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While browsing through
Bhargava's Concise English Dictionary
[Hindi-English], I could not help but notice
the huge number of Hindi/Sanscrit words,
linking to other languages in the Indo-European family.
In many cases, these links provided the actual source,
revealing Sanscrit to be the the closest offspring
of the elusive pre-Sanscritic parent
of our common linguistic heritage.

[Complete List of words featured on all pages]
[Words Listed on Page 1] [Words Listed on Page 2]
[Words Listed on Page 3] [Words Listed on Page 4]

Click HERE to Scroll the words in Devanagari script

The following is the entire collection of words
featured on our site. Simply click on
each word to display appropriate JPG
containing the Sanskritic root.

USEFUL TIP: Right click on Link to open in New Window
This saves reloading page


adore[4] apt[4] arsch GER[3] attic[6] augment[5] autos GR[5] axle[12] balcony[23] bamboo[24] band[25] bar[24] barbarian[24] bark[22] barrier[24] basta ITAL[23] beat[33] bellum LAT[23] bicker[23] bitter[32] blabber[22] boar[24] boat[31] boil[19] book[24] box[22] brother[24] buckle[23] bug[22] buggy[22] bull[24] bully[23] bungalow[24] burden[24] burn[23] button[23] calamity[7] calumny[1] camera[15] candle[14] captain[14] car[13] carabine[8] caraffe FR[14] carat[12] cartouche FR[5] carve[5] center[2] ceremony[6] chat[9] chatter[9] chew[9] chicanery[30] chintz[29] chip[9] chit[10] choir[13] chubby[10] cinnamon[25] circle[10] coal[11] coffee[15] comely[14] commodore[15] comrade[7] conjugal[17] copra[1] corner[1] cornice[2] cot[1] cough[1] count[8] cow[9] cowardice[14] creator[15] crepe[14] crow[11] cruel[11] cucumber[14] cut[14] dapper[26] dare[28] daughter[35] day[35] dear[25] decem LAT[5] delay[25] demon[25] dental[6] devastate[25] diet[6] dinghy[25] dirt[26] distant[26] dive[25] divine[5] dog[11] doom[5] door[6] doubt[6] dowry[35] draw[28] drug[26] due[26] duo LAT[26] ebony[11] end[3] entrails[4] eye[18] father[34] frontier[30] gallery[13] galleon[17] gang[13] gargle[13] gelee FR[13] genitals[17] genos GR[2] genou FR[3] geometry[16] gerontology[10] giddy[8] glass[8] go[13] goad[19] goo[9] goon[10] gout[1] grass[19] grave[12] groan[15] gross[12] grub[1] gullet[1] harsh[15] home[13] honour[4] hurt[4] image[21] jar[17] jaw[17] jealous[17] jewelry[17] join[18] joke[2] jolly[9] jug[9] juice[16] jungle[17] junk[2] kaput GER[13] khaki[7] knee[17] knot[29] knowledge[29] lava[8] lazy[11] loot[20] luck[20] mad[21] magic[21] man[21] map[18] medium[21] mondial FR[21] money[21] month[22] mother[21] mouse[21] mouth[21] murder[22] mustache[12] naked[29] name[18] naughty[29] navy[18]near[15] neat[29] nebula[18] neck[18] new[29] next[29] nicht GER[29] nine[18] nous GR[29] oggi ITAL[3] orange[35] other[12] oven[4] owl[5] pain[33] pale[34] papa[23] para GR[34] parity[33] part[32] path[33] pauper[22] pedal[34] peek[31] pentagon[34] pepper[32] perimeter[35] person[35] petra LAT[35] pewter[32] phaeton GR[30] picture[31] pin[11] pinch[32] pistachio[33] plate[33] ply[15] police[34] potion[32] pounce[30] pour[31] practical[31] praise[30] prayer[33] pretend[31] priest[31] priority[31] private[34] progenitor[2] progeny[2] progress[31] pronto ITAL[35] property[30] propitious[34] prosper[34] proto LAT[32] prototype[31] proximate[30] proximity[34] pupil[33] pure[32] pyjama[32] quand FR[14] queen[10] race[21] reckon[27] rich[22] saint[19] salle FR[19] same[20] savon FR[20] scratch[15] seek[19] sense[20] serpent[19] sew[20] sewer[20] shame[19] shave[30] shawl[7] sherbert[19] shoot[11] short[30] sinus[19] sip[16] sister[20] Skanda HIND[36] smash[19] smell[19] snot[19] soup[16] star[16] stutter[26] sugar[19] sun[35] sweat[21] talk[28] tambourine[16] target[16] tasse FR[16] tension[28] terra LAT[27] thirst[15] this[27] tingle[16] tiny[28] tither[16] tobacco[28] toi FR[26] toll[27] tone[16] towel[27] town[27] treachery[26] tree[27] tribe[28] tripod[26] tumult[27] tundra[27] tussle[28] typhoon[28] udder[33] uncharitable[12] unending[3] unknown[12] up,upward[5] veda[20] veranda[25] virile[20] wagon[20] water[20] widow[29] wisdom[29] woman[20] young[18] youth[21]

