change I DID NOT record in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, any of the runs made today, I had decided that I needed time doing some runs without keeping track of exactly what happened on each run or keeping score. Could be simply not keeping record of what happened on each run, not keeping score, could be a better relaxing change of pace than say swimming, in terms of the effect on overall soccer performance.  
Today I was aiming for the 60 degree angle on the first kick as I was trying to slow things down.
From 1047 to 1200 PM in 73 minutes I achieved (ball not bouncing during the run): the LHK pattern several times; the LHKH pattern 10 times; and the LHKHK pattern 2 times.
Faces in the Crowd
The white young adult female in charge of the 'Sports Movement' class which is scheduled to be from 1000-1045 AM in one half of the gym, came up to me to make the false claim that the whole gym belonged to her. But they figured out she was wrong.
The middle-aged white basketball guys took over the gym at noon for their basketball game. I took special note of this a little below average in height white guy with a brown mustache. I remembered how once when I was practicing soccer while they were playing basketball on the other side, during 'open gym', he complained about how if the soccer ball rolled into their basketball game one of them could break an ankle, and this comment of his had disgusted me, I remember he was wearing some kind of Fire Dept T-shirt when he had said this, this was months before the fire that killed the two fire-fighters in the area.
Today he was wearing this T-shirt that said 'Raiders' on the front; and on the back it said, 'play hard or go home'; on the back there was a picture of a black haired clean-shaven white guy with red cheeks wearing a red headband, with a feather at the front of the headband, looking down at the ground and walking somewhere, I think maybe carrying a white flag, I suppose this was supposed to be the idea of the guy who did not play hard who was being banished to go home. This image of the banished reminded me too much of myself. I often wear a red headband, I am clean-shaven, I am a type of white, I have black hair, I am not the most upbeat or hard-working guy, I've been avoiding basketball.
But I still remember how years ago when I dabbled in basketball, shooting baskets at the Waltham Y, I got to the point where I could succeed on 40% of my attempts with this shot which was a running jump shot from 24 feet which is the pro distance for 3 point shots (college distance for 3 pt is 21 feet).
Maybe I should dabble in basketball games with these guys. But to do that I would have to be in good shape...things that cause stress to me, screw up my attempts to get in good shape.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1350 words in length. Took approximately ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
med thick blue
soccer socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 p

November 10 '07
Waltham Y Gym
1005 AM-1200 Noon

115 minutes LHKHK Run Attempts Adhering to Footwork Pattern

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0.2 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a C day. Also a 4-CG day.
Before practice consumed 1.5 cups coffee with non-dairy cream & cane sugar,  wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

