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Welcome my friends!! Angel is back!! Please visit often while I update and revamp the Angel Memorial website. I look forward to talking to all of you again. I have missed you!! (PLEASE SIGN MY GUESTBOOK SO I WILL KNOW YOU WERE HERE!) Also I want to tell all of you that the OLD mailing list was somehow deleted during my absence so I had to start a new one. If you would like to be on the mailing list to keep up with updates please sign up again down below even if you were signed up on the old list because I no longer have the list of the ones of you that were on the old mailing list. We had over 100 members on the mailing list before so hopefully this will find you all and you can sign up for the new mailing list. I am back and ready for action....please come back often to view the new updates.

I've had many Angel Adoption requests for angels to put on your personal websites so I will also be working on those so come back later to adopt an angel. Thank you to all of those that have adopted an angel for your website so far! :o)

If you have sent in information to be posted to one of the bulletin boards please be patient until I can get it all posted. I have had many e-mails and will post all the information as soon as possible. I want to thank everyone for their e-mail support while I was going through a very rough time. Thank you! Thank you!

If anyone has any updates to their angel's links, or a new website, or if you have anything new you wanted posted please e-mail me the information and I will post it as soon as possible. I am sad to announce that I have had a large number of memorial requests from families that have an angel due to homicide. Therefore, I am working on a website dedicated to the angels that went home to Heaven due to violence. God bless them all and their families. If you are a friend or family member of an angel due to homicide please send me their information and I will post them on the new memorial website.

I'm also working on another site to connect to the memorial site for all of you to post pictures of your EARTH is important to remember your angels in Heaven, but don't forget to remember your Earth angels, too. The new site will have all sorts of fun stuff for your earth angels and your families as well as holiday stuff. I decided that all our families deserve to be remembered to and wanted to devote a website to those that are here with you now and helping you deal with the pain of losing other loved ones.

I need your help with Campbell product labels for our school. It is a very small private Christian school that has very old equipment. I want to try to help them get a computer and all field trips have been cancelled due to the fact that their one and only bus has bit the dust for the final time. It's a death trap and I'm terrified for my son to ride on it sometimes because it is so old that IIIIIII rode it when IIIIIIII was little and it was OLD THEN! ;o) If you can help with donations please refer to the website that lists things we are collecting for new school equipment at: Campbell School Label Program. Donations big or small are greatly appreciated!

Don't forget....The new Guestbook is posted now. Please sign it so I know you were here. The link to the Guestbook is below at the bottom of the page. Please bookmark this page because THIS page will be the menu page for the website of angels from now on. There will be LOTS of new things added soon so please visit often.

Love From, Angel


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(Click to view 1999 Christmas dedication page.)

Please click on the angel & vote for my site for the top 100 memorial sites list. Thank you!

Changes last made on: Tuesday, March 26, 2002

All images and content on this web site are property of "Angel Grafix Designs" and may not be reproduced without express permission. This web site was created & designed by "Angel"© 1997,1998,1999, 2000 Angel's Grafix Designs, which began May 01, 1997.