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Three Years

The 4th Regiment Mass. Volunteer Cavalry was organized under Special Order No. 70, War Department, dated February 12, 1864, by the consolidation of the Independent Battalion, Mass. Vol. Cav. (formerly the 3d Battalion, 1st Regt. Mass. Vol. Cav.) with a new battalion of veteran cavalry which was raised in Massachusetts during the winter of 1863-64. Finally enough men were enlisted to make up two new battalions, the 2d, composed of companies "A", "B", "C", and "D", commanded by Maj. David B. Keith, and the 3d, composed of Companies "E", "F", "G", and "H", commanded by Maj. Louis Cabot. The Independent Battalion, commanded by Maj. Atherton A. Stevens, became the 1st, and was composed of Companies "I", "K", "L", and "M", thus retaining its old company letters. Arnold A. Rand, who had served as a captain in the 1st Mass. Cavalry and had had other valuable military training, was commissioned colonel, Jany. 22, 1864.

By referring to the historical sketch of the 1st Mass. Cavalry it will be seen that the 3d Battalion of that regiment was detached by Special Order No. 346, War Department, dated Aug. 4, 1863, and had been made an independent battalion. During the latter part of the winter of 1863-64, this command had been operating in Florida, being engaged Feb. 10, 1864, at Barber's Place near Lake City, Fla. with a loss of one killed and 11 wounded, and again at Olustee, Fla., Feb. 20, 1864, losing six men wounded. Thus it was operating in Florida when Special Order No. 70 was issued making it a part of the newly organized 4th Regt. Mass. Vol. Cav.

The 2d Battalion sailed for Hilton Head, S.C., Mar. 20, 1864, arriving April 1. The 3d Battalion sailed April 23, but on its arrival at Hilton Head it was sent back to Fort Monroe to report to General Butler, arriving about May 3. On May 8 the 1st Battalion arrived at Bermuda Hundred coming from the Department of the South. From May 9 to June 16, it participated in the operations on the Bermuda Hundred front and before Petersburg. Late in May the 3d Battalion came up to City Point on the James, Companies "E" and "H" being assigned for duty at 18th Corps Headquarters, while Companies "F" and "G" joined the 1st Battalion and were assigned to duty at 10th Corps Headquarters. These two battalions were under the personal command of Col. Arnold A. Rand and were engaged in operations on the east front of Petersburg and Richmond throughout the summer and fall of 1864 and the winter following.

The 2d Battalion under Major Keith remained in the Department of the South with headquarters at Hilton Head. A detachment took part in an expedition up the Ashepoo River in May, 1864, which ended disastrously with the loss of a transport and 74 horses. Another detachment went on an expedition to St. John's Island early in July, participating in several skirmishes and suffering slight loss.

Meanwhile, on July 6, Companies "B" and "D" under Captain Morton had sailed for Jacksonville, Fla. A detachment from this force went on an expedition to Palatka, Fla., where on Aug. 5 they lost one man wounded and a lieutenant and five men captured, all of Co. "D". At Gainesville, Fla., Aug. 17, these two companies, "B" and "D", suffered a further loss of two killed and 50 prisoners. About the middle of October, Major Keith resigned and was succeeded by Major Webster. In the latter part of this month the entire 2d Battalion was in Florida and on Oct. 24 was engaged at Big Gum Creek, losing three killed, six wounded, and 22 prisoners nine of whom were also wounded.

Two companies of the 2d Battalion spent the winter near Jacksonville, Fla., while the other two wintered at Devaux's Neck about twenty-five miles up the river from Hilton Head, S.C. Each detachment was active in its sphere of operations in th spring of 1865, but suffered few casualties.

The 1st and 3d Battalions on the Petersburg front were not actively engaged during the winter of 1864-65. They were mostly assigned to duty at corps headquarters.

The opening of the spring campaign of the 1865 found the regiment much scattered. The 2d Battalion was still in the Department of the South, two companies being near Hilton Head, S.C. and the remaining two near Jacksonville, Fla. The 1st and 3d Battalions were in Virginia. Companies "F" and "K" were on duty at the headquarters of the 24th Corps, Companies "E" and "H" at the headquarters of teh 25th Corps, Companies "I", "L" and "M" at the headquarters of the General Ord, commander of the Army of the James, while Company "G" was at or near Williamsburg.

Companies "E" and "H" commanded by Maj. Atherton A. Stevens were the first Union troops to enter Richmond on the morning of April 3, 1865, and their guidons were the first National colors to be raised on the Confederate capitol. The Confederate flag which was taken down was preserved in the family of Major Stevens until 1927 when it was returned to the State of Virginia.

Colonel Washburn with Companies "I", "L", and "M" marched to Burkeville in pursuit of teh fleeing Confederates, reaching that place April 5. Next day Colonel Washburn with these three companies marched northward to High Bridge over the Appomattox River near Farmville, he having been ordered to burn the structure and thus hamper the retreat of the Confederates. Here he became engaged with a large force of the enemy losing eight out of the twelve officers engaged, all being wounded, Colonel Washburn and two others mortally.

Soon after the close of hostilities the scattered squadrons of the regiment were united at Richmond, Va., and there remained doing guard duty in the city through the summer and fall of 1865. On November 14, they were mustered out of teh Federal service and started northward. Arriving in Boston Harbor, the regiment encamped at Galloup's Island until November 26, when the men were paid off and discharged.

From the
"Massachusetts Soldiers, Sailors and Marines
in the Civil War"

Compiled and Published by
The Adjutant General
Wright & Potter Printing Co.
Boston, MA
Volume VI Pages 421-422

Transcribed by Debra A. Gilligan