LHKH+ Air-Dribble Runs
Emphasis on Footwork Pattern
Again I did the LHKH+ Runs based on footwork pattern instead of based on visual sighting of cones. Up until today I would use cones marking the 3, 7, 11, and 15 yard distances from the start, to guide me with regards to where I would attempt to place the ball during the air-dribble runs.
I used the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs.
Today again I DID NOT record in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, any of the runs made today, again I did the runs without keeping track of exactly what happened on each run.
Today again I was aiming for the 60 degree angle on the first kick as I was trying to slow things down.
From 1005 to 1100 AM in 55 minutes I achieved (ball not bouncing during the run): the LHK pattern several times; the LHKH pattern 12 times; the LHKHK pattern 4 times; LHKHKH 2 times; LHKHKHK 1 time; and LHKHKHKH 2 times.
Thus by the system of scoring introduced previously, in which LHKH is 4 pts, LHKHK 5, LHKHKH 6, LHKHKHK 7, and LHKHKHKH 8 points, in the first 55 minutes there were  103 points, which comes to 1.9 points per minute.
From 1100 AM to 1200 noon,  I achieved (ball not bouncing during the run): the LHK pattern several times; the LHKH pattern 14 times; the LHKHK pattern 8 times; LHKHKH 0 times; LHKHKHK 0 times; and LHKHKHKH 0 times. Thus 2nd half in 60 minutes the score was 96 points in 60 minutes, 1.6 points per minute.
Total for day, 199 points in 115 minutes, 1.73 pts per minute.
Yesterday on Nov 9,  there were 50 points in 73 minutes, 0.68 points per minute.
Previously on Nov 1 (see table Nov 3 entry), the score was 0.43 points per minute, but on Nov 1 the drill was different, the emphasis was on full speed sprint during the air-dribble, and the headers and kicks were aimed visually using cone markers, as opposed to what was done today, headers and kicks aimed to be caught after a given number of paces. Another difference is that Nov 9 yesterday I estimate the average speed of the runs at 70% of full speed, today I estimate the average speed at 65% of full speed, on Nov 1 the average speed was more like 90% of full speed or faster.  Another difference is that when I do the drill as I did it today, there is strong emphasis on taking only the prescribed number of paces between touches. If during the run I exceed the prescribed number of paces between touches by more than one pace during the course of the run, I do not count the run as a successful LHKH, LHKHK etc. run, when I am doing the patterned-version of the drill as done today.
Another difference is that on Nov 1, there was one run every 2.7 minutes; whereas my estimate is that today with less detailed note-taking and slower less tiring runs, there was 1 run every 1.3 minutes. Therefore I estimate that the score of 0.43 points per minute of Nov 1 would have to be adjusted to 0.89 points per minute to be compared to the scores of today Nov 10 and yesterday Nov 9.
Nov 1 I estimated that I would be at a god-like level if I could get the score to 1.35 points per minute, I was doing the speed-emphasis version of the LHKH+ drill. For the Pattern-emphasis version of the LHKH+ drill as done today, I estimate that I would have to get the score to 3.8 points per minute to be at a god-like level, this has to do with the fact that when I do the pattern emphasis there is less note taking, the runs are slower and less tiring, the balls easier to retrieve.
So since yesterday I was at 0.7 points per minute, today I was at 1.7 points per minute, and the god-like level for the drill as I am doing it now is 3.8 points per minute, you could say that I will be at the god-like level for the emphasis-on-footwork-pattern version of the drill in two days assuming I improve at the rate of 1.0 points per day.
The most common variation from the prescribed footwork pattern today, was that after the 3rd touch with the foot, I would sometimes take 3 paces before heading the ball instead of 2 as prescribed by the so-to-speak 'flight pattern'.
3 times today runs were disrupted by the marker cones. The marker cones are still out there but today I was not using them to spot the touches, I was just telling my mind: 'I want to be able to kick the ball two paces after I head it" and etc. Today I was using the cones to judge things like how many yards separated the touches; and I wanted to keep everything the same, not startle myself through unusual stuff like an absence of cones.
I discovered that this pattern emphasis version produces runs with shorter distances between touches than the speed-emphasis version; today there were several successful runs featuring less than 3 yds between touches. It is good news that my ability to minimize the distance between touches is continuing to improve dramatically.
Faces in the Crowd
During the first half this white adult female wearing glasses, carrying her baby in a knapsack like thing, was walking back and forth about 5 yards to my right. Twice I aborted runs to make sure I did not collide with her. This woman left at 1024 AM.
This cheerful middle-aged white man, clean shaven, a little bit below average in height named Randy, was in my side of the gym during the first half. He said he recently moved here from Seattle.
During the first half there were kids on the other side of the gym separated from me by the big blue divider curtain. 'Alberto', this hispanic boy came in and talked with me half way through the first half and then left. He wanted to know what I was doing. Alberto gives me the impression of not wanting to compliment me because he is jealous of me; some of the hispanic boys seem like that to me but others of them compliment me filling the compliment-void left by the 'gringos'--shows the danger in generalizing about ethnic groups. The compliment-void is a problem as I follow the rule to not compliment yourself but let others compliment you. It seems insane to me that a 14 year old boy should feel competitively jealous of an adult. In the first half there was present also a white teenager basketballer male for a little while.
  1100 AM beginning of second half, the kids group in the other half finished up, a black boy entered at 1115 AM, by 1138 AM my side of the gym was empty except for me for the first time all day.
As I was finishing up this clean shaven, about six foot two inch tall young adult white male who seemed to be European, and his little I guess six year old daughter were playing soccer with my ball. The girl was frisky and cute, and seemd smart. I went and asked the father for my ball, I told him that if I asked the girl to give me my ball she would cry. Then the girl ran and sat, very quiet and still, underneath a desk that her mother was sitting next to; I never saw the American children run and sit beneath a desk still and quiet beneath a desk like that. And her mother sitting next to her muttered, "Americans..." in a tone of disdain.
And to be fair, re the basketballer guy I talked about yesterday, when they came in, twice I heard him loudly say, "He's Pele". I realize he was talking about me, but yesterday I got too involved in detailing the history of how he had annoyed me previously to mention that he said that. I guess it just goes to show, individuals are a mix of things that annoy us such as complaints, and things we like such as compliments.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1442 words in length. Took approximately 90 minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 2 Layers of Sole Padding;
gray dress socks
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 p

November 12 '07
Waltham Y Gym
1010 AM-1200 Noon
110 minutes LHKHK Run Attempts Adhering to Footwork Pattern

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a C day. Also a 3-CG day.
Before practice consumed 1-2 cups coffee with non-dairy cream & cane sugar,  wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast, & a cold refrigerated Taco Bell Burrito Supreme
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

