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"Beep, beep beep!!" Katie's alarm clock rang. 'Jeaz, Tyra must've set it for the wrong time again cuz theres no way in hell I'm gettin up at 7:00 on a sunday morning.' Katie thought to herself hitting the snooze button on the alarm clock. Katie quickly drifted back to a deep sleep.


30 minutes later~ "Ring ring ring!!!" Katie's phone rang. Katie was abruptly awoken, she stumbled reaching for the phone and placed it to her ear. She mumbled, "H-hello??" she asked.

"Katie where the heck are you girl???? You said you'd call me at 7:30 before you left to see if you needed a ride!!!!" the voice screamed. Katie pulled the reciever away from her ear to make the screaming not quite so harsh, then she realized what her friend Stephanie was yelling about!! "Oh my god!!!!! That interviews today!!!! Crap!!!!" Katie yelled back. She had completely forgotten about it. You see, Katie was part of a girls singing group, "D.F.W" (Down For Whatever). The group had only been together for a short while, and had only ever recorded one single, "Girls just wanna have fun" The single had been a hit. The group had had their biggest opportunity yet, and that interview was going to be today. The group had a meeting with the BSB themselves and their managers, to discuss being the boys opening act.

"Geez, Katie!!! I knew you'd forget!!! Do you know what this could jeopardize our whole careers!!! You better hurry your little butt out of that apartment of yours and down to that Jive records building real fast or else Devlin is gonna have our heads!!!!" Stephanie screamed back to Katie. Katie was now worried, "Ok!! You better leave your apartment right now. Then at least I'll be the only one who's late. Then Devlin will only have to yell at me, as usual." Katie said, brushing her hair at the same time. "Ok, but hurry." "Later Steph." Katie said, quickly hanging up the phone. Katie rummaged through her clothes trying to find something suitable to wear to the interview. She grabbed her outfit, and ran into the bathroom. She quickly dressed, did her hair and makeup, etc. and was ready to leave within 15 minutes. Katie dashed out of her apartment, with her keys in one hand and her wallet in the other. She raced down the stairwell to the garage and instantly climbed into her silver Camaro. Katie sped away down the street zooming towards the studio. She knew that Devlin (her manager) was going to have her head for being late, and she was sure that he would yell at her, making her wish she had never showed up at all.