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Granite State Corvette & Classic Car Club

Cruise Night
Club History
Member Directory
Contact Us



6th, Saturday

 "Fun Rally"

        The 1st annual event hosted by Cape Cod Corvette, will take place at the International House of Pancakes, Rte. 132 in Hyannis, MA.  Check-in time is 7:30 am.  Call Bob Baker at 508-385-8561 for further information.


 9th, Tuesday

        North Shore Corvette's First cruise night at Grill 356

10th, Wednesday

    Eastern Mass Corvette Club's first Cruise Night.  Located at Medfield, MA, in the parking lot adjacent to Routes 109 & 27;  Friendly's Ice Cream, a pizza shop, and a Chinese restaurant are also located in the plaza. Kick's off around 7:00pm.         Contact for more info.


11th - 14th, Thursday - Sunday

"Vineyard Vette Voyage 2000"

           A Martha's Vineyard weekend at the Wesley Inn, Oaks Bluff.  Two or Three night packages available; call Dan or Karen Gale, evenings at 978-470-8538.


17th, Wednesday

           Spindle City Corvette's first cruise night at Sears Hardware, Drum Hill Rd., Chelmsford, MA. 


20th, Saturday   

"Corvette Day"

            Held at the New England Dragway.  Show-N-Shine, $15; for more info call 603-679-8001.


20th - 21st, Saturday, Sunday

"Parade of Vettes" 

            The Third Annual Lakes Region Corvette Club show will be held in North Conway, NH.  Call Bob Tyler at 603-293-8750 for more information.


21st, Sunday

"8th Annual, 'Earl-E-Vette' Show"

            Hosted by New England Corvette club at Walter Earl Chevrolet, RTE. 18 & 28, Bridgewater, MA.  Starts at 8:30 am.  For more information call 508-984-7291.  


25th, Thursday

            Corvettes United first Cruise Night at Hebert Candy Mansion, RTE. 20, Shrewsbury, MA.


28th, Sunday


           The Gate City Corvette Club is proud to present this 20th Anniversary event at Anheuser-Busch Brewery, Merrimack, NH.  Starts at 9:00 am.  Rain Date is Monday the 29th.  For more information call Dean at 603-595-4753.     


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