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Episode Guide-Season 2

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Season 2 Episodes
23. 2- 1 3 Oct 92 Death Warmed Over
Synopsis Grady and Adam are walking and Grady is telling B about his vacation. Shots are fired, Adam runs after the shooter and gets shot falling from a balcony. The shadow Dragon who shot Adam is bragging and his sister who is the nurse assigned to Adam comes in and says he is still alive. It is unknown if Adam will wake up. In his dream state he sees the man, Michael sunks that Dennis Malloy was after when he was killed. Sunks wants to have a trial to show that Adam killed him wrongly. Grady wants revenge, Lt Pine will not allow him to help so Miguel and grady go to track down the person who shot Adam. Adam still in dream state and Michael Sunks prooves that he had dropped his gun and Adam had killed an unarmed man. Adam is about to go onto eternity, he flatlines and the nurse waits, luckily a doctor is there and saves Adam. In the dream state Dennis comes and wants to call witnesses. Grady and Miguel track down Shadow Dragaons and a fight ensues. The leader tells them they are looking for Dustin who is on his way to the hospital to finsih off B. In the meantime Dennis calls Luiz, Miguel's friend to the stand and he says that because of Adam Miguel has changed, next Grady's parents Faye and harold state how much Adam has helped their son, but they worry what will happen if he dies. It ends up a hung jury, but Adam wants to go onto eternity. Dennis shows him how Grady is fighting the Shadow dragon, Dustin in Adam's room. Dustin has a knife, slices Grady's arm, but then grady has him in a hold with a knife poised to kill him. Finally Adam awakens and tells Grady to stop and call Pine. Grady is relieved that adam is here to "boss him around."
24. 2- 2 10 Oct 92 Circle Of Death
Synopsis Another young man is found dead from a beating and a broken neck. He is also has a burn of a circle on his foot. Adam discusses the case at Malloy's, Grady overhears drops a bottle and goes into his room. He looks at a picture of a young Vietnamese boy and hears a crowd chanting. Grady takes off his sock and he has the same circle mark. he does not tell B, he goet to the Dojo and two of his students Ritchie and Seth come by. Ritchie and Seth go to meet Nigel, who runs the Circle of Death, the two boys are not allowed to leave. grady goes to ask Miguel for help in finding Nigel. In the meantime at the station Kelsey and Shoeham are not getting along, by the end they are having an affair. Ritchie has to fight, and is killed be the champion. Adam gets suspicious and figures out that all the young men killed are martial artist. He goes to talk to Grady, Miguel also comes by to give him the info on Nigel. Adam wants Grady to talk,but grady says he needs to deal with it. grady then discovers that Ritchie has been killed, visits Nigel and decides to fight -if he wins then Nigel stops the circle of death. Adam goes through Ritchie's stuff and sees a t-shirt from the dojo, he goes to question Grady who is packing up readying to go to the fight. Grady doesn't want to talk. "Alot stuff I havent toldyou about-haven't told anyone." Grady finally tells the story of when he and his friend, Lan duc escaped Vietnam, went to Hong Kong and ended up fighting in the circle. Grady had to kill his friend.The chanting he hears is Tsiet Na (the death call, broken neck between 4th and 5th verterbrae) B asks Grady to trust him, Grady gives him a false address and goes to fight in the death match. Adam goes to wrong place and figures that there are only two locations left-he takes one and Kelsey and Shoeham take the other. Grady is fighting the champion, alomost loses, then comes back, it about to kill the champion when the police arrive. Nigel runs and Grady follows. Grady wants to kill Nigel and Adam convinces him not too. In the end Grady makes peace with Lan Duc.
