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By 6:00 that evening, the girls were finally done rehearsing and recording their song. The guys had watched the whole thing intently. Katie was surprised that they all had so much patience to sit and watch the girls sing for hours on end.

Once they had finished, Katie set down her headphones and walked towards the guys. Stephanie followed while Tyra and Mandy went backstage to change.

"Hey!!You were awesome!!" Nick congratulated Katie.

"Thanx, but really, we're not that good!" Katie replied modestly.

"Whatever!!I know that your stubborn so I won't try and change your mind!!" Nick said.

"So, what are our plans for tonight guys??" Katie asked everyone.

"Well...I was kinda thinking of going clubbing. Maybe you girls would like to come along with us??" AJ asked.

"Sure!!" Steph replied a little too anxiously. Katie saw Brians sudden smile to Steph's reply, and couldn't help but to giggle a little.

"Ummmmm...Count me out!! I'm not one for clubbing!! I can't stand all the people!! I just like being by myself or just hanging out, you know???" Katie said.

"Really?? Please come, it won't be as fun without you!!" Kevin whined.

Katie smiled,"Believe me, go!! I'll just get on your nerves with my whining, GO!!"

"Jeaz!! Your just like Nick, he's not gonna come either!! Your such a party pooper!!" Brian whined.

"Hey!!!" Nick exclaimed.

"Look, Nick and I'll just hang out at the hotel. You guys go have some fun, without Nick and I!!" Katie said, eyeing Nick.

With that, Tyra and Mandy emerged from behind the curtains.

"Wassup peoples??" Tyra asked.

"Well, the guys and I are gonna go clubbing!! You two should come!!" Steph explained.

"Sure, I'd love to!!"

"Yeah, sounds like fun!!"

Everyone agreed, and decided that they would take Kevin's and Brian's vehicles to the bars. With that, Brian, Kevin, Howie, AJ, Tyra, Steph and Mandy left. "See u 2 later!! No hanky panky!!" Brian yelled leaving the room.

Katie laughed a little and looked at Nick,"So...What do you want to do??" She asked.

"I dunno. Do you wanna just hang out at the hotel and get pizza and a movie or something??"

"Sure. Sounds like a plan, I just kinda want to veg." Katie said, as she put on her coat and grabbed her keys.

"Come on, we can take my car back to the hotel!!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

When Nick and Katie arrived back at the hotel, they decided that Katie would order pizza, and Nick would run out and rent a few movies.

By 7:00, Nick had arrived back with several movies and Katie was just paying the delivery guy for the pizza. "I hope you like cheese!!! Cuz thats what I got!!" Katie said to Nick.

"Yeah, I love cheese! Its my favourite too!!" Nick replied, grabbing a slice of pizza. Katie couldn't help but stare, 'God, he's got really nice eyes!!' "Ummmmmm...So do you wanna know what movies I rented??" Nick asked, snapping Katie out of her trance.

"Yeah!! What did ya get??"

"Well, I got 'Alien', and 'Alien 2'. They're like my favorite movies!!"

"Awesome!!, I haven't seen them yet!!"

Katie took a seat on the couch with a peice of pizza in one hand, the remote in the other. Nick popped the first movie into the VCR and took a seat next to Katie. Nick loved how Katie wasn't afraid to act like herself around him like other girls. He had been planning all day on how he was going to ask her out. But, he wasn't quite sure of how she was going to react when he asked. He sighed and tried to let the subject slip his mind as he reached for his second slice of pizza. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Katie sat contently as the movie ended, she couldn't help but notice that Nick had hardly been paying any attention to the movie. He had been glancing either around the room or at her. "Nick, what's wrong?? You seem like your worried about something!" Katie asked, turning towards Nick.

"Ummmmm...Something is worrying me, but I don't know if I should tell you."

"Come on Nick. You know that you can tell me anything!! I promise, if its a secret, I won't tell anyone!!" Katie replied anxiously.

'Jeaz, she makes it sound so easy!!' Nick thought. He took a deep breath and said, "Well, ummmmm...there's something I wanna ask you."

'Oh god!! is he asking me out??? Please god. Yes!!' Katie thought.

"What is it Nick??" Katie asked trying not to show her anticipation.

"Well, ummmmmmm..."

"Come on Nick, just ask me whatever it is!!" Katie said impatiently.

"Ummmm...Never mind. You don't wanna hear it." Nick replied. 'What am I doing. Just ask her!' He thought. 'You big wimp!! Fine, then I'll ask!' Katie thought. "Nick??"


"Well, I was just wondering...Do you wanna go out me??" Katie said hesitantly.

'Oh my god!! She actually asked me?? oh god yes.' Nick thought. "Katie, thats exactly what I was just trying to ask you, but I was just not sure about how you'd react!!" Nick blurted.

"So is that a yes??" Katie replied hopefully.

"A definate yes."

Katie got up from the couch, feeling extremely proud of what she had done. She had actually had the guts to ask him out. That was very unlike her. "So, that we're an 'us' what do you wanna do?" Nick asked, not quite sure of how to take Katie's reaction. Katie didn't reply. She walked over to the stereo system and put in her favourite CD (Boyz 2 Men), and gave Nick a sexy smile.

"Come here Nick. Come dance with me, thats what couples do." Katie said holding out her hand.


Nick said, as he got up off the couch, he took her hand. She wrapped her slender hands around his neck, as he put his around her waist. They were now dancing slowly to the song "Down on bended knee" as they contently gazed into eachothers eyes. 'Jeaz, this feels so right!' Katie thought. 'She's the one, I can tell!' Nick thought.

The song was slowly coming to an end. Katie and Nick were still dancing even when if finished. Katie glanced up to see Nick gazing longfully at her. He had that 'I-want-to-kiss-you-but-don't-know-how' look in his eyes. Katie decided to take the lead (again). She anticipatingly leaned forward, their mouths touched softly. The kiss was not extremely long, but ever-so sweet.

Just as the kiss was ending, Brian burst into the room. He immediately saw what Nick and Katie were doing. "Ummmmmmm...Am I interrupting u 2??" he asked, slightly hiding his face. Nick and Katie pulled apart, slightly embarassed.

"Yes, but its ok." Katie replied, turning off the music.

"Where u 2 just kissing??" Brian asked.

"What do you think??" Nick replied.

"I think u 2 just kissed for the first time!!"

"Well then, you thought right!!" Katie said.

"Ewwwwwwww...gross!! You do know that Nick doesn't brush his teeth!!" Brian said jokingly. Katie laughed at Brian's comment, knowing that it wasn't true.

"R U 2 Dating??" Brian blurted, catching onto the way that they were looking at eachother.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact we are." Nick said slightly-embarrased, slipping his hand around Katie's waist. His arm sent shivers up Katie's spine. She had never been held quite like this before. "Katie, what are you thinking?? Your dating this dork??" Said Brian sarcastically.


"Yeah, I guess I am!!" Katie replied, trying to let the word sink in. The words felt so right as they left Katies mouth. 'I'm dating 'THE' Nick Carter?? This is like a dream!' Katie thought.