The Oneness of the Human Family

Click HERE for a brief description of the ROMA [Gypsy]
Connection with Mother India

Note: To read a lengthy article, entitled:
Skanda: The Alexander Romance in India, CLICK HERE

Click HERE to read a brief biography of
the Late Dr. Vivekanand Sharma

Click HERE for Words: Page One - Box # listed after word

adore[4] apt[4] arsch GER[3] attic[6] augment[5] autos GR[5] calamity[7] calumny[1] carabine[8] cartouche FR[7] carve[7] center[2] ceremony[8] chat[9]chatter[9] chew[9] chip[9] chit[10] chubby[10] circle[10] comrade[7] copra[1] corner[1] cornice[2] cot[1] cough[1] count[8] cow[9] decem LAT[5] dental[6] diet[6] divine[5] doom[5] door[6] doubt[6] end[3] entrails[4] genos GR[2] genou FR[3] gerontology[10] giddy[8] glass[8] goo[9] goon[10] gout[1] grub[1] gullet[1] honour[4] hurt[4] joke[2] jolly[9] jug[9] junk[2] khaki[7] lava[8] oggi ITAL[3] oven[4] owl[5] progenitor[2] progeny[2] queen[10] shawl[7] unending[3] up,upward[5]

Click HERE for Words: Page Two - Box # listed after word

axle[12] boil[19] camera[15] candle[14] captain[14] car[13] caraffe FR[14] carat[12] choir[13] coal[11] coffee[15] comely[14] commodore[15] conjugal[17] cowardice[14] creator[15] crepe[14]crow[11] cruel[11] cucumber[14] cut[14] dog[11] ebony[11] eye[18] gallery[13] galleon[17] gang[13] gargle[13] gelee FR[13] genitals[17] geometry[16] go[13] goad[19] grass[19] grave[12] groan[15] gross[12] harsh[15] home[13] jar[17] jaw[17] jealous[17] jewelry[17] join[18] juice[16] jungle[17] kaput GER[13] knee[17] lazy[11] loot[20] luck[20] map[18] mustache[12] neck[18] name[18] navy[18] near[15] nebula[18] nine[18] other[12] pin[11] ply[15] quand FR[14] saint[19] salle FR[19] same[20] savon FR[20] scratch[15] seek[19] sense[20] serpent[19] sew[20] sewer[20] shame[19] sherbert[19] shoot[11] sinus[19] sip[16] sister[20] smash[19] smell[19] snot[19] soup[16] star[16] sugar[19] tambourine[16] target[16] tasse FR[16] thirst[15] tingle[16] tither[16] tone[16] uncharitable[12] unknown[12] veda[20] virile[20] wagon[20] water[20] woman[20] young[18]

Click HERE for Words: Page Three - Box # listed after word

balcony[23] bamboo[24] band[25] bar[24] barbarian[24] bark[22] barrier[24] basta ITAL[23] bellum LAT[23] bicker[23] blabber[22] boar[24] book[24] box[22] brother[24] buckle[23] bug[22] buggy[22] bull[24] bully[23] bungalow[24] burden[24] burn[23] button[23] chicanery[30] chintz[29] cinnamon[25] dapper[26] dare[28] dear[25] delay[25] demon[25] devastate[25] dinghy[25] dirt[26] distant[26] dive[25] draw[28] drug[26] due[26] duo LAT[26] frontier[30] image[21] knot[29] knowledge[29] mad[21] magic[21] man[21] medium[21] mondial FR[21] money[21] month[22] mother[21] mouse[21] mouth[21] murder[22] naked[29] naughty[29] neat[29] new[29] next[29] nicht GER[29] nous GR[29] papa[23] pauper[22] phaeton GR[30] pounce[30] praise[30] property[30] proximate[30] race[21] reckon[27] rich[22] shave[30] short[30] stutter[26] sweat[21] talk[28] tension[28] terra LAT[27] this[27] tiny[28] tobacco[28] toi FR[26] toll[27] towel[27] town[27] treachery[26] tree[27] tribe[28] tripod[26] tumult[27] tundra[27] tussle[28] typhoon[28] veranda[25] widow[29] wisdom[29] youth[21]

Click HERE for Words: Page Four - Box # listed after word

bitter[32] boat[31] beat[33] daughter[35] day[35] dowry[35] father[34] orange[35] pain[33] pale[34] para GR[34] parity[33] part[32] path[33] pedal[34] peek[31] pentagon[34] pepper[32] perimeter[35] person[35] petra LAT[35] pewter[32] picture[31] pinch[32] pistachio[33] plate[33] police[34] potion[32] pour[31] practical[31] prayer[33] pretend[31] priest[31] priority[31] private[34] progress[31] pronto ITAL[35] propitious[34] prosper[34] proto LAT[32] prototype[31] proximity[34] pupil[33] pure[32] pyjama[32] Skanda HIND[36] sun[35] udder[33]