25. 2- 3 17 Oct 92 Cross Fire
Synopsis kelsey and Shoeham are having a secret affair. In an alley they see a shooting, and Shoeham is killed. Allans and Simmons (they appeared in another ep, but that is ignored) are put on the case. They interview their snitch, Williams who gives them the name of Damon Moore, a boy that Grady and Miguel are helping to get away from his gang. Damon is arrested and placed in a line up that is skewed (he stands outs) Kelsey identifies him as the shooter. Grady and Miguel still defend him. Adam does not like Allan and Simpsons tactices, they have coereced Damon's alibi to change his story. Adam asks Kesley to keep an open mind. Seeing their case fall apart Alans and Simmons order williams to testify with Kelsey. Adam talks to the girlfriend of a drug dealer who was also killed at the scene with Shoeham, discovers that the drug dealer was having problems with Henry Williams the snitch. Williams is out to get Kelsey. Kelsey in the meantime has figured out that Damon is not the shooter. She calls the bar, and Williams sneaks up behind her. grady answers the phone realizes something is wrong and goes over. Adam talks with Alan and Simpson and figures out the Williams is the shooter and goes to Kelsey's apt. Grady gets Kelsey out, Williams chases, Adam and the police come and Alan shoots. Williams gives up and Alan and Simpson get suspended.
26. 2- 4 24 Oct 92 Feet Of Clay
Synopsis Adam arrests a drug dealer, Foster his associate Vilardi gets away. During the interrogation Foster accuses Adam of being a dirty cop concerning a bust he made with Dennis in which the cocaine ended up missing and someone took a payoff. Bernie Brockett of IA is investigating. Walter in records pulls all the files and Grady and Adam look through them discovering that Dennis has signed the reports.Grady goes to 'talk' to Foster,Adam gets in trouble and asks Grady to stay out of it. Adam tells Malloy about the possibility ger father took a bribe. Malloy finds records that make it look like Dennis did take a bribe. Foster contacts Adam and says he made a mistake. Adam goes to talk to Foster, Vilardi is there, killsFoster and gets away. Adam turns in his badge, he asks Pine to run a search on missing evidence. Everything leads to Walter. Adam is still looking for Vilardi who turnd up dead, a homeless man at the scene gives him a clue. Grady and Adam set a trap and Bernie the IA officer is the person who had been taking the payoffs.
27. 2- 5 31 Oct 92 Each One, Teach One
Synopsis Eric Rothman is a new detective assigned to Adam's unit. Adam doesn't like him believes Rothman is reckless. eric is the son of the richest man in town, Michael Rothman who pays a visit to the station with his ever present lawyer, Jim Haller. Michael wants his son doing something safe, and eric doesn't get along with his father. There is a murder of a hooker and eric is acting strangely. Adam wants him off his team, but Pine asks for a personal favor and says eric is a good man. Adam compalins to Grady about eric, eric overhears and just asks for a chance to learn. Kelsey has run a check on the hooker andEric looks as though he is the murderer-he has requested to be assigned to these types of cases. Adam and Kelsey follow eric and he is attacking a man he believes has done the killing. It is the wrong man but then eric tells the truth -his sister was the murderer first victim and she is in a coma. Pine could not reveal what he knew because they were in group therapy together. Adam decides to help eric and they interview a hooker, who tells them the name of the pimp of the murdered hooker. eric is able to interrogate the man and gets the license plate of the killer-a plate registered to Rothman Industries. the car belongs to the lawyer, Jim. eric goes after him. Adam asks for Grady's help since Jim is on the docks and the longshore men are puting up a fight. grady takes care of the men. eric catches Jim and Adam convinvces him not to kill Jim.
28. 2- 6 7 Nov 92 Country Justice
29. 2- 7 14 Nov 92 Back From The Dead...Again Grady is jogging and sees Harden who is supposed to be dead. malloy and Adam assure Grady that harden is dead, but then Adam visits harden in the hospital. He is in a coma, when Adam leaves he opens his eyes. Harden escapes with the Doctor and kills a guard. Adam is investigating the scape however it is a Federal matter and Agent Smith has taken over the case. Grady sees the breakout on the news, and wants to go after harden. Adam arrests him, but then has to let him go. In the meantime harden has killed the Dr and the FBi feels Harden has left the country. Grady continues to look for harden and finds him at Rafferty's (a mobster) fish plant, a fight ensues and harden gets away. Adam is feeling guilty about lying to Grady. Adam traces a deposit into Harden's acct to Rafferty. Grady follows Raferty and kidnaps him, extracting the information about the hit. Adam goes to grady who is packing up. they make a deal-Grady wants to go and see harden taken down. They go to the airport, stop the hit, grady chases after harden. harden has a gun to Grady's head and Adam shoots and kills harden.
