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The History of Judo



The Kodokan was founded in 1882 by the late Prof. Kano who himself had

established Judo. Judo was derived from Jujitsu which had many names and schools.
Jujitsu is an art for either attacking others or defending oneself with nothing
but one's own body. Prof. Kano adopted the superlative parts of
all the Jujitsu schools, got rid of precarious parts, and established the

new Kodokan Judo based on his own insight and arrangement.
It started with only nine disciples and a twelve-mat dojo.
The Kodokan Judo was recognized in a few years to be excellent
since its students overwhelmed the Jujitsu athletes at the Police Bujitsu Contest.
This really was the first step for its future rapid progress.
 Prof. Kano promoted judo as a physical exercise from a wide national point

of view. Proceeding with the organization of the Kodokan and enacting the

regulations of Judo, he became the first Asian member of the International

Olympic Committee in 1909 and worked for the spread of Judo world-wide.

 Judo became an official event in the Olympic Games of 1964, backed by Judo

fans and sport promoters all over the world. It is now a very popular sport almost

anywhere in the world.

"Judo", which is now exercised in many countries of the world,
is the very Kodokan Judo, created in 1882 by Prof. Jigoro Kano.
It is clearly stated in the Article 1 of International
Judo Federation (IJF) statutes,
"IJF recognizes 'Judo' which was created by Jigoro Kano."