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Information about The Law Office of Peter Piel --

The Law Office Of Peter Piel is a General Law Practice with Attorney Piel being its sole member.

Attorney Piel received his Doctor in Jurisprudence from Suffolk University Law School and is admitted to practice in Massachusetts.

The success of The Law Office of Peter Piel is dependent on the ability to satisfy the best interests of the firm's clients. In every instance representation includes frequent communication with the client, and inviting clients to actively participate in their matters.

Personalized attention is a primary concern in every case, and great importance is placed on the successful completion of the firm's services. At the Law Office of Peter Piel, clients rightfully expect competent legal representation at reasonable fees.

If you have a need for legal representation, it would be Attorney Piel's privilege to discuss your matter with you. Please do not hesitate to call.

Send e-mail to Attorney Piel : Peter Piel,esq.


No information or materials posted here are intended to constitute legal advice. The information posted on these pages is general in nature. Each individual situation is different, and local counsel should be consulted to obtain specific legal advice. Visiting this site does not invoke an attorney-client relationship

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