30. 2- 8 21 Nov 92 Innocent Blood
Synopsis Adam's former army captain,landow, forces him into particiapting ina black ops mission to capture Aga Nidar, a terrorist. Adam ends up shooting Aga's son Mirus, an innocent student. Adam upset and Malloy and Grady convinve him to go and talk to his group, he tells them about a similar situation in Vietnam. Aga in the meantime has stolen his son's body and wants revenge. He starts bombing shopping malls and supermarkets killing innocent people. Adam wants to be the bait, turns in his badge and announces on tv that he was the person who killed Mirus. Aga arranges a meeting with Adam,but Adam is arrested by Landow. When Adam does not make the meeting, Aga goes to the bar and shoots Malloy. Aga leaves a message with grady, Landow wants the info but Grady will only give it to Adam. landow takes grady to Adam and Grady is able to free Adam. They contact Miguel and hear that Malloy is dead. The threesome form a plan, kidnap Landow beciase he has made a deal to trade Adam for the name of other terrorists. They go to the exchange location, landow is killed, Miguel and Grady take out Aga's men and Adam arrests Aga. In the bar Grady, Adam and Miguel are talking, Pine comes in and then brings in malloy who is alove. Pine had to keep things quiet because he was afraid that Aga would kill malloy if he found out she was still alive.
31. 2- 9 28 Nov 93 Angel Of Death
Synopsis Nurses are being murdered at dawn and an Angel of Mercy card is left in their hands. Jack Falker has a reality show and is following the case. Adam does not like Falker, he knows him frim Vietnam where Flaker was a photojournalist. The police dept assignes Flaker to Adam and he is allowed special clearence. Grady admires Falker's work. Jack goes through Adam's file and gets a copy of the card and puts it on the news. THe dept's psycologist says that the killer 's ego has now been boosted. Jack goes to Malloy's to get info on Adam. Talks to Grady and says that he went through Grady's village (Chan Lo) a few times and promises him some pictures. The killer calls Falker and tips him to the next murder. Adam gets a call that the perp is at another hospital and leaves the hospital that they have under survelliance to discover it is a false call. The murder has taken place at the hospital they just left and Adam arrests Falker because he is already there and the killer leaves him a message. Grady bails Jack out because Jack has given him a picture of his mother. Killer contacts Jack again and arranges so JAck can watch a nurse be killed. Grady is studying the picture and realizes that it was taken on the day his parents were murdered. Jack was working with the Viet Cong. Grady goes to Jack's place and finds pictures of his mother blindfolded and killed. He sees a note on Jack's desk that he will be atWest Sides Hospital. In the meantime Adam and his team have figured that a paramedic is involved and . It is Jeffrey Kellen, a paramedic with a dual personality. He has grabbed another nurse , Falker is filming and Adam finds them on the roof and arrest Jeffrey. Falker tries to get away, but meets Grady who wants to kill him, ADam stops him and the film crews film Falker being arrested.
32. 2-10 9 Jan 93 Remember Me
Synopsis: AN old man is being chased and beaten. Miguel stops it. Adam and Grady come to the scene and the man is Joe, Adam's former foster father. Adam that that Joe and Catherine (his wife) were going to adopt him instead he was taken away from them and they never came to find him. Adam is very upset. Adam goes to the hospital where he discovers Joe has Alzheimhers, however talks about a murder being committed with a knife. The home where Joe lives is run by a man named Frank Gurston Jr, he brings by Joe's suirtcase and Adam notices there is a picture of him as a boy in the suitcase. Adam returns to the hospital and soneone is trying to suffocate Joe, they get away. Adam brings Joe home and Malloy and Grady watch over him. Dam goes to talk to Miuguel and they check a house called Casa des Pontos, the neighborhod believes it is haunted. THere they find the dead body of Frank Gurston Sr. Lt PIne thinks Jo committed the murder and Adam asks Grady to move him to avoid arrest. Adam goes to talk to Frank and the other inhabitant of the senior home. Adam notices that there is a bundle of checks being delivered. More bodies are found, and Adam figures out that Frank Jr. is running a scam. Frank is about to burn the house with the remaining residents, when Grady and Adam come. Grady breaks sdown the door and gets Frank while Adam assists the two residents out safely. ADam visits Joe again and Joe asks for his help to find a boy that social services took away from him becuase his wife left and they thought Jo would be unable to care for on his own. Adam is happy that Joe tried to find him. They hug.