LHKH+ Air-Dribble Runs
Emphasis on Footwork Pattern
Again I did the LHKH+ Runs based on footwork pattern instead of based on visual sighting of cones to guide me with regards to where I would attempt to place the ball during the air-dribble runs.
I used the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs.
Today again I DID NOT record in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, any of the runs made today, again I did the runs without keeping track of exactly what happened on each run.
Today again I was aiming for the 60 degree angle on the first kick as I was trying to slow things down.
The idea today was that it should be a relaxing practice like swimming, with the results unscored. But though I tried to turn off the counter in my brain, my brain still insisted on counting how many times I achieved the LHKH pattern or better (better meaning LHKHK, LHKHKH etc).
From 1005 to 1100 AM in 55 minutes I achieved (ball not bouncing during the run): at least the LHKH pattern 28 times; from 1100 AM to 1200 noon I achieved at least the LHKH pattern 33 times.
Yesterday the average points per run that achieved LHKH pattern or better, was 4.63. Thus I estimate that today in the first half, I scored 2.4 points per minute, and in the second half, 2.5 points per minute, total for day, 2.5 points per minute.
Yesterday the score for the day was 1.7 points per minute. Thus you could say that at this rate I will be at the 'god-like' level of 3.8 points per min in two more days.
Today I noticed improvement in terms of tightness of control, and speed. The best runs today were better than the best runs yesterday.
Today the second half was not worse than the first half. Today for some reason I felt like I was breathing in crisp clean air, as if I was breathing in mentholated air. A difference today was 2 capfuls of wheat germ oil instead of the usual 1, and 3 vitamin E capsules instead of the usual 1, and the burrito eaten before the practice.
The most common variation from the prescribed footwork pattern today, was again that after the 3rd touch with the foot, I would sometimes take 3 paces before heading the ball instead of 2 as prescribed by the so-to-speak 'flight pattern'. During the scoring of these patterned LHKH+ runs, I do not penalize myself if for instance the two paces between touches are left first then right when according to the pattern they are supposed to be right first and then left.
The patterned approach, adhering closely to a footwork choreography, forces me to keep the ball close to my body.
It is a form of common sense, that progress is achieved in things like LHKH pattern air dribble runs by first slowing things down and refining technique; the patterned runs are slower than the non-pattern adherence ones.
Faces in the Crowd
During the first half an elder East Asian man was in the gym shooting baskets and talking on his cell phone.
From 1100 AM to 1121 AM this group of disabled adults entered the gym along with this white yellow haired lady who was their so to speak shepherd. She said I did not need to move the cones they only needed a little space.
During the second half, this white man who looked to be in his fifties brought these five grade school, about fourth grade, boys into the gym. He asked me for permission that they should play basketball I told him this was open gym they could do whatever they wanted to. Iam not on the Y staff, I do not wear any Y insignia, yet people ask me for permission to do this or that. I asked him if he wanted me to move the marker cones out of the way he said no for this I give him credit, the cones marking my flight path sort of cramped the boys, I set them up when nobody was in the gym but me.
One of the boys put a cone he knocked over back into place. Then later they knocked over two cones and ignored them. I felt that the boys made some but not enough effort to stay out of my way. I did some great runs in front of them, they acted as if nothing remarkable had happened. But they were constantly shouting enthusiastically about some 'feat' one of them had just performed with the basketball. I admit, boys like that get me depressed somewhat.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 803 words in length. Took approximately 40 minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 Layer "Propel-Gel" Sole Padding;
white sweat-socks; new 45" white shoelaces
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

November 13 '07
Waltham Y Gym
1010 AM-1200 Noon

110 minutes LHKHK Run Attempts Adhering to Footwork Pattern

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0.3 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a C day. Also a 3-CG day.
Before practice consumed 2 cups coffee with non-dairy cream & cane sugar,  wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast,  no solid food
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice
Woke up approx 500 AM, 5 hours before practice

