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Once Brian had completely understood the whole 'Katie & Nick' thing, he was fully comfortable with the idea. "Awwwwww...You guys make such a cute couple!!" Brian exclaimed.

"Thanx. I'm just not used to the whole 'couple' thing yet." Katie replied, glancing at Nick, who was looking down at her. They both smiled at the thought of them actually being a couple.

"Well anyways, I'm just gonna go see Mandy and everyone else, to see how tonight went. I'll catch you two boys later!!" Katie said, leaving the room, and abruptly letting go of Nick's hand. The door quickly shut. "I guess that means that she's now talking to Mandy..." Nick said.

"Yeah!! That's good. So...Nick who asked out who??" Brian asked with curiosity lingering in his eyes.

"Well, I was going to, but then Katie stopped me by asking herself. It was kinda cool actually, I've never had a girl ask me out before!" Nick explained.

"So, you mean that you were too chicken to ask her??" Brian asked.

"Yeah." Nick replied.

"Yep, I knew you wouldn't do it. But you two really do look good together though!!!"

"That's cool. So, you like her then??"

"Yeah, she's great. She's really fun and energetic. She's perfect for you. You really love her then don't you??"

"Yeah, I guess so. Actually, I don't really know if you could call it love, I mean I've only known her for like 3 days, and we're already dating??"

"You could say your moving a little fast, but I think you two have something. Don't worry man, I know that she likes you!! She's just a little shy right now. Don't worry, she's just gotta get used to all this."

"Really, you think??"


Katie walked down the hall, with a sudden happiness in her step. 'Me and Nick Carter?? That sounds so wierd. I like it though, I know its gonna last, he's fantastic!!' Katie thought. She quickly flung her room door open after using her pass-card. She walked in, "Allo peoples!! I'm back." she hollared entering the room. No one answered and she looked around the room a little more. No one was there. 'Thats wierd, I thought Steph was back by now.' she thought, puting on jeans and a baggy hoodie. She left to room again, hoping to go and find Stephanie, she really needed to talk to her.

She walked down the hallway and knocked on Mandy and Tyra's room door. "Just a sec!!" she heard Tyra yell from inside the room. Within a few seconds, Tyra had unlocked the door and invited Katie in.

"Hey babe!! Whatcha need??" Tyra asked leading her into the room.

"Nothin big, just dropped by. I need to tell you guys something though." Katie replied entering the room. There, was Mandy, and Stephanie sitting on the couch. Stephanie was putting curlers into Mandy's long golden hair. "H-hi Katie!" Stephanie mumbled, holding 2 bobby pins inbetween her lips.

"Hi Katie!! I bet my hair looks so stylish!!" Mandy joked, unable to turn around to face Katie as Stephanie harshly tugged on her hair.


"So, are ya going to tell us or not??" Tyra asked, sinking down onto the couch.

"Tell us what??" Stephanie asked.

"Katie's got a secret to tell us." Tyra replied exciteadly.

"Ooooh!! A secret, ok out with it girly!!" Mandy blurted.

"Ok, but you guys gotta promise me first that you won't tell anyone, especially not Devlin, he'd freak!" Katie said, looking sternly at the three girls. She knew that they had a tendency to let secrets escape. "I swear."

"I promise."

"Oakey Doakey!"

"Ok, now I'm going out with someone..." Katie said slowly, without even being able to finish her sentence, she was interrupted. "Who?? Who??" Mandy gasped.

"Jeaz, let me finish." Katie replied annoyed.

"Sorry, so tell us already!!"

"Nick Carter"

"What???? THE Nick Carter??" Mandy asked, not believing what Katie had said.


"Oh my god girl!! I'm so happy for you!! I bet you two make such a sweet couple!!" exclaimed Steph jumping off the couch and hugging Katie. Tyra hadn't said anything yet, she just gazed at Katie with her mouth open.

"What Tyra?? Aren't you happy for me??" Katie asked, not knowing what was wrong.

"Yeah, sure I'm happy for you, but do you remember what Devlin said??" Tyra asked.

"MMmmmmmmmm...NO!!" Katie replied, not understanding the question.

"We're not allowed to have boyfriends!"