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Chapter Thirteen ~The Note~

Amy opened the sliding glass door and stepped out into the cold night. Since the sun had gone down the wind started to pick up. “What are you guys doing out here its so cold.” Amy said once she had sit down on a chair.

“Oh we were just ummm talking.” Monique said. I want to tell you Amy I really want to. She thought to herself.

“What about? You were talking about me huh?” She said punching April in the arm jokingly.

“Yep you caught us Amy.” April tried to laugh. It was always hard for her to lie about anything.

“Ok April you aren’t the greatest liar. What really were you guys talking about?” Amy sounded serious now.

“Nothing really just about you know today and everything. It was so hard for us.” Monique said. She was the only one out of her and April who could be the one to lie to her cousin.

“Girls its getting late and pretty cold out. I think you guys should come inside and get ready for bed.” Ann said. Even though it was only ten thirty at night. The girls got up. Monique looked at April and mouthed “That was hard.” April said back “you don’t have any idea.”

“So Mrs. H what time are we going home tomorrow?” Amy said putting her hair into a low ponytail.

“Around eleven in the moring. So we have to be at the airport at ten.” She said climbing into her bed and shutting the light off beside her. The girls started to get into bed.

“I’ve gotta pee.” April said climbing out of bed and accidentally kicking Monique’s bed so she would look up. She had written her a note. As she passed her bed she placed it at Monique’s feet. Mo picked it up and unfolded it in the direction so that her cousin wouldn’t be able to see her reading it.

Monique, How are we going to keep this from Amy? When will be a good time to tell her? Should we even tell her at all? Ahh this is so confusing. Why did he have to do it! Taylor gone forever :( ~April-May~ P.S. After everyone falls asleep (Ames and my mom) lets go down to the all night thing and talk.

Monique folded the letter and slid it into the pocket of her pants. She waited for April to come out of the bathroom. When she passed her she nodded her head in understanding of their plan. April climbed into her bed and pretended to fall asleep. Instead she said her prayers. She wasn’t a very holy person, but now she need someone to talk to. Someone that she didn’t know or did she know this person? She prayed for Taylor to be in a place where he is being taken care of. Please keep him safe oh please don’t let anything happen to him. With that she turned over and looked at her clocked it read midnight.

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