LHKH+ Air-Dribble Runs
Emphasis on Footwork Pattern
Again I did the LHKH+ Runs based on footwork pattern instead of based on visual sighting of cones to guide me with regards to where I would attempt to place the ball during the air-dribble runs.
If something like what an LHKH pattern is, is left unexplained in an entry such as this, that means the explanation is given in a previous entry. LHKH with emphasis on footwork pattern means: kick ball with left, run 2-3 paces forward, head ball, run 2 paces forward, kick ball, run 2 paces forward, and head ball, all without ball touching ground.
I used the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs.
Every time, before the first kick, the following 'mantra' was in my mind: 'knee max ankle min angle force and do your best'. Which means, on the first kick maximize the use of your knee, minimize the use of the ankle, concentrate on kicking the ball at the proper angle with the proper level of force, and do your best'. I have been using this mantra for several days now.
Today again I DID NOT record in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, any of the runs made today, again I did the runs without keeping track of exactly what happened on each run.
Today again I was aiming for the 60 degree angle on the first kick as I was trying to slow things down.
Again the idea today was that it should be a relaxing practice like swimming, with the minimal scoring/taking-notes.  
From 1010 to 1110 AM in 60 minutes I achieved (ball not bouncing during the run): at least the LHKH pattern 52 times; from 1110 AM to 1200 noon I achieved at least the LHKH pattern 49 times.
On Nov 11,  the average points per run that achieved LHKH pattern or better, was 4.63. Thus I estimate that today in the first half, I scored 4.0 points per minute, and in the second half, 4.5 points per minute, total for day, 4.3 points per minute. Yesterday the score for the day was 2.5 points per minute.
Previously I had estimated that when I got to 3.8 points per minute, I would be 'god-like'; and today I was already at 4.3 points per day.
No doubt it was a great day featuring dramatic improvement; but despite the score that is supposed to indicate I am now above a god, I admit that I am still below a God.
This because in the zeal to achieve a high score, there are more and more runs per minute, and at the same time the score is judged on a per minute basis. Notably the scoring being done on a per minute as opposed to a per attempt basis results in me hustling very hard during practice, getting a good workout.
Another reason I am not a god yet, even though the score of 4.3 shows me as being above the god-like level that  I estimated to be 3.8, is that there are runs that I would consider to be so-to-speak 'ungodly', that still by my scoring method register as a succesful LHKH or better. For example the way I have been scoring it if I bend my head down to below shoulder level to head the ball on the fourth touch, the run is counted as a success. Of course I do not want to encourage myself or others to bend down to head the ball as this is dangerous. On the other hand however, even though when I head the ball when it is at shoulder height this is a deviation from good form, it is nevertheless not that far away from good form, and I want to encourage myself to get at least close to good form.
The way I have been scoring it even if I veer away from running straight ahead for the course of the run, that is run off at a 45 degree angle or some other angle unintentionally when my intention is to run straight ahead for the entire run, I still count it as a success in terms of adhering to the LHKH or better pattern  if  >=LHKH pattern is adhered to (>= means greater than or equal to, meaning LHKH, or LHKHK or LHKHKH etc).
The way I have been scoring it, even if I slow down to a very slow pace as I make a touch the run is counted as a success if the >=LHKH pattern is adhered to.
Still the majority of the runs counted as successes were fell formed runs and several were spectacular. I guess that about ten percent were low quality runs that neverthess qualified as a success. Though I tried hard to achieve a high score this did not slow me down to a snail's pace or anything like that. I guess that the average speed like yesterday was about 65% of max full speed. At the same time compared to yesterday there were more fast runs that adhered to pattern and the fast runs that adhered to pattern were faster. This was compensated for by a larger number of slow runs.
There were several great god-like runs today that were long, 15 yards in length, done at a high speed of around 85% of max sprint speed, with the ball very tightly controlled, and with the patterns such as LHKHKHK etc adhered to, lots of touches, the ball never touching the ground, alternation between heading the ball and kicking it.
I felt that today was a classic example of how when you set up drills that are scored, you get in terms of performance what you are giving a high score to; and a classic example of how this principle can be used to get what you want out of yourself or out of some player you are coaching.
In my determination to achieve a high score I slowed things down to slower than a full sprint; this fulfilled my goal of slowing things down.
In my determination to achieve a high score I sort of minimized the distance between touches; this fulfilled my goal of tightening control by reducing the distance between touches.
In my determination to achieve a high score I gave 100% in terms of effort, concentration, skill, endurance.
The scored element of the runs was whether or not at least LHKH pattern was adhered to. The unscored element was what happened beyond LHKH, such as the KH after the LHKH in a LHKHKH run. Somehow I did well in terms of what was scored, which was runs that were at least LHKH; and at the same time, I did well in terms of what was not scored, which is what happened after the first four touches (the LHKH touches).
 What happened after the first four LHKH touches did not effect the score, this coincided with alot of virtuosity in terms of what happened after the first four touches. Falling short of adhering to pattern while keeping the ball off the ground for the first four touches did effect the score, and this coincided with good performance on the first four touches.
When I got home, I felt tired, I knew I had had a great practice, I knew the practice was evidence that I am on my way to being a soccer-god, a Pele or greater; and at the same time I felt sad. Seems --and I have noticed this before--the great performance in my eyes increased the gap between the way society treats me and the way society should treat me, and this made me feel sad.
Today I noticed improvement in terms of tightness of control, and speed. The best runs today were better than the best runs yesterday.
Faces in the Crowd
I went to the equipment closet that adjoins the gym before practice to get the cones out. The closet was locked. I went to the front desk and asked them to open the equipment closet for me so I could get the cones. The elderly white woman wearing spectacles, who had longish straight grayish-white hair, said to me in that 'charming' exasperated sarcastic stepmother-ish Massachussetts way of talking, 'what do you need cones for?'. Then 'Laurie', this young adult white female with wavy black hair who is some important Y staff, walked to the gym with me to open the closet. She strictly instructed me to not go in the closet, only staff are supposed to go in the equipment closet. She said this was due to safety considerations. She had me stand outside the closet while she got the cones.
Then I went to my locker and discovered that my ball that I thought was in my bag had disappeared. I went out to the parking lot to look in my car. It was not there. I walked back in the gym, and there it was lying against the wall of the main hallway. Maybe this little walk out to the car and back helped prepare me for the workout. The first 20 minutes were much better than on previous days (there is no warmup for me in these drills, the clock starts in terms of scoring with the first touch of the ball once I am out there in the gym).
There were about a half dozen toddlers about four years old and a few adults, all white, on the other side of the gym divided from me by the big blue curtain that they decided to draw between us. One of these adults was this clean-shaven brown haired medium build white guy around six feet one inch in height, who wore a T-shirt with a H for Harvard insignia on it. The kids seemed sort of fascinated by me before I started the practice. One of their balls rolled over to my side during the practice. I knocked it back to their side, and this little about 4 year old white child, looked at me and sweetly said, 'thank-you'; I said 'you're welcome'. The tone of voice and the facial expression of the child reminded me of a kindly grade school teacher, speaking to an admired student.
The adults and toddlers were on the other side during the first hour. I got to thinking, even when they cannot see me, they can hear all the steps I take, they can hear most of the touches on the ball, all this must register somewhere in their brains; and it seemed to me that they were aware of the significance of such registering in their brains. These toddlers seemed unusually mature, solemn, and adult like.
At one point during the practice, Lori was in the far corner of the gym as I looked at her and she said, 'Ya Pele'.
I know people are comparing me to Pele, but it is hard to get used to, I keep thinking that I am imagining that I am hearing people say things they are not actually saying, but I know that I am hearing what people actually are saying and not just imagining it.
Today for the entire practice there was nobody on my side of the gym and I did great. Maybe solitude is a plus when you are trying to develop a new skill by way of drill.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 1917 words in length. Took approximately  75 minutes to write/type.
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 Layer "Propel-Gel" Sole Padding;
white sweat-socks; new 45" white shoelaces
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

