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FALLOUT, The Best RPG to come along....EVER!

FALLOUT 2 INFO Take a look at the Bottom of the page.


Fallout takes place 80 years after a worldwide nuclear holocaust. When the world super powers struggled for control over natural resources such as petroleum, uranium, and oil a world war breaks out. China invades Alaska, The U.S.A. annexes Canada, and the European nation-states bicker and squabble among themselves.

A small Mid-eastern country launches a nuclear warhead, the countries of the world retaliate and within 2 hours the world is a baren radiated wasteland.

You play one of a handfull of survivors (the only ones?) whose ancestors made it to one of the great underground Vaults. These Vaults were designed to withstand even a direct nuclear hit. It is now 80 years after the "Great War". The Water Purification Control Chip for your Vault has failed, it is your job to leave the Vault, and find a new Water Chip. Other Men and Women have left before you, but they have never returned...Will You?


Before you create a charcter, decide the type you wish to have. I personally recomend a shooter with high intelligence for starters. Choose Small Guns and Energy Weapons for your Tag Skills, with Lockpick, or First Aid or Doctor as as the third choice. For your Traits, take Gifted (it lowers your skills by 10%, but you'll make it up in a level or 2, especially with a 9 or 10 intelligence), and then anything else you would like (bloody mess is REALLY FUN).


Try These Interesting Charcters:

Martial Arts (no guns or range weapons)

Hot Shot (take KamiKazi, and Finesse as well as Small Guns, use only the 10mm pistol, or the 9mm mauser)

Politition (Gifted, High Intel, High Luck, Speach, Small Guns, Sneak)

Bad Ass (Gifted, Low perception, High Strength, Bloody Mess, Small and Large Guns, Wear only Leather Armor, Be Mean to everyone you talk to)


Try takeing Bloody Mess (not for the weak stomach) it can get quite interesting. Try diffrent charcter types too, varity is the spice of life after all.

Be a female and hit on Tandi after you rescue her and bring her back to Shady Sands. Very Funny.

Kill Everyone. I haven't tried this yet, I wonder what the ending is like.



You'll be able to get married and have sex (finally) in FALLOUT 2, then while you go off adventureing you can pimp your wife for extra cash!
You will also be able to upgrade your NPC's weapons and armor (the armor was lacking in FALLOUT 1), Just make sure they are on your side before you give them that turbo plasma rifle and power armor. February 13, 1998 FALLOUT 2, THE SEQUEL TO THE RPG OF THE YEAR, TO RELEASE OCTOBER `98

IRVINE, Calif. -- Black Isle Studios, a division of Interplay Productions, announced today the sequel to the award-winning Fallout(tm)-A Post Nuclear Role-Playing Game. Set in Northern California 50 years after the original game, Fallout 2(tm) continues the legacy. The title is due to release worldwide in October of 1998 and will be available for Windowsr 95 and 100% compatibles. This new post apocalyptic adventure will continue to use the critically acclaimed SPECIAL role-playing system used in Fallout, plus it will include new locations, weapons and characters, as well as the player will be able to race across the wasteland in a modified 50's style 8-cylinder Chevy.

"Much of the core team that created Fallout are developing Fallout 2 and we've also added David "Zeb" Cook, creator of the AD&D 2nd Edition Rules, who will be designing a number of areas," stated division director, Feargus Urquhart. "Our plan for Fallout 2, is to build on the unique world that made Fallout a success while introducing new elements into the environment as well as new twists and turns to the story."

In the sequel, the player is a descendent of the character from the original Fallout. The game originates with the player accepting a quest to find his ancestor's vault and to obtain a Garden of Eden Creation Kit (G.E.C.K.). By accepting the mission, the player will adventure to new locations such as the New Reno, the home of organized crime and big casinos; Vault City, a new modern town; and the ruins of San Francisco. As Fallout 2 progresses the player will have the ability to find and use a car which will reduce travel time from area to area, visit more locations, interact with new NPC's (non player characters), discover advanced weaponry and move closer to the goal - finding the vault and acquiring the G.E.C.K.

"In developing Fallout 2, we reviewed the feedback we received on the Fallout website and asked the team what new ideas they wanted to implement," stated Urquhart, "The emerging sequel will have the same nostalgic `feeling' as Fallout, but will give the gamer a completely new experience."

Other improved features of Fallout 2 include better combat AI. This allows the player more accurate control over the actions of his party members while engaged in combat. A variety of weapons will also be offered that can be upgraded to have multiple functions. For example, strap a grenade launcher to the bottom of an M63 automatic rifle, and the player can riddle the enemy with bullets or melt them with a plasma grenade. Gamers will also be able to take advantage of all the new features at their own pace; there is no time limit in Fallout 2.

Black Isle Studios, a division of Interplay Productions is a developer of role-playing entertainment software for personal computers and leading console game platforms. Upcoming Black Isle releases include Fallout 2, Baldur's Gate, Stonekeep 2, and other products using the AD&D(tm) licensed worlds of Forgotten Realmsr and Planescaper. More comprehensive information on Black Isle Studios and its products is available through its worldwide web site at

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