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Three days had passed by since Katie had first began dating Nick, but it seemed to Katie like months. Nick and the guys had left the following morning (after they started dating)to New York to do a promotion with MTV. The girls were planned to meet them down there in a week to begin the tour. Katie already missed Nick like crazy, but knew that she just had to wait a few more days. But, there still was the fact that she had to tell Devlin that she and Nick were dating. She was a little afraid of his reaction though, so she decided to hold back until a little bit into the tour so that Devlin wasn't as stressed as he was right now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The girls were making fantastic progress working with Fatima and had already mastered their 4 new songs. "Your face", "Tell Me Again", "I Miss You Like Crazy" and "Always". The girls were scheduled to start filming their first video for the song "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" the next morning.

"Whats the matter girl?? You seem bummed." Steph asked, noticing that Katie wasn't enjoying their card game.

"Oh nothin. I'm just home sick." Katie sighed, placing down her ace.

"Girl, this isn't just homesick. This is something else, Is it Nick?"

"I don't know. I'm just worried about what Devlin's going to do when I tell him about Nick and I. You know how he made Mandy dump Will just because of the group?? I'm afraid that thats what he's gonna do to me and Nick."

"Thats all?? Devlins just gonna be worried. He's just afraid that if one of us gets serious enough about a relationship that we're gonna leave the group, thats all."

"I know, but I know I'll end up doing something stupid if he makes me ditch Nick. I'll be lost if I have to dump him. He's the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"It won't come to that, I promise. I will stand by you no matter what he tries to do. I mean, we're just getting started, we can't just quit now we have too much potential."

"Thanks Steph, your a pal!" Katie replied, giving Steph a hug.

"Now, lets turn on MTV to see the guys interview. It should be on by now." Steph said flicking on the tv.

"And we're back here talking to the BSB."

"Welcome guys!"


"So, the one most important question that everyone wants answered is about your new opening act. What're they like??"

"ummm...Just normal I guess." Kevin replied, not quite understanding the question.

"What're their personalities??"

"Oh, well their just real nice, down to earth girls I guess. Stephanie's kind of like the leader, like me, Mandy's the fashion-expert, Tyra's the mediator and Katie's the baby just like Nick. Their all really good people, and we get along great!!!" Kevin explained. "So, there's rumors that Nick is dating Britney Spears. Is that true??" Nick suddenly blushed, Katie had never heard of this before and was startled to hear it.

"No, that relationship only lasted a week. We weren't right for eachother." Nick answered blankly. Katie was relieved to see Nick answer, obviously disregarding that relationship entirely. "That's all, just no??'"

"It kind of the only part of our life that the media doesn't know much about, and we plan to keep it that way." AJ said.

Nick knodded, smiling slightly.

The interview quickly ended, and the guys left the studio. The guys all went backstage to change their clothes and then they just had to head back to the hotel for the rest of the evening.

Nick changed quickly and grabbed his bag. He threw his stuff in the back of Brians jeep and waited for Brian and the guys in the jeep. He couldn't stop thinking about Katie. He missed her laugh and the way she smiled. He REALLY missed her. The guys all met Nick out at the jeep within 10 minutes and piled in. They drove towards the hotel, Nick sitting in silence while thinking of Katie.

"Why are you so quiet Nick??? Whats the matter???" Brian asked concerned about Nick's sudden silence.

"I dunno, I just miss her."

"Katie, you mean??"


"Jeaz, and I thought that I missed Rachel!" AJ blurted from the back of the jeep, obviously eavesdropping, so were Howie and Kevin.

"There's only a few more days man, then you'll be able to spend the next 3 months with her!!" Howie said trying to boost Nick's spirits.

"Thanks guys" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next four days past quickly as the girls were busy video-taping their new video and discussing the tour. Katie still couldn't get Nick off her mind, and Nick couldn't stop thinking about Katie. It was so hard being apart.

Katie sat alone in her hotel room, contemplating whether or not to call Nick. She glanced at the phone, wondering if she would sound desperate if she called him. Finally, she made up her mind to call. She lifted the reciever and dialed Nick's cell phone number. "H-hello???" Nick said picking up the phone.

"Hey baby!"


"Yeah!! of course. No, its one of your other girlfriends!!!"

"Sorry, you just sound different on the phone thats all."

"Thats ok babe. So, how are you guys???"

"Pretty good, everythings going great. What about you girls??"

"Thats good, the girls and I are pretty good too, I'm just a little worried about telling Devlin about you and me though."

"Don't worry babe, I'll be right by your side when you tell him. He won't do anything drastic, I can assure you!!"

"Thanks hun, I knew I could count on you!!"

Stephanie yelled from down the hall, "Hurry up Katie!! The limo's here to take us to the airport!!"

"Shoot!! I gotta run Nick, the limo's here. I'll have to talk to ya later ok babe??"

"Ok, see you soon."


Katie quickly grabbed her suitcase, put on her jacket and grabbed her backpack. She raced down the hall and met the other 3 girls as well as Devlin. "What took you so long??" Devlin asked.

"Ummm...My mom called!" Katie lied, knowing not to tell about how she called Nick.


The flight was long and Katie felt impatient. She sat in her seat, anticipating the landing, she couldn't wait to see Nick.

"Katie???" Stephanie asked.


" Brian single??"

"Yeah, why??"

"Nevermind, its stupid."

"Why, what is it??"


"You want to go out with him don't you!!"


"It is isn't it??"

"Yeah, but don't talk so loud ok?? I'm embarassed."

"Oh my god, you two would be so cute together!! Why are you so embarassed about it?? Its only natural."

"Well, don't get your hopes up. He won't go out with my anyway!!"

"Whatever girl!! Leave it to me. I'll hook you two up."

"Ok, but I hope you know what your doing"

"Of course I know what I'm doing. You're talking to Cupid here babe!"