November 15 '07
Waltham Y Gym
714 AM-728 AM;
848-1134 AM
119 minutes
LHKH Run Attempts Adhering to Footwork Pattern
Emphasis on forgetting the score

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0.0 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a 0.1 C day. Also a 1-CG day.
Before practice consumed 2 cups coffee with non-dairy cream & cane sugar,  wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast,  and rice with spicy ham steak and vegetables
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

LHKH+ Air-Dribble Runs
Emphasis on Footwork Pattern
Emphasis on Forgetting Score
Again I did the LHKH+ Runs based on footwork pattern instead of based on visual sighting of cones to guide me with regards to where I would attempt to place the ball during the air-dribble runs.
LHKH with emphasis on footwork pattern means: kick ball with left, run 2-3 paces forward, head ball, run 2 paces forward, kick ball, run 2 paces forward, and head ball, all without ball touching ground.
I used the L3H Method 5 (see previous entries) for the first kick of the runs.
Every time, before the first kick, the usual 'mantra'  (see previous entry) was in my mind.
Today again I DID NOT record in the table found in the Tuesday Oct 16 entry, any of the runs made today, again I did the runs without keeping track of exactly what happened on each run.
Today again I was aiming for the 60 degree angle on the first kick as I was trying to slow things down.
Again the idea today was that it should be a relaxing practice like swimming, with the minimal scoring/taking-notes.  
Previously I had found that even when I try to forget how many times I have achieved the LHKH pattern or better, I am unable to. Today I continued with attempts at forgetting. Today I did not put any cone yard markers out on the floor, even though I have gotten used to having them out there.
From 714-28 AM, I attempted to forget about the number of times I achieved the LHKH pattern, by keeping count of how many times I did the first touch of the LHKH pattern which consists of kicking the ball with the left foot after rolling the ball back and flipping it up with the left foot. The idea was that keeping track of this would help me to forget how many times I achieved LHKH or LHKH+. Nevertheless, I was unable to forget how many times I achieved >=LHKH.
728 AM the basketballers started their scheduled full court game and I sat and watched. 853 AM I continued with LHKH pattern run attempts, while at the same time attempting to forget how many times I achieved the LHKH pattern or better. 853-911 AM I tried to forget how many times I achieved >=LHKH by keeping count of on how many runs the first touch was made, and also on how many runs both first touch and second touch were made. Still I was unable to forget how many times I achieved LHKH or better.
918-925 AM I tried to forget the LHKH/LHKH+ count by keeping track of on how many runs the first touch was made and on how many runs the third touch was made. Still I could not forget the LHKH+ count (LHKH+ means LHKH, OR with more touches than LHKH such as LHKHK, LHKHKH, LHKHKHK, etc.
929-1004 AM I tried to forget the LHKH+ count by keeping track of on how many runs the first touch was made, on how many runs the second touch was made, and on how many runs the third touch was made. Still I could not forget the LHKH+ count.
1010-1134 AM I tried to forget the LHKH+ count by keeping track of on how many runs the first touch was made, keeping track of on how many runs I achieved LHKH+, writing down the score every 10 runs, and setting the counters back to zero every 10 runs. This worked better when it came to forgetting the score than the other methods I tried.
Other possibilities are writing down the score and setting the mental counters to zero every 10 minutes, or every fifth time I achieve a successful LHKH run.
By the end of the day, I had some idea how many times I achieved a successful LHKH+ run, even though I tried to avoid such knowledge, due to the fact that I had some idea re the percentage or runs that resulted in the LHKH+ pattern being achieved, I had some idea regarding how many minutes I was doing runs and how many minutes I was resting, drinking water, taking notes etc. I could estimate that I was at around 45 LHKH+ runs per hour spent doing runs. Thus for all my trouble I had not succeeded in being able to forget the score, basically because I had an idea re how many successful LHKH runs occurred in a 10 attempt segment.
The results I recorded today were:
714-728 AM: 14 mins; 18 run attempts with at least the first touch executed; 5 LHKH+.
     With this pattern adherence, in the first 15-20 minutes I have usually encountered trouble, much more trouble than when doing full speed and not adhering to a footwork pattern.
853-911 AM: 18 mins; 20 runs with 1st touch executed; 20 runs with 2nd touch executed; 10 LHKH+.
NOTE: I could not help remembering how many times I achieved LHKH+ during these segments. On my main page of notes I wrote down a ? for how many times I achieved LHKH+; and on another page whose contents I hid from my eyes when making entries in it, I noted how many times I achieved LHKH+ during the given segment.
918-925 AM: 7 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 10 run attempts with at least 3rd touch executed; 5 LHKH+.
     So far there were a few fast 90-100% of max sprinting speed LHKH+ runs; for the first time in all these days, the LHKH+ runs were achieved with adherence to footwork pattern at speeds that I usually achieved LHKH+ runs without adherence to footwork pattern.
929-937 AM: 8 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 8 run attempts with 2nd touch executed; 8 run attempts with at least 3rd touch executed; 6 LHKH+.