33. 2-11 12 Jan 93 Black Or Blue
Synopsis Willis is running a prgram called Youth Rescue to get gangbangers to change. Adam goes to talk to the boys, and one called Clint asks if he is black or blue thus making this episode about racism. Willis is getting a pizza in a white area called Oakland, shots are fired killing the clerk Ritchie. Willis chases after the shooter , but a bunch of white teenagers corner him and say it was him who shot the clerk. Wllis is arrested and asks Adam to keep an eye on the Youth Rescue. A councilman Wallace wants Adam off the case because he is black. The youth rescue is ready to retaliate, but Adam convinces Clint will give Adam 2 days to find the truth before taking action. Grady wants to help, but Adam doesn't want his white friend involved. Adam goes to the pizza store and gets arrested by police officers not believing he is a detective. Adam is not supposed to get involved in the case, but Rothman takes it over and Adam goes with him. THey interview tow of the teenagers who id Willis-Doug and Jeff. In the meantime the DA has indicted Willis. THe youth rescue is playing basketball, and police officers harass them and want to arrest Miguel, adam luckily stops it. CLint arranges a driveby shhoting at Doug's house. Adam goes to fix house and Miguel and some others come to help. THe white teenagers want revenge. Doug goes to Malloy's and tells the truth, that Jeff shot the clerk and is heading to the YOuth Rescue to cause trouble. Adam and Grady leave to stop the trouble. The teenagers are there and Clint gets shot by Jefreyr. THe police come, Grady takes out some of the kids, and ADam chases after Jeffrey who crashes his car. The Councilman says he is happy that everything resolved and he really doesn't care since he knows he will be re-elected. In the end Miguel and the other former gang members are repairing the damage and Doug and his friends come to help.
34. 2-12 23 Jan 93 Bitter Fruit
Synopsis: Adam's old army buddy, Doc Nash, comes to visit. He brings with him a survivor bottle since another person of the unit has died. He saved Adam's life when Grady brought him in even though the drs said that he was dying. ADam saved Doc by getting off of drugs. THey are talking about old times when Doc excuses himself and ends up injecting himself. Doc asks ADam if he can tag along since he is writing for a detective magazine. Adam is interrogating a theif, adam leaves for a moment and DOc asks Simmy (the theif) some questions. Doc then breaks into a lab owned my ALterChem. ADam is suspisious of Doc since the crook used Simmy's style, Doc does not say he did it. Grady catches Doc shhoting up, but Doc convinvces hm it is due to pain from lodged schrapnel. The security tape at AlterChem show that Doc committed the crime, he is arrested by Adam who believes Doc is a junkie. Doc explains he wasn't after drugs, he is looking for information on a defoliate called Apple 66 (A66) that AlterChem manufactured-it is killing vets. Adam talks to WIllis who takes him to a VA hospital, ADam notices the ppl suffering from A66 exposure have the same symptoms as Doc. ADam posts bail for DOc, AlterChem's president is upset. Doc revelas to Grady and Adam he is dying. THey head back to the bar, which has been broken into looking for the videotape that Doc stole. THey do not get the tape, but the tape does not show the evidence that is needed. Grady, Adam and Doc go to talk to the dr who was on the A66 project-he is senile but keeps mentioning the word delicious. Doc gets worse, and dies at the hospital. Grady and Dam with WIllis help break back into AlterChem and find a videotape named delicious. During an Alterchem press meeting revelaing their new drug, Grady and Adam go in, change the tape and AlterChem gets into trouble. In the end Adam opens the survivor bottle and toast with Malloy, Grady and Willis.
