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B. L. Marlow Plumbing Co.

B. L. Marlow Plumbing

P.O.Box 189
Pawleys Island, South Carolina

Toilets-Tubs-Showers-Lavatories-Kitchen Sinks-Bar Sinks- Drain Lines-Water Lines-Thin Lines-Dotted Lines, We have dealt with all these Plumbing items since 1941. We`ve always had efficient shop sites and work sites, now we`re working on this web site for fun and relaxation. Thank you for visiting these pages. Watch where you step! We are continually trying to find any people, places or things omitted. ( by builder ear or), fix the leaks and add to these pages.
Please sitback and visit awhile!
When Calling the Plumber... You can help your plumber by telling him, to the best of your knowledge, exactly what's wrong when you talk to him on the telephone. If the water closet is leaking, tell him it's the water closet. If it's the lavatory, don't merely say that "there's a leak in the bathroom" and expect him to tell you what to do until he gets there. There are many tools and parts in his plumbing store, and he can't be expected to carry them all. So, when you ask for his help, give him as much information as you can. When he arrives, "tell" him everything that "has been done or attempted to do" to the defective part of the plumbing. Bear in mind he may have to fix the attempts before the orginal problem can be corrected. It will speed his work and lower your plumbing bill if you can leave it alone.

Planning a Vacation on the South Carolina Coast-Check these Web Sites or you can contact B. L. Marlow Plumbing or The Plumbing sites for your plumbing problems.

Where in the world is Pawleys Island

The South Carolina Information Highway

Dunes Realty-Beach Home Rentals

The Orginal Hammock Shop a great place to shop !

Pawleys Island Realty-Beach Home Rentals the most comprehensive resource to the plumbing industry
NICE & EASY bulletin Board-a international plumbing board
The page for plumbers and DIYS'rs Premier Plumbing Links Site
TERRY LOVE`S report on low flow toilets
International Museum of Toilets
How septic tanks work and why they fail - Plumbing section - You may find your answer here or be able to ask a more informed question

Contact us here in our chatroom or our bulletin board
Tips for Closing your beach home for winter
Tips for Preparing your beach house for rental