943-951 AM: 8 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 10 run attempts with 2nd touch executed; 10 run attempts with at least 3rd touch executed; 5 LHKH+.
     At this point I noted that the fast LHKH+ runs at 90-100% speed were continuing to occur.
956-1004 AM: 8 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 9 run attempts with 2nd touch executed; 9 run attempts with at least 3rd touch executed; 6 LHKH+.
1011-1020: 9 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 6 LHKH+.
1030-1038: 8 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 7 LHKH+.
1040-1050: 10 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 5 LHKH+.
1058-1106: 8 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 7 LHKH+.
1108-1117: 9 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 5 LHKH+.
1119-1126: 7 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 4 LHKH+.
1129-1136: 7 mins; 10 run attempts with at least 1st touch executed; 7 LHKH+.
Thus in 119 minutes of doing runs, which is not counting the various breaks taken for various reasons, there were 78 LHKH+ runs, which comes out to 39 LHKH+ runs per hour. Whereas before I added everything up and did the calculations my estimate was that I was at a 45 per hour rate. Thus one could say that I still have not mastered the art of forgetting what the LHKH+ count is.
This practice seemed to be an example of how on one day you surge ahead in one way, and on another day you surge ahead in another way. Today I surged ahead in terms of achieving for the first time long fast 90-100% of max speed runs with lots of touches that adhered to the LHKH+ etc pattern and also adhered to the footwork pattern of usually two paces between touches. But I lagged back in terms of LHKH+ runs per minute. Today the quality of the average run counted as an LHKH+ success in the score was better than yesterday; there were less goofy runs today that counted as a score for the scorekeeping.
Seemed the spicy ham steak and rice and veggies before practice resulted in lots of drinking water and pissing during the practice. Not sure the effect on the quality.
Seemed that I was unusually tired during the practice today. This was because of: stress-creating message left on my answering machine (a guy who used to be a successful book-keeper ruined himself through drink and wants my help with this and that); temp being too cold while I was swimming due to a window behind a curtain left completely open and the weather/wind-direction changing; incense stick causing slight respiratory irritation; all of this adding up to a very slight cold. The 'opium' incense was ritzy from a ritzy store, I thought it would be cool/hip despite the bad news I have heard re the effect of incense on health but there you go. Seems burning herbs like sage or using the natural orange mist air freshener is better.
918-1004 today I gathered some interesting info re how many times I did the first touch on the runs, how many times the second, how many times the third, how many times LHKH+.
I cannot help but congratulating myself on what a great chess move it was on my part to switch from full speed LHKH+ runs to footwork pattern adherence LHKH+ runs. The pattern adherence LHKH+ runs are becoming full speed runs and so after sagging back to slow speed, I am now back to speed, light years ahead of where I was originally before I sagged back into slow speed footwork pattern adherence.
Faces in the Crowd
The basketballers who play full court basketball started their games at 728 AM and continued till 848 AM. I was thinking, why do they reserve the whole court from 700 AM when they start at 728 AM?
I admit  that as I watched them play, I was thinking to myself, that 'alot of people, are what they think others think they should be, not what they themselves think a person should be'.
This one basketballer, nice looking,clean shaven black haired adult male with a hairy chest, slim to average build, asked me if I wanted to play, he told me that they count jump shots outside the 3 point line as 3 points, I told him this was important to me because I could hit 40% of pro distance 3 pointers on the run.  He was the basketballer that stood out during the games as I watched. He plays very unselfishly, very good at teamwork, alot of hustle, smart passer, smart rebounder, good on defense, good at everything other than shooting and not a bad shot.
The basketballers probably saw some of the end of the first 714-728 AM segment during which I felt clumsy (if I do not report any warmup activities here that means there was no warmup, the 714-28 segment contained my first touches on the ball of the day).
As I watched I observed how long their games were; I saw 5 games, that averaged 12.6 minutes in length. The breaks between games averaged 3 minutes in length. I need to know such stuff if I decide to get in the kind of condition that will allow me to excel if I join their games. I'd like to join in their games but soberly speaking I realize that time and energy put into basketball is time and energy that could be put into soccer.
I think the basketballers also saw the beginning of the 853-911 segment.
About 1000 AM there were five toddlers and five parents on the other side of the gym; 1010 AM they pulled out the big blue curtain that divided my half of the gym from theirs.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 2020 words in length. Took approximately  75 minutes. Midway through writing this entry, the air conditioner lost power, the computer restarted; I lost a little work; I probably would have lost alot of work were I not in the nervous habit of saving my work often. 
Adidas Bracara Indoors Shoes with 1 Layer "Propel-Gel" Sole Padding;
black sweat-socks; new 45" white shoelaces
New Adidas Teamgeist
at Olympia
Sports Watertown MA, October 9 '07
inflated to 7.5 psi