35. 2-13 30 Jan 93 A Sense Of Duty
Synopsis: Joey (from 1st season) is playing basketball and witness Ramon Velesquez (a G Rock) shoot and kill a drug dealer. Adam goes to the scene but Joey will not talk about what he saw. Jennifer comes to pick up her son, and the ADA Sperling threatens Jennifer, telling her that custody of her son is not final. Grady comes by with Miguel, however the breakup between Grady and Jennifer fills the air with tension. Ramon wants to kill Joey. Grady is angry at Adam for involving Joey brings up that ADam could have taken medical leave and left with Grady, but instead decided to complete his mission. Grady decided to apologize to Jennifer after talking to Malloy, while he is there Ramon drives by, shooting, Grady saves Jennifer and Joey. Adam arrests Ramon for attempted murder , but Joey refuses to identify him. Sperling gives Jenifer 48hrs to change Joey's ming or else social services will take Joey away. Jennifer decides to run away with Joey, Adam comes by with Miguel saying he wants to help, as they are leaving her house blows up. At the safe house grady and Miguel are watching over Joey and Jenifer. Miguel takes the late night shift and Jennifer and he end up falling asleep on the couch. Grady comes, upset at finding the two on the couch and the Joey has left to find Ramon. Grady, ADam and Miguel head to the G-rock hang out. They beat up the G-Rocks outside and then go to talk to Tomas, the secong in charge, They find out that Ramon and Joey have just left . Miguel and Adam follow them to an apartment buidling, Ramon is holiding a gun on Joey, ADam lets them leave and Grady comes bursting through a window, disarms Ramon. Joey identifies Ramon as the one who killed the drug dealer. In the end Grady and Miguel make up over their misunderstanding(concerning Jenifer) and take Joey to a basketball game.
36. 2-14 6 Feb 93 Obsession
Synopsis: Adam's life is saved by Det. Dave Hobart. Adam puts him in for a commendation and invites him to drink at Malloy's. At the bar Dave asks Mally out for dinner. Malloy doesn't like him, he comes by the bar the next day and and gives her flowers, she tries to give him the brush off but he doesn't get it. At courthouse Dave is telling Adam how he is in love with Malloy. THat night he watches Malloy and the next day he comes into her house with all her favorite things, she asks him to leave. Malloy tells Grady and dam that the situation is spooky. Grady and Malloy are jogging and Hobart takes pics of them. Grady chases him away, then goes to his house where he finds more slides of Malloy. ADam tells Dave to stay away from Malloy, in Dave's mind though Adam is jealous. Adam talks to Bobby (dept psycologist ) and ADa SPecter. They decide to pursue a restraining order which is denied. A woman at the courthouse warns them about Dave, he stalked her daughter back East and they believe that he muredered her too. Mallopy is scared. Adam has Grady following Dave. Dave calls Rothman and says that a perp they are looking for is at a warehouse. Adam and ERic head to the warehouse. Dave sees Grady, plants cocaine on him, and has him arrested. Grady gets away by saying he is car sick and stealing the squad car. Adam figures out that Dave has lead them on a wold goose chase and Grady, Adam and Rothman meet back at the house where Dave has taken Malloy hostage. He has two guns, Grady is able to disarm one, and then ADam shoots, killing Dave.
