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Thirst for God's Spirit Poetic Prayer
by David Virgil Hobbs

God again I salute you with words put into verse
I now pray to you asking that you would give me your attention
and help me to balance self-hypnosis and self-affirmation
with the thirst for God that does'nt pretend there is no thirst
Because regarding prayer one of the lessons that Yayzoos did say
was that we should believe we'll receive the things for which we pray
but my greatest experience of the religious kind
occurred at a time when the feeling in my mind
was one of being dissatisfied with the way I was feeling
and also filled with the feeling of strongly desiring
to move on to a better state in which I'd have a strong feeling
of having and being able to feel God's spirit within
Which reminds me that a prophet of old who God led
once in prayer in speaking of his feeling for God said
As the hart panteth after the brooks of water
so panteth my soul after thee O God our father
my soul thirsteth for God, for the living God the creator
And a prophet of Yayzoos who came after christ the king
speaks to us from the pages of the new scriptures, saying,
The Spirit and bride say come and let him that heareth say, come
and let the thirsty come drink the water of life of God's kingdom
And Yayzoos the Son of God himself speaks to us from scripture
and speaks to us the following words about thirst
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness,
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end
I will give unto him who experiences thirstiness
freely of the fountain of the water of life that I send
and according to the scriptures when Yayzoos was punished
when Yayzoos was dying on the cross when he was killed
that the scriptures of earlier prophets might be fulfilled
his last words were, I thirst, and then, it is finished
God, I have come to realize with regards to God's Spirit
that sometimes God is with me even though I ca'nt feel it
but anyway God help me to thirst after God's Spirit
in a godly way that's according to your will regarding it
and excepting those for whom it is not the will of God in heaven
that we should ask God to give such things to such persons
all things I ask for myself now in this prayer
I ask also for all people everywhere
I ask these things of thee God in the angel bestowed name
of thy son Yayzoos who by the name Jesus is famed
