History Book

Welcome To My History Book where I want to share with you, some of My favorite moment in history. This book is dedicated to the idea that it is the "the doom of men that they forget". So in going along with that spirit. I have tried to gather solid facts on what I believe to be important events of history and the lessons that can teach us.

A lot what will be in here is military history as that is My passion , but also I am going to try and bring accounts of those sosical and economical events that effected the history of our world . I hope that you will take a look around and enjoy and learn from the lessons of the past.

When ever possible I try to inculde eye witness accounts of the historical events coverd here.

As with My "other books " on the net this site will be updated as often as I can find the time to do it .

The Anglo Zulu Wars
The Great Khan
The Crusades
The Nazi Death Camps
The Knights Templar
Alexander The Great
William Marshall
The Battle of Hastings