November 16 '07

Basketball Drills Chart
Link for Copying
Basketball Drills/Moves Chart that can be Copied
Seems like there has developed alot of basketball playing at the Y. They play full court games at 7 AM and noon almost every day, the Cambridge School of Weston practices very earnestly almost every afternoon at 300 PM.
So I caught the basketball bug, I went back to the kind of heavy thinking and planning regarding basketball dribbling moves I used to do years ago. This morning I made some quick breakthroughs sitting at my desk thinking out the chess-like strategy of the basketball dribble move; then as time wore on the thinking became hard, almost head-achy.
Just as I came to realize that being very thoughtful is important in soccer, so also I figure the importance of being very thoughtful is under-rated in basketball.
I decided not to share with the world the details re the basketball moves that I have developed. I am ahead in soccer, I share with the world my knowledge and experience of soccer; but I am behind in basketball. Reminds of the scripture:
Gen 1:16  And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night
But one thing I will  share with the world of necessity, is that in US college, US high school, and international FIBA rules, (, when you end your dribble by catching the ball, after you catch the ball, the foot that hits the ground first has to be the pivot foot; and if both feet hit the ground simultaneously, either foot can be the pivot foot. You are then free to step forward with the foot that is not the pivot foot, and then step forward with the pivot foot, so long as you release the ball before the pivot foot hits the ground.
So please do not falsely accuse me of 'traveling'.
(apparently going by NBA rules you can move more after ending the dribble by catching the ball but I am ignoring that for now)
I am willing to share with the world, with regards to basketball, a chart that can be printed that I will use when I dabble in basketball, to keep score re my performance doing drills in which I start at one point on the court, dribble to another point on the court, and then shoot. This chart can be found at:
I really feel, that the kind of practice drills  the chart is made for, and recording the scores for the practice drills the way the chart is designed to record them, is the smart approach to excellence in basketball; I have alot of experience at forging ahead in soccer using scored drills.
You might want to copy the chart from the page at the URL I have given, paste it into a new HTML page somehow using an HTML or Email Editor and then print it so as to avoid printing the advertisement on the page.
Clerical Note: This Log Entry is 505 words in length.