37. 2-15 13 Feb 93 Honor And Trust
Synopsis Grady is at bar with Malloy and ADam telling them how he has his students read the Art of War by Sun Tsu when he is arrsted by Sgt Pritcher for first degree murder. PIne tells dam that this is a ten year old case and that it involves the contract killing of Tran Van Lo who was bringing in a herion shipment. Grady tells ADam he didn't do it . That Tran saved his life by smuggling him to North America. Grady gets out on bail, Mendoza is his lawyer. Adam discovers that Pritcher has an axe to grind with him concerning another case called Warlord which Pritcher feels he deserved comendation for. ADam is not supposed to be on Grady's case, and secretly PIne gives him the file. Adam goes to question Grady who is at the dojo working out. All the evidence points to Grady as the murderer. Grady makes a phone after Adam leaves "We have a problem" Adam goes to visit Chan Lo, Tran was working for his organization. He tells dam that Grady picked up the contract money. Adam has Eric tap all Grady's phones. Grady goes to meet Binto Chi who is Tran. Tran is not dead. Grady wants permission to tell the truth, but too much is at stake-tran ans his family will be kjilled. ADam sees Tran is not dead. Pritcher comes and arrests Grady again and Tran is allowed ot get away. Grady pleads guilty to murder. Adam wants Grady to tell the truth, but Grady just asks B to trust him. Adam finds Tran, and he tells him that Grady did kill a man on the boat but in self defense. Pritcher arrests Tran and both he and Grady tell the true story. Tran smuggles Grady out of the country only after his sister and parents were killed-he felt he had nothing to loose. Tran had also decided not to give Chin the cocaine. Grady and Tran his the cocaine, when it wasn't delievered a contract was set up on Tran. An assasin ws sent out that Grady killed. They burned the boat and made it look like Tran had been killed. Grady collected the money and split it with Tran. Da does not indict them. However Chan knows Tran is alive. Adam has a plan. Grady visits Chan and says he can take him to Tran. Tran gives Chan the herion and then Grady is forced to Kill Tran or else he will be killed. Grady shoots, Tran goes over pier. Chan leaves and Grady helps Tran who is still alive and was wearing a vest. Adam goes to arrest Chan who is cutting the herion and makes a deal with him that he will do time for the herion but not the conspiracy to murder if he forgets that Grady was involved (thus keeping up the ruse and keeping Grady safe)
38. 2-16 20 Feb 93 On My Honor
Synopsis At a stakeout the Cannon brothers Mitch and Joey are making a drug deal, Adam, Peterson, Smith and ROthamn go into arrest and Mitch kills Peterson. Joe gets away and Adam is the only witness.Joe breaks into Malloy's kidnapping Malloy and leaving a note "You testify, She Dies." Adam talks to Mitch and ends up beating him up. Adam doesn't know if he'll testify on Monday, they have 2 days to find Malloy. Joe has Malloy tied up in an old house in a desolated area. Grady looks for Malloy too, but B sends him back to the bar in hopes there will be a phone call. Smith, Peterson's partner is upset since Adam seems as though he will not tesitfy. Joe leaves Malloy alone and Malloy calls Adam. THe conversation though it cut short by Joe who returns and hits Malloy, Adam stillundecided on whether he will testify, Pine wants him to, ERic says that other cops will take care of it. Joe wires a bomb to Malloy since he is leaving. Joe drops a package off at Malloy's, Grady chases but skids out on motorcycle. It is a videotape showing Malloy. Joe shows up at a crackhouse that Eric has under survelliance, eric catches him but then Smith comes and kills Joe. Grady finds a hardware receipt on the bosy. ADam again turns to Mitch for help, begging him, but he will not give any info. ERic finds out Cannons own 2 properties in a different county. Eridc takes one and Grady and Adam take the other. Adam trips the bomb. THere is oonly 10 seconds and Adam has to cut one of the wires. He cuts the red one with 2 seconds left, and Grady, Malloy and Adam are fine. Adam tells Malloy he loves her since he has never told her before.
