The Inner Reaches of Emotion

Welcome to the Inner Reaches of Emotion, fellow Erasure fan! You have stumbled onto what I hope will someday be a successful Erasure webring. Do you like Erasure? Adore them? Love their music? Then this is a webring for all of that :-) If your site has anything to do with Erasure, even one sentence, you're welcome to join! Just simply complete the form below and follow the instructions that follow...

1) First, you must go here to submit your site to the Inner Reaches of Emotion webring.

2) If you're done with that, click here to copy and change the html for this webring to suit your site :-)

3) E-mail me and let me know that you've added the html and customized it to fit your page. A simple e-mail with something as simple as "I've added the HTML - add me to the webring!" will do. Or you can always just say "hi" - I love talking to other Erasure fans! Anyway, once you've mailed me, just sit back and wait for me to check out your site and add you. I'll let you know when I've done that. In the meantime, explore the other sites in the webring!

4) Yes, there is a four, but that's just for you who are members already. If you need to edit your site info and can't find the link, click here to do so :)

The Inner Reaches of Emotion

webring is owned by Denise.

The Inner Reaches of Emotion

site is owned by Denise.

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