November 17 '07
Waltham Y Gym
525-723 pm;

118 minutes
A (1-4) and B (1-4) basketball scored drills
First time played basketball in at least 10 years

0 mg Melatonin previous 24 hours; drank approx 0.6 liter  Paul Masson Burgundy wine in 24 hours before practice; today was a 01 C day. Also a 5-CG day.
Before practice consumed 2 cups coffee with non-dairy cream & cane sugar,  wheat germ oil, hemp oil, vitamin E, fish oil, cod liver oil, mineral pill, tangerine juice, brewers yeast,  cheese, peanuts, candy bars
Ate ??? 24 hours previous to practice

A1-4 and B1-4 Basketball Dribble/Shoot Drills
I devised 4 basic dribble and shoot basketball moves the past couple of days. I call these 4 moves A, B, C, and D. Each of these as of now has 4 variants. Today I practiced the four variants of A, and the four variants of B. The starting point every time today was a point approx 5 feet outside of the top of the key, 11 feet away from the free throw line, horizontally in the middle of the court.
This was the first time I have played basketball in I guess at least ten years.
I was more intelligent with the basketball than I have been in the past. Seems working every day with a computer has made me more intelligent and/or more skilled; and also I am more aware of the importance of the intellectual element in games like basketball.
Everything was counted from the first shot.
First segment I did not attempt to spin the ball or bounce it off the backboard. Results were (drill goals/attempts): A1 3/10; B1 2/10; A2 2/10; A3 4/10; A4 3/10; B2 1/10; B3 not recorded; B4 1/10. Total 19/70 27%.
Second segment I tried to put backspin on the ball but did not try to bounce the ball off the backboard. Results were (drill goals/attempts): A1 3/10; A2 5/10; A3 1/10; A4 4/10; B1 3/10; B2 3/10; B3 4/10; B4 3/10. Total 27/80 34%.
Third segment I did not try to put backspin on the ball but I tried to bounce the ball off the backboard every time. Results were (drill goals/attempts): A1 2/10; A2 0/10; A3 3/10; A4 6/10; B1 3/10; B2 1/10; B3 3/10; B4 2/10. Total 20/80 25%.
Simplistically speaking you could say results indicate that for most shots I am not a rebound the ball in off the backboard guy. But this fails to take into account that all my life I have almost never used the backboard when shooting.
Each attempt consisted of dribbling and shooting. The footwork and the dribbling part went smoothly despite the Rip Van Winkle like absence from the game for so many years. I achieved alot of penetration fast, the penetration in feet per dribbles made ratio was high, the moves worked out well, the moves were clever, I was smooth and quick up to the point of the shot, the shots were clumsy.
My plan for the next basketball outing is to try out ways of shooting such as: stylistic off backboard; stylistic spin; off backboard with spin. By stylistic I mean that there is an emphasis on grace and style in the taking of the shot.
About half way through the practice I began to feel sad, sadder than I have for a while.
I remember when I last played basketball, the USA, the nation I have lived in most of my life, was in better shape than it is now; and when I played basketball as a child it was in much better shape. Memories of such are sad.
It is sad how the economically nationalist USA of old, which was an economically healthy force for moderation as opposed to a force for hyper-elitism in the world, has been replaced by the USA of today, an economically sick force serving the cause of hyper-elitism in the world.
It is sad how the USA of old, which was managed the way middle class parents would want to see the government their children are citizens of be managed, has been replaced by a government uninterested in the children of middle class parents. The USA's middle class you might say has a certain star quality to it, this makes the demise sadder.
For me basketball brings to mind the USA nation, living in the USA nation, my American born mother; and my mother has passed away. Strange how I never felt as sad about my mother's demise, as I began to feel about half way through the basketball practice today. Today was the first time that I played basketball since my mother died. Maybe I've been avoiding basketball because I knew it would depress me.
I could tell from my performance that I can eventually be good enough to be at least an NBA scrub. True tall players could watch me and imitate me but they will always be a step behind. True they could victimize me when I was on defense but I can compensate for such by scoring 3 point shots, offensive teamwork, drawing fouls as I drive on the hoop. I could tell that if I was ten percent taller than I am now I could easily be a basketball star. But still I felt sad.
Faces in the Crowd
There was a white brown haired mother and her white brown haired daughter shooting baskets in the same side of the gym as me at the beginning. Then later there were some kids shooting baskets, and some kids being taught mountain climbing. Seemed to me that a few of them had wry smiles on their face as they watched me; which in my mind is a sign of perceptiveness on their part, because the moves I was executing are as clever as clever can get, and they dribbling and the footwork was executed smoothly and quickly.
Clerical Note: This Soccer Log Entry is 902 words in length. Took approximately  ??? minutes to write/type.
Adidas Powerpoint Cross-trainers, light brown sweat-socks.
Old (approx 13 years old) Spalding NBA ball inflated to 8.0 psi

@2007 David Virgil Hobbs