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3rd Class Warrior

Must attend class regularly and be indorsed by an Instructor

Min. 20 Instructing Hours

Log Sheets must be endorsed by a Certified Instructor prior to testing

Execute and Explain the following Basic Techniques

Identify and Execute the Basic Judo Techniques in each of the Self Defense Series


KATA: Pinan IV, Saifa

BUNKAI: Gake Sei, Pinan III, Karumpha

BUNKAI: Taihokyu, Pinan I, Pinan II

I. Three Parts to a Judo Throw


SET: Tori Set


OFFSET: Uke Offset

THROW: Execute Nage

 V. UKEMI WAZA (Falling Techniques)

Mae Ukemi: Front Break Fall

Yoko Ukemi: Side Break Fall

Ushiro Ukemi: Rear break Fall

Chugari Ukemi: Rolling Break Fall:







II. SELF DEFENSE (Read and React)


Series I


Series II


Outside series


Inside Series


Jump Kick Series


Multiple Attack Defense: 2-3 Lines






III. Sparring




IV. Tournament Participation



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