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Before the match even begins, TAZ's theme music begins
playing, Taz Enteres the ring, and procedes to clean
house. The FBI goes for a double clothesline, Taz ducks
under it, turns and decks Tracey Smothers and gives
Little Guido a belly-to-belly Taz-Plex. Smothers
recovers and aims a kick at Taz's head, Taz catched the
kick and turns it into a High Cradle Taz-Plex, takeing
Smothers out of the fight. Super Nova charges Taz and
attempts a clothesline. Taz ducks under and catches
Nova from behind. Taz then executes a perfect
German-Taz-Plex. Blue Meanie attempts to pacify Taz
with a little danceing but to no avail. Meanie is
taken out with a T-Bone-Taz-Plex. The Big Don enters
the ring and lands 2 punches to Taz's head. Taz fires
back with a low belly kick, runs and bounces off the
ropes. Taz kicks out the knee of the Big Don, then
executes the Kaga-Haga-Me (A.K.A. the Taz-Mission).
The Big Don goes down. Taz get's a microphone and
proclaims himself...once again...the Heavyweight
Champion of the World. His final words are "Beat me
if you can...Survive if I let you." Bam Bam Bigelow
then comes running down the concourse to the ring, and
enters. Little Guido, still grogy from the earlier
Taz-Plex stumbles into Bigelow. Bigelow picks him up,
anf throws Guido out of the ring, bounceing him off
the steel guardrail. Bam Bam then turns his attentions
to Taz. The 2 old rivals grapple and roll out of the
ring exchangeing punches. Bigelow gets the upper hand
and throws Taz over the guard rail into the crowd, then
climbs over after him. This is as far as the fight got
before security steped in and escorted both wrestlers
from the ring area.
ROB VAN DAM vs. LANCE STORM for the World TV Title
Van Dam starts by bounceing Storm off the ropes,
Van Dam hits the mat and Storm summersaults over him,
Van Dam, expecting Lance to come bounding off the ropes
again tries to leapfrog. Storm catches the leapfrog
ball-busts Van Dam on his knee. Van Dam ducks under
the follow-up spin kick from Storm, then drops Storm
with one of his own. Storm rolls out of the way just
in time to dodge Rob's summersault leg drop. Storm
Catches Rob with a leg sweep and then a low drop kick
as Van Dam is getting up. Van Dam crawls to the corner
and Storm uses an Irish Whip to send Rob to the opposite
corner. Storm runs forward and attempts a Monkey-Flip
which is countered by Van Dam. Van Dam sits Storm on
the top turnbuckle, and Storm kicks Rob away. Van Dam
runs back in and Storm Leap-Frogs over him. As Van Dam
turns around storm performs a Sidekick which catches
Van Dam in the left eye. Storm attempts to send Van Dam
back across the ring with another Irish Whip which is
reverseded by Van Dam, sending Storm into the corner.
Van Dam runs forward and rolls into a
summersault-Monkey Flip which Storm cartwheels out of.
Both athletes bounce themselves off the ropes for some
momentum, but Alfonso (RVD and SABU's Manager) catches
the leg of Lance Storm. RVD uses his momentum to plant
a knee to the small of the back of Storm. This hit sent
Storm flipping over the second rope, out of the ring.
Van Dam runs to the far side of the rin, bounceing off
the rops and hurtleing back the way he came. Van Dam
the performed a forward flip over the top rope and onto
Lance Storm who was just begining to stand outside the
ring. Both wrestlers hot the floor hard. Van Dam gets
up and climbs back into the ring. Van Dam takes a quick
break before climbing back out, lifting Storm up and
dropping him over the steel guardrail. Alfonso holds
Storms head, keeping him on the steel while Van Dam
climbs back to the ring apron and performs a
Corkscrew-Gillotine-Legdrop landing on Storms head.
RVD climbs back into the ring and showboats for a while
as Storm puts his thoughts back in his head and crawls
into the ring. RVD stopms on Storms head and lays him
on his back the runs across the ring, bounces of the
ropes for momentum and does a Rolling-Splash to a cover
on Storm. RVD gets a 2 count before Lance pulls his
left shoulder off the mat. Both atheltes get to their
feet, and RVD get off a spinning dropkick which drops
Lance back to the mat. Just as Storm hits the ground
RVD does a Corkscrew-Legdrop which lands hard on the
chest of Storm. RVD kicks Storm 3 times in the head as
Storm rises to his feet. RVD bounces off the rops at
far side of the ring, but gets stopped dead in his
tracks by an elbow from storm. RVD attempts a spinkick,
misses and is caught by a Spinning Heelkick from Lance.
Storm rises first and lands five hard punches to
Van Dam's face, forceing Van Dam into a corner. Storm
uses the Irish Whip to send Van Dam to the far corner.
Storm follows up with a Splash to Van Dam in the
corner, then an elbow to RVD's chest, dropping the
champion to the mat in a sitting position. Lance backs
up and performs a running Dropkick to RVD's face. Both
competetors rise, and RVD reverses Storms Irish Whip,
sending Storm tword the corner. Storm counters but
jumping up and placeing both feet on the top rope.
Storm then pushes off and catches RVD with an elbow to
the face. Storm goes for the cover and gets a 2 count.
Storm Tiger-Bomb's Van Dam and gets another 2 count.
Storm sends RVD into a corner and follows right behind
with a Cartwheel Splash. RVD is bounced out of the
corner. Storm climbs out of the rings, and to the top
rope for a Spingboard-Clothesline to a cover on RVD.
Once again, only a 2 count for Storm. As storm moves
to the outside of the ring and is about to jump to the
top rope, Sabu come out and snags Storms left leg.
Storms chin bounces off of the ring apron on it's way
to the floor. RVD helps out with a baseball slide.
RVD sets Storm up on a table outside the ring, as Sabu
retrives a chair from Alfonso and stes it up inside the
ring. Sabu runs, jumps off the chair to the top rope,
then down on Storm sending hin through the table. Sabu
rolls Storm back into the ring where RVD does a
body-slam to Storm. RVD then goes into one of his two
finishers, the Split-Legged-Moonsaul. RVD get's the
cover and the win.
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