39. 2-17 27 Feb 93 The Cost Of Peace
Synopsis Miguel's parole has ended and he goes back to his set (KStreeters) and becomes their leader. SGt RObert Martin of the Youth Gange Task Force comes to warn ADam's station that the KStreeters and G Rocks have put out a flyer that the cops are the enemy. ADam thinks it doesn't fit. Miguel has taken up with Andrea, Luis's flame. Miguel is arranging a peace party for the Kstreeters and Grocks so that they can clean the streets since no one will do it for them. ADam visits KStreeters and discovers that Miguel is the elader, Adam is upset at Miguel for going back to his old ways. There is a stakeout at the Peace Party where Javier, the leader of the G-Rocks is killed. G-Rocks blame Miguel and want to kill him. Grady finds Miguel and arranges a meeting between him and Adam. Miguel wants Adam to look into perhaps a cop has arranged to have Javier killed. Adam discovers that Martin has been printing the flyers but denies killing Javier. Adam asks Grady to take him to Miguel who is at Andrea's home. THe G-rocks decide to attack the house. Miguel is grazed, Grady takes out some men. One G-Rock is about to shoot Miguel in the back when Andrea who was hiding in the basement shoots him. It is the same rifle used to kill Javier. Miguel says his mother will raise Andrea's little girl. Grady rounds up the G-rocks and they are taken to K Street hangout where Adam mediates another truce between the K-Streeters and G-Rocks.
40. 2-18 6 Mar 93 Countdown
Synopsis Malloy and Grady go to the station to meet Adam (Miguel is also supposed to meet them) when Tyson who wants his son released, takes over the station an takes Malloy, Grady and everyone left in the staion hostage. Tyson then shoots Adam and drags him off to the hallway. Striker and his swat team are called in and he wants to storm the building but PIne and Eric stop him. Striker has to wait for the Mayor's descision. Adam is alove (wearing vest) and makes it to the bathroom where a hooker Jody is hiding. ADam tries to get her out but all exits blocked. Miguel comes to staion and tells PIne and Eric that Malloy and Grady are inside. Eric wants to get in and Miguel shows him another entrance through a bomb shelter. Adam takes out some men and then pulls the fire alarm to signal to Grady that he is alive, when they were in Vietnam Grady had signaled the army camp that they were about to be overrun with VC. Adam then shuts the lights off , and sets the alarm off again and Grady knows he is alive. Tyson figures out it is Adam that is in the building. Grady gets free, and finds Eric and Miguel, they go to find ADam. Jody and Adam are almost caught but Jody gets them out. . Bad guy almost catches Grady, Eric and Miguel, but ADam takes him out. Grady and Adam get to bullpen and save hostages , but Tyson has left taking Malloy with him. Jody sees that Malloy is being dragged away and helps her get away. Adam and Tyson fight and Adam wins. THe seige is over.
41. 2-19 8 May 93 Hello...Again
Synopsis: Lynn Kirkwood turns to Adam for help, a cop she put away named Scott is out and wants revenge. Lynn ha left the force and had a baby girl named Robin that Adam believes is his.Scott's former partner Michael RItter is at Adam's station. Adam questions him. Adam goes to talk to Lynn, wants to know if he is the father. Lynn doesn't want to tell him, when she needed Adam he wasn't there for her. Adam leaves, Scott arrives and ties Lynn up. Adam decides to turn around and talk to her. FInds Lynn tied up and Scott has gotten away. Adam arranges a safehouse with Rothman and Kelsey guarding it. Scott gets in again, giving a flesh wound to Lynn. Adam hides them out privately and asks Grady to watch over. ADam believes RItter is the leak. Adam spends night at safehouse. The next day Grady is unsuspectingly followed by Scott. Adam tells Ritter about fake safehouse when they go there they discover Ritter is not the leak. Scott has gotten into the house and has Lynn and RObin at gunpoint. ADam comes, Grady takes out Scott. Lynn decides to leave and tells ADam he is not the father.
