The Hideaway Guestbook

Just a few simple questions and you can go home... Well, a lot of questions, I guess, more like a survey. Okay, so I'm nosy - sue me! You can skip some if you really want to, although you might hurt my feelings... *sniff* But, if you don't sign it at all, I'll have to hunt you down and make you sign this guestbook! ;)

By the way, your responses will not appear immediately. Angelfire doesn't allow Perl scripts for some reason :( Anyway, for those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, just expect to see your responses up in a few days :)
One preliminary: what color do you want your answers in?


Who are you?

What do you want?

Who do you want? ;)

What color is your hair?

What is your e-mail address?

Do you have a webpage? If so, what's the URL?

Have you ever heard of Erasure?

What is your most favorite song of all time?

How do you know me?

Which of the following do you believe in: love at first sight, life after death, the ability to control dreams?

Do you believe in Tarot, Ouija, or other methods of telling the future?

Do you drink?

Do you smoke? If so, what brand of cigarettes?

Have you been naughty? ;)

What is the most romantic thing that has ever happened to you?

Who is the greatest person you know?

Do you know anyone who could love me & is available? - I had to ask!! ;)

Alright, you must be getting sick of this. One more question, then you may go: am I sane?

Other comments for me?


* See the responses so far!! :)
* The Hideaway