42. 2-20 15 May 93 The Wall
Synopsis: Adam, Malloy and Grady are painting the bar and Miguel comes by asking ADam to look for Donny a former drug user that Miguel wants to help. Adam finds Donny at a shooting gallery. DOnny threatens him with an alleged AIDS infected needle, ADam gets pricked and Donny gets away. Adam goes to the clinic to be tested. THe dr says he won't know for sure for 6 months. At the clinic Adam meets Nancy, who runs an HIV support group. Adam feels unable to talk to his friends so he talks to Nancy and they become friends. Grady and Miguel try to find Donny along with Kelsey and Eric. Donny gets away and Adam asks that Grady and Miguel let the police handle it. Adam spends time with Nancy who has a list of things to do. Adam invites her over to dinner where he tells her about his dream about a wall that he can not get over. Nancy gets sick with pneumonia. Eric and Kelsey catch Donny and he agrees to be tested. Malloy, Grady, Miguel and Adam wait at Adam's apartment. Pine delivers the news the nest day that Donny does not have HIV. Adam goes to tell Nancy who has died. Nancy ask that Adam finish her list. ADam and Grady go bungo jumping the last thing on Nancy's list.
43. 2-21 22 May 93 My Brother's Keeper
Synopsis It is Adam;s 20th anniverisary on the force and his friends throw him a party where he announces that he has resigned. He cleans out his desk at the station and talks to Bobby the psycologist. Dam has a flashback of when he was little in the woods with another little boy. Malloy discovers that Adam always acts this way on his cop anniversary. ADam decides to go away alone ot Springville. At Springville he meets tSHeriff ANdy, Deputy OTis and Ricky the man who runs the gas station. ADam continues to have flashbacks while he is at the cabin of him and another boy at the cabin. ADam goes out jogging and sees a little boy, he chaes him but loses him. THe sheriff dept thinks he is imagining it and ERic and Pine come up to look but instead find an armored car with a dead body inside. ADam decides to investigate, Grady and Miguel go up to cabin to help even though Adam wants to be alone. The next day ADam goes to look for the boy, who he finds and then the boy runs away because they are getting shot at, Grady stops the shooters but they get away. Adam tells Grady and Miguel about when he and his brother, Curtis ran away from the orphanage to those woods. Curtis fell off a cliff and Adam couldnt save him (died 15 yrs to the day ADam joined the force).ADam figures out the Otis and Ricky are the shooters and hesited the armored car. Eric reports the little boy does exist and is a runaway. Otis and Ricky find the boy and are about to shoot him. He gets away. Grady, Miguel and Eric stop Ricky.Adam stops OTis and saves the little boy from falling over the cliff. ADam takes his job back.
44. 2-22 29 May 93 Desperate
Synopsis: ADam, Kelsey, and Eric are on a stakeout, they are about to make an arrest when a bounty hunter named Lisa Hanson arests the perp. Lisa and Grady meet for dinner they ar old friends and lived together. Lisa asks for Grady's help on a large bounty. Grady takes Lisa by the bar, and Adam is not happy to meet her. He doesn't like her. Adam and Grady argue and Grady leaves. Grady gets info from Rothman on the man they are looking for, Edward Samuelson. Adam talks again to Grady saying LIsa is trouble. LIsa and Grady capture Edward and bring him to Kincaid, the bail bondsman, Kincaid kills Samuelson and Grady and Lisa get away going into hidin. Edward was an FBI protected witness. ADa is feeling guilty about the way he treated Grady. Adam and lisa try to track down Kincaid at his hotel room which blows up. THey are able to get away and hide out at a former gang hideout. ADam talks to ADA SPecter and she tells him the a man named Tony Ritcher was the person Samuelson testified against. There was a hung jury. ADam visits Ritcher. Ritcher tells his ppl he wants Lisa and Grady dead. Lisa and Grady are in bed discussing when they first met, Grady saved her life and taught her martial arts. Adam goes to talk to Agent SImpson who reveals that he knows where Grady and Lisa are hiding. FBI is using them as bait. Lisa sees a picture of Ritcher and Kincaid and goes after Ritcher she won't allow Grady to go with her. Grady is about to follow when Adam shows up. Grady explains that he let Lisa down beofre when he went ot go look for Harden. ADam says he wants to help. Lisa finds Kincaid and is captured by Ritcher and his men. They are about to torture her when Grady comes in. THen run, but RItcher finds them and is about to shoot when ADam shoots RItcher. Lisa tells Grady she'll be back in a couple of months and wants a realtionship. Grady thanks ADam for his help, and Adam says that'